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Task: I can learn how New York City is the cultural capital.

  1. Focus Questions: Where are New York City parks and public spaces located? What are some important cultural buildings in New York City?
  2. Vocabulary: landmarks, tourists, capital, and culture
  3. Think-Pair-Share: What places do tourist want to see when they come to visit New York City?
  4. Introduce “A Walk in New York” by Salvatore Rubbino and conduct a read-aloud, pausing as needed to discuss places to visit in New York City and add places to “Cultural Capital: NYC” web graphic organizer.
  5. Guided Questions: What do you notice on the cover of the book? Do we see any of the places we just discussed in our chart, in this book? What did you learn about New York City from this book?
  6. Distribute a Cultural Map of New York City. Let’s circle the places we have visited with our families. What differences do you notice among different cultural sites. Are they all the same type of attraction. Let’s draw a box around the place we would like to visit. Refer to the read-aloud. Are all the places mentioned in the book on the map. Why or why not? What would you add?
  7. Create a postcard for one of the cultural locations you have been to or if you have not been to any of the places, please choose a place you would like to visit and explain why you want to go there. Design the front of the postcard using the location and use the friendly letter format on the back to describe the place.

DMU Timestamp: March 17, 2022 18:53

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