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Conservation is the key to preserving the earth’s natural beauty | Youth View

Author: Aarushi Dedhiya

Editorial, Guest. “Conservation Is the Key to Preserving the Earth’s Natural Beauty | Youth View.” Pennlive, 7 Oct. 2022,

By Aarushi Dedhiya

Conservation is the key to keeping the earth beautiful | Opinion

Conservation will help ensure next generations can enjoy the beauty of places like Yellowstone Park.

Conservation is essential to keep our planet safe, yet not everyone is well informed about its importance. How do you see our beautiful forests, grasslands, and rainforests in a hundred years? Are you able to envision the ecosystems thriving, or do you see dead tree stumps and smog?

Hypotheticals make us question whether our planet is heading in the right or wrong direction. For instance, if we do not control our immense amount of air pollution, then by 2030, the air will be so toxic that people would need an oxygen kit to breathe. There are many possibilities for our future; however, people can change the future with smarter decisions.

I have mentioned many times in my past columns about teenagers becoming more involved in protecting our planet. Some have taken charge at large rallies, whereas others have become more environmentally friendly in their own homes. No matter the size of the contribution, teenagers play a large role in preserving our environment.

There is a similarity between all these scenarios: turning off the water when it’s not in use, switching off the light if the room is vacant, and reusing clothes. They are all ways people can become can use the method of conservation.

Conservation is the one way to maintain the natural beauty of our environment. Nature provides a home for countless species, a space for plants to live and grow, and an attraction for hikers, photographers, and millions of tourists.

The simple method of conservation can be done on a small scale — in a home — or on a larger scale — for an entire area of land. With the help of many conservationists and environmentalists, more and more land is being protected.

I spent a few days with a loving family in Ecuador. They own many acres of land and have been working on their rural farm for their entire lives. I learned about their process of composting. First, they hike up a mountain to retrieve dead plants and fallen branches, and it’s used as a base layer for the compost. Then, after putting other vegetation in the composting area, they finally add the scraps of food. The compost is used for growing the various different vegetables and fruits on their farm, and this process is repeated every week.

Also, I immersed myself in their culture and saw their established norms. Home to cows, horses, ducks, and dogs, the farm applied various environmentally friendly practices. The most focused one was minimizing food waste.

In addition, rather than wasting electricity to cook food, they used a solar oven that was completely made of aluminum to heat and prepare food.

More people all over the world have chosen more environmentally safe habits, whether it simply means using lights only when needed, shortening showers, or riding a bike rather than taking the car. The Ecuadorian family helped open my eyes and view the world differently. They made me more aware of additional ways to apply conservation.

Conservation is key, and in the United States, the National Parks focus on conservation the most. The National Park Service has set around 35,000 acres of land to preserve the nature that remains and to keep a safe place for plants and animals.

When I traveled to Yellowstone National Park, it felt like a different universe. For once, I could see the twinkling sky, instead of a smog layer and flashing lights. Also, the trees were not at risk of being cut down, and the animals roamed freely — without the fear of losing their home.

More surprisingly, the restaurants in the park also use the principle of conservation. All of the utensils were biodegradable rather than made of plastic. They also had compost bins to put food scraps. These extra measures in the dining areas of the park helped preserve the environment rather than add to the waste.

From Ecuador to Yellowstone, it is clear that people all around the world have become more open-minded about preserving the environment. Conservation can be passed on from generation to generation, sharing the ways to protect the environment. Conservation may be difficult, but the impact is far more beneficial to the planet.

DMU Timestamp: February 21, 2023 13:31

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