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PS 89 Q, 4th Grade

Author: Shannon Cassaday Ho & Elizabeth Capizzi

The Task

Directions given to Students:

During reading, students learned about the differences between firsthand and secondhand accounts by sorting their attributes on a venn diagram. Then, they noticed how much more detailed and exciting a firsthand account can be by reading articles written in different accounts about the same event.

Later that day, they wrote the introductions to their informational articles. They learned about how introductions need to hook in their readers and how they can do that by making the reader feel like they are about to experience a sudden natural disaster. To get inspiration, they referred to firsthand accounts about their topics and then used the checklist to write their own introductions.

Guidelines/Success Criteria Provided:

Student Exceeds Criteria (One of Four)

Student Exceeds Criteria (Two of Four)

Student Exceeds Criteria (Three of Four)

Student Exceeds Criteria (Four of Four)

Student Meets Criteria (One of Four)

Student Meets Criteria (Two of Four)

Student Meets Criteria (Three of Four)

Student Meets Criteria (Four of Four)

DMU Timestamp: January 21, 2022 19:02

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