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Having Resilience

Always keep my promises, *knock* *knock* *knock* I and my 2 little brothers were playing when I heard these knocks and someone said ¨hello MS. Joyner, are you there? Its Child services¨ my chest began to concave as my mother whispered ¨they're here with the cops¨. Many thoughts rushed to my brain. Things like, are they going to take me and my brothers? And if so, where will they take us? And so on. As we go downstairs, I sob, sob, and sob some more on the way to the car. As we got in the car, my mom told me to finish school and I made a promise that I would.

As I wake up next to children who are not my siblings and a bed my mom did not make, I mature faster than I should because it was then I realized I'm on my own. They split me and my brothers up into two homes. After a couple of years, they put us in the same home. I would try to set a good example by being respectful and doing everything I'm told. My brothers followed in my path in school as I never got left back or went to summer school.

When I got to 7th grade, I had just got to middle school, my elementary school went up to 6th grade. So I would skip class, talk to girls, and hang out in the bathroom, but still get work done to pass. These habits continued on until finally I made it to 11th grade. I was going to drop out-of-school completely, but my mom's voice echoed in my head, ¨promise me you will finish school'' plus my friends were blowing my phone up to come back to school. This year was the hardest for me because I had no emotional support, no academic support, etc,just built up anger. To be honest, I didn't know any other way to release it but violence, which is when I met ms. debellis. I was having a mental breakdown and everyone swore I was crazy except for her. She saw something wrong with me when nobody else did.

As we progressed throughout the school year, I came in contact with MS.debellis a lot through conferences, mediations, and counseling. After a couple months go by, I progress in handing in homework assignments, paying attention in class, and keeping

my temper. When coronavirus hit, it was in a way useful for me because we got all my regents by her helping me pass my online classes. She then taught me how to work smarter and gave me advice on school life in 12th grade. In the 12th grade, I kept up with assignments and engaged during class because I actually wanted to take part in the curriculum. All my teachers did not want me in their class when I was a freshman, but when I was in 12th, all the teachers and staff enjoyed my company because of how well behaved and mature I was. We were actually on a stage for graduation despite covid, as our recital took place on the football field. I gave both my mom, my grandma, and MS. debellis a big hug and thank you. I then told my mom ¨ I promised you I would finish school, and I am not done.¨

Therefore, no matter what you go through, it may be hard but you have to stay resilient because if you break it's more likely you'll stay broken from breaking, than fixing yourself and getting back up. Stay motivated by yourself and stay on the right path and not much can go wrong. If you want to finish what you started, you must believe in yourself first and then your dreams will come true.

DMU Timestamp: September 30, 2021 11:22

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