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Agents of Influence

Author: Alterea

1 additions to document , most recent about 2 years ago

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Apr-26-22 Age of Influence

Welcome to the Agents of Influence prototype! Please follow the steps below to ensure the most enjoyable and effective experience.

Step 1: Watch the video: Open the file named “Gameplay Video”. This 30-minute video covers project origins, educational content, game narrative, gameplay walkthroughs from the perspective of a player, project distribution and timeline, and how you can help us successfully make this game with a Table of Contents upfront to help you navigate it. There is also a Youtube link to the video on a Google Doc in case that is faster and easier for you to access.

Tip 1: The words move quickly, feel free to pause to read if you need to

Tip 2: The voiceover represents a player’s perspective and what’s going on in their mind while the words on the screen are representative of what’s actually happening in the game.

Step 2: Download the games: Download the .zip file for your operating system (either Microsoft Windows or Mac). Some users may see a warning from their computers, depending on security software. The security system flags the file because we have built the program in the free version of the Unity program. Simply acknowledge and close this warning and proceed with downloading the file.

Once the .zip file is downloaded, double-click it to unzip it. You should then be able to find the Agents of Influence application, which has the AOI logo as its icon.

Some mac users may have difficulty opening the application due to security. Try opening it once (it will be unsuccessful). Then, control-click on the application and click “open” from the dropdown menu. This will give you the option to bypass the security and open the application.

Step 3: Play the games: The core 4 games are listed on the right as “conversation,” “analysis,” “research,” and “finale duel.” While the games can be played in any order, we recommend playing the finale duel last. The main menu also has an intro scene and additional information about the project. At any time, users can hit the escape key or spacebar to bring up the pause menu and navigate back to the main menu.

Tip 1 - There is a tutorial at the beginning, don’t skip it. You can play through it by clicking anywhere on the screen when you’re done reading what’s on the screen.

Tip 2 - The PAUSE button is accessible at all times. It will give you instructions to play the game, relevant educational content, the option to reduce volume in the button called ‘Options’ and the option to go back to the main menu.

Extra: Answer key PDFs: If you’re interested in examining the answer keys for each game you can find pdfs containing that information in the sub-folder called “Game Answer Keys.” Click on the pdf file that corresponds to the game you’re interested in.

Additional Opportunity: This version of the game is only a prototype that has condensed 2hrs of gameplay into a 20min video + short playable games. We are actively working on improving the game for our beta launch and if you’d like to help us get better, we would love to hear your thoughts and input.

Adult Feedback Forms:

Pre-playtest form (this only needs to be filled out once in the testing session):

Full game video:

Conversation Game:

Analysis Game:

Research Game:


Student Feedback Forms:

Pre-playtest form (this only needs to be filled out once in the testing session):

Full game video:

Conversation Game:

Analysis Game:

Research Game:

Thank you for your interest in Agents of Influence!

DMU Timestamp: October 14, 2021 23:55

Added April 26, 2022 at 2:35pm by Paul Allison
Title: Age of Influence

DMU Timestamp: April 24, 2022 23:39

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