Activity Title: Lines and Dimensions using Quizlet
Instructions :
• How did you find the activity?
• What is the purpose of hidden lines and center lines?
• What are leader lines and dimension lines?
• Why is it essential to use this “Alphabet of Lines” correctly?
• What is the importance of a Title Block in a drawing?
• Why is there a need to follow the correct dimensions in drawing?
Learning Guide Sheet 1: ALPAHABET OF LINES
Architectural drawings are intended to communicate design intentions in a clear manner. This can be best presented with graphic symbols and written forms. Industry standards have been developed to provide a universal language of graphic symbols and written forms for different design companies and building professions. Let us check the typical drafting standards and symbols.
The use of line symbols enables engineers/designers to express features of designed products clearly and accurately. Line symbols used in technical drawing are often referred to as ALPHABET OF LINES. Line features vary not only by width but also by how they are graphically represented in a drawing. Let’s check them out.
Solid lines are used to indicate visible objects that can be seen in plan, elevation or 3D views. Solid lines are also used for leader lines and dimension lines.
Hidden objects or edges are drawn with short dashed lines. These are used to show hidden parts of an object or objects below or behind another object. Dashed lines are also used to indicate shelving or cabinets above a counter. These lines should be in contact at corners and when perpendicular to another line.
Movement, Ghost or Phantom Line
These lines are a series of dashes and very short dashes and are used to show movement or imply direction. These typically are used instead of a dashed line to show an alternate position of an object that can be moved. One object would be drawn with a solid line and its alternate position would be dashed or a phantom line. This can include bi-swing doors, the space needed for drawer and cabinet door openings, sliding door opening direction, hinge points for doors and windows in elevation
views, etc.
Leader lines are used to connect notes or references to objects or lines in a drawing. Leader lines start as a solid line and end in an arrow. Leader lines may be drawn at an angle or curved.
Break lines are used when the extents of a drawing cannot fit on the size of paper being used for the drawing. It can also be used when you only need to illustrate a portion of a design or a partial view.
Center lines are used to indicate the center of a plan, object, circle, arc, or any symmetrical object. Use a series of very long and short dashes to create a center line. If two center lines intersect use short dashes at the intersection.
The section line is used to show a cutaway view of a floor plan. A section cutting all the way through a floor plan is referred to as a full section. The direction of the arrows shows the direction of the section view. The symbols on the end of the section line indicate the drawing number on top and the page number the section will be located on the bottom .
The dimension line is used to show the measurement of an object. It can be used to indicate length, width, diameter, etc. The dimensions are listed in feet and inches on floor plans and elevations. Detail drawings of cabinetry or other custom pieces are dimensioned in inches.
Phone (612) 624-9700. (n.d.). (2020). TECHNICAL DRAWING & ALPHABET OF LINE. SchoolWorkHelper.
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