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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Sariyah C(Sep 27 2021 6:01AM):
The entire point of this TED Talk is that perfection isn't rational at all. Sometimes you may do great and sometimes you may do terrible.
Sergio M(Dec 02 2021 7:02PM):
When aiming for perfection it magnifies mistakes that one can then dwell on instead of identifying what went right primarily and then improving on the hiccups
Ryan G(Dec 02 2021 7:07PM):
She really does engage well with them and shows how if she is able to do it then anyone can too because we do public speaking everyday but we do not worry about it until the spotlight is only on us
Raymond H(Dec 02 2021 7:23PM):
She makes a really good point by linking the fear of public speaking showing that it's not really something by itself rather just a bundle of other fears.
Paige P(Sep 27 2021 5:51AM):
I find it interesting how since she was not used to something in her line of work (like stand-up) that she was still nervous about her speech. I understand the idea that, without being familiar with the act, public speaking can be uncomfortable.
Ryan G(Dec 02 2021 7:08PM):
I do agree with this she really does give many angles to show how different it can be besides just sitting on a stage with a powerpoint
Emily M(Sep 27 2021 5:52AM):
I think it's really interesting that the fear of public speaking ranks as one of the highest fears for adults. The fear of public speaking is compared to the fear of death, as to how much people are scared of it.
Jessica G(Sep 27 2021 5:58AM):
I think people hate it because it's something foreign to them. They don't know about it and so it's just a little unnerving because of that. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Though, nerves may never completely go away and that's totally normal.
jose g(Dec 02 2021 7:16PM):
I agree also, I count myself in this group but appreciate how she explains everything and down to earth when she is speaking.
Alayna S(Sep 27 2021 5:57AM):
Yea i thought that was pretty crazy, like I know its scary but I had no idea that it was up there along with death and even other things
Kimberly M(Sep 27 2021 5:52AM):
What she said about really loving public speaking but still experiencing a fear with it really resonated with me. Does anyone else here feel that way?
Sage H(Sep 27 2021 5:55AM):
I am still terrified to public speak no matter what it is about or how many people are around! But even if I knew the topic well enough I would still be terrified.
Viviana G(Sep 27 2021 6:01AM):
I feel the exact same way. It's like I'm excited to speak publicly but at the same I feel very scared because I always think the worst thing will happen.
Neydi D(Sep 27 2021 6:01AM):
I agree with fearing and at the same time loving to speak in public, In my opinion a person fear begins with questions of who the crowd is or will they disagree with the speech. At the same time getting positive feedback makes a positive attitude.
Sage H(Sep 27 2021 5:52AM):
I know lots of people that would rather die than public speak. I think its interesting how many people hate it and the statistics that go with it.
Ian B(Sep 27 2021 5:57AM):
I dislike public speaking, but would never go as far to say I'd rather die than do it. It's surprising to me that it's that common to feel the opposite.
Alana T(Sep 27 2021 5:52AM):
I think this is a great idea posed for the audience. If we can reframe how we look at public speaking, it will change our opinions on it and may make some less nervous.
Sergio M(Dec 02 2021 7:03PM):
Definitely agree with that thought! If you can change your point of view on the matter then it may seem less intimidating from that angle and make it easier to overcome
Viviana G(Sep 27 2021 5:59AM):
I really like how she said we should think of it as presenting ourselves to the world. When we speak, we represent ourself and who we are as an individual. It is important to stay true to ourselves.
Emily M(Sep 27 2021 5:56AM):
I feel like if we change the way we think about public speaking from what is is to make it more personal, we won't be as scared and we will be more confident because we can just be ourselves.
Paige P(Sep 27 2021 5:56AM):
I have never thought of public speaking to be something as "normal" as a first date or job interview. I appreciate how Taylor talks about public speaking as "normal" to kind of get rid of some of the fear and stigma behind it!
Raymond H(Dec 02 2021 7:13PM):
It really is easy to disconnect something like public speaking as less of something we do every day and more of a scary activity.
Alayna S(Sep 27 2021 5:58AM):
I never would have thought those to be considered public speaking either and I am honestly still trying to wrap my head around the thing
Ian B(Sep 27 2021 5:58AM):
I feel in these environments, it's a lot more laid back, you don't necessarily have to present in front of 20 different people, only one. That makes it seem a lot more manageable.
Spencer S(Sep 27 2021 5:52AM):
I find it very true and agree with her statement regarding how public speaking is expressing your true, authentic self. I find it difficult at times to express this through public speaking due to speech anxiety but can find ways through it.
Viviana G(Sep 27 2021 6:03AM):
I agree with this. It's difficult to break out of that speech anxiety but once you find your way through it, it's like you feel complete confidence in yourself and your ability to speak publicly.
Alayna S(Sep 27 2021 5:59AM):
I think this is one of the main reasons I am terrified to do anything in front of a large group of people. I am always worried about what they are going to think of me
Emily M(Sep 27 2021 6:00AM):
I agree, when I am giving a speech I am thinking to myself that everyone is judging me. If we didn't think this way public speaking would be so much easier.
Alana T(Sep 27 2021 5:56AM):
this is a great point. a lot of people have the same fears in common. if more people thought of public speaking as something we do daily already, maybe that would change the feelings behind what most describe public speaking as.
Sergio M(Dec 02 2021 7:04PM):
And if we find a common fear that someone is already working on overcoming though you may be new to trying to improve on it then they can help give you the pointers they've picked up
Fiesha P(Sep 27 2021 8:13PM):
Yes she is absolutely correct! Yes! A lot of times in so many different scenarios I fear being judge or not liked. And that can be very hard on a persons confidence.
Ian B(Sep 27 2021 5:53AM):
Taylor says that everyones fear of public speaking seems to be being judged. I can 100% agree with this, in environments with friends or people we know, we can be ourselves around and enjoy eachother for who we are. Public speaking takes that away.
Mikayla S(Sep 27 2021 5:56AM):
My very first speech class I took the instructor talked about this... picturing your audience in underwear. I agree with her, it has never worked for me.
Kimberly M(Sep 27 2021 5:59AM):
Opening up our body and remembering to breath is a great tip. We want to appear relaxed and at ease when we speak and we can’t do that with our shoulders up toward our ears and tense with fear.
Paige P(Sep 27 2021 6:00AM):
Personally, the only way I have found to be able to successfully public speak is by using A LOT of body language. I think the body is a great tool for conquering this fear!
Emily M(Sep 27 2021 6:04AM):
I agree with you. I find myself using body language a lot when I am speaking. I also think this takes some focus off of us speaking because they are looking at our movement and gestures.
Spencer S(Sep 27 2021 5:57AM):
From past experiences, having open body language has helped me feel more comfortable when speaking. When it comes to watching a public speaker, I have noticed those with open body language are more comfortable and relaxed during their speech.
Fiesha P(Sep 27 2021 8:16PM):
Yes body language says a lot. When you are nervous and scared it shows. Body language can also tell you rather a person is upset, sad, scared, and so much more. You can make people feel threatened when you express anger and aggression with body language.
Alana T(Sep 27 2021 6:00AM):
I think this is a great idea to find "a person" when it comes to speaking publicly. Not everyone in the crowd is judging you how you think they are. Finding a person to focus on in the crowd can allow you to focus more on speech, rather than anxiety.
Jessica G(Sep 27 2021 6:02AM):
Yes, without those stumbles, we'd never learn. So, failure is perfectly normal in all aspects of life. But, we figure out what went well and what needs work and we try again.
Grace S(Sep 27 2021 6:05AM):
I liked how she said to look for someone in the crowd who’s nodding and smiling along. Generally I find speeches easier when I know at least one person in the crowd so I can see them for confirmation I’m doing well.
Neydi D(Sep 27 2021 6:10AM):
I agree i always try to find someone that is smiling or someone that I know. It make it easier to continue and be able to keep going.
Fiesha P(Sep 27 2021 8:20PM):
Yes because when the audience engages with and shows interest in what you say rather it’s one person or 5 people their support adds to your confidence. It also help alleviate your anxiety and makes it easier to keep going.
Neydi D(Sep 27 2021 6:07AM):
Taylor gave out some amazing tips on pubic speaking, I find it very interesting if some of these tips can work fork for me such as speaking to a small group or introducing to strangers without feeling rejection and control the negative feedback.
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