Mike Daniel is an African American male, age seven. He is exceedingly below reading and writing standards for his age. He is polite, tries to be independent, and enjoys interacting with his peers during recess.
Even though he is noticeably at an educational disadvantage compared to his peers, he doesn’t yet have an IEP. The Mike’s parent(s)/guardian(s) were recommended to have the him evaluated, but declined.
During writing he is unable to write any real sentences or words. His words were merely random letters put together. Whenever he is asked about what he wrote he doesn’t seem to even know what he is attempting to write.
He loves to read and be read to. He also enjoys looking at maps and other places in the world. When he draws he usually tries to draw another continent because of his love for maps. He is very passionate about this interest. The child completes projects thoroughly and takes pride in his creations and work. He needs to start over if he makes a visible mistake.
In math, the learner wasn’t very good at following directions. For example, if the directions were to draw eight circles, the learner would draw any random number of circles. He was able to count the circles to identify that he either had more or less than he was supposed to but had difficulty knowing how much to add or take away in order to correct the amount.
He loves to read and be read to. He also enjoys looking at maps and other places in the world. When he draws he usually tries to draw another continent because of his love for maps. He is very passionate about this interest. The child completes projects thoroughly and takes pride in his creations and work. He needs to start over if he makes a visible mistake.
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