“Down at the Cross: Letter from a Region in My Mind.” The Fire next Time, by James Baldwin, Michael Joseph, 1963, pp. 23–48.
Down at the Cross originally appeared in The New Yorker under the title Letter from a Region in My Mind
The audio recording of this book is read by actor Jesse L. Martin. He starred in LAW & ORDER and in the Warner Bros movie THE FLASH.
Take up the White Man’s burden–
Ye dare not stoop to less–
Nor call too loud on Freedom
To cloak your weariness;
By all ye cry or whisper,
By all ye leave or do,
The silent, sullen peoples
Shall weigh your Gods and you.
but maybe hes talking to the white people in puerto rico?
But maybe he’s talking about something that he went through and wants to helps others with warning them?
The white mans burden to me is kipling telling others that are getting attacked by the u.s they should fight back. but i also think he is talking to the white people in other countries to act civlilzed
Kipling is telling religious people to try to get non religious people to believe in god.
I say its a good thing because they aren’t making them believe in any thing bad.
I think this means Kipling wants Caucasians to be in control, Lead the African Americans as they “should”.
I believe this means to me is for the black man to not show signs of any weakness to a White man, do not show an opening or an entrance for a white man to belittle a black man, So when James Baldwin says to cloak your weariness it means to hide your tiredness so you don’t let anyone take an advantage over you.
I disagree that they should force religion on someone who is non religious
The original poem was talking about the U.S and the Philippines, it was said that the U.S should take control of the Philippines again. I find it interesting that Baldwin chose to start the section like this.
He’s telling people of color to not stoop DOWN to their level and I wonder what the white mens burden is
is a job of white men can take power over none white
I think there not trying to take over or take power i just think there trying to get people to believe in god
the letter will be referred to people living in those countries that the white man has conquered. Therefore they have to obey the rules
Down at the cross where my Saviour died,
Down where for cleansing from sin I cried,
There to my heart was the blood applied,
Singing glory to His name!
im pretty sure he is talking about jesus
It is interesting since he uses this as a transition to talk about the experiences he had gone through as a child at the church.
I think they’re talking about jesus because he says “saviour” and talks about how their saviour died at a cross, which gives the idea that they’re religious
-it sounds like something that would be said in church.
I think that this part of the text is talking about Jesus for example"Down at the cross where my saviour died,
I UNDERWENT, during the summer that I became fourteen, a prolonged religious crisis. I use the word “religious” in the common, and arbitrary, sense, meaning that I then discovered God, His saints and angels, and His blazing Hell. And since I had been born in a Christian nation, I accepted this Deity as the only one. I supposed Him to exist only within the walls of a church-in fact,. of our church–and I also supposed that God and safety were synonymous..The word “safety” brings us to the real meaning of the word “religious” as we use it. Therefore, to state it in another, more accurate way, I became, during my fourteenth year, for the first time in my life, afraid-afraid of the evil within me and afraid of the evil without. What I saw around me that summer in Harlem was what I had always seen; nothing had changed. But now, without any warning, the whores and pimps and racketeers on the Avenue had become a personal menace. It had not before occurred to me that I could become one of them, but now I realized that we had been produced by the same circumstances. Many of my comrades were clearly headed for the Avenue, and my father said that I was headed that way, too. My friends began to drink and smoke, and embarked -at first avid, then groaning-on their sexual careers. Girls, only slightly older than I was, who sang in the choir or taught Sunday school, the children of holy parents, underwent, before my eyes, their incredible metamorphosis, of which the most bewildering aspect was not their budding breasts or their rounding be-hinds but something deeper and more subtle, in their eyes, their heat, their odour, and the inflection of their voices. Like the strangers on the Avenue, they became, in the twinkling of an eye, unutterably different and fantastically present. Owing to the way I had been raised, the abrupt discomfort that all this aroused in me and the fact that I had no idea what my voice or my mind or my body was likely to do next caused me to consider myself one of the most depraved people on earth. Matters were not helped by the fact that these holy girls seemed rather enjoy my terrified lapses, our grim, guilty, tormented experiments, which were at once as chill and joyless as the Russian steppes and hotter, by far, than all the fires of Hell. .
he is scared he is gonna go to hell if he follows what his friends are doing
I believe he was speaking about a regular day but what was different was how he was feeling.
What is a prolonged religious crisis?
if he prolonged religious crisis would he be meaning he is starting his disbelief in god or is he doubting himself about god.
Baldwin is talking about how racism in our country resulted in Black people not being able to earn a decent wage, and having to live in ghettos. But he also describes in paragraph 6 how his step father also pushed him by telling him he was going nowhere fast.“Many of my comrades were clearly headed for the Avenue, and my father said that I was headed that way, too.”
so i think he’s talking about how at the age of 14 he may be starting to doubt god since he mentioned a “prolonged religious crisis”.
He also states that God and safety are synonymous or one in the same. I found that interesting and it also made me think about how that’s a common line of thinking. Often you’ll see people seeking safety or respite in religion.
This comment was deleted by Kiran Chaudhuri at Jun 11 2021 3:00PM.
at this time, puberty and arousal were taboo subjects so no one rlly knew what was going on .
the word “saftey” brings us to the real meaning of the word “religious” as we use it. "during my 14 years for the first time in my life, afraid-afraid of the evil within me and afraid of the evil without.
It could even be “the Avenue” that Baldwin grew up on. He was born at East 128th Street between 5th Ave and Madison Ave. The photo was taken in the summer of 1948, when Baldwin turned 14.
this just makes me think of weird stuff..and ya’ll already know what i’ talking about but its kinda funny to me idk why
“Groaning on their sexual careers” might describe how the boys were boasting about “getting laid” (having sex with someone), but Baldwin’s word “groaning” also makes me hear someone groaning as they’re having sex. His writing leads a reader into embarrassingly intimate corners of the mind.
it was just at first weird because i thought it was a girl but then i realized that it wasn’t a girl.
I think he’s saying how they started doing all these things earlier and he was questioning it all and his dad might’ve wanted to keep him out of trouble?
The main point of this section is things are gonna change. No matter what. people are gonna start growing up and things will be different.
He is saying that it tends to be the good girls who enjoy a lot of sexual acts.There used to be a time when that was just really chill and nothing else and it makes them unholy.
This makes me think of how this setting was back then. Using the paragraph the things that his friends would do is something that isn’t done in these times
Yet there was something deeper than these changes, and less definable, that frightened me. It was real in both the boys and the girls, but it was, somehow, more vivid in the boys. In the case of the girls, one watched them turning into matrons before they had become women. They began to manifest a curious and really rather terrifying single-mindedness. It is hard to say exactly how this was conveyed: something implacable in the set of the lips, something farseeing (seeing what?) in the eyes, some new and crushing determination in the walk, something peremptory in the voice. They did not tease us, the boys, any more; they reprimanded us sharply, saying, “You better be thinking about your soul!” For the girls also saw the evidence on the Avenue, knew what the price would be, for them, of one misstep, knew that they had to be protected and that we were the only protection there was. They understood that they must act as God’s decoys, saving the souls of the boys for Jesus and binding the bodies of the boys in marriage. For this was the beginning of our burning time, and “It is better”, said St. Paul-who elsewhere, with a roost unusual and stunning exactness, described himself as a “wretched man”-“to marry than to burn.” And I began to feel in the boys a curious, wary, bewildered despair, as though they were now settling in for the long, hard winter of life. I did not know then what it was that I was react· ing to; I put it to myself that they were letting themselves go. In the same way that the girls were destined to gain as much weight as their mothers, the boys, it was clear, would rise no higher than their fathers. School began to reveal itself, therefore, as a child’s game that one could not win, and boys dropped out of school and went to work. My father wanted me to do the same. I refused, even though I no longer had any illusions about what an education could do for n_ie; I had already encountered too many college-graduate handymen. My friends were now “downtown”, busy, as they put it, “fighting the man”. They began to care less about the way they looked, the way they dressed, the things they did; presently, one found them in twos and threes and fours, in a hallway, sharing a jug of wine or a bottle of whiskey, talking, cursing, fighting, sometimes weeping: lost, and unable to say what it was that oppressed them, except that they knew it was “the man”-the white man. And there seemed to be no way whatever to remove this cloud that stood between them and the sun, between them and love and life and power, between them and whatever it was that they wanted. One did not have to be very bright to realize how little one could do to change one’s situation; one did not have to be abnormally sensitive to be worn down to a cutting edge by the incessant and gratuitous humiliation and danger one encountered every working day, all day long. The humiliation did not apply merely to working days, or workers; I was thirteen and was crossing Fifth Avenue on my way to the Forty-second Street library, and the cop in the middle of the street muttered as I passed him, “Why don’t you niggers stay uptown where you b~long ?” When I was ten, and didn’t look, certainly, any older, two policemen amused themselves with me by frisking me, making comic (and terrifying) speculations concerning my ancestry and probable sexual prowess, and for good measure, leaving me flat on my back in one of Harlem’s empty lots. just before and then during the Second World War, many of my friends fled into the service, all to be changed there, and rarely for the better, many to be ruined, and many to die. Others fled to other states and cities-that is, to other ghettos. Some went on wine or whiskey or the needle, and are still on it. And others, like me, fled into the church.
They did not want to go to school so they dropped out of school and found a job witch is a handymen
I like the comments that people put on the sentence that begins, “School began to reveal itself… as a child’s game that one could not win…” Take a look at those comments.
and how it impacts his religion
because He describes it as “something deeper than these changes, and less definable, that frightened me”.
i think he is having thoughts of his liking when it comes to. meaning whats attractive to him
i think this means that the boys and girls are having bad thoughts and its mainly the boys thats having them
maybe women are housewife anymore.
I feel that Baldwin is feeling the pain that what he was taught from Christianity morals there is an effect of how it is affecting his society.
Baldwin cares more about his education , and would rather go to school than to work and be lost in life. drinking and being depressed while not knowing how to express their feelings and why they have those feeling, not knowing what to do with their excessive freedom.
I agree with you because they didn’t care about themselves anymore and they were being oppressed by the white man
I think the white people don’t like the idea of being around colored people.
this makes me upset and i feel targeted..the racism in this word is dreadful.
I think the next paragraph is how Baldwin used church to not be caught up in the streets and gangs which many of his friend resorted too. Judging from the last sentence. His friends are on the needle, wine, whisky these are drugs that James friend are taking but instead of James being a follower he went to church to probably be distracted from all those things.
Its disgusting how this situations occurred a 13 year old doing absolutely nothing and a man a white man feels the need to say such disgusting hateful words because of his color
I know it was hard for many people to see, children, men, woman, friends, family etc. To be harassed constantly by police, and not have a say or justification in it. How would they get over it in this time? How much hatred could one hold in there heart before they snap?
He talks about how Two policemen assaulted him physically and verbally. It is even more disgusting since nothing much was done about it.
For the wages of sin were visible everywhere, in every wine-stained and urine-splashed hallway, in every clanging ambulance bell, in every scar on the faces of the pimps and their whores, in every helpless, new· born baby being brought into this danger, in every knife and pistol fight on. the Avenue, and in every disastrous bulletin: a cousin, mother of six, suddenly gone mad, the children parcelled out here and there; an indestructible aunt rewarded for years of hard labour by a slow, agonizing death in a terrible small room; someone’s bright son blown into eternity by his own hand; another turned robber and carried off to jail. It was a summer of dreadful speculations and discoveries, of which these were not the worst. Crime became real, for example–for the first time–not as a possibility but as the possibility. One would never defeat one’s circumstances by working and saving one’s pennies; one would never, by working, acquire that many pennies, and, besides, the social treatment accorded even the most succ~ful Negroes proved that one needed, in order to be free, something more than a bank account. One needed a handle, a lever, a means of inspiring fear. It was absolutely clear that the police would whip you and take you in as long as they could get away with it, and that everyone else-house-wives, taxi-drivers, elevator boys, dishwashers, bartenders, lawyers, judges, doctors, and grocers–would never, by the operation of any generous human feeling, cease to use you as an outlet for his frustrations and hostilities. Neither civilized reason nor Christian love would cause any of those people to treat you as they presumably wanted to be treated; only the fear of your power to retaliate would cause them to do that, or to seem to do it, which was (and is) good enough. There appears to be a vast amount of confusion on this point, but I do not know many Negroes who are eager to be “accepted” by white people, still less to be. loved ·by them; they, the blacks, simply don’t wish to be beaten over the head by the whites every instant of our brief pa.smge on this planet. White people in this country will have quite enough to do in learning how to accept and love themselves and each other, and when they have achieved this-which will not be tomorrow and may very well be never-the Negro problem will no longer exist, for it will no longer be needed.
I hear LOVE in this statement, not hate. I think Baldwin is saying that the Black church was wrong to call the people sinners. Baldwin is holding America’s racist society accountable for putting people in horrible situations where they had to make choiceless choices. They didn’t become alcoholic or drug-addicted because they wanted to. They didn’t become mentally ill, sick from overwork, or suicidal, because they felt like it. They didn’t become sex workers or gang members or thieves because they were “bad”. Baldwin is saying that our white supremacist society limited their options so much that it destroyed their lives, families, physical and mental health, and safety. Black people didn’t deserve to be called sinners by the church. Instead, they deserved to be supported in organizing against racism.
I think life was really corrupt and this is for things went. Everything was going downhill. And people were committing suicide
I think that everything that’s happening around is falling apart.
this image shows the poverty in Harlem, very sad
i think the author means that no matter how much money you have a colored person would be treated differently and it won’t change
i think this means that the black people don’t need to be accepted but they just don’t beat anymore.
I think this is saying that they want nothing to do with them because of what they have done to him
The sentence where he said that kinda was “but I don’t know many negroes who are eager to be “accepted” by white people, still less to be. Loved by them.” I’m gonna stop right there but I feel like he seems sad that this is happening n there are so many racist white people out there who won’t give them a chance.
Once the white people learn to accept and love themself and others, the problem for people of color will “no longer exist”
People more advantageously placed than we in Harlem were, and are, will no doubt find the psychology and the view of human nature sketched above dismal and shocking in the extreme. But the Negro’s experience of the white world cannot possibly create in him any respect for the standards by which the white world claims to live. His own condition is overwhelming proof that white people do not live by these standards. Negro servants have been smuggling odds and ends out of white homes for generations, and white people have been delighted to have them do it, because it has assuaged a dim guilt and testified to the intrinsic superiority of white people. Even the most doltish and servile Negro could scarcely fail to be impressed by the disparity between his situation and that of the people for whom he worked; Negroes who were neither doltish nor servile did not feel that they were doing anything wrong when they robbed white people. In spite of the Puritan-Yankee equation of virtue with well-being, Negroes had excellent reasons for doubting that money was made or kept by any very striking adherence to the Christian virtues; it certainly did not work that way for black Christians. In any case, white people, who had robbed black people of their liberty and who profited by this theft every hour that they lived, had no moral ground on which to stand. They had the judges, the juries, the shotguns, the law-in a word, power. But it was a criminal power, to be feared but not respected, and to be out-witted in any way whatever. And those virtues preached but not practised by the white world were merely another means of holding Negroes in subjection.
in any case, white people, who had robbed
What does he mean when he says “cannot possibly create in him any respect for the standards by which the white world claims to live”?
while preaching to others to follow these morals and standards, they ignored and actually did the exact opposite of what they were teaching, they stole black peoples’ liberty and treated them harshly.
It’s like black people had to scrounge around for basic human necessities and it fulfilled the white peoples need and want to be “superior” when they saw them doing it.
he is basically saying that white have all the big powers with them no matter what and blacks cant do anything about it because they have the big powers
i think that the author is trying to talk about slavery when white people had a lot of power
They’re already higher then black people on the economic and social hierarchy. If they’re still stealing from African Americans when they’re already superior then they have no morals. They’re grounded by money and that’s the only thing that keeps them likable.
It lets others aka Caucasians get away with things they shouldn’t be able too. Especially when it puts African Americans down to be acknowledged.
It turned out, then, that summer, that the moral bani.ers that I had supposed to exist between me and the dangers of a criminal career were so tenuous as to be nearly non-existent. I certainly could not discover any principled reason for not becoming a criminal, and it is not my poor, God-fearing parents who are to be indicted for the lack but this society. I was icily deter-mined-more determined, really, than I then knew-never to make my peace with the ghetto but to die and go to Hell before I would let any white man spit on me, before I would accept my “place” in this repub-lic. I did not intend to allow the white people of this country to tell me who I was, and limit me that way, and polish me off that way. And yet, of course, at the same time, I was being spat on and defined and des-cribed and limited, and could have been polished off with no effort whatever. Every Negro boy-in my situation during those years, at least-who reaches this point realizes, at once, profoundly, because he wants to live, that he stands in great peril and must find, with speed, a “thing”, a gimmick, to lift him out, to start him on his way. And it does n()t matter what the gim-mick is. It was this last realization that terrified me and-since it revealed that the door opened on so many dangers-helped to hurl me into the church. And, by an unforeseeable paradox, it was my career in the church that turned out, precisely, to be my gimmick.
He tried to look at all the different circumstances on why he would break the law but he still could not find one.
James is trying to prove that he has no reason to break laws.
What does it mean if you are polished off?
Baldwin is using the metaphor of polishing shoes or furniture or any hard surface, saying that white people want to clean their society of Black people. His metaphor enables him to plant in the reader’s mind an image of Black people as dirt – as in, Black people being treated “like dirt”. Makes me think of how young Black people (and other people of color) are treated as if they are disposable – as if they don’t matter.
Baldwin extends the metaphor in the next sentence, where he italicizes the word “was” (see how its letters are slanted?): "I WAS being spat upon. Think about it – sometimes, if you don’t have shoe polish or water handy, you might just spit on the dirty spot on your shoe, and rub it out.
i think that he means that he will not take what the white people says about him and he will not let them tell him who he was
For when I tried to assess my capabilities, I realized that I had almost none. In order to achieve the life I wanted, I had been dealt, it seemed to me, the worst possible hand. I could not become a prizefighter-many of us tried but very few succeeded. I could not sing. I could not dance. I had been well conditioned by the world in which I grew up, so I did not yet dare take the idea of becoming a writer seriously. The only other possibility seemed to involve my becoming one of the sordid people on the Avenue, who were not so sordid as I then imagined but who frightened me terribly, both because I did not want to live that life and because of what they made me feel. Everything inflamed me, and that was bad enough, but I myself had also become a source of fire and temptation. I had been far too well raised, alas, to suppose that any of the extremely explicit overtures made to me that summer, sometimes by boys and girls but also, more alarmingly, by older men and women, had anything to do with my attractiveness. On the contrary, since the Harlem idea of seduction is, to put it mildly, blunt, whatever these people saw in me merely confirmed my sense of my depravity.
I think that he wants to achieve the life he wants but his situation makes it extremely hard to do it.
the author is trying to say that he wants to try to achieve a life he wants but what he has right now is giving him a lot of problems
Because the cards he been dealt aren’t fair he wants a certain life but cant get it
it would have been extremely hard for him to live the life he wants if he didn’t have any special talent, because he wouldn’t be useful. no one would take him seriously if others can’t benefit from him.
It is certainly sad that the awakening of one’s senses should lead to such a merciless judgment of oneself-to say nothing of ~e time and anguish one spends in the effort to arrive at any other–but it is also inevitable that a literal attempt to mortify the flesh should be made among black people like those with whom I grew up. Negroes in this country-and Negroes do not, strictly or legally speaking, exist in any other-are taught really to despise themselves from the moment their eyes open on the world. This world is white and they are black. White people hold the power, which means that they are superior to blacks (intrinsically, that is: God decreed it so), and the world has innumerable ways of making this difference known and felt and feared. Long before the Negro child perceives this difference, and even longer before he understands it, he has begun to react to it, he has begun to be controlled by it. Every effort made by the child’s elders to prepare him for a fate from which they cannot protect him causes him secretly, in terror, to begin to wait, without knowing that he is doing so, his mysterious and inexorable punishment. He must be “good” not only in order to please his parents and not only to avoid being punished by them; behind their authority stands another, nameless and impersonal, infinitely harder to please, and bottomlessly cruel. And this filters into the child’s consciousness through his parents’ tone of voice as he is being exhorted, punished, or loved; in the sudden, uncontrollable note of fear heard in his mother’s or his father’s voice when he’ has strayed beyond some particular boundary. He does not know what the boundary is, and he can get no explanation of it, which is frightening enough, but the fear he hears in the voices of his elders is more frightening still. The fear that I heard in my father’s voice, for example, when he realized that I really believed I could do anything a white boy could do, and had every intention of proving it, was not at all like the fear I heard when one of us was ill or had fallen down the stairs or strayed too far from the house. It was another fear, a fear that the child, in challenging the white world’s assumptions, was putting himself in the path of destruction. A child cannot, thank Heaven, know how vast and how merciless is the nature of power, with what unbelievable cruelty people treat each other. He reacts to the fear in his parents’ voices because his parents hold up the world for him and he has no protection without them. I defended myself, as I imagined, against the fear my father made me feel by remembering that he was very old-fashioned. Also, I prided myself on the fact that I already knew how to outwit him. To defend oneself against a fear is simply to insure that one will, one day, be conquered by it; fears must be faced. As for one’s wits, it is just not true that one can live by them-not, that is, if one wishes really to live. That summer, in any case, all the fears with which I had grown up, and which were now a part of me and controlled my vision of the world, rose up like a wall between the world and me, and drove me into the church.
His actions and fear was not the same as a white boy’s actions fear because of their different worlds
Was he also taught to despise himself from the moment their eyes open ont he world?
the colored people were meant to think that they are lower than everybody else and they are suppose to dislike themselves
They were told that they were worse than white people. They were put in a mentality where it was bad for themselves.
the fear in his parents’ voices, are capable of destroying all his hopes of being indifferent, and constantly remind him of this poor reality. that’s how they protected him, they made him understand that he’s different. he doesn’t understand very well or knows what it is, but he is aware that there is a line he must not cross.
As I look back, everything I did seems curiously deliberate, though it certainly did not seem deliberate then. For example, I did not join the church of which my father was a member and in which he preached. My best friend in school, who attended a different church, had already “surrendered his life to the Lord”, and he was very anxious about my soul’s salvation. (I wasn’t, but any human attention was better than n0ne.) One Saturday afternoon, he took me to his church. There were no services that day, and the church was empty, except for some women cleaning and some other women praying. My friend took me into the back room to meet his pastor-a woman. There she sat, in her robes, smiling, an extremely proud and handsome woman, with Africa, Europe, and the America of the American Indian blended in her face. She was perhaps forty-five or fifty at this time, and in our world she was a very celebrated woman. My friend was about to introduce me when she looked at me and smiled and said, “Whose little boy are you?” Now this, unbelievably, was precisely the phrase used by pimps and racketeers on the Avenue when they suggested, both humorously and intensely, that I “hang out” with them. Perhaps part of the terror they had caused me to feel came from the fact that I unquestionably wanted to be somebod·y’s little boy. I was so frightened, and at the mercy of so many conundrums, that in-evitably, that summer, someone would have taken me over; one doesn’t, in Harlem, long remain standing on any auction block. It was my good luck-perhaps– that I found myself in the church racket instead of some other, and surrendered to a spiritual seduction long before I came to any carnal knowledge. For when the pastor asked me, with that marvelous smile, “Whose little boy are you?” my heart replied at once, “Why, yours.”
It was clear that many parents wanted their children to attend church. Baldwin clearly felt something when he was at the church.
This reminds me of James’s stories from the past and the large tole it had on his life, and being able to grow up. Like a “normal kid”.
When she asked who’s little boy he was, why did he say “why yours”.
The summer wore on, and things got worse. I be-came more guilty and more frightened, and kept all this bottled up inside me, and naturally, inescapably, one night, when this woman had finished preaching, everything came roaring, screaming, crying out, and I fell to the ground before the altar. It was the strangest sensation I have ever had in my life-up to that time, or since. I had not known that it was going to happen, or that it could happen. One moment I was on my feet, singing and clapping and, at the same time, working out in my head the plot of a play I was working on then; the next moment, with no transition, no sensation of falling, I was on my back, with the lights beating down into my face and all the vertical saints above me. I did not know what I was doing down so low, or how I had got there. And the anguish that filled me cannot be described. It moved in me like one of those floods that devastate counties, tearing everything down, tearing children from their parents and love~ from each other, and making everything an unrecognizable waste. All I really remember is the pain, the unspeakable pain; it was as though I were yelling up to Heaven and Heaven would not hear me. And if Heaven would not hear me, if love could not descend from Heaven-to wash me, to make me clean-then utter disaster was my portion. Yes, it does indeed mean something-something unspeakable-to be born, in a white country, an Anglo-Teutonic, antisexual country, black. You very soon, without knowing it, give up all hope of communion. Black people, mainly, look down or look up but do not look at each other, not at you, and white people, mainly, look away. And the universe is simply a sounding drum; there is no way, no way whatever, so it seemed then and has sometimes seemed since, to get through a life, to love your wife and children, or your friends, or your mother and father, or to be loved. The universe, which is not merely the stars and the moon and the planets, flowers, grass, and trees, but other people, has evolved no terms for your existence, has made no room for you, and if love will not swing wide the gates, no other power will or can. And if one desp~as who has not ?–of human love, God’s love alone is left. But God~ I felt. this even then, so long ago, on that tremendous floor, unwillingly-is white. And if His love was so great, and if He loved all His children, why were we, the blacks, cast down so far? Why? In spite of all I said thereafter, I found no answer on the floor-not that answer, anyway-and I was on the floor all night. Over me, to bring me “through”, the saints sang and rejoiced and prayed. And in the morning, when they raised me, they told me that I was “saved”.
When she says who’s “little boy” are you it’s a negative concept because I think little boys refer to the henchmen of the pimps and racketeers back then, but when Baldwin says i’m yours That means i’m a little boy of a pastor or god meaning i’m a worker or henchmen of a pastor, or god.
i think that he just wants to have hope in god but he is starting to jus thave disbelief beacause it seems as though god is not listening to him
I think he felt like if he was not being heard by God. He felt like if this pain wasn’t able to be heard in Heaven.
Why? Why did things have to be this way for the world to work? Why are things moving in this direction? Why do African Americans have to suffer?
James is really questioning God right now which I think will lead to him leaving the church
“if he loved all his children, why were we, the blacks, cast down so far”.
Well, indeed I was, in a way, for I was utterly drained and exhausted, and released, for the first time, from all my guilty torment. I was aware then only of my relief. For many years, I could not ask myself why human relief had to be achieved in a fashion at once so pagan and so desperate-in a fashion at once so unspeakably old and so unutterably new. And by the time I was able to ask myself this question, I was also able to see that the principles governing the rites and customs of the churches in which I grew up did not differ from the principles governing the rites and customs of other churches, white. The principles were Blindness, Loneliness, and Terror, the first principle necessarily and actively cultivated in order to deny the two others. I would love to believe that the principles were Faith, Hope, and Charity, but this is clearly not so for most Christians, or for what we call the Christian world.
It is pursue that Religion is always correct but in Baldwins case he didn’t feel like religion was for him.
he got to feel free from all his guilty torment
“guilty torment”.
I was saved. But at the same time, out of a deep, adolescent cunning I do not pretend to understand, I realized immediately that I could not remain in the church merely as another worshipper. I would have to give myself something to do, in order not to be too bored and find myself among all the wretched unsaved of the Avenue. And I don’t doubt that I also intended to best my father on his own ground. Anyway, very shortly after I joined the church, I became a preacher – a Young Minister-and I remained in the pulpit for more than three years. My youth quickly made me a much bigger drawing· card than my father. I pushed this advantage ruthlessly, for it was the most effective means I had found of breaking his hold over me. That was the most frightening time of my life, and quite the most dishonest, and the resulting hysteria lent great pas&on to my sermons-for a while. I relished the attention and the relative immunity from punishment that my new status gave me, and I relished, above all, the sudden right to privacy. It had to be recognized, after all, that I was still a schoolboy, with my schoolwork to do, and I was also expected to prepare at least one sermon a week. During what we may call my heyday, I preached much more often than that. This meant that there were hours and even whole days when I could not be interrupted-not even by my father. I had immobilized him. It took rather more time for me to realize that I had also immobilized myself, and had escaped from nothing whatever.
I imagine that it could be very moving to witness a child preacher, speaking wisdom beyond his years.
I think that he liked that he was now bigger than his father.
Baldwin is saying if we were all gods children why do blacks have to cast so far away meaning why do black have to go through all these awful things if we were gods children
“breaking his hold over me”.
The church was very exciting. It took a long time for me to disengage myself from this excitement, and on the blindest, most visceral level, I never really have, and never will. There is no music like that music, no drama like the drama of the saints rejoicing, the sinners moaning, the tambourines racing, and all those voices coming together and crying holy unto the Lord. There is still, for me, no pathos quite like the pathos of those multi-coloured, worn, somehow triumphant and transfigured faces, speaking from the depths of a visible, tangible, continuing despair of the goodness of the Lord. I have never seen anything to equal the fire and excitement that sometimes, without warning, fill a church, causing the church, as Leadbelly and so many others have testified, to “rock”. Nothing that has happened to me since equals the power and the glory that I sometimes felt when, in the middle of a sermon, I knew that I was somehow, by some miracle, really carrying, as they said, ”the Word”-when the church and I were one. Their pain and their joy were mine, and mine were theirs—they surrendered their pain and joy to me, I surrendered mine to them-and their cries of “Amen ! ” and “Hallelujah!” and “Yes, Lord ! ” and “Praise His name !” and “Preach it, brother!” sustained and whipped on my solos until we all became equal, wringing wet, singing and dan~ ing, in anguish and rejoicing, at the foot of the altar. It was, for a long time, in spite of-or, not inconceivably, because of-the shabbiness of my motives, my only sustenance, my meat and drink. I rushed home from school, to the church, to the altar, to be alone there, to commune with Jesus, my dearest Friend, who would never fail me, who knew all the secrets of my heart. Perhaps He did, but I didn’t, and the bargain we struck, actually, down there at the foot of the cross, was that He would never let me find out.
Baldwin had experience wonderful things at the church but at the same time there were certain thing which may have caused him to want to leave.
He failed His bargain. He was a much better Man than I took Him for. It happened, as things do, imperceptibly, in many ways at onc.e. I date it–the slow crumbling of my faith, the pulverization of my fortress–from the time, about a year after I had begun to preach, when I began to read again. I justified this desire by the fact that I was still in school, and I began, fatally, with Dostoevski. By this time, I was in a high school that was predominantly Jewish. This meant that I was surrounded by people who were, by definition, beyond any hope of salvation, who laughed at the tracts and leaflets I brought to school, and who pointed out that the Gospels had been written long after the death of Christ. This might not have been so distressing if it had not forced me to read the tracts and leaflets myself, for they were indeed, unless one believed their message already, impossible to believe. I remember feeling dimly that there was a kind of blackmail in it. People, I felt, ought to love the Lord because they loved Him, and not because they were afraid of going to Hell. I was forced, reluctantly, to realize that the Bible itself had been written by men, and translated by men out of languages I could not read, and I was already, without quite admitting it to myself, terribly involved with the effort of putting words on paper. Of course, I had the rebuttal ready: These men had all been operating under divine inspiration. Had they? All of them? And I also knew by now, alas, far more about divine inspiration than I dared admit, for I knew how I worked myself up into my own visions, and how frequently–indeed, incessantly–the visions God granted to me differed from the visions He granted to my father. I did not understand the dreams I had at night, but I knew that they were not holy. For that matter, I knew that my waking hours were far from holy. I spent most of my time in a state of repentance for things I had vividly desired to do but had not done. The fact that I was dealing with Jews brought the whole question of colour, which I had been desperately avoiding, into the terrified centre of my mind. I realized that the Bible had been written by white men. I knew that, according to many Christians, I was a descendant of Ham, who had been cursed, and that I was therefore predestined to be a slave. This had nothing to do with anything I was, or contained, or could become; my fate had been sealed forever, from the beginning of time. And it seemed, indeed, when one looked out over Christendom, that this was what Christendom effectively believed. It was c.ertainly the way it behaved. I remembered the Italian priests and bishops blessing Italian boys who were on their way to Ethiopia.
Who failed their bargain? If he’s talking about Jesus then how did he fail His bargain?
He was to find out that the bible was made by White Men. I think that he started to feel different after he found this out.
Again, the Jewish boys in high school were troubling because I could find no point of connection between them and the Jewish pawnbrokers and landlords and grocery-store owners in Harlem. I knew that these people were Jews-God knows I was told it often enough-but I thought of them only as white. Jews, as such, until I got to high school, were all incarcerated ·in the Old Testament, and their names were Abraham, Moses, Daniel, Ezekiel, and Job, and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. It was bewildering to find them so many miles and centuries out of Egypt, and ·so far from the fiery furnace. My best friend in high school was a Jew. He came to our house once, and afterwards my father asked, as he asked about everyone, “Is he a Christian?”-by which he meant “Is he saved?” I really do not know whether my answer came out of innocence or venom, but I said coldly, “No. He’s Jewish.” My father slammed me across the face with his great palm, and in that moment everything flooded back-all the hatred and all the fear, and the depth of a merciless resolve to kill my father rather than allow my father to kill me–and I knew that all those sermons and tears and all that repeQ.tance and rejoicing had changed nothing. I wondered if I was expected to be glad that a friend of mine, or anyone, was to be tormented forever in Hell, and I also thought, suddenly, of the Jews in another Christian nation, Germany. They were not so far from the fiery furnace after all, and my best friend might have been one of them. I told my father, “He’s a better Christian than you are,” and walked out of the house. The battle between us was in the open, but that was all right; it was almost a relief. A more deadly struggle had begun.
Why is their hatred why can’t everyone be treated equally and fairly?
When I first read this I felt like some of the reactions were too much. But it just shows what environment Baldwin was put through.
because of the differences in their religious beliefs.
-After James’s father asking “Is he a Christian” and James replied with “he is Jewish.” James’s dad slapped him. I think it is because the dad was like in the mindset that Christian was the only “right” or “true” religion at the time.
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