I agree with the statement for many reasons. Both Evolution and Christianity belief in Creation have solid scientific evidence to back one another thus leading to a non-group agreement. And since none of us were there thousands of years ago at the beginning, there is no way to prove which one is correct. Which leads to why each side (Evolution and Creation) slightly relies on faith.
Both sides also have different theories as to how certain things are the way they are here on
Earth today.
Lets takes the Grand Canyon for example, the people who believe in Creation claim the Great Flood of Noah carved the Grand Canyon.
Though Evolution claims millions and millions of years of erosion of soil caused the depths and shape of the Grand Canyon.
Though neither can be said to be completely true due to lack of enough evidence, leading back to the use of faith on both sides.
Really it comes down to which group you believe is correct.
So I agree with that statement because neither group can provide total evidence, thus leading to people choosing which groups theory they believe to be true.
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