Student Description
Jonathan Paladini
Description of Child: Hudson is a twelve-year old boy with brown eyes, blonde hair, and a stout build. He is attending 7th grade. Hudson lives with his mother, and younger sister in a two bedroom apartment.
Physical Presence and Gesture: Hudson loves to interact with students and often times, oversteps their personal space. Hudson is often seen moving very close to engage with his fellow classmates to the point where they sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable and have to step farther away to re-establish some form of distance. Hudson is attentive and is actively listening in to the teacher during instruction. Hudson is able to perform certain tasks, but loses focuses after about 20 minutes and prefers to socialize with his classmates rather than completing his work.
Relationship with Children and Adults: Hudson loves to interact with his peers and shows strong affection toward his parents. For instance, he gets close to his classmates, he often likes to move a bit too close when interacting as if he hasn’t quite learned what normal social distancing is during conversations. He is very loving toward his mother and this is shown through a lot of physical affection.
Activities and Interests: Hudson likes to read comic books and go on his iPad to watch Netflix during lunch and watching something with a friend.
Formal Learning: Hudson is able to accomplish tasks given to him in class. He loves working with his classmates, but sometimes loses attention when with them and discusses his interests or other tangential subjects unrelated to the activity. At that point, intervention is typically required to help guide the student back to accomplishing the task assigned to him.
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