Chapter 5
Types of Records:
Recording exactly what is heard or seen in the order in which the events happened.
Record while the event is happening, in order to help remember exactly what happened.
Include all of the information to help understand the description such as the time of day, what happened before or after the event, who may have been involved and other key details
Record “exactly” what children say-try not to paraphrase
Avoid emotional and feeling words
Sketches and Photographs
Concept maps
Idea maps
Audio and Video Records
Records exactly what was said
Can be listened too repeatedly by various listeners
Record events that happen quickly leaving little time to write down notes
Count or Tally
Frequency of occurrences
Duration of a behavior
Can be modified to collaborate with standards and objectives
Collect information from an individual or a group of students
Record inferences or teacher judgments
Chapter five discusses various ways in which teachers can record their data that they collect from different types of assessments. Many of the strategies can be used within the classroom in order to evaluate the academic progress of students. Some also are used to chart behavior. In the picture seen below, a student has a behavior chart. The teacher utilizes the “Count or Tally” method in which the teacher records one tally mark for every unwanted behavior that the student displays. Several other methods are described such as checklists, diagrams and sketches or even audio recordings.
All of these methods are great tools to utilize within the classroom so that a student is tested and evaluated by a variety of ways. Teachers can record their data through usage of pictures or drawings instead of handwriting all of their notes and observations. If a teacher would share their observations of the students to the students themselves and the student has a hard enough time reading his or her comments, they may be able to recognize different pictures that were recorded.
As a future teacher, I will definitely be using some of these strategies because it is very important to not only know how to assess my students and how to check for understanding and learning but also knowledge about useful instruments that will help me assess my students. It is also important to know how my students learn so that I can provide the best education possible.
Behavior Tally Chart
Examples of Recording Information
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