Task 2
Adding a comment to a website
Read the paragraphs under the heading “Does It Work?” from edudemic.com, and write a write a comment of about 30-40 words. Your comment should answer the questions in the last paragraph.
Does It Work?
The world is coming online and cheap smartphones and tablets are facilitating this move. The proliferation of social media users shows that young people around the world are eager to connect with their peers and are highly proficient at doing so in personal contexts. These developments in web technology can be used for an education purpose, particularly peer reviewi – supporting & encouraging each other and reflecting on the key learning points as they do so.
There is a generation whose starting point for information & engagement is not printed materials (a book, a newspaper) – but online social platforms: Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter. Students’ learning of English in schools and universities needs to capitalise on this new form of literacy. It is important for students to be able to keep practising outside of class in a medium which engages them and prepares them for the emerging mobile and social web technologies.
Have you used a social learning platform (or at least the premise of social learning) in your classroom? How did it go? Leave us a note in the comments to share!
i “Peer review, which is when students check each others’ work...” http://www.edudemic.com/social-learning/
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Commenting period (February 13, 2015 09:28 – March 16, 2015 18:00) is closed
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Comments are due March 15, 2015 18:00
My work in social netwoks was just to register as Technologies Departament of IES A PINGUELA in Twitter and Facebook in order to being an account but it demands much time and in this moment I don’t use neither of them. I usually visit webs which have relation with my modules in class. I think the social netwoks are not usefull in class, they are like a way to enjoy. Education is not social live.
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I use knowledge interchange between my students as an important component of the learning process.
I found from my experience that when the learning process is about getting new concepts, it is necessary a close support and guidance from the teacher, that can be better accomplished on a live class.
When revising or applying concepts I sometimes used e-platforms like forums to facilitate knowledge interchange, but it is hard to engage them on the process.
I have not used yet social platforms like facebook, twitter, etc for this purpose.
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I recognize that my use of learning platforms is very poor. In my center we have several platforms like moodle but also social like twitter and facebook but I cannot (or not know how to) engage students to use them in the proper way. Feel like this tools are only for gossip. Despite this I empower the use of internet as a searching tool even allowing it during the exams.
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There are many options when we work with learning online tools.I record videos before my classes.My pupils should watch these videos on the website before the lesson’s tasks.I don’t have to explain the topics during the tasks.My “customers” seldom ask questions becuase they can understand my videos on their own.They have different learning rythims but they can watch videos when or where they want.Of course, they can watch them a dozen of times if they need it.
35We save time.We can make more tasks and, now, they get best marks.
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So does this mean that you’re all for flipping the classroom?
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As I work as vocational training teacher, I think it´s very important for the students to use new technologies and specially ICT tools. So one of them are the social learning platforms. In my institute we can use the Moodle Platform to allow the students to download contents and tasks. I´m begining in the develope of my own contents and the work is hard but the feedback with the students is really good.
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I agree with you Fran, that using social learning platforms (and ICT tools in general) is important; in fact, I’d say we have no choice but to use them, in this day and age. They’re such an effective way to motivate students, too!
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