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JFK: Inaugural Address

Author: John F. Kennedy

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We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom--symbolizing an end as well as a beginning--signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forbears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.

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Jan 22
2021 Sage Walker 2021 Sage Walker (Jan 22 2021 5:08PM) : This first paragraph is dedicated to recognizing what has happened before his presidency, and the tradition behind him.
Jan 22
Jack Libin Jack Libin (Jan 22 2021 5:14PM) : This is also important to the structure and diction choices made later in the speech
Jan 22
2021 Samuel Butcher 2021 Samuel Butcher (Jan 22 2021 5:10PM) : This is a very powerful opening paragraph. He comes out strong with an inspiring and straight forward tone.
Jan 22
Gus Daskalakis Gus Daskalakis (Jan 22 2021 9:00PM) : response more

I agree Sam, this sentence sets the precedent for the rest of the speech.

Jan 22
Josh Icasiano Josh Icasiano (Jan 22 2021 9:00PM) : Agreed more

I also this was very powerful and inspiring. After watching it too I think you get a sense of the tone much better and really see how strong and inspiring it is

Jan 22
Student Mae Sweetland Student Mae Sweetland (Jan 22 2021 9:00PM) : I completely agree. It was super powerful and inspirational. His word choice made was very impactful.
Jan 22
estrella estrada estrella estrada (Jan 22 2021 9:02PM) : I agree, this sentence shows the hope and peace he has for the future.
Jan 22
Owen Larson Owen Larson (Jan 22 2021 11:14AM) : The first paragraph includes hope. [Edited] more

In this first paragraph, JFK mentions a “renewal.” I think he uses this word to symbolize that although the recent past might not have been great, the future will be.

Jan 22
2021 Milo Hohmann 2021 Milo Hohmann (Jan 22 2021 5:17PM) : I also see it as a generational/cultural shift in America, seeing how JFK was quite young for a president, and how a renewal and change will come through the people as well as from the White House.
Jan 22
Nicolette Miller Nicolette Miller (Jan 22 2021 6:52PM) : JFK presents three pairs of objectives that symbolize the unity he wishes for the country as well as signify the begining of his presidency: victory and celebration, end and beginning, and renewal and chagne.
Jan 22
Patrick Maxfield Patrick Maxfield (Jan 22 2021 8:28PM) : In this paragraph, Kennedy makes the choice to mention that he swore before the viewers and before God which appeals to a majority of the audience's emotions.
Jan 22
Lilly Lyon Lilly Lyon (Jan 22 2021 9:00PM) : I also think he is trying to demonstrate his trustworthiness, especially as the first Catholic President, his oath was especially powerful.
Jan 25
Kenia Martinez Juarez Kenia Martinez Juarez (Jan 25 2021 6:53AM) : This beginning paragraph is one to remember. It shows what he believes in and how much he believes in it. What and why he wants what he wants.
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Jan 22
Jack Libin Jack Libin (Jan 22 2021 5:07PM) : This choice in diction symbolizes the change that JFK wanted to signify at the beginning of his presidency
Jan 22
Alyssa Bardugon Alyssa Bardugon (Jan 22 2021 5:16PM) : I agree with this. Right at the beginning of his speech Kennedy mentions the future of the United States and relates it back to the past, giving the idea that he wants to create change during his presidency
Jan 22
Alyssa Bardugon Alyssa Bardugon (Jan 22 2021 5:07PM) : right at the beginning of the speech, Kennedy begins with shifting the focus away from party wins/losses and instead shifts it to the United States as a whole
Jan 22
Charlie Peluso Charlie Peluso (Jan 22 2021 5:15PM) : I totally agree with this. He recognizes the divide in their society and wants to unite everyone, especially during those trying times.
Jan 22
Owen Larson Owen Larson (Jan 22 2021 5:15PM) : This was and still is very important. more

More politicians should function like this. They should put America first and forget about their political parties.

Jan 22
Kaeli Henderson Kaeli Henderson (Jan 22 2021 5:16PM) : The way he did this is key because in one line he shifts the entire focus of the nation from the past to the present so that they can prepare for the future.
Jan 22
2021 Olivia Vandersteen 2021 Olivia Vandersteen (Jan 22 2021 11:08AM) : He wanted to start off positively, but not give false hope to the people. more

He made sure people knew that things were going to get better, but it would take time for things to change.

Jan 22
Elizabeth Child Elizabeth Child (Jan 22 2021 9:01PM) : The way he did it in one sentence with out it being crazy long and at the very beginning of his speech made sure that the message wouldn't be lost.
Jan 22
Henry Poppe Henry Poppe (Jan 22 2021 5:08PM) : Starting with a sentence of unity stating this is not just a win for the party but the start of new change in the country really appeals to the audiences emotional side.
Jan 22
Henry Frech Henry Frech (Jan 22 2021 5:16PM) : Yeah, this entire speech was focused on unity and the essence of being "American"
Jan 22
Yara Ahmed Yara Ahmed (Jan 22 2021 9:03PM) : I completely agree. He was trying to present a united America to foreign powers
Jan 22
Charlie Peluso Charlie Peluso (Jan 22 2021 5:08PM) : Right from the start Kennedy deviates from the fact that his party has taken office and focus on the celebration of freedom. He's implying this speech is for everyone, not only the supporters of his party.
Jan 22
Sarah James Sarah James (Jan 22 2021 9:01PM) : I also thought it was interesting that Kennedy deviated from his party taking office. It reestablished unity in the nation. When he implied freedom for eveyone he asserted his point of unity.
Jan 22
Josh Icasiano Josh Icasiano (Jan 22 2021 8:31PM) : Appeals to emotions more

Kennedy appeals to the emotion in this sentence by talking about freedom and shifting the eyes off of him and towards the country and what its known for.

Jan 22
Patrick Maxfield Patrick Maxfield (Jan 22 2021 9:01PM) : Agreed, he takes advantage of American patriotism by appealing to the readers emotions and talking about freedom here.
Jan 22
Yara Ahmed Yara Ahmed (Jan 22 2021 8:31PM) : Appeal to both sides of the isle
Jan 22
Student Mae Sweetland Student Mae Sweetland (Jan 22 2021 8:33PM) : Word choice more

His word choice for his opening sentence is extremely empowering. “celebration of freedom”

Jan 22
Mark Monette Mark Monette (Jan 22 2021 9:00PM) : I agree. In this sentence he seems to use a lot of words that are uplifting and are meant to unite the audience.
Jan 22
Thomas Chadwick Thomas Chadwick (Jan 22 2021 8:42PM) : Amplification of "as well as" more

JFK uses “as well as” to emphasize the idea of the beginning and renewal of his second term as president.

Jan 27
2021 Parker Catten 2021 Parker Catten (Jan 27 2021 1:36PM) : Once again providing context but sensationalizing it to be more grand
Mar 2
Alexandra Fernandez Alexandra Fernandez (Mar 02 2021 8:22PM) : This sentence is an excellent way to open an inaugural address. It's powerful, and promising.
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Jan 22
2021 Lindsey Housinger 2021 Lindsey Housinger (Jan 22 2021 5:09PM) : Mentions God to appeal to the many religious Americans as well as truly showing how devoted he will be, as a Catholic but also an American, to the country.
Jan 22
Cecilia Child Cecilia Child (Jan 22 2021 5:10PM) : "sworn before you" signals to the audience that he is there for them. This sense of duty is carried through the speech.
Jan 22
Miles Brooke Miles Brooke (Jan 22 2021 5:15PM) : Religion [Edited] more

He and Biden are both Catholic presidents, and both have used religious vernacular to express their momentous achievements. He is appealing to many religious Christian Americans who look up to him.

Jan 22
Gus Daskalakis Gus Daskalakis (Jan 22 2021 8:28PM) : exigence more

This is a little exigence on the sacred oath that he took

Jan 22
Josh Icasiano Josh Icasiano (Jan 22 2021 8:29PM) : Appeals to emotions more

By mentioning God Kennedy appeals to the emotion of the people especially those who are religious.

Jan 22
Elizabeth Child Elizabeth Child (Jan 22 2021 8:34PM) : Throughout he gives detail but also gets straight to his point. He wastes no time.
Jan 22
Mark Monette Mark Monette (Jan 22 2021 8:35PM) : Tone more

This seems like the oath to testify before a court, which adds a serious and sincere tone to his message.

Jan 27
Micah Wedemeyer Micah Wedemeyer (Jan 27 2021 7:51AM) : He says "sworn before you" to signal to the audience (the American people) that he is there for them and that is clearly shown in the rest of the speech.
Jan 27
2021 Parker Catten 2021 Parker Catten (Jan 27 2021 1:34PM) : Puts his actions in the framework of God

The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe--the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.

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Jan 22
2021 Sage Walker 2021 Sage Walker (Jan 22 2021 11:10AM) : Kennedy reminds the American people that freedom and liberty for all are something that not everyone has.
Jan 22
Patrick Maxfield Patrick Maxfield (Jan 22 2021 2:30PM) : Kennedy goes on in this paragraph to make the claim that our rights as individuals do not come from the generosity of the state, but from God.
Jan 22
Elizabeth Child Elizabeth Child (Jan 22 2021 2:31PM) : The difference is sentence length is interesting. In this paragraph it goes from short to long. It made the first sentence stick out more.
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Jan 22
Cecilia Child Cecilia Child (Jan 22 2021 11:08AM) : It's pretty simple language to be in an Inaugural Address. But it allows everyone to understand the situation. He is setting up reasons why his presidency might be different than the ones in the past.
Jan 22
Lilly Lyon Lilly Lyon (Jan 22 2021 2:33PM) : Kennedy mentions this in order to subtlety demonstrate his trustworthiness as a new president.
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Jan 22
Sam Fedor Sam Fedor (Jan 22 2021 11:13AM) : Mutually Assured Destruction [Edited] more

Perhaps the only thing that kept nuclear war from breaking out during the Cold War was mutually assured destruction; the knowledge that if one side made a first nuclear strike, the other side would respond in kind, leaving both sides decimated. Kennedy’s choice to address this shows his dedication to honesty with the American people.

Jan 22
Gus Daskalakis Gus Daskalakis (Jan 22 2021 2:26PM) : diction more

very strong commanding diction here

Jan 22
Anthony Soutor Anthony Soutor (Jan 22 2021 2:29PM) : Power more

I like the contrasting ideas that JFK uses in order to fully express his idea behind human power. The fact that we are mortal yet have the power to drastically improve quality of life or drastically degrade it.

Jan 22
Thomas Chadwick Thomas Chadwick (Jan 22 2021 3:02PM) : JFK's lie in this sentence more

I agree that the contrasting ideas in this sentence are very interesting. However, I feel like there is some lie in JFK’s words. If we had the power to abolish all forms of human poverty. then why haven’t we done it yet.

Jan 22
estrella estrada estrella estrada (Jan 22 2021 2:34PM) : Kennedy is appealing to the audience's pathos. more

He uses figurative language such as, “man holds the power to abolish all forms of human life.” He is referring to the nuclear war. he is appealing to pathos because he is trying to prepare the audience for peace during the nuclear age.

Jan 25
Kenia Martinez Juarez Kenia Martinez Juarez (Jan 25 2021 12:54AM) : I agree, I belive that he is using pathos to make his audience understand and be prepared
Jan 27
2021 Parker Catten 2021 Parker Catten (Jan 27 2021 7:35AM) : Gives some context to the situation
Jan 27
2021 Parker Catten 2021 Parker Catten (Jan 27 2021 7:37AM) : The nuclear age was a scary time, and his word choice speaks to this
Mar 2
Alexandra Fernandez Alexandra Fernandez (Mar 02 2021 2:25PM) : Kennedy tells the American people that we are very fortunate as a country, with little poverty and "all forms of human life".
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Jan 22
Jack Libin Jack Libin (Jan 22 2021 11:08AM) : He relates the current global condition back to the predicament of the founding fathers
Jan 22
2021 Olivia Vandersteen 2021 Olivia Vandersteen (Jan 22 2021 11:09AM) : Describes how people are more than just the party they affiliate with, or the country that they reside in. Everyone is made the same in the eyes of God.
Jan 22
2021 Sage Walker 2021 Sage Walker (Jan 22 2021 11:14AM) : By reminding people of the bigger picture, Kennedy instills unity of the citizens of the United States of America.
Jan 22
Kaeli Henderson Kaeli Henderson (Jan 22 2021 11:11AM) : He makes a claim that the rights of man come from God and not the state as to signify that there is a reason to keep heads held high and continue on. By giving even a slight reason to madness he reasures the people.
Jan 22
Grace Sherman Grace Sherman (Jan 22 2021 11:19AM) : Here JFK emphasizes that though the war of deterrence (the Cold War) has the ability to destroy human life... all men fundamental inalienable rights to life,liberty and property given by God that cannot be taken away.
Jan 22
Nicolette Miller Nicolette Miller (Jan 22 2021 12:58PM) : The way JFK presents this idea is empowering, and the reinforcement of what he sees as coming from God from the first paragraph shows his confidence in the state of the country.
Jan 22
Anthony Soutor Anthony Soutor (Jan 22 2021 2:29PM) : JFK more

I like how in this sentence he highlights that even though the world is a different place, the same issues still linger.

Jan 22
Gus Daskalakis Gus Daskalakis (Jan 22 2021 2:29PM) : divine right more

It is interesting how he brings a portion of divine right into his speech

Jan 22
Josh Icasiano Josh Icasiano (Jan 22 2021 2:30PM) : Appeals to reason more

I would day that Kennedy appeals to ones reason by talking about and addressing the global issues.

Jan 22
Yara Ahmed Yara Ahmed (Jan 22 2021 2:32PM) : Reference to what his legacy will become (civil rights)
Jan 27
2021 Parker Catten 2021 Parker Catten (Jan 27 2021 7:37AM) : The word choice here is meant to convey a message of power but also of inspiration

We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans--born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage--and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

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Jan 22
2021 Sage Walker 2021 Sage Walker (Jan 22 2021 11:12AM) : Kennedy reminds the Americans that they are unified people and that they should be more worried about the preservation of freedom compared to petty argumentation.
Jan 22
Patrick Maxfield Patrick Maxfield (Jan 22 2021 2:32PM) : Kennedy takes advantage of American Patriotism in this paragraph by reminding everyone that they are the heirs of revolution that was started and fought through to the end in order for Americans to gain freedom from Great Britain.
Jan 22
Lilly Lyon Lilly Lyon (Jan 22 2021 2:36PM) : In this paragraph, Kennedy demonstrates the power man now holds to good and evil. In doing this, he demands respect but also accredits power to his audience.
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Jan 22
Kaeli Henderson Kaeli Henderson (Jan 22 2021 11:07AM) : Throughout he uses inclusivity, "we", to make clear that it is not one man against the strife but rather a whole nation.
Jan 22
2021 Lindsey Housinger 2021 Lindsey Housinger (Jan 22 2021 11:15AM) : Americans seem to value the idea of being United (whether that actually happens or not) so by using "we" he acknowledges that and shows that it takes more than him to do it.
Jan 22
2021 Audrey Sparano 2021 Audrey Sparano (Jan 22 2021 11:17AM) : I agree. He is calling on everyone to come together. Even in the first paragraph, he calls for the United States to set aside differences. He wants the nation to face challenges as a whole, not just one individual.
Jan 22
Lisa Kasabyan Lisa Kasabyan (Jan 22 2021 11:12AM) : Kennedy, throughout these first four paragraphs, makes a slew of references to forebears and those who led/were a fundamental part of the country in order to both remind his audience that he (and the government) will be seeking to continue to fight for more

the same things that his ancestors fought for; as well as react to the problems which are new in a way that upholds the same values.

Jan 22
Nyayeek Deng Nyayeek Deng (Jan 22 2021 11:16AM) : Kennedy speaks about the future, and how he will uphold the values of the past. more

He talks about new beginnings and generations, but he makes sure to reference the past values and how he will carry them with him.

Jan 22
Nyayeek Deng Nyayeek Deng (Jan 22 2021 11:13AM) : In this sentence, JFK is referencing the first civil war. more

He referencing this to show the strength of Americans and their perseverance.

Jan 22
Miles Brooke Miles Brooke (Jan 22 2021 1:58PM) : Connecting the Past more

Kennedy is making connections to the Civil War and the country’s violent past with war and how people can move as a country in the difficult times they were living in with the Cold War, the Cuban Missle Crisis, the Civil Rights Movement,etc.

Jan 22
Mark Monette Mark Monette (Jan 22 2021 2:29PM) : Appeal of Ethos and Pathos more

JFK makes an appeal of both Ethos and Pathos here, using ‘we’ to create a bond with his audience and instilling a sense of duty in his American audience.

Jan 22
Dylin (Ori) Reyes Dylin (Ori) Reyes (Jan 22 2021 2:36PM) : he reminds people of their history and past
Jan 27
Micah Wedemeyer Micah Wedemeyer (Jan 27 2021 1:55AM) : The use of the word "we" signals that all of us, including him, are a part of today's America.
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Jan 22
Jack Libin Jack Libin (Jan 22 2021 11:09AM) : This is a passionate recommitment to the ideals of the revolution, that we are endowed with unalienable rights.
Jan 22
Sam Fedor Sam Fedor (Jan 22 2021 11:18AM) : Dedication to liberty more

I believe that despite his ability to connect with both sides of the aisle, Kennedy had dedication to the liberties of his people even in times where those liberties were under attack.

Jan 22
Alyssa Bardugon Alyssa Bardugon (Jan 22 2021 11:09AM) : this long run-on sentence reflects the history of the United States and the many changes that have come in the years before.
Jan 22
2021 Olivia Vandersteen 2021 Olivia Vandersteen (Jan 22 2021 11:11AM) : JFK explains that it is time to move on from the events of the past and look forward, away from war and bitterness. He explains that human rights need to be given back to the people as they should have never been threatened to begin with
Jan 22
Cecilia Child Cecilia Child (Jan 22 2021 11:19AM) : I never would have thought of it that way, but it makes sense.
Jan 22
2021 Milo Hohmann 2021 Milo Hohmann (Jan 22 2021 11:11AM) : Here, Kennedy shows his character as a spearhead of a new generation of Americans, a youthful vigor that will propel America out from the dark times they were brought up in, and into a new world of liberty, equality and justice.
Jan 22
2021 Audrey Sparano 2021 Audrey Sparano (Jan 22 2021 11:11AM) : Here Kennedy implies that what this generation of Americans has already been through gives them grit. He trusting in them to continue to be peaceful and proud but to fight for integrity and rights.
Jan 22
Cecilia Child Cecilia Child (Jan 22 2021 11:12AM) : Appealing to the audience's pride. By saying all the great things the country has done, he can say all the great things the country will do.
Jan 22
Student Mae Sweetland Student Mae Sweetland (Jan 22 2021 2:31PM) : inspiration/ motivating more

His word choice “that the torch has been passed to a new generation”. His choice of words makes his writing very inspirational and motivating.

Jan 22
Lilly Lyon Lilly Lyon (Jan 22 2021 2:31PM) : Kennedy appeals to his audience by emphasizing the values he shares with them..."America First" more
Jan 22
Yara Ahmed Yara Ahmed (Jan 22 2021 2:34PM) : similar message to biden, most likely because it eas a similar tranision
Jan 27
2021 Parker Catten 2021 Parker Catten (Jan 27 2021 7:38AM) : Giving the American people hope for what's to come and pride in their solidarity
Mar 2
Alexandra Fernandez Alexandra Fernandez (Mar 02 2021 2:25PM) : Kennedy discusses how because man is so powerful now, we can determine the outcome of our country.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

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Jan 22
Kaeli Henderson Kaeli Henderson (Jan 22 2021 11:08AM) : He makes sure to use reassuring diction to emphasize strength and endurance rather than feed into the struggles of dismay.
Jan 22
Grace Sherman Grace Sherman (Jan 22 2021 11:22AM) : I feel like this tactic is very important to assure the safety and best interest of the country given its current state.
Jan 22
Jack Libin Jack Libin (Jan 22 2021 11:09AM) : This is the peak of the buildup of the last 4 paragraphs
Jan 22
2021 Olivia Vandersteen 2021 Olivia Vandersteen (Jan 22 2021 11:15AM) : I agree that this paragraph wraps everything up into one short and sweet sentence that is easy to understand
Jan 22
Charlie Peluso Charlie Peluso (Jan 22 2021 11:11AM) : In the fourth paragraph, this statement can seem to come off as a warning to other foreign nations. In a way, he could be targeting this towards the USSR.
Jan 22
2021 Olivia Vandersteen 2021 Olivia Vandersteen (Jan 22 2021 11:12AM) : He will do anything, and American citizens should do anything to ensure their freedom and liberty is never taken away.
Jan 22
2021 Sage Walker 2021 Sage Walker (Jan 22 2021 11:12AM) : Ties the first 3 sentences together, stating that liberty is for all, and America is there to disperse it.
Jan 22
Cecilia Child Cecilia Child (Jan 22 2021 11:15AM) : I agree with you. That Kennedy is saying how great America is and then says that they will be the peacemakers of the world and defenders of free democracy.
Jan 22
Cecilia Child Cecilia Child (Jan 22 2021 11:13AM) : Powerful language. This sentence expands the audience to the world and not just the U.S.
Jan 22
Nicolette Miller Nicolette Miller (Jan 22 2021 12:56PM) : The diction JFK uses in this paragraph serve as straightforward intentions that set the tone for his goals as president. The words, "pay, bear, meet, support, oppose, and assure" all reinforce a collective effort for the wellbeing of the country.
Jan 22
Josh Icasiano Josh Icasiano (Jan 22 2021 2:28PM) : Diction more

Kennedy’s diction in this is interesting. Early in this sentence he mentions “whether it wishes well or ill”, the part mentioning or ill is interesting because usually we only think about those who wish us well.

Jan 22
Gus Daskalakis Gus Daskalakis (Jan 22 2021 2:28PM) : liberty more

You can tell that liberty will be a big part of his speech from this this line

Jan 22
Mark Monette Mark Monette (Jan 22 2021 2:28PM) : Audience more

Kennedy seems to be directly addressing the USSR here, showing that his audience is not just the US.

Jan 22
Lilly Lyon Lilly Lyon (Jan 22 2021 2:32PM) : In this line, Kennedy connects with his audience by inspiring passion and projecting strength and proud nationalism for America.
Jan 22
Anthony Soutor Anthony Soutor (Jan 22 2021 2:33PM) : I liked this sentence more

I liked this sentence because it is powerful and unifying. It must have been somewhat inspiring to hear this as an American. Kennedy utilizes diction as a tool, using words like ‘we’ and ‘us’ to unite those listening.

Jan 22
Patrick Maxfield Patrick Maxfield (Jan 22 2021 2:33PM) : Kennedy states that the United States will do what it takes to make sure liberty is not hindered.
Jan 22
Dylin (Ori) Reyes Dylin (Ori) Reyes (Jan 22 2021 2:35PM) : he isn't expecting a verbal answer, but an answer through their actions and mentalities
Jan 22
Yara Ahmed Yara Ahmed (Jan 22 2021 2:35PM) : A reference to the cold war. sends a direct message to soviet union
Jan 27
2021 Parker Catten 2021 Parker Catten (Jan 27 2021 7:39AM) : This was a bold statement during the cold war - he was making a declaration against the world
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This much we pledge--and more.

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To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided there is little we can do--for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.

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Jan 27
2021 Parker Catten 2021 Parker Catten (Jan 27 2021 7:39AM) : Extending a hand to foreign policy
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To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom--and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.

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Jan 22
Charlie Peluso Charlie Peluso (Jan 22 2021 11:13AM) : For a lot of the paragraphs he starts, he always put the phrase "For those.." This could be implying that he will not only be there to support US citizens, but their allies
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Mar 2
Alexandra Fernandez Alexandra Fernandez (Mar 02 2021 2:26PM) : This sentence gives an understanding and friendly tone to the address.
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Jan 22
2021 Lindsey Housinger 2021 Lindsey Housinger (Jan 22 2021 11:12AM) : By referencing mistakes of the past, he shows he seeks change in this time of War. He knows Americans value the idea of "freedom" and want to help that idea become a reality for many.
Jan 27
2021 Parker Catten 2021 Parker Catten (Jan 27 2021 7:40AM) : Giving some comments about revolution, he reinforces the revolutionary pride that the nation has while still making the foreign threats the enemy [Edited]

To those people in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required--not because the communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.

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Jan 22
Anthony Soutor Anthony Soutor (Jan 22 2021 2:35PM) : JFK more

This was my favorite paragraph in the entire address. I like how JFK made clear that the reason we must help countries in need is not to gain support from others or because of some communistic master plan to save the world, but because it is the right thing to do. He is calling for peace.

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Jan 22
Jack Libin Jack Libin (Jan 22 2021 11:10AM) : This builds on the central morality of America, that we do what is right.
Jan 22
Henry Poppe Henry Poppe (Jan 22 2021 11:16AM) : I agree that is what he is getting at but really its just to stop the spread of communism which is funny.
Jan 22
Anthony Soutor Anthony Soutor (Jan 22 2021 3:01PM) : I agree with this statement. I think that in times like these people need to remember that the most important moral construct in our country is to do what is right, because I see our country fading further and further away from what is really important.
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To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge--to convert our good words into good deeds--in a new alliance for progress--to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the Americas. And let every other power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.

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Jan 22
Cecilia Child Cecilia Child (Jan 22 2021 11:17AM) : Is he trying to say that even though we will help we won't take over? I think that was in direct reference to how the USSR "helps" their neighbors.

To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support--to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective--to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak--and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.

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Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.

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Jan 22
Grace Sherman Grace Sherman (Jan 22 2021 11:21AM) : Here JFK uses literary tactics to express the power of the U.S. by requesting its adversaries to remain peaceful.
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We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.

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Jan 22
Henry Poppe Henry Poppe (Jan 22 2021 11:10AM) : He states that only when our military is strong enough will we never have to use it. This goes right into play with the Cold War and the nuclear bomb "wars".

But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course--both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war.

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So let us begin anew--remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.

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Jan 23
Lilly Lyon Lilly Lyon (Jan 23 2021 3:38AM) : In this paragraph and those that follow, Kenndy demonstrates how his ideals and goals align with those of the American people; promoting the welfare of America.
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Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.

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Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms--and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations.

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Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths and encourage the arts and commerce.

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Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah--to "undo the heavy burdens . . . (and) let the oppressed go free."

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And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.

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All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.

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In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.

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Now the trumpet summons us again--not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need--not as a call to battle, though embattled we are-- but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"--a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself.

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Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?

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Jan 22
Lisa Kasabyan Lisa Kasabyan (Jan 22 2021 11:16AM) : Kennedy makes the point, after talking in the beginning about the things that are remembered about our ancestors, essentially what the people/countries of his day want to be remembered for.
Jan 22
Dylin (Ori) Reyes Dylin (Ori) Reyes (Jan 22 2021 2:31PM) : This is an example because even if he is reaching out to people and letting them know about this situation and what they could do, he isn't expecting a verbal answer, but an answer through their actions and mentalities.
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In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility--I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it--and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

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And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country.

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Jan 23
Miles Brooke Miles Brooke (Jan 23 2021 12:28AM) : Uniting Country more

Kennedy uses unity from the problems of the past and asks his audience how they can make this a better country

Jan 27
2021 Parker Catten 2021 Parker Catten (Jan 27 2021 8:42PM) : Absolutely iconic quote - a call to arms to all the citizens to go forth and bring with them the promises that he just made. The American people will boldy step out to the world to destroy America's enemies and support those in need.
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My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

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Jan 22
2021 Audrey Sparano 2021 Audrey Sparano (Jan 22 2021 11:14AM) : Here Kennedy is speaking not only to Americans but to the rest of the world as well. He is calling for world leaders to unite to support the freedoms of man rather than fight and argue among themselves.
Jan 22
Lisa Kasabyan Lisa Kasabyan (Jan 22 2021 11:21AM) : I agree. His diction also matches this idea, basically outright addressing them. The "To those people", "to those people in huts", "to those new states". he really drives his point home through his repetition of phrases
Jan 22
2021 Olivia Vandersteen 2021 Olivia Vandersteen (Jan 22 2021 11:18AM) : He asks people what they can do if they all come together, to change America. He asks a lot of questions to really make people think
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Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

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Jan 22
2021 Samuel Butcher 2021 Samuel Butcher (Jan 22 2021 11:13AM) : He once again ends with a very strong and inspiring tone. He uses words like "strength" and "sacrifice" to create this tone. He is also inspiring the people to go forth and have a good conscience and "lead the land we love."
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Jan 22
Josh Icasiano Josh Icasiano (Jan 22 2021 2:33PM) : Closing sentences more

Here Kennedy refers to the citizens of the country and the world which appeals to ones emotions globally making it known that he care for international relations in sense.

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DMU Timestamp: November 12, 2020 20:50

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Jan 22
Henry Frech Henry Frech (Jan 22 2021 11:11AM) : He is emphasizing the value of human rights and liberty. He pledges to lead the country in defense of its sacred values.
Jan 22
Henry Poppe Henry Poppe (Jan 22 2021 11:15AM) : This really appeals to the people of America with him getting at the core beliefs of America and promising to protect them.
Jan 22
2021 Samuel Butcher 2021 Samuel Butcher (Jan 22 2021 11:16AM) : I totally agree with this. I think President Kennedy gives a very powerful message on the value of human rights and freedom, and how he will lead the country with these values. He does this in a very inspiring tone.
Jan 22
Sarah James Sarah James (Jan 22 2021 2:30PM) : In the first paragraph, Kennedy recognizes the political competition that comes with elections and disregards it with the nation now uniting with a new leader.
Jan 22
Sarah James Sarah James (Jan 22 2021 2:33PM) : In the second paragraph, Kennedy recognizes the challenges the U.S. and the world face with weapon development. He then reiterates the importance of the values the framers established upon the U.S.
Jan 22
Sarah James Sarah James (Jan 22 2021 2:34PM) : In the third paragraph, Kennedy discusses the value of human rights Americans have fought for in the past and currently.
Jan 22
Sarah James Sarah James (Jan 22 2021 2:35PM) : In the fourth paragraph, Kennedy makes a firm claim about delivering freedom to all people.
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