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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
Paul A(Apr 28 2021 5:30PM):
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Harry B(Apr 28 2021 6:17PM):
How do you refute comments like this "I am just blown away with the lies on vaccines that they are putting on the media.
These vaccines are a form of population control.
Do your research.
It's gonna get ugly in the next few years."
These are samples of comments from people that refuse to believe, what is the path forward from outright refusal? Sigh.
Harry B(Apr 28 2021 6:18PM):
That is the path we have had to travel from.
This shows the recovery from a path of finger pointing and controversy that dominated the focus of every newscast – logistics is a huge part that eever was discussed or approached!
Harry B(Apr 28 2021 6:27PM):
There are many unions that always have been in Pittsburgh that represent a vocational sector that previously have not been focused on as paths for success, and there are many I am sure, were when I left years ago.
Harry B(Apr 28 2021 6:36PM):
I think the mentality of college as in 4+ years as the best way to a career- the conversation needs to change to give equal value to many paths - I think this is part of the change.
Janet I(Apr 28 2021 6:48PM):
That is what I wonder as well Paul, who will step into these jobs? Is education going to change to provide the training needed?
Harry B(Apr 28 2021 6:41PM):
Or what does that 12 years looks like? If not going past 12 - what can the 123 look like that are more hands on? from the beginning or the end, important to really have extra years be more than just additional theory -but those extra years being dynami
Janet I(Apr 28 2021 6:36PM):
The concept of a 2 year free community college is a game changer, for this group as well. How can we grow and expand our connections to community colleges now.
I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
Paul A(Apr 28 2021 6:37PM):
Connecting this education funding to preparing people for future jobs is such a brilliant answer to my questions about a lack of prepared workers.
Harry B(Apr 28 2021 6:42PM):
SO many do, so many do. In 100 different ways - there has to be a way to bring the opposition to light and find a way to move to unity- how? that is the question.
Harry B(Apr 28 2021 6:50PM):
An example of opposition friends continue to share-
“Priority 1 is ‘Projects That Incorporate Racially, Ethnically, Culturally, and Linguistically Diverse Perspectives into Teaching and Learning.’ That may sound nice, but it is aimed at ‘the ongoing national reckoning with systemic racism’ and ‘the urgency of improving racial equity throughout our society, including in our education system.’ If you harbor any doubts about the existence of ‘systemic racism’, according to CRT, that just shows that you are part of the problem. Do we need ‘racial equity’ as opposed to equality of opportunity? Come on, man.” – I just find it worrisome and tiring on how to get anyone on oppositional views to meet in the middle. SOMEWHERE. It is frustrating.
Harry B(Apr 28 2021 7:29PM):
So based on this, I am not sure why a Middle Class push would be be welcomed? Obviously, it is not seen as Biden helping Middle Class, why?
Janet I(Apr 28 2021 6:10PM):
America is on the move again. It is amazing to watch this moment in history with two women sitting behind the president in powerful roles.
Harry B(Apr 28 2021 6:47PM):
Democrats stand and applaud when Biden mentions cutting child poverty in half. Republicans do not.
WHY?? I just see no willingness to avoid divisiveness in BOTH parties, this worries me.
Harry B(Apr 28 2021 6:50PM):
President Biden hits Republicans: "Look, the big tax cut in 2017. Remember, it was supposed to pay for itself — that was how it was sold — and generate vast economic growth. Instead it added $2 trillion to the deficit."
Harry B(Apr 28 2021 6:54PM):
I think it is fair to say empathy in a President is more powerful than fighting words initiated at the beginning of a term.
Harry B(Apr 28 2021 7:03PM):
Ugh I just hate the people sitting there - it drives me crazy - they seem to be focusing on Ted Cruz alot - is that fair or no?
Harry B(Apr 28 2021 7:07PM):
The right to vote is such a mire of argument and muck - seems straightforward but then opponents say voting is fair already - sigh.
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These are samples of comments from people that refuse to believe, what is the path forward from outright refusal? Sigh.
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This shows the recovery from a path of finger pointing and controversy that dominated the focus of every newscast – logistics is a huge part that eever was discussed or approached!
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“Priority 1 is ‘Projects That Incorporate Racially, Ethnically, Culturally, and Linguistically Diverse Perspectives into Teaching and Learning.’ That may sound nice, but it is aimed at ‘the ongoing national reckoning with systemic racism’ and ‘the urgency of improving racial equity throughout our society, including in our education system.’ If you harbor any doubts about the existence of ‘systemic racism’, according to CRT, that just shows that you are part of the problem. Do we need ‘racial equity’ as opposed to equality of opportunity? Come on, man.” – I just find it worrisome and tiring on how to get anyone on oppositional views to meet in the middle. SOMEWHERE. It is frustrating.
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