I am wondering, President mentioned that he would provide troops and allies to defend NATO territory – but I am confused, is not Ukraine a member of NATO, so I am confused on why this action right now does not justify troops and planes, etc, to defend Ukraine?
It was interesting to see some approved of infrastructure approach, and leader Schumer at one point was alone standing up to applaud and then a few minutes later others joined- alot of hesitency from others.
Interesting to see how President ties the bill he wants to get passed for infrastructure to Intel’s vow to invest in Buy America.
Seems like a major heading to move towards and pivots back to Buy America.
Funny to hear USA in this form rather than the form of the former President.
Movement towards tax credit for promoting Clean Energy costs.
This impacts a large population of residents, of all parties.
No one under $400000.00 to pay extra taxes
Not ballooning deficit. Undermined the watchdogs. Watch the watchdogs to be installed to watch spending.
Only President to reduce deficit by so much during term, and defining what is capitalism.
higher standards for care.
More apprenticeships, increase Pell Grants, support community colleges.
Numbers down as first point and mask guidelines.
1) Stay protected with vaccines. Test to treat initiative and pills at no cost. Immunocompromised, treatments and free masks as we move forward, tests available. Another group of tests starting next week. 2) Second, prepare for new variants. 3) End shutdown of schools and businesses. (Miguel Cardona featured). 4) Continue to vaccine the world.
Have more visibility of police, but also hold police accountable. American Rescue Plan to support this initiative.
Biden does find ways to not divide but to meet all parties together and walk the line of both parties will agree on.
Measures to protect people on specific gun measures – not gun rights, just extreme gun points.
GO against points to subvert votes and reveal who is funding our votes.
High qualifications from fraternal order of police and both parties.
Surprised to see Ted Cruz supporting. New technology represented. Immigration judges, more, not legitimate sent back. Funding to other countries to support their own borders. Support for Dreamers. Businesses to have workers they need. Labor Unions, Chamber of commerce, etc supporting immigration reform.
Woe vs Wade. Access to health care. Advance maternal health care. LGBTQ – get bipartisan act to desk.
high number of Bi- bipartisan laws signed, still addressing disagreements, but focusing on agreement and not division.
1)Beat the epidemic, increase funding for prevention, support recovery. 2) Take on mental health. Sign up to be a mentor or tutor. Social media held accountable. Strengthen privacy protection. 3) Support our veterans. They are the best of us. Sacred obligation to veterans. Specific to burn pits. 4) End cancer. Personal topic.
One people, one America.
It felt like more people were cheering together than before on this Presidential speech.
The PBS NewsHour will feature special programming of Biden’s State of the Union address and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine from 6 to 11 p.m. ET.
I think it is interesting that two women stand and sit behind President Biden – have not seen that for a long time, perfect for Women;s History Month!
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