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The Decline of Ghana and the Rise of Mali (5) - Ghana - Ghana

5. The Decline of Ghana and the Rise of Mali

Ghana's empire reached its height around the year 1000 C.E. However, war and the loss of natural resources led to the West African empire's downfall, and the rise of a new power.

In the second half of the 11th century, Muslim warriors known as Almoravids began attacking Ghana's empire. In 1076, they captured the capital city of Kumbi. Although Ghana's king regained power in 1087, the old empire had already broken apart.

The loss of natural resources further weakened Ghana. The increasing population added great stress on scarce resources, such as trees and water. Trees were cut down to provide charcoal for iron-smelting furnaces. Water became so scarce that farmers could no longer cultivate crops and keep flocks. People were forced to leave in search of better conditions. The empire came to an end in 1203, when a rival kingdom conquered Kumbi.

The end of Ghana's empire opened the way to the rise of a new power, Mali. Around 1240, a group of West Africans called the Mande conquered Kumbi. Their homeland of Mali was south of Kumbi, closer to the Niger River. The Mande built an empire that reached from the Atlantic Ocean to beyond the Niger River, and from the southern forest to the salt and copper mines of the Sahara.

Similar to Ghana, Mali gained much of its wealth from the control of trade, particularly in gold. Its leaders had accepted Islam, and under their rule, the Muslim faith continued to become even more influential in West Africa.

DMU Timestamp: May 11, 2020 21:16

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