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Pants on Fire - 2020 NYTimes narrative contest winner

Author: Varya Kluev

Network, The Learning. “The Winners of Our Personal Narrative Essay Contest.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 7 Jan. 2020,

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I never kissed the boy I liked behind the schoolyard fence that one March morning. I never had dinner with Katy Perry or lived in Kiev for two months either, but I still told my entire fourth-grade class I did.

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Oct 26
Penelope Dalton Penelope Dalton (Oct 26 2021 4:09PM) : Strong hook. Chooses to start with something shocking, like kissing someone behind the fence. This gets the readers interest instantly, and she continues by telling even more shocking lies. This draws the reader in and makes them want to keep reading. [Edited]
Oct 26
Brecklyn Jones Brecklyn Jones (Oct 26 2021 4:10PM) : Really draws you in and makes you want to read more and figure out why she lied about these things.
Oct 26
student brooklyn woods student brooklyn woods (Oct 26 2021 4:13PM) : speaks to her youth and her voice is strong in this opening paragraph. The tone is established
Oct 26
Andrea Giovanniello Andrea Giovanniello (Oct 26 2021 4:15PM) : Starts with something interesting that will intrigue the reader and draw them to read more. She writes it in a way that some people could even relate to, making it that much more interesting to various audiences.
Oct 26
Meaghan Madlena Meaghan Madlena (Oct 26 2021 8:02PM) : Many teens can relate to this girl's story, making it intruiging from the get go. She explains how lying was a way for her to fit in to her friend group and chose to use the word "ecstasy" as a way to describe how it felt to her.
Nov 18
Jossan Arano Jossan Arano (Nov 18 2021 7:10PM) : opening paragraph shows setting: A march morning, and fourth grade
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Oct 26
Isabella Valles Isabella Valles (Oct 26 2021 4:13PM) : The setting is the behind the schoolyard fence on a March morning
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Oct 26
Evan Nelson Evan Nelson (Oct 26 2021 4:10PM) : Setting more

Uses youth and their young minds to express her lies: lies are impactful

The words slipped through my teeth effortlessly. With one flick of my tongue, I was, for all anybody knew, twenty-third in line for the throne of Monaco. “Actually?” the girls on the swings beside me would ask, wide eyes blinking with a childlike naivety. I nodded as they whispered under their breath how incredible my fable was. So incredible they bought into it without a second thought.

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Oct 27
student brooklyn woods student brooklyn woods (Oct 27 2021 6:57PM) : She exxagerates her reality in order to attract attention. She ultimately thinks its easier to lie than be truthful.
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Oct 26
Evan Nelson Evan Nelson (Oct 26 2021 4:12PM) : Senses more

It’s easier to lie than to tell the truth. She believes that her lies are more entertaining than the bland truth.

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Oct 26
Paul Florence Paul Florence (Oct 26 2021 7:57PM) : Paragraph 2, Sentence 5 more

Her tone goes from very self-centered, as in my lies got me all of these friends and I don’t care that they don’t know that I’m lying, to very nonchalant at the end where she admits to lying about all of these things in order to gain the trust and friendship of the other girls in her class

I lied purely for the ecstasy of it. It was narcotic. With my fabrications, I became the captain of the ship, not just a wistful passer-by, breath fogging the pane of glass that stood between me and the girls I venerated. No longer could I only see, not touch; a lie was a bullet, and the barrier shattered. My mere presence demanded attention — after all, I was the one who got a valentine from Jason, not them.

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Oct 26
Georgia Stockham Georgia Stockham (Oct 26 2021 4:13PM) : These two sentences took me back to what it's like being a fourth-grader who thinks she has all the power in the world. The author's humorous choice of words made her seem all the more relatable.
Nov 18
Jossan Arano Jossan Arano (Nov 18 2021 7:14PM) : purpose and emotion
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Oct 26
Student Connor Marland Student Connor Marland (Oct 26 2021 4:14PM) : Purpose more

Through her diction she tells her purpose for lying and the she also describes how is felt to lie. She also goes into saying that lying is addicting.

Oct 26
Bella Tartaro Bella Tartaro (Oct 26 2021 7:14PM) : Purpose more

She thought it was easier to lie and she would lie for the fun of it. She was addicted to lying.

Oct 26
Brianna Valcarcel Brianna Valcarcel (Oct 26 2021 7:26PM) : Here she explains why she likes lying. The thrill and validation she gets encourages her to lie more [Edited]
Oct 26
Meredith Madsen Meredith Madsen (Oct 26 2021 7:57PM) : I noticed that too. The validation she received was addicting to her.
Oct 26
Anguau Makol Anguau Makol (Oct 26 2021 7:57PM) : Draws the readers choosing to use the word ecstasy because its shocking.
Oct 26
Arual Deng Arual Deng (Oct 26 2021 7:58PM) : She describes the how happy she was and the emotions that enveloped her. Then she does a play on words calling it narcotic, which I thought was absolutely clever.
Oct 27
2022 Samuel Hazel 2022 Samuel Hazel (Oct 27 2021 1:16AM) : Tone. The author establishes not only why she is lying but the feedback she is getting from it and how good it feels to have people recognize you as a "special" person.
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Oct 26
Marisa De Astis Marisa De Astis (Oct 26 2021 4:11PM) : Using this word, this imagery creates a understanding for the reader to know the feeling know how she is addicted to lying, similar to the way an addict is with their drug
Oct 26
Kate Yarrish Kate Yarrish (Oct 26 2021 4:15PM) : Word choice to show just how addicted she is to lying
Oct 26
Charlie Leo Charlie Leo (Oct 26 2021 4:29PM) : Word Choice more

She chooses to compare this to a drug, showing the elation she had from lying but also the addiction that was starting to form

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Oct 26
Maya Renteria Maya Renteria (Oct 26 2021 4:14PM) : Her motivation to become the main focus was said with a less demanding tone but a storytelling one.
Oct 26
Zoe Murphy Zoe Murphy (Oct 26 2021 7:44PM) : Referring to herself as the "Captain of the Ship" was really interesting. I liked that analogy and I feel like it pulled me into her essay more. It was a good choice. [Edited]
Oct 26
Benny Johnson Benny Johnson (Oct 26 2021 7:57PM) : Was really able to connect the metaphor to the specific feelings she was talking about and allows the reader to stand in her shoes
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Oct 26
Olivia Cowan Olivia Cowan (Oct 26 2021 4:12PM) : Metaphor more

She used figurative language to describe how it felt to tell these lies to make herself look better. She referred to a lie as a bullet. Once she told the lie and people believed it, anything was possible in her mind.

Oct 26
jack harris jack harris (Oct 26 2021 7:56PM) : Metaphor [Edited] more

I thought this metaphor was actually very intriguing and was really well written, as well as played really well into her tone and the goal she had for the narrative.

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Oct 26
Sammy Jacobsen Sammy Jacobsen (Oct 26 2021 4:13PM) : gives off a lot of her current mindset, takes you into what she is thinking

This way I became more than just the tomboyish band geek who finished her multiplication tables embarrassingly fast. My name tumbled out of their mouths and I manifested in the center of their linoleum lunch table. I became, at least temporarily, the fulcrum their world revolved around.

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Oct 26
Madison Hill Madison Hill (Oct 26 2021 7:58PM) : There is a sense of power that the reader feels because she is using relatable topics.
Oct 26
Meredith Madsen Meredith Madsen (Oct 26 2021 7:58PM) : She showed the impact of her lies through a metaphor
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Oct 26
Sam Oswald Sam Oswald (Oct 26 2021 4:12PM) : This sentence is quite the descrptive metaphor that signifies how influential and captivating her lying was to her schoolmates. [Edited]

Not only did I lie religiously and unabashedly — I was good at it. The tedium of my everyday life vanished; I instead marched through the gates of my alcazar, strode up the steps of my concepts, and resided in my throne of deceit. I believed if I took off my fraudulent robe, I would become plebeian. The same aristocracy that finally held me in high regard would boot me out of my palace. To strip naked and exclaim, “Here’s the real me, take a look!” would lead my new circle to redraw their lines — they would take back their compliments, sit at the table with six seats instead of eight, giggle in the back of the class when I asked a question. I therefore adjusted my counterfeit diadem and continued to praise a Broadway show I had never seen.

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Oct 26
Reese Vigil Reese Vigil (Oct 26 2021 7:59PM) : She gave us the perspective of a fourth grader. I t reminded me of the time when we all desperately wanted to fit in. She knows what she's doing is wrong when she speaks about her thrown of deceit.
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Oct 26
Sammy Jacobsen Sammy Jacobsen (Oct 26 2021 4:12PM) : This showed a new sense of understanding for her writing and its interesting to see her try to describe in older language how a fourth grader is feeling.
Oct 26
Kurt McLaughlin Kurt McLaughlin (Oct 26 2021 4:12PM) : vivid imagery through word choice
Oct 26
Kate Yarrish Kate Yarrish (Oct 26 2021 4:13PM) : This is figurative language/imagery. By using figurative language to describe her lying as her residing on a throne and marching through the gates of her alcazar, it paints an image of that in your mind. It shows how lying made her feel powerful.
Oct 26
Claire Poche Claire Poche (Oct 26 2021 4:14PM) : Use of Figurative Language and Diction to Describe Setting more

This sentence really spoke out to me because not only was it relatable, it shows how the mindset of her fourth-grade self was surrounded by this false narrative. The descriptive and profound words show the significance of what popularity meant to her and how it affected her.

Oct 26
Alex Yannelli Alex Yannelli (Oct 26 2021 4:15PM) : false confidence metaphor - she was given attention ("throne") but it didn't really mean anything (shown in "alcazar"/fortress, prisoner to her false identity she had created) [Edited]
Oct 26
Student Cameron McLaughlin Student Cameron McLaughlin (Oct 26 2021 4:15PM) : imagery, metaphor more

Used imagery of her lies constructing a palace and her metaphor of her concepts as steps to her throne showed how she felt lying as a kid.

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Oct 26
2022 Andrew Burnett 2022 Andrew Burnett (Oct 26 2021 4:11PM) : The word choice here is very, very solid.
Oct 26
Maya Renteria Maya Renteria (Oct 26 2021 4:18PM) : Makes a simpler way of saying "if I were to stop lying or come clean, I would seem like everyone else" show her fear about not lying
Oct 27
Yan Chen Yan Chen (Oct 27 2021 6:41AM) : I like her figurative language here. Her lies are the fraudulent robe that dresses her up. She was afraid of being ordinary again once she takes the robe off.
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Oct 26
Marisa De Astis Marisa De Astis (Oct 26 2021 4:13PM) : The author acknowledges the flaws within her plan to become this wonderful person created on lies, because she is in fact created by lies that can be destroyed at any moment. This appeals to logic
Oct 26
Brody Dicks Brody Dicks (Oct 26 2021 7:56PM) : I really liked this convoluted Roman analogy she made in the first half of this paragraph; it went along with her lying to seem smarter, better, more cultured.
Oct 26
Araxan O. Araxan O. (Oct 26 2021 8:00PM) : Agreeing with Brody, this sentence not only shows her large repertoire of ideas but also her ability to construct powerful image provoking sentences. [Edited]
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Oct 26
Yan Chen Yan Chen (Oct 26 2021 4:14PM) : Ethos, she describes what she belive the others would do if she tells the truth and establishes her character from the first-person perspective, which illustrates her struggle
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Yet finally lounging in a lavender bedroom one long-sought-after day, after absently digesting chatter about shows I didn’t watch and boys I didn’t know, I started processing the floating conversations. One girl, who I had idolized for always having her heavy hair perfectly curled, casually shared how her parents couldn’t afford to go on their yearly trip the coming summer. I drew in an expectant breath, but nobody scoffed. Nobody exchanged a secret criticizing glance. Instead, another girl took her spoon of vanilla frosting out of her cheek and with the same air of indifference revealed how her family wasn’t traveling either. Promptly, my spun stories about swimming in crystal pools under Moroccan sun seemed to be in vain.

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Oct 26
Liam Alfred Liam Alfred (Oct 26 2021 4:13PM) : She uses a ton of figurative language and varies those words that she uses so much so that it gives the text a personality.
Oct 26
2022 G. Selfridge 2022 G. Selfridge (Oct 26 2021 6:40PM) : "She started to process..." This is a total tone shift and this is the point where she started to mature. She is beginning to think more about other people and what they are feeling. This is the start of the second part of the essay.
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Oct 26
Suzy Trujillo Suzy Trujillo (Oct 26 2021 4:10PM) : She describes it in a way where I can imagine the exact setting and I can almost hear the chatter of her friends
Oct 26
Sadie DuBois Sadie DuBois (Oct 26 2021 4:14PM) : Tone shift represents a turning point in her life where she stops telling lies
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Oct 26
Lilyana Lopez Lilyana Lopez (Oct 26 2021 7:57PM) : I love how she takes a moment and draws us away from her main story to allow some imagery and descriptive wording to seep in and further intrigue the readers.
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Oct 26
Lily Vasquez-Echols Lily Vasquez-Echols (Oct 26 2021 4:12PM) : Uses of senses more

She chooses to add the details about the vanilla frosting in order to appeal to the reader’s senses, this makes the reading more interesting and a detail most people wouldn’t typically add, but it adds more to the story.

Oct 26
Brianna Valcarcel Brianna Valcarcel (Oct 26 2021 7:23PM) : Here she uses "senses" to describe the situation in more detail. This is an interesting take because it helps the reader understand the moment
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Oct 26
Sadie DuBois Sadie DuBois (Oct 26 2021 4:11PM) : Use of imagery (figurative language) here illustrates just how outrageous the speaker's lies are
Oct 26
2022 G. Selfridge 2022 G. Selfridge (Oct 26 2021 4:12PM) : Describing a lie as "spun" is really interesting because there is always a seed of truth in every lie. Describing it as spun gives a really accurate visual of what a lie is.

The following Monday, the girls on the bus to school still shared handfuls of chocolate-coated sunflower seeds with her. At lunch, she wasn’t shunned, wasn’t compelled to sit at a forgotten corner table. For that hour, instead of weaving incessant fantasies, I listened. I listened to the girls nonchalantly talk about yesterday’s soccer game where they couldn’t score a single goal. Listened about their parent’s layoff they couldn’t yet understand the significance of. I listened and I watched them listen, accepting and uncritical of one another no matter how relatively vapid their story. I then too began to talk, beginning by admitting that I wasn’t actually related to Britney Spears.

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Oct 26
Benny Johnson Benny Johnson (Oct 26 2021 8:03PM) : The mentioning of the chocolate covered sunflower seeds from the previous paragraph shows us how she felt to have the realization that her lies didn't matter as much as she previously thought
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Oct 26
Charles Winters Charles Winters (Oct 26 2021 4:11PM) : Senses, Hearing more

The writer implicitly used the word listened to represent auditory imagery. She finally stepped back from her fake life and began listening to the real problems of her friends.

Oct 26
Charlie Leo Charlie Leo (Oct 26 2021 4:14PM) : Claim more

She makes a claim about listening and immediately gives specific evidences for the claim. She then repeats the claim and elaborates

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Oct 26
2022 Samuel Hazel 2022 Samuel Hazel (Oct 26 2021 4:12PM) : The author comes to a realization that she did not have to impress her friends by making up stories and that they would be accepting of whatever was said in the conversation. [Edited]
Oct 26
Marisa De Astis Marisa De Astis (Oct 26 2021 4:14PM) : this appeals to emotions because she is talking about how she finally realized that it wasn't all about being this extravagant person it was just about being a person.
Oct 26
Brianna Valcarcel Brianna Valcarcel (Oct 26 2021 7:25PM) : Here she talks about how she finally realized she needed to listen instead of making up stories in order to seem interesting. She uses emotions
Oct 26
Mariam Aidemirova Mariam Aidemirova (Oct 26 2021 7:58PM) : This is where she learned her lesson about how even the people that she aspired to be, they didn't have perfect lives. But they also weren't judgmental about it. Which leads her to admitting her lies.
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DMU Timestamp: October 14, 2021 23:55

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Oct 26
Neve Scolere Neve Scolere (Oct 26 2021 4:15PM) : Something that stood out to me was her use of figurative language. I liked the way she said that she lied purely for the feeling she would feel afterward. She described it as "narcotic".
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