Rice, Lisa. “Interactive Science Notebook Presentation Lisa Rice for Writeout.” Google Slides, Google, https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQzWa7m4Q91ljcrWG6XueETBJgIj8GanSQpaGpUp8Q_SizWx1GY4SJCTxqUy5zfvBomHos05FDfA0Qv/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.g14415fb744a_0_8.
1 My science-teaching sixth grade colleague has been using Interactive Science Notebooks for a few years, and she has presented about it in our school district. I love that her view is that the notebook becomes the student textbook through inquiry and information and art, and that they build the text across the entire school year. She did not invent the idea of Interactive Notebooks, but it has become a crucial part of her curriculum. She gave me permission to share a version of the slideshow that she often uses in PD sessions with other teachers.
2 Do you have experiences with Interactive Notebooks and if so, how did you/your students use them? Could you see the concept as a possibility for the STEAM-powered Write Out coming in October?
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I can see in your writing that you have a strong and unique voice that comes through in the details. For example, in the selection you, you used a lot of precise wording and terms that show us that you put a lot of thought into what you were writing. Along with this, you incorporated certain idioms and metaphors that make your message clearer. This showcases your creative approach to conveying your thoughts and makes your writing engaging and interesting.
What do you think about this idea and arrangement: consider adding more vivid details and examples to your writing to further emphasize your voice. That way, readers can understand how passionate you are about the subject. Additionally, think about rearranging certain sections to emphasize certain points or emotions that your writing is conveying.
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You are already implementing Social Exchange in the example above by engaging your students in dialogue and inquiry about the concept of Interactive Science Notebooks. You could add more from the discourse practice of “Social Exchange: Dialogue About Text” by providing structured opportunities for your students to read, discuss, and analyze texts within the context of their Interactive Science Notebooks. For example, you could pose open-ended questions to your students that ask them to go beyond just interpreting the text, but to think critically about the concepts being discussed and to draw connections to their own experiences. Additionally, you could encourage students to explain their own ideas by responding to each other’s arguments and providing evidence to support their own claims. Involving your students in the “Social Exchange: Dialogue About Text” discourse practice could look like having them post their thoughts and reactions to a text, and then discuss it as a class or in small groups online; or you could have them do peer-to-peer reviews and reflections on the texts they are reading.
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