Steven is a caucasian 9 year old boy, who lives with his mother and younger brother. His father is not part of his life. His mother is the one who supports and takes care of Steven and his brother. I do not have enough information to state whether there are other people in his family that take care of him or are actively involved in his life. Steven is often found smiling and working alone. He currently has an IEP that addresses the changes in his behavior. This is something that Steven has been struggling with since he was in first grade.
What is he diagnosed with?
Change of behavior (IEP)
Hi Aline and Stephanie. I’m not sure the document says the information in the students’ IEP, but I totally agree that one would really need more info without knowing how to proceed.
Worst case scenario would be that this student does not have anyone to work with him directly when clearly he would benefit from that. In that case, it would probably behoove the teacher to separate Steven from the group and allow him a bit of autonomy in terms of the pacing of the material. At least that’s what I would do.
Having both parents in a house it is so important for the children’s. But if they don’t have it together, at least a dad that is there for them is crucial. He might feel
Relationships with Children and Adults: Steven has his moments where he is able to be around other students and adults. This all depends on Steven’s mood and how involved he wants to be with other students. Steven is often found alone doing his work. During free time Steven tries to interact with other students. He spends time an hour everyday outside of the classroom talking to his counselor. He also attends the school’s after-school program where he works with the same counselor.
Many students I’ve either worked with or observed from a distance are severally effected by not having their father in their life. Sometimes theres often no male figure in their household or in their environment at all. This can certainly have an impact on a child’s behavior and who they choose to hang around.
Is there more to this? any noticeable triggers that may have a connection as to why he experiences certain moods?
Activities and Interests: Steven enjoys a lot of different activities. He mostly enjoys gym or free time outside. He enjoys playing games that involve him running around. Steven also enjoys sitting down and reading a book or working on his multiplication facts. He also enjoys art class. He enjoys activities that are hands-on. The final product is important for him. When things do not go his way, Steven gets very upset. His response varies. It can be as simple as an outburst, to him pushing things onto the floor to him having to be removed from the classroom.
Formal learning: Steven is always eager to learn new material. Sometimes if Steven is having a bad day, it’ll take him longer to reach the same level of eagerness compared to his good days. He will be the student waiting at his desk for you to start the lesson. Steven relies on multiple processes, such as: observation, memory and steps and sequence. He mostly relies on steps and sequence for all subjects. This process helps keep him on track. He uses a visual aid to state the steps and he later memorizes the steps.Steven prefers math and english. He enjoys working with numbers and reading books. Although Steven is always eager to learn, when first presented with new material he struggles a lot with it. Usually leading to him getting upset and having an outburst.
Sounds like Steven is eager to learn new things, but may have problems receiving the new information.
Some questions to think about is how to present this information in an outlet that will make it easier for Steven to grasp, and what modalities he may be struggling with.
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