“Why the Death Penalty Should Be Abolished.” International Comission Against the Death Penalty, ICDP, https://icomdp.org/why-the-death-penalty-should-be-abolished/.
The risk of executing innocent people exists in any justice system
The arbitrary application of the death penalty can never be ruled out
System has inaccuracies directly affecting certain groups. Points out religious groups and political groups are also affected by the laws of the death penalty. This is a good source to relate to my first source, “The Case Against the Death Penalty.”
The death penalty is incompatible with human rights and human dignity
The death penalty does not deter crime effectively
Public opinion is not a major stumbling block for abolition
It needs to be pointed out that public support for the death penalty is inextricably linked to the desire of the people to be free from crime. However, there exist more effective ways to prevent crime.
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