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Resource Sheet 6A.2 Choice of Words


Paying attention to the words Judy Morgan used in the news article, examine and comment on:

  • how words were used in Judy Morgan’s article,
  • why she used those words,
  • how her choice of words shaped public perception and contributed to the development of the word, and
  • whether Judy can be considered as a villain in the story.


Extract taken from "Extra! Extra! Read All About It!" (Chapter 11) in Frindle by Andrew Clements:

On Thursday morning, The Westfield Gazette was delivered to all 12,297 homes and post office boxes in Westfield. The story about Lincoln Elementary School was the first item on the front page. And the headline?

Local 5th Grader Says,

“Move over, Mr. Webster”

It was quite an article. Not that Judy Morgan didn’t tell the truth—every statement in the article was completely true. It was the particular way she told the truth that got things hopping around town.

For example, take this sentence about Mrs Granger: “Mrs. Granger, champion of the forces of order and authority, is battling hundreds of young frindle-fighters. Neither side is giving in.”

Or this bit about Nick: “Everyone agrees that Nick Allen masterminded this plot that cleverly raises issues about free speech and academic rules. He is the boy who invented the new word.”

Or this last sentence in the article: “One thing is sure: the kids at Lincoln Elementary School love their frindles, and no one seems to be backing off in this war of the words.”

And of course The Westfield Gazette published the class picture, too. And Mrs. Granger and Nick were identified for all the world to see.

DMU Timestamp: May 25, 2021 22:33

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