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'Listen to us.’ What These 12 Kids Want Adults to Know. (Opinion: America in Focus)

Author: Ariel Kaminer and Adrian J. Rivera

Rivera, Adrian J., and Ariel Kaminer. “'Listen to Us.' What These 12 Kids Want Adults to Know.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 21 Mar. 2023,

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Ms. Kaminer is a deputy Op-Ed editor. Mr. Rivera is an editorial assistant in Opinion.

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The best thing about being my age is: blank.

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Apr 4
Gregory O Gregory O (Apr 04 2023 9:36AM) : Being able to determine what I am going to do in the future. [Edited] more

I love that as a being that still has most of my life ahead of me (probably), I can choose what I want to do now. My choices now determine what colleges I can get into or what I might specialize in. I am still moldable enough that whatever I learn will impact me.

Apr 4
Tejas B Tejas B (Apr 04 2023 1:58PM) : I like what you said because being a child is that you have a lot of freedom with what you want to do with your life.
Apr 4
Janya H Janya H (Apr 04 2023 2:02PM) : Agree and disagree more

In my opinion we still have alot of time, but I agree because as we are getting older are perspective about the future change

Apr 4
Nikol A Nikol A (Apr 04 2023 9:39AM) : People always say that they miss being young. more

I think at this age,we really don’t appreciate our situations enough. Being probably mostly carefree except for the occasional school burden, people my age and the times that people remember from the age are supposed to be the best memories. They’re supposed to be the age of mistakes, of experiences, of crazy stories, and I hope that I get to do all that before I’m too old.

Apr 4
Jill S Jill S (Apr 04 2023 9:56AM) : Appreciate more

I think that is a lifelong skill we all need — appreciating the moment we are in.

Apr 4
Lucas N Lucas N (Apr 04 2023 9:39AM) : Ease of making connections with similar-minded people [Edited] more

Being with peers your age allows you to find people to eventually work with later in life, alongside finding those with similar interests. Being near people with similar interests also brings more that have similar desires, as they will join that friend group. Many different groups exist in school, allowing for any goals in life to thrive. However, once people get past college they often cannot find other people with similar mindsets unless they go back to college, throwing them into the world with no backup or people to rely on. Anyone can get an education, but not everyone can make true friends that stay alongside them for their whole life.

Apr 4
Wyatt M Wyatt M (Apr 04 2023 9:45AM) : Info more

I like that you gave a lot of information towards why being similar to someone makes it easier to make connections

Apr 4
Amandeep M Amandeep M (Apr 04 2023 9:48AM) : I agree for the most part [Edited] more

In this statement, you stated how it is easier to make connections and relations with similar-minded people as a minor, with which I agree. However, that’s not to say that it is not easy to make such connections as an adult. In fact, it might be of a similar difficulty, especially considering how as an adult, there are fewer basic social constraints, meaning that you can socialize with nearly anyone you want to.

Apr 4
Neil D Neil D (Apr 04 2023 9:39AM) : The best thing about being my age is that I don't have to care about money or rent. more

When you get older you have to manage various things, most of them involve money, and money can get hard to manage, especially when big sums of money are in play. Currently, I do not have to manage those sums, nor care about then, so I’m saved from a lot of stress, which is why it’s the best thing about being my age

Apr 4
Lucas N Lucas N (Apr 04 2023 9:44AM) : Financial security brings so many new opportunities. more

Most people within society struggle with finance and never get the time in order to develop skills or hobbies they truly enjoy, alongside not getting a better education to get a good job. Most people in our district are already well off, but most of society doesn’t have this freedom. Many people at our ages are already working, but our parents provide extremely well, allowing us to pursue anything we desire rather than working at a minimum wage job in order to provide for the family.

Apr 4
Vihaan I Vihaan I (Apr 04 2023 9:39AM) : not having the stress and pressure of school and excessive homework just yet. more

High schoolers have to go home and do hours and hours of homework every day and if you are in my grade or my age you don’t have to deal with that until a year or two.

Apr 4
Santiago G Santiago G (Apr 04 2023 9:44AM) : I agree more

I can relate with your statement of not having excessive homework to the point where it starts to take over your life.

Apr 4
Neil D Neil D (Apr 04 2023 9:45AM) : The younger someone is, the less skill they have at managing work. more

When we are young we don’t have the ability to manage homework as well as when we are older, as we may not have developed the skills yet. This could mean that when you are younger less homework seems harder, so it evens out as you grow older and get more homework, so maybe that the stress and pressure stays the same between middle and high school.

Apr 4
Jill S Jill S (Apr 04 2023 9:40AM) : Having the wisdom to not care about what others think. more

As I got older and trust my experiences, I have the wisdom to know that there are 8 billion people in this world with 8 billion different experiences in life. I can value and trust my experiences. However, I am also open to changing and shifting my opinion because part of the wisdom is knowing that there are 8 billion different views to the world.

I think we are all just trying to find a peace and contentment with our thoughts and a way to live on this earth that makes sense for us — and others.

Apr 4
Santiago G Santiago G (Apr 04 2023 9:40AM) : Being able to enjoy life without too many worries. [Edited] more

I am 13. I love being able to live my life with my family and friends without worries about things like money or health issues. I am very thankful for these gifts. The best part about my age is my ability to enjoy life and be active while having fun.

Apr 4
Aashna T Aashna T (Apr 04 2023 9:42AM) : I agree

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Apr 4
Paul A

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A (Apr 04 2023 9:43AM) : I like that Santiago. It's true that you don't have to worry about paying bills and everything.
Apr 4
Vihaan I Vihaan I (Apr 04 2023 9:44AM) : That is literally exactly what I was thinking because I said no stress or acedemic related stress
Apr 4
Brian S Brian S (Apr 04 2023 1:55PM) : I agree more

This is a blessing that we have as children that we don’t have to worry about working or other issues that most have to deal with.

Apr 4
Dylan R Dylan R (Apr 04 2023 1:55PM) : Awesome sauce! more

Hey this was an awesome sauce response and it was epic.

Apr 4
Aashna T Aashna T (Apr 04 2023 9:40AM) : Getting to be the oldest in middle school. more

I think this because being the oldest in your school you get more opportunities and freedoms than those in younger grades would typically receive. Along with this we also get to go on fun field trips which are exclusive to 8th grade, and we get a nice graduation and even a party following afterward. Personally, I think that this is the best graduation, because, unlike 5th grade, we get more of a party and celebration for our accomplishment. And unlike 12th grade, we aren’t saddened by the fact that we’ll most likely never see the people that we’ve schooled with for the past 13 years, ever again.

Apr 4
Nikol A Nikol A (Apr 04 2023 9:43AM) : I agree. I think we'll never get back this time/age that we are in now.
Apr 4
Ethan Z Ethan Z (Apr 04 2023 2:01PM) : I also agree. more
Grade seems like a golden age to me where I will probably have the best school experience and enjoy school the most. This is right before high school and college, where studying is not enjoyable, but rather difficult, so 8th grade seems like the best time of my school path.
Apr 4
Grace J Grace J (Apr 04 2023 9:40AM) : Being my age, you still have some limitations in life, yet you also have the freedom to do what you want.
Apr 4
Jill S Jill S (Apr 04 2023 9:43AM) : limitation more

That’s so true. What is your biggest limitation?

Apr 4
Ameya K Ameya K (Apr 04 2023 9:48AM) : I think you should add more
Apr 4
Reed G Reed G (Apr 04 2023 1:16PM) : i think that this is very true. what specif limitations and freedoms are yo talking about

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Apr 4
Paul A

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A (Apr 04 2023 9:40AM) : having time to exercise more

I love to run… and now that my knee replacement is done… I’m running again! I used to commute to my school by foot — either on a bike or running. So I’m not sure what this has to do with age anymore… but I do feel like because of my age I have more time to go out for a

Apr 4
Vihaan I Vihaan I (Apr 04 2023 9:50AM) : I agree
Apr 4
Sydney L Sydney L (Apr 04 2023 9:41AM) : Less responsibilities more

Being able to not worry about paying bills, covering damages of properties, etc. Also having the freedom to enjoy your life and have fun.

Apr 4
Jill S Jill S (Apr 04 2023 9:43AM) : so true!! You get to just learn. But, I don't worry about grades anymore.
Apr 4
Gabriela G Gabriela G (Apr 04 2023 1:15PM) : I agree with this. more

Once you get older, there are so many different problems and things that you have to worry about, but as a kid,you don’t have to think about this yet.

Apr 4
Adriana G Adriana G (Apr 04 2023 1:15PM) : I agree more

I agree because people our age have some responsibilities, but not as many as adults, like dealing with money.

Apr 4
Ameya K Ameya K (Apr 04 2023 9:41AM) : Being able to do things most adults cannot. more

I can say the most outlandish thing and people will characterize it as “oh she’s just a kid”. That can be a privilege sometimes. I’m also younger than a lot of people and more athletic and can easily grasp onto new ideas, and even languages.

Apr 4
Vivian L Vivian L (Apr 04 2023 1:16PM) : True more

I think this is a great point, because this is a time of our lives where you don’t have to worry about being perfect

Apr 4
Amandeep M Amandeep M (Apr 04 2023 9:45AM) : The best thing about being my age is that I don't have to worry nearly as much about monetary expenses or about accumulation of such assets. [Edited] more

Since I am 13 years old, I am able to have things purchased for me using the money of my parents, rather than my own. This includes necessities, like food, water and shelter, and also includes luxuries, including various subscriptions, services and other registrations, services and goods. When I become a legal adult, I will no longer be able to obtain services and goods for free with the money of my parents; rather, I will have to obtain money and assets on my own, which will require me to work harder and will add a constant and stagnant stress to everyday life. I am glad that I do not have to deal with this at my age.

Apr 4
Charles S Charles S (Apr 04 2023 9:46AM) : getting care from parents more

I appreciate this because I don’t have to worry about shelter, food, or water. In adult life, there is no one to care for food, shelter, or water, which would be a pain to take care of. Because these necessities are taken care of, I can focus on other interests instead of trying to get the essentials of life.

Apr 4
Vihaan I Vihaan I (Apr 04 2023 9:50AM) : I agree
Apr 4
Ethan Z Ethan Z (Apr 04 2023 2:01PM) : I agree more

Good job Charles

Apr 4
Aspin T Aspin T (Apr 04 2023 9:48AM) : Less responsibilities and worries, especially financially more

As an adult, you have to worry about taxes and bills and things like that. I’m 13, and I’m already worrying about what I’m going to do with those kinds of things when I’m older. Will I have enough money? Will I have a good job? I’m glad that I don’t have to actually do those things at this age.

Apr 4
Audrey F Audrey F (Apr 04 2023 9:50AM) : Creativity in children more

Although many kids may think they don’t have freedom when there 12, 13, or maybe 11, but really they do. Grown-ups are altered from years of changes to not be as creative as they were as a kid but kids see the good in everything, causing us to have a more positive impact on people and the world.
As you get older, you start to see the world from a different Point-Of -View, so why waste time trying to be older, when you can use your mind and mindfulness to change the world.

Apr 4
Alexa K Alexa K (Apr 04 2023 1:15PM) : How a point of view affects your life experiences. more

I think that the point of view is a good way to think of your life experiences. You don’t want to waste your time trying to skip the good life experiences.

Apr 4
Kate H Kate H (Apr 04 2023 1:16PM) : Positivity more

I agree with your thought that kids are a lot more positive then adults and they tend to see the good in the world.

Apr 4
Tayisiya K Tayisiya K (Apr 04 2023 9:52AM) : Having fun with friends more

MY friends are always near and I can have fun with them.

Apr 4
Vedant S Vedant S (Apr 04 2023 9:53AM) : 1 more

I think at this age parents do not understand how stressful being a kid is in the US, as it said in one of the lines it is mentally difficult because it is easier to be mean nowadays, for 7th to 9th graders the corona virus struck their education hard

Apr 4
Christopher Z Christopher Z (Apr 04 2023 1:09PM) : I actually think that this time for our life is pretty good and even if it is stressful, I think that it balances out with how much time we end up having.
Apr 4
Kenji H Kenji H (Apr 04 2023 1:15PM) : I agree because our parents probably don't remember how they felt when they were our age, and how stressful it can be.
Apr 4
Theodore K Theodore K (Apr 04 2023 1:59PM) : I disagree more

I think in general life is stressful, and this time in our lives is easier than most future stages in our lives.

Apr 4
Audrey F Audrey F (Apr 04 2023 9:54AM) : No I wouldn't more

I want to live my life and skipping through important moments and experiences could have major consequences.

Apr 4
Kaitlyn S Kaitlyn S (Apr 04 2023 9:56AM) : not having to pay taxes or bills more

at this age we don’t have to worry about the real world, we are protected and we still have some freedom. freedom without much worry about money, and other things. people always say they wish they could be younger and could have done more. which brings me to my next point, when we are younger we can do more, play more, an have more fun. that’s what I like about being 13

Apr 4
Sydney L Sydney L (Apr 04 2023 10:31AM) : Less responsibilities more

Being able to not worry about paying bills, covering damages of properties, etc. Also having the freedom to enjoy your life and have fun.

Apr 4
Audrey F Audrey F (Apr 04 2023 10:45AM) : Reaction more

That was very good but maybe elaborate more.

Apr 4
Wyatt M Wyatt M (Apr 04 2023 10:46AM) : How being 13 is one of the best times to be alive [Edited] more

Throughout our 70+ years on this planet,we always end up thinking back on our youth. And when you think about your year when you were 13, it always ends up being great. First of all,no high school. This makes your work load much smaller and the stress less emence. You also have friends from all of your years in middle school.You also have summer later in the year with is always fun. Again, there is no job you have to attend which means you still have so much free time.

Apr 4
Vihaan I Vihaan I (Apr 04 2023 10:51AM) : I agree
Apr 4
Nikol A Nikol A (Apr 04 2023 10:56AM) : There have been so many things happening over the last couple years that I think people are forgetting when they look at young kids today. more

COVID has just multiplies the amount that people, specifically young kids, rely on technology. And school has always compounded the problem.

Apr 4
Christopher Z Christopher Z (Apr 04 2023 1:07PM) : I can choose what I want to do. more

During this age, I have a lot of free time and I am still able to choose what I am interested in and keep exploring what I like. This is actually a lot of fun and free time is really great as I can talk to my friends and relax.

Apr 4
Kenji H Kenji H (Apr 04 2023 1:13PM) : I agree that we still do have a lot of free time and the freedom to choose what we want to do.
Apr 4
Reed G Reed G (Apr 04 2023 1:09PM) : ease of finding people like you more

I think that it is very easy at a young age to find people that like the same things as you and people that think the same as you.

Apr 4
Jasper Z Jasper Z (Apr 04 2023 1:14PM) : agreement more

i agree with you, its easier to find common ground when your younger, those relations can be helpful for later in life

Apr 4
Kevin S Kevin S (Apr 04 2023 1:09PM) : Being able to relax more

At my age, I don’t have too much work. It could be a lot for some, could be too little for others. Personally, I have just enough. This allows me to get enough rest and not have a lot of stress built up. I’m often able to play games for the entire weekend if I don’t have any activities and it’s super nice not always having school work or other things to do.

Apr 4
Rishabh C Rishabh C (Apr 04 2023 1:14PM) : I agree. more

Being a teenager allows us to have an ample amount of free time to relax.

Apr 4
Adriana G Adriana G (Apr 04 2023 1:09PM) : Not worrying about money [Edited] more

At my age, I don’t have to worry about things like taxes, mortgages or rent yet. When you are not an adult yet, life is more carefree and you have more time to just do things you enjoy instead of having to work, clean, and take care of a family every day. On top of that, adults have to stress over whether the amount of money they make is enough.

Apr 4
Gabriela G Gabriela G (Apr 04 2023 1:15PM) : I completely agree with you. more

Kids should live life to their fullest before they become adults

Apr 4
Anvi S Anvi S (Apr 04 2023 1:16PM) : I agree more

Our primary goal is to shape ourselves into who we are going to be. However, most adults don’t have that luxury anymore, having to deal with finance and whatnot, which is definitely stressful.

Apr 4
Alexa K Alexa K (Apr 04 2023 1:09PM) : The best thing about being my age. more

The best thing about being my age is the experiences that I get. These experiences can help me learn more about myself and find what I want to do later in life. These experiences should be times where we can learn and grow ourselves.

Apr 4
Elizabeth D Elizabeth D (Apr 04 2023 1:14PM) : Growth more

I agree with the best experiences that you said. Our age is a good one for learning skills in life and gaining responsibility.

Apr 4
Vivienne B Vivienne B (Apr 04 2023 2:00PM) : experiences more

I agree with this because this will help you in the future and give you an idea on what you would want to do

Apr 4
Rishabh C Rishabh C (Apr 04 2023 1:09PM) : Being able to not worry about finances. more

At this age, I don’t have to worry about finances of any sort, and for most people, the only finance they worry about till college is their home allowance. Adults have to deal with many finance problems, like taxes, rent, electric and water bills, and more. As kids, our parents provide that for us, so oftentimes we forget about the heavy financial costs they provide for us.

Apr 4
Himnish K Himnish K (Apr 04 2023 1:58PM) : Financial Worries. more

I agree with what you said, because we as children, most of us, we don’t even know half the bills our parents pay, any of their loans, etc. Being provided with all this as children leads to being stress free, and this is something we will have to worry about as we become older.

Apr 4
Kenji H Kenji H (Apr 04 2023 1:09PM) : Having lots of opportunities and time to make decisions for the future. more

Being 14 brings tons of opportunities and learning experiences that other age groups don’t get to take part in. It’s a time when you still are deciding who you want to be in the future.

Apr 4
Jasper Z Jasper Z (Apr 04 2023 1:10PM) : not having to work more

up until about 15-16 years old you dont need to work or get a job. but for the rest of your life your on your own and will have to work. you’ll get a job and have a comitment, leaving less time for other things in your life.

Apr 4
Ishaan K Ishaan K (Apr 04 2023 1:57PM) : I agree
Apr 4
Gabriela G Gabriela G (Apr 04 2023 1:10PM) : The best thing about being my age is that you have certain freedoms and privileges that younger kids don't. more

When you are younger, your parents are constantly watching you and deciding what you do. You don’t get to make too many of your own choices. As you get older though, your parents don’t watch you as much and they let you make your own decisions.

Apr 4
Anshika G Anshika G (Apr 04 2023 1:16PM) : . more

I totally agree with your point.

Apr 4
Elizabeth D Elizabeth D (Apr 04 2023 1:11PM) : Life ahead of me more

I like being my age because I’m at a time where I am mature and can make my own decisions. These decisions won’t affect my future since I have so many more years left to live. I can have fun in life and schoolwork isn’t too heavy. I don’t have to worry about things such as college but Im at the age where my parents trust me. They allow me to do certain things that I was not allowed to do before and they are not watching over me. My age is one where its a time of gaining responsibility

Apr 4
Kate H Kate H (Apr 04 2023 1:17PM) : Maturity more

I agree that at this age we are mature enough to make our own decisions but not too mature that we have to be on our own.

Apr 4
Alexa K Alexa K (Apr 04 2023 1:17PM) : Your decisions and how they affect your future life. more

I agree that at this age you have choices and can make your own decisions. You should have fun when your workload isn’t to heavy.

Apr 4
Alex Y Alex Y (Apr 04 2023 1:11PM) : Being able to have independence, the ability to think more about our future life and jobs, and the privilege do more adult things. For example, walking by yourself and going to a place without a parent. [Edited]
Apr 4
Kevin S Kevin S (Apr 04 2023 1:15PM) : agree more

very interesting. I agree with this! I also think that having independence is very great at this age. I love being able to do things I want while not really thinking about things financially.

Apr 4
Andrew G Andrew G (Apr 04 2023 1:28PM) : I agree. Having independence is a great thing. Having your own thoughts. Having many privileges that many others don't understand.
Apr 4
Anvi S Anvi S (Apr 04 2023 1:11PM) : having lots of energy, not worrying about finance, and being able to truly learn and explore. more

At this age, we take what we are given for granted. From more energy, to being in a situation where our primary goal is to learn and grow, this is a time where we make the most memories and shape who we are the most. This time in our lives will never come back, so I think that it is very important to realize this and embrace it.

Apr 4
Vivian L Vivian L (Apr 04 2023 1:18PM) : agreed more

The point about energy and health was a good one. When you get older, failing health makes up for a lot of your problems.

Apr 4
Vivian L Vivian L (Apr 04 2023 1:12PM) : freedom more

when you’re a kid, you don’t have to worry about money (unless your family is in a bad financial situation), food, or housing. Most of the things that you worry about don’t have direct impacts on your life. For example, failing a math test is a pretty big deal, yeah, but it’s just a tiny, tiny, speck of your life. You won’t even remember it in two years. You have the freedom to try and fail, and the freedom to explore what you’re interested in. You’re not old enough where the college application stress starts, but old enough to do the “fun stuff” that young kids want to do.

Apr 4
Adriana G Adriana G (Apr 04 2023 1:14PM) : I agree more

I agree. I also wrote about not worrying about money. Being our age lets us do more fun activities than adults have time for, but we also get some responsibility.

Apr 4
Amiya H Amiya H (Apr 04 2023 1:14PM) : opportunities more

Being a child is special in that it offers far more opportunities than later in life. As we grow older, we slowly begin to narrow down what we want to do with our lives. It is during the years of childhood that we get to experience many different opportunities and start to decide what direction we want our lives to go in depending on what we enjoy and are talented at. As a child, we are also able to grasp knowledge and learn new skills effortlessly compared to when we are adults. It is important to utilize the freedom and lack of responsibility as a child in order to experience all the amazing opportunities that we have.

Apr 4
Vivian L Vivian L (Apr 04 2023 1:20PM) : agree more

Definitely agree with this! Once you’re well into your adult years, you kind of have to stick to a line of work or you won’t be able to stay afloat.

Apr 4
Jill S Jill S (Apr 04 2023 1:21PM) : Or Not more

I have found that we have taught this idea. However, I truly find we can allow our path unfold and use our skill sets for many fields.

Apr 4
Elizabeth H Elizabeth H (Apr 04 2023 1:49PM) : Not sure... no wrinkles? more

Something I like about being my age is I get to figures out what I like to do and I don’t need to worry about wrinkles yet.

Apr 4
Jacob M Jacob M (Apr 04 2023 1:50PM) : what is the best thing about being my age [Edited] more

I like that I can get hurt and have a fast recovery to get back to what I like. For example when I get hurt snowboarding I can take some time of to recover and get back to it. Also if I get hurt biking I can recover and ride again.

Apr 4
Liam D Liam D (Apr 04 2023 1:56PM) : How do you get better quickly? more

Because you are at this age, why do you think that you can get better faster? This might not be true because if you are 52 and you have a paper-cut you will heal at the same speed as Jacob who is 13 or 14. You have a good start to your argument, but I believe that you should do some more research.

This could also be a future topic for your TED talk.

Apr 4
Liam D Liam D (Apr 04 2023 1:51PM) : The power of my voice. more

Because I live in the US people will listen to be because I am at an age where people will respect me as long as I have great evidence and my voice has a lot of an impact if it goes to the right place.

Apr 4
Charan P Charan P (Apr 04 2023 1:53PM) : I agree [Edited] more

You have a powerful voice as a kid, especially in the US, if you have evidence.

Apr 4
Sidarth S Sidarth S (Apr 04 2023 1:54PM) : I agree more

A lot of people take the rights that you get in a western country for granted, in many areas, the things you do normally, like watching independent or news sources that go against the government, would get you imprisoned or worse, not to mention many other petty things that could end really badly.

Apr 4
Charan P Charan P (Apr 04 2023 1:51PM) : The best thing about being a kid is freedom to learn and experience the world more

As a kid, you have freedom to enjoy the experiences of the world. You can figure out the world, and have the time to learn about it. as an adult, you have to be matured and able to survive in the world. You will have less support at that stage of your life.

Apr 4
Brian S Brian S (Apr 04 2023 1:52PM) : Less responsibility more

The best part of being young is having less responsibility. While you do have the stress of school and social issues, you don’t have to worry about your next paycheck or even your next meal. This is a large issue for most adults in the world and in America, it’s a problem for very few children. This lack of responsibility leaves time for kids to explore and find themselves and what they like.

Apr 4
Dylan R Dylan R (Apr 04 2023 1:56PM) : This was Awesome Sauce! more

This was awesome sauce wowzers!

Apr 4
Sidarth S Sidarth S (Apr 04 2023 1:52PM) : Being able to have free time more

Even as I am getting older, even as a child, I am still losing the ability to have free time, I think that even in this age many adults don’t understand that many kids don’t have free time, if we summarize all kids as “kids” then we ignore the different challenges of different ages, currently, I am grateful that I still have a lot of free time.

Apr 4
Naomi K Naomi K (Apr 04 2023 1:52PM) : Discovering your interests. more

Being a teenager is awesome. Most of the time spent in teenage years is discovering your personality and intrests and what you want to do in the future.

Apr 4
Himnish K Himnish K (Apr 04 2023 1:52PM) : The best thing about being my age is living without stress. more

The best thing about being my age is living without stress. As you get older, there’s many stresses that come with being an adult. Taxes, bills, financial planning, etc. Being a child, I don’t have to worry about any of that, and all I have to do is just enjoy the life I’m living. Oftentimes people complain about their age and never truly enjoy the moment. When people are young, they want to be older and drive, when people are older, they want to go back to being young and stress free. It’s important that knowing that reversing time is impossible, we enjoy each and every second that we have being who we are.

Apr 4
Tae U Tae U (Apr 04 2023 1:59PM) : I have to disagree more

I agree with us not having to deal with financial things, however that’s a privilege for us, but there’s more to stress than money and having parents who care for us.

Apr 4
Dylan R Dylan R (Apr 04 2023 1:53PM) : Little to no responsibility more

I think the best thing about being my age is that I can get away with a lot of things and not be punished or held accountable for them. You have a lot more freedom, and don’t have a lot to worry about, meaning you can do a lot of fun stuffs.

Apr 4
Dylan R Dylan R (Apr 04 2023 1:58PM) : Great! more


Apr 4
Michelle K Michelle K (Apr 04 2023 1:53PM) : Having the energy and flexibility of being young. more

A lot of older people I know don’t have the energy that a younger person has and what a teen’s traits are. I am able to play many sports, do many activities, and even go on roller coasters, but I know that others who are older might not be able to do these activities. Being the age I am allows me to enjoy my life in an active way and to be able to experience many things in the energy of being the age I am.

Apr 4
Vivienne B Vivienne B (Apr 04 2023 1:53PM) : The responsibility more

The best thing about being my age is having responsibility because it’s not to the point where it’s too much and stressful but its still something you can do and get things done and feel productive.

Apr 4
Tae U Tae U (Apr 04 2023 1:53PM) : Privileges more

The best thing about being my age is that we have a lot free time to spend time with friends and do a lot more. I also don’t have to work or worry about things like rent, tax, or paying for stuff like cars. Not everyone has these privileges, but that’s the best thing about my age for me.

Apr 4
Tejas B Tejas B (Apr 04 2023 1:53PM) : Being young thinkers. more

This is about the capabilities of the human mind. People can use their brains at a young age to come up with something revolutionary. When a person is young, their mind is at their full potential and they have really good thinking rather than when they grow up. This also makes childhood really good because people get to express their ideas.

Apr 4
Ishaan K Ishaan K (Apr 04 2023 1:53PM) : Fun, worry-free, assistance more

At this age, I like the ability to have fun with friends and have the time to communicate with others my age. As people get older, I have realized that the lack of connections with friends can sometimes be lost. Another thing that I like about my age is that I can have not many worries. I don’t have to focus on paying the bills or making food. I can focus on whatever I want and school. At my age, I am also provided with a lot of assistance. Whether it is at school or at home with my homework, there are a couple things that is great about my age and that would be the amount of fun that we are allowed to have, the amount of assistance we are provided with, and how worry-free we can be.

Apr 4
Eesha B Eesha B (Apr 04 2023 1:53PM) : Best thing about being my age is that I have less responsibility more

There are definitely downsides to being my age like being treated as inferior and the parental stress but most of the good out weighs the bad.I can do a lot of thing I wouldn’t be able to as an adult with out as many consequences.I can also spend time doing things I enjoy with out having to stress about things like bills or a job.I think i have started notice this more as now that I am starting to get older there are more responsibilities being put on me.

Apr 4
Caitlyn F Caitlyn F (Apr 04 2023 1:53PM) : Free time more

The only mandatory thing that most minors need to do is go to school. It is nice that I have the extra time in the afternoon to do sports, hobbies, etc. When I get older, I won’t have the same amount of time to do anything I want in the afternoon.

Apr 4
Eesha B Eesha B (Apr 04 2023 1:58PM) : I agree more

as a 14 year old I am able to have free time to explore my different interests

Apr 4
Theodore K Theodore K (Apr 04 2023 1:53PM) : Easily being influenced. more

I’ve recognized that as you grow older, it’s harder to be persuaded because you already believe in a set of values that are acustomed to you. But the best part about being young is that people can become a large part of who you become in the future. This is of course, a good and bad thing. If you srround yourself with the wrong people your less likely to become a productive adult, while people who surrounded themselves with the right people usually have better sets of morals and are more likely to be a successful individual.

Apr 4
Janya H Janya H (Apr 04 2023 1:54PM) : Friends more

As we get older we build connections that are special and we honor and notice them more then we did in elementry school.

Apr 4
Caitlyn F Caitlyn F (Apr 04 2023 1:57PM) : I agree with this. As you get older, you start realizing the importance of friendships
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Those complicated years from seventh to ninth grade are both a time of rapid change for many kids and a subject of enduring bewilderment for many adults. From concerns about social media to studies about mental health to the effects of Covid school closures and beyond, the lives of tweens are a topic of much fascination and worry. But tweens themselves are often absent from the discussion.

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Apr 4
Aashna T Aashna T (Apr 04 2023 9:54AM) : This paragraph is super applicable to real life. more

While most middle schoolers don’t like to admit it, the period of time from grades 7-9 is not a very good time in their lives. From personal experience, I can also admit that if I were given the chance to redo this period of my life, never in any world would I ever take that chance. This time in a kid’s life begins with an epiphany in 6th grade: where he or she realizes that things are no longer like elementary school anymore, kids are dating, and the babyish things that were cool in elementary school aren’t anymore. Most everyone undergoes a massive character change within this period of their lives, trying their best to become accustomed to the more mature way of life. This level of development can really affect the mental health of a child, as the paragraph reiterates.

Apr 4
Reed G Reed G (Apr 04 2023 1:14PM) : i agree more

I totally agree with this. I think that many people finding themselves changing the way they dress, the way they do there hair or the way they act during this period of time

Apr 4
Caitlyn F Caitlyn F (Apr 04 2023 2:07PM) : I agree more

I think that sometimes there is a lot of stress in our lives with school, sports, hobbies and more. Like the author said, many times we are absent in the discussion of topics like this that involve us.

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Apr 4
Tejas B Tejas B (Apr 04 2023 2:05PM) : Change can happen more

I like this sentence because a lot can happen in this time period of our life because people can change during this time and people can become good or they can become bad. Social media has a lot of impact because people will get more into it and people will start to become meaner or nicer.

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Apr 4
Brian S Brian S (Apr 04 2023 2:03PM) : Why are people so worried about teens? more

Other age groups have been through similar things and have persevered through them as well. Why is it that we have so much worry towards us as teens?

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Apr 4
Alexa K Alexa K (Apr 04 2023 1:23PM) : Teens opinions. more

Teens should more regularly be asked about their opinion on what should be done for things like mental health and social media. These are things that are talked about for teens but teens themselves are really never asked for their thoughts. Asking teens for thoughts might get a new point of view for the adults making the changes.

Apr 4
Elizabeth H Elizabeth H (Apr 04 2023 2:06PM) : supporting more

I agree with this because I can easily relate to the comment.

We invited 12 kids ages 11 to 14 to tell us about how things look from their vantage. Over a couple of hours, the participants in this focus group, who live in states across the country, shared their views on school, family, recreation and their goals.

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Apr 4
Kate H Kate H (Apr 04 2023 1:08PM) : Future more

The best thing about being my age is that I have my whole life ahead of me to do things and make an impact.

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They like being kids; being an adult seems stressful, particularly when it comes to paying the bills. “Your childhood is something you’ll never get back,” Trinity, one of the participants, said. “And I feel like you’re an adult for a long time, way longer than your childhood. You can be more creative and more curious about the world when you’re younger.”

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Apr 4
Santiago G Santiago G (Apr 04 2023 9:50AM) : I agree, this is similar to what I said earlier. more

On my other comment, I mentioned the lessened amounts of stress and worry in the younger and older childhood ages. In this paragraph, I agree with the statement that you could be more curious and creative about everything when you are younger.

Apr 4
Lucas N Lucas N (Apr 04 2023 9:52AM) : Financial security has such a big impact on the success more

Many families face immense difficulty providing for their children, limiting the activities they can partake in and creating difficulty later on in life. If children are unable to get a proper education or find their hobbies early on, they may struggle to find a job they enjoy and happiness in life.

Apr 4
Anya H Anya H (Apr 04 2023 1:19PM) : Being a child is important more

When you’re a kid you get to live a life in a different reality. Although I am still young, the world slowly loses its color as you get older and you only bear the weight of more stress.

Apr 4
Alex Y Alex Y (Apr 04 2023 1:19PM) : I agree that about the stress in adult life. more

I know that adults have no one to take care of them and they have to amanage everything by themselves. They ahve to pay bills, make sure they have a job, and manage financial issues.

Apr 4
Elizabeth D Elizabeth D (Apr 04 2023 1:21PM) : The difference between childhood and adulthood more

Childhood is set put at the first 18 years of your life. However, I don’t think it ends till you are older. Adulthood is described as stressful with the constant managing of money and having pressure of a job and a new lifestyle. Your parents arent the ones doing everything for you anymore. Except, childhood can be similar. You always grow older but not much in the mind. No matter how old you are you will have an imagination and you will think like you are young.

Apr 4
Rishabh C Rishabh C (Apr 04 2023 1:22PM) : This connects to my earlier statement more

A main things that kids don’t want to worry about are the bills, taxes, and other financial responsibilities, as they don’t know nor want those burdens to be placed on them, as it hinders them from experiencing the world their way.

Apr 4
Reed G Reed G (Apr 04 2023 1:23PM) : Iagree with this more

i agree with this comment entirely. i especially agree with the fact that you are a adult for much longer that you are a kid.

Apr 4
Brian S Brian S (Apr 04 2023 2:07PM) : I agree more

The length of time you have as a kid is much shorter than what you have as an adult.

Apr 4
Amiya H Amiya H (Apr 04 2023 1:25PM) : "[...] childhood is something you'll never get back" more

Unlike adulthood, childhood is a short period of time during which we should enjoy life because we have no idea what is going to happen in the future.

Apr 4
Theodore K Theodore K (Apr 04 2023 2:03PM) : I agree more

Being an adult sounds stressful and it scares me that someday people will actually take me seriously.

Apr 4
Sidarth S Sidarth S (Apr 04 2023 2:04PM) : I agree more

I also think that because you are kid, you are told so much about how your actions in the present affect your future, putting some of that pressure on your shoulders before you even enter college.

Apr 4
Tae U Tae U (Apr 04 2023 2:05PM) : I disagree more

Adults have way more freedom when it comes to this if they have the money. They can do a lot more because of money.


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

May 23
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Prediction Tutor (May 23 2023 9:52AM) : What's going to happen here? more
Prediction Tutor with Paul A's edits:
Prediction Tutor
Identifies author's writing choices and what these foretell

This quote points to notions of not wanting to grow up and treasuring the youthful years, while also reflecting their collective understanding that adulthood will still last a long time. Inviting other readers to pay close attention to this text will also help to uncover any additional writing choices the author is making and what these might foretell.


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

May 23
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Keyword Extractor Tool (May 23 2023 1:15PM) : What's going on here? more
Keyword Extractor Tool with Paul A's edits:
Keyword Extractor Tool
Identifies and defines keywords in the text

Childhood: The time of life from birth to adulthood; when someone is a child.
Creative: Using imagination and skill to make something new.
Curious: Showing interest in learning and discovering new things.
Adult: A person who is fully grown or developed.

Your Turn
Now reread the text and let me know what you are thinking about the text, using the keywords in your reply.

May 23
Adriana G's Question Adriana G and/or Keyword Extractor Tool (May 23 2023 1:20PM) : What's happening here? more
Keyword Extractor Tool with Adriana G's edits:
Keyword Extractor Tool
Identifies and defines keywords in the text
Three key words in this text are “childhood,” “creative,” and “curious.” Childhood is the period of time when people are children, creative describes someone who makes things or solves problems in an original way, and curious means to be eager to learn more about something. By understanding these words, we can better comprehend what the text is saying and learn more from it.
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Apr 4
Adriana G Adriana G (Apr 04 2023 1:21PM) : I agree more

I already have a good amount of stress now; I wouldn’t be ready to bear the burden of adults until I am one.

Apr 4
Sidarth S Sidarth S (Apr 04 2023 2:08PM) : How do you plan on countering that stress. more

I think a lot of stress happens because people don’t have a plan ready to deal with it.

Apr 4
Michelle K Michelle K (Apr 04 2023 2:05PM) : I half agree more

I know that as you get older as an adult, you gain more stress. But the idea of childhood having no worries and no anxiety is something that people might carry away. Because I think that no matter what age, you will still have to deal with the issue of stress and anxiety carrying around you no matter what, but it’s just the type of stress following you around.

Apr 4
Eesha B Eesha B (Apr 04 2023 2:08PM) : Good point more

I see what your saying and I agree.Nothing is easy and comparing it is hard especially since we have never lived as an adult.

Apr 4
Eesha B Eesha B (Apr 04 2023 2:06PM) : Financial stability is a big help more

Not having to worry about money and income allows for us to think about other things like what could be and I think that is a big help in helping kids grow.

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Apr 4
Jill S Jill S (Apr 04 2023 9:49AM) : Childhood more

I always think about the 18 years you are a child and it is about 1/5 of your life if you are lucky. Use that time that you are physically strong to do anything.

Apr 4
Jasper Z Jasper Z (Apr 04 2023 1:18PM) : agree [Edited] more

i think this speaks to alot of people. your childhood goes by fast and if you dont cherish and make memories while its here, you’ll regret it when its over.

Apr 4
Himnish K Himnish K (Apr 04 2023 2:06PM) : Memories more

Yeah, childhood is where we make our memories that last with us our entire life. It’s when we learn the world, understand how it works, and have fun, and if we don’t use our time wisely, we will regret it when its over.

Apr 4
Andrew G Andrew G (Apr 04 2023 1:20PM) : I agree with this. Once your childhood is over, you're never going to feel like a child again. The older you are, the easier it is to realize it.
Apr 4
Anshika G Anshika G (Apr 04 2023 1:22PM) : definetly more

I think that’s exactly why it’s so important that we actually do the right things now and try our best now.

Apr 4
Vivian L Vivian L (Apr 04 2023 1:30PM) : childhood more

I think that a lot of people look back on their childhood years as their “golden” years, which makes sense, but I also feel that time makes your memories seem better than they actually were. Your teenage years are a pretty confusing and stressful time of your life, and for every good memory, there’s also one bad one. You can’t get your childhood back, but that’s a good thing, because now you have the maturity and wisdom that your younger self didn’t.

Apr 4
Himnish K Himnish K (Apr 04 2023 2:03PM) : Time more

They say “Time is money”. Time is the only thing that moves forward, regardless of what’s going on. Time is universal, not specific to any one person. Time does not wait for anyone, it goes on its own merry way, and so instead of mourning on what we don’t know, it’s important to make the most of what we do have.

Apr 4
Liam D Liam D (Apr 04 2023 2:07PM) : We can make more of what we do have. more

I agree that “instead of mourning on what we don’t know, it’s important to make the most of what we do have” Himnish. People need to learn this and you could make a TED talk on this.

Apr 4
Liam D Liam D (Apr 04 2023 2:05PM) : Childhood is nor forever, but you can make being an adult fun. more

Even though you can’t get your childhood back, you can make your adult life just as fun. Adults do have a lot more stress, but when you are an adult you can take more time to de-compress or have a moment. Because you are an adult, you won’t have to ask your parents to go on that leave.

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Apr 4
Kate H Kate H (Apr 04 2023 1:21PM) : A short childhood more

This is really true as I feel that people are adults for a lot longer then they are kids and we should cherish our childhood.

May 23
Santiago G's Question Santiago G and/or james bolton (May 23 2023 9:55AM) : what's going to happen? more
james bolton with Santiago G's edits:
james bolton
40 year old male with nappy brown and black hair. He is an African Amer...

You’re the one that’s gotta take care of these young men.

What’s going to happen?

It is likely that the man will face child neglect or abandonment charges, as well as other repercussions for his racism if reported. If reported to the authorities, he could face legal, social, or psychological implications. The most important thing is for him to work towards providing a safe and supportive environment for his children. He should seek help from family, friends, and counselors to create a safe, stable environment for his children, and to help him better understand why his views and behavior are wrong. Beyond that, he could potentially face criminal charges and have a record that would follow him for the rest of his life.

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Apr 4
Gregory O Gregory O (Apr 04 2023 9:51AM) : I disagree. more

I believe that while curiosity and creativity are abundant in children, becoming older does not necessarily mean losing these traits. Authors of books, creators of television, and writers of video games all have clear imagination. They almost always are adults but still retain creativity.

Apr 4
Gabriela G Gabriela G (Apr 04 2023 1:20PM) : I disagree [Edited] more

I think that the older you get, the more opportunities you have to go places and explore new things. After going to school, you have a little big of knowledge about every topic, so you can see which one you want to learn more about.

Apr 4
Adriana G Adriana G (Apr 04 2023 1:23PM) : I agree more

Although I’m not ready to be an adult now, adults do probably get more opportunities than us.

May 23
Gabriela G's Question Gabriela G and/or Keyword Extractor Tool (May 23 2023 1:13PM) : What's going on here? more
Keyword Extractor Tool with Gabriela G's edits:
Keyword Extractor Tool
Identifies and defines keywords in the text

By identifying and defining the keywords, we can dive deeper into the meaning of this text and gain a fuller understanding.

Why we do this:
Keyword: Curiosity- the strong interest in something and a desire to learn more about it.
Keyword: Creative- having original ideas; originality and imagination.
Keyword: Young- having an age that is early in life.

They find it easier to be themselves online than IRL, though it’s also easier to be mean. They have gender-expansive peers and don’t think much of it. Yes, they love their phones. No, they don’t really see what all the stress is about.

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Apr 4
Charan P Charan P (Apr 04 2023 2:05PM) : Screens and technology protect identities. more

You can use the internet to hide your true self, just as easy as it would be to be yourself online,

May 23
Neil D's Question Neil D and/or Sage Tutor (May 23 2023 9:54AM) : Why is it easier to not be yourself at times? more
Sage Tutor with Neil D's edits:
Sage Tutor
Sees and points to universal lessons or understandings that emerge from...

The turning point is that they realize how easy it is to twist and change the story of their lives, and how they’ve been afraid to be their true selves – to break away from the societal norms and accept themselves. We all need to remember that it’s ok to be different and express ourselves without fear, that things can always change and grow as long as we find a way to be brave and open to our true identities. Read again and see what universal messages and understanding you can discover- it might give you a better insight into yourself as well.

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Apr 4
Neil D Neil D (Apr 04 2023 9:50AM) : Screens allow us to hid our faces, protecting our identify, but also disenfranchising us with everybody else. more

I think part of why it’s easier to be mean online is because we don’t see people’s faces all the time, only their pfp, so we don’t feel a connection with them, allowing us to think that it’s okay for us to hurt others. I wonder that if everybody’s pfp was their face, would we be less mean online?

Apr 4
Kenji H Kenji H (Apr 04 2023 1:22PM) : People are a lot more likely to say harmful things to others online. more

While online, it’s much easier to say hateful things and this is a big problem. Because it’s harder to see another person’s feelings or facial expressions, sometimes things are said when they don’t mean it. It’s tough to judge how someone is feeling without them directly saying it because we don’t have the social cues like when talking in person.

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And what message would they like to send to adults? “Listen to us,” said Wynter, another participant.

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Apr 4
Jill S Jill S (Apr 04 2023 1:19PM) : Listen to us more

I think this is what most students feel like. When I met with the students writing an article about AI, this was the same sentiment. We probably don’t listen to students enough and value their thoughts. If we did, we would probably start changing the subjects and how we teach instantly!

Apr 4
Tejas B Tejas B (Apr 04 2023 2:08PM) : I agree and disagree. I agree because AI can help people, but people will get taken over by AI
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Fill in the blank for me. The best thing about being my age is: blank.

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If you could wave a magic wand and turn into an adult, would you?

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Apr 4
Vihaan I Vihaan I (Apr 04 2023 9:53AM) : No I wouldn't more

I wouldn’t because that would just bring unwanted stress into my life and plus I don’t know the first thing about being an adult.

Apr 4
Grace J Grace J (Apr 04 2023 9:53AM) : No. Me personally, I don't feel ready with the many responsibilities given as an adult.
Apr 4
Elizabeth H Elizabeth H (Apr 04 2023 2:12PM) : Agree more

I agree with Grace because I’m not responsible so I need more time to improve on that.

Apr 4
Jill S Jill S (Apr 04 2023 9:54AM) : The reverse. more

If I actually could be a kid again, I wouldn’t because I have my confidence to be me. If I could take that confidence back with me, maybe I would.

Apr 4
Aspin T Aspin T (Apr 04 2023 9:54AM) : No, I wouldn't. more

A lot of people, as an adult, say that they wish they could go back to their younger days. As teens, we have less responsibilities, but just enough freedom to do what we want. I’d just cherish this time that I have to be a teen while I can, at the very least.

Apr 4
Tejas B Tejas B (Apr 04 2023 2:12PM) : I agree because being a kid is really good and you have a good life at that time.
Apr 4
Nikol A Nikol A (Apr 04 2023 9:54AM) : No! more

I really like the age I’m in with the friends I have and the teachers who support me. I would want that to change or for me to be suddenly dumped into the adult world with responsibilities and pressure that I doubt I could handle.

Apr 4
Gabriela G Gabriela G (Apr 04 2023 1:23PM) : I agree with this. more

I have so many people who support me and I have an amazing life. Becoming an adult would mean spending more time working and dealing with a lot of stress and problems at first

Apr 4
Santiago G Santiago G (Apr 04 2023 9:55AM) : No I wouldn't. more

I wouldn’t want to wave a magic wand and turn into an adult because I only have five years left before I turn into one. I want to enjoy my time.

Apr 4
Neil D Neil D (Apr 04 2023 9:55AM) : I would stay my age. more

Being an adult has many problems attached to it, for example you have to pay bills and get a job. Moreover, if you did use this wand, there would be many different legal problem that would occur.

Apr 4
Charles S Charles S (Apr 04 2023 9:55AM) : I wouldn't turn into an adult more

I wouldn’t turn into an adult because adults have far more responsibilities than children. Although adults have more freedom and do whatever they wish, they have to deal with inconveniences like paying taxes and shopping for groceries. As a child, the carefree life is very relaxing and I enjoy my current life.

Apr 4
Lucas N Lucas N (Apr 04 2023 9:55AM) : Of course, not. more

The first 18 years of life are like a free-ride experience, your parents provide everything for you and you have time to learn while also pursuing any hobby you’d like. It’s like work but you actually learn something instead, not because you’ll die if you don’t. Alongside this, having this extra time allows me to further push my education and brings lots of chances to make money or even a company early on. This could mean potential financial security before college, allowing me to truly be anything I want in life. Turning into an adult would mean losing 8 or more hours every day working, compared to a child getting value out of the 6 hours in school.

Apr 4
Aashna T Aashna T (Apr 04 2023 9:56AM) : This is so true.
Apr 4
Tayisiya K Tayisiya K (Apr 04 2023 9:55AM) : I would because I would like to temporarily know what it feels like to be an adult. Sure there might be things such as taxes or rent, maybe even work, but the positive thing is that I have the freedom to do whatever I want to do! more

I would because I would like to temporarily know what it feels like to be an adult. Sure there might be things such as taxes or rent, maybe even work, but the positive thing is that I have the freedom to do whatever I want to do!

Apr 4
Aashna T Aashna T (Apr 04 2023 9:56AM) : I would not want to turn into an adult. more

Becoming an adult at the blink of an eye sounds like one of the scariest things ever. So much responsibility comes with being an adult, far beyond completing assignments on time and keeping your grades up. Responsibilities that I don’t think I’m ready for just yet.

Apr 4
Amandeep M Amandeep M (Apr 04 2023 9:56AM) : I would not. more

Although the idea of being an adult may seem enticing, especially considering how (on the surface level) there are far fewer constraints and there are more freedoms, the statement “with freedom comes responsibility” still holds true. And the more freedom you get to manage your own life, the more responsibility you end up receiving, which can actually counter the whole image. If I were an adult looking back at this, I would actually wish for a wand that would do the opposite; people repeatedly say that childhood and adolescence was the best time of their life where they made most of their formative memories, so why not relive the stress-free, responsibility-less time of life?

Apr 4
Vihaan I Vihaan I (Apr 04 2023 9:58AM) : I agree
Apr 4
Ameya K Ameya K (Apr 04 2023 9:56AM) : No,being an adult seems very difficult. more

Being an adult seems really tough, you have to pay taxes and make connections, and actually work if you want to get anywhere in life. All of that seems too hard, but I would rather not stay a 14 year old. I feel like the perfect happy medium (for me at least) would be around 17-22 years old because you have a lot of freedom, but don’t have to work too hard. Around that age you would most likely be in university which offers a lot of freedom. If I could, I would probably stay that age forever.

Apr 4
Gregory O Gregory O (Apr 04 2023 9:57AM) : I would not. more

I would not turn into an adult for several reasons, one of which is that I would lose several years of my life, who wants to die several years earlier? I would also grow older than my friends so that would be awkward.

Apr 4
Christopher Z Christopher Z (Apr 04 2023 1:21PM) : I would stay as a kid [Edited] more

Being a kid is amazing. I can do what I want and I do not have the stress of supporting a family. I also only have school to worry about that won’t be very important in a long time. However, as an adult, I would need to be careful and try to do things right to make the most money and have the best life that I can.

Apr 4
Kevin S Kevin S (Apr 04 2023 1:30PM) : I would stay a kid. more

I don’t think I would, I love being able to have the freedom of being a kid and I don’t have to worry about things like money and taxes and other things.

Apr 4
Rishabh C Rishabh C (Apr 04 2023 1:30PM) : No more

I would rather stay a child to relieve myself of the responsibilities of being an adult, as it is just too stressful for me.

Apr 4
Gabriela G Gabriela G (Apr 04 2023 1:30PM) : If I could wave a magic wand and turn into an adult, I wouldn't more

I don’t want to leave my childhood yet, and becoming an adult requires so many more responsibilities and so much more stress.

Apr 4
Jasper Z Jasper Z (Apr 04 2023 1:30PM) : No more

I definitley wouldnt, i rember when i was a kid i couldnt wait to grow up, but now that im getting older im looking back and wishing i was still young

Apr 4
Kenji H Kenji H (Apr 04 2023 1:30PM) : I would not more

I wouldn’t want to turn into an adult because I want to experience my childhood to the fullest. I feel like rushing to be an adult isn’t smart because I still have lots of things to learn and grow from.

Apr 4
Alex Y Alex Y (Apr 04 2023 1:31PM) : No I wouldn't more

Getting older means that we wouldn’t be able to finish our education in high school or college. This would affect us negatively and we wouldn’t be able to find a job. Also, we wouldn’t be as flexible and energetic as a kid.

Apr 4
Reed G Reed G (Apr 04 2023 1:31PM) : no more

I have heard contless adults in my life say that they wold give up anything to be my age and relive childhood again. this makes me think that childhood is extremely valuable and i shouldn’t trade it for anything.

Apr 4
Adriana G Adriana G (Apr 04 2023 1:31PM) : I wouldn't more

Childhood is short, and I wouldn’t want to rush it because it only happens once. I’ll be an adult at some point, so I’ll enjoy adulthood when it is time too, but I would never change how my life is supposed to go. I’ll be a kid when I’m supposed to be, and an adult when I’m ready.

Apr 4
Vivian L Vivian L (Apr 04 2023 1:31PM) : definitely not [Edited] more

Your teenage years can be stressful, but there’s a reason they exist. Jumping from a middle schooler to a full-on adult is a dramatic change that most people can’t and shouldn’t handle.

Apr 4
Anshika G Anshika G (Apr 04 2023 1:32PM) : No more

I’d rather go through all the fun experiences, and I don’t want to grow up faster. I want it to slow down.

Apr 4
Elizabeth D Elizabeth D (Apr 04 2023 1:32PM) : Kids more

If I had a magic wand I would want to go back in time. I would want to go to the simple times of going to school at 8:45 in the morning instead of 7:30. The games of tags and the handstand competitions. The time when sports weren’t as intense and I wasn’t bruised up because of them. I would rather go back in time than turn to an adult.

Apr 4
Amiya H Amiya H (Apr 04 2023 1:32PM) : No, absolutely not. more

Childhood is an important part of our life journey. Without the bittersweet memories of childhood stories, what joy would we have in experiencing the freedom of adulthood? I want to enjoy my childhood and cherish the time I have with completely different responsibilities than those I will have later.

Apr 4
Kate H Kate H (Apr 04 2023 1:32PM) : No I wouldn't more

I wouldn’t wave a wand to turn into an adult because I wouldn’t want to end my childhood early, sure you have a lot of opportunities as an adult I feel as it is not worth it to stop your childhood. I would prefer to be a child forever than and adult because children have a whole different perspective on life that I would like to live through.

Apr 4
Jill S Jill S (Apr 04 2023 1:58PM) : Every Stage Offers something more

And, every stage of life is learning, so I would not skip any chapters of my life.

Apr 4
Anya H Anya H (Apr 04 2023 1:32PM) : no more

Being an adult comes with being a child first. One of the biggest lessons my mom has taught me is that as you grow older you gain confidence, and that is why adults look so pretty. She taught me this in a funny situation, but an adult would never have that confidence and pride to be themselves if they never were insecure as a child.

Apr 4
Alexa K Alexa K (Apr 04 2023 1:32PM) : Would I want to become a adult? more

If i could choose between becoming a adult or staying a kid I would choose staying a kid. When you’re an adult you have so much responsibility. I think that being a adult is much more stressful then being a kid. Being a kid means less responsibility which in turn means less stress overall.

Apr 4
Anvi S Anvi S (Apr 04 2023 1:33PM) : No, I would not more

Personally, while I believe that I carry a lot of responsibilities and even worries for things like school, grades, sports, extracurricular activities, and even the anxiety on who I will become and what I can do to shape it— I also get to make amazing memories. During this time period of my life, I think I will gain some of my biggest lessons and moments of happiness, and I don’t want to skip over it. So yes, while being an adult would allow me to skip over the anxiety of who I will become, that is a process that I want to experience and grow from.

Apr 4
Theodore K Theodore K (Apr 04 2023 2:09PM) : No more

I want to savor my childhood as much as possible.

Apr 4
Brian S Brian S (Apr 04 2023 2:09PM) : No more

I am going to have more than enough time as an adult, I don’t need to speed up my time to get there quickly.

Apr 4
Ishaan K Ishaan K (Apr 04 2023 2:09PM) : No, I wouldn't more

This might bring me a lot of unwanted stress and I don’t know much about being an adult.

Apr 4
Naomi K Naomi K (Apr 04 2023 2:09PM) : no more

an adult has a lot of responsibility, I want to enjoy my teenage years while I can

Apr 4
Charan P Charan P (Apr 04 2023 2:09PM) : No more

I’m not ready to take the responsibility of being an adult.

Apr 4
Jaden M Jaden M (Apr 04 2023 2:09PM) : Nope, never ever more

I’m not ready for those responsibilities yet.

Apr 4
Himnish K Himnish K (Apr 04 2023 2:09PM) : Magic Wand. more

If I could wave a magic wand and turn into an adult, I would not. We will be adults eventually, but the experience we have in our childhood is what will help us later on in our life.

Apr 4
Caitlyn F Caitlyn F (Apr 04 2023 2:10PM) : No, I would not. more

I would not do this, because I would be skipping through my years where I don’t have much to worry about. I already feel like the years are going by very quickly, so I would not want to skip it. If I could, I would want to revisit old memories and look back on them with the magic wand.

Apr 4
Elizabeth H Elizabeth H (Apr 04 2023 2:10PM) : No more

I wouldn’t because I really want to enjoy my life, take my time, and savor my youth, I guess.

Apr 4
Tejas B Tejas B (Apr 04 2023 2:10PM) : I would not more

Being a child is the best because you have a lot of freedom and you don’t have to worry about taxes or politics. There are many responsibilities in being an adult.

Apr 4
Janya H Janya H (Apr 04 2023 2:10PM) : No more

I would want to grow up

Apr 4
Liam D Liam D (Apr 04 2023 2:13PM) : Why?? more

Why would you just want to grow up? This is a great answer and I also don’t want to become an adult, but I believe that you can elaborate more on this:>

Apr 4
Liam D Liam D (Apr 04 2023 2:10PM) : If I had a wand... more

If I did have a magic wand I would not use it to make myself an adult because my life now is very good and full of support. Instead I would use that wand to make change in the world. I would use it to help me end or at least try to end poverty in Africa.

Apr 4
Michelle K Michelle K (Apr 04 2023 2:11PM) : No more

No, because I enjoy and appreciate my life currently as a young lady. I have the ability to be active and young to have the energy and brighter mindset to enjoy things.

Apr 4
Tae U Tae U (Apr 04 2023 2:11PM) : Depends more

It depends on what age I would become, if I would automatically gain the amount of intelligence I would need for a good job then yes probably. Skipping college and High school seems awesome for me personally. If it turned me 18 then no though. Another thing though is that if it ages everyone around me as well than absolutely not because both my dogs would be dead as well as some family members.

Apr 4
Dylan R Dylan R (Apr 04 2023 2:12PM) : Freedom more

I would first drive to McDonalds, as I would have a car and a driver’s license and money to buy the McDonalds.

Apr 4
Sidarth S Sidarth S (Apr 04 2023 2:12PM) : No [Edited] more

I would definitely go back in time if I could, not only would I be completely unprepared, but, if I know what I need to do based on what I have learned, that would give me such a good advantage to fix mistakes and make myself the best I possibly can.

Apr 4
Jacob M Jacob M (Apr 04 2023 2:12PM) : I wouldn't turn to a adult more

I wouldn’t have to worry about doing adult things like buying a house and paying taxes. A reason I would want to stay a kid is because nothing seems bad from a kids pov

Apr 4
Eesha B Eesha B (Apr 04 2023 2:13PM) : I am not sure more

That is a difficult question because I have never taken that much of an interest in being an adult because everything has so many consequences even a mistake.I would rather stay as a kid and grow so I can learn from a mistake I make today that won’t have as many consequences.

Apr 4
Vivienne B Vivienne B (Apr 04 2023 2:13PM) : No I would not more

If I had a magic wand I would not turn into an adult because I would not want to deal with all of the responsibility and stress

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Andrew, 11

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I would rather be my current age, because I don’t really have to worry about everything that adults have to worry about. They have to pay their rent and feed their kids, but I just have to do, really, nothing.

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Apr 4
Anvi S Anvi S (Apr 04 2023 1:23PM) : My Thoughts: more

While I agree that many stressful things like mortgage, paying bills, and taking care of a family make being an adult hard, I still think that being a teenager is nearly equally as demanding. At this point of our lives, we not only have to worry about school, but also our performance in sports, instruments, and extracurricular s. At this point of our lives, the stress for our future starts coming into the picture, with the worry for what we are going to do with our lives and how “successful” we will be. And so, while adults do have to worry about finance, teenagers start worrying about their future; which is something that carries great anxiety.

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Trinity, 12

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I’d be my current age, because your childhood is something you’ll never get back. And I feel like you’re an adult for a long time, way longer than your childhood. You can be more creative and more curious about the world when you’re younger.

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Nate, 14

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Being an adult, you have to go to a job every day and work. And then you have to spend the money on the rent and food and all that stuff.

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Sophie, 13

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I’m going to be my current age, because then the amount of responsibilities I have doesn’t change.

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Roshini, 14

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I’d rather be an adult just because there’s more flexibility and freedom. Kind of on your own schedule — you can do anything you want. And you make money.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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What do you like best about school these days?

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Te’Kai, 11

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My math teacher, who’s trying to help me be better at math.

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Kira, 14

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Being able to see my friends.

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Jonah, 12

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Science. You can create fun stuff.

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Wynter, 14

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Lunch. The food’s good.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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What do you like least about school? If you were the principal of your school and you could change anything, what would you change?

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Nate, 14

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May 23
Vihaan I's Question Vihaan I and/or Feminine Eminem (May 23 2023 9:55AM) : Why wouldn't you like homework? It gives you extra practice to not fail tests! more
Feminine Eminem with Vihaan I's edits:
Feminine Eminem
This Thinking Partner is based on the critique and commentary on gender...

We’ve all got it and most of the time it isn’t fun. But why? In Bell Hooks’ book, “Feminism is For Everybody”, she states, “When we make the effort to discuss feminism free from divisive judgments every man can benefit from the understanding achieved.” This quote talks about how discussing feminist topics can benefit everyone — regardless of their gender or background.

So, using the gender/feminist lens, how can knowledge about feminism help us be better students? How can feminism support everyone’s learning?

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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You said earlier that you felt like you were getting better at doing homework.

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Nate, 14

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I would still cancel homework, because I still don’t like it.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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[Laughs] Fair enough. What else would people change?

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Sophie, 13

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I would love to use our phones in class. Sometimes people just want to text or watch something quickly.

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Trinity, 12

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My school gives out a lot of homework, and my math teacher is just really strict. You have a test every, like, Friday. So it kind of ruins the Friday fun, you know.

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Wynter, 14

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I feel like you’re just trapped inside of this building for eight hours a day. And they just teach you a bunch of stuff you don’t know, and they just yell at you when you make a small mistake. They’re just preparing you to be yelled at and not know stuff when you get out of school.

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May 23
Jill S's Question Jill S and/or Sage Tutor (May 23 2023 9:52AM) : Why is education the way it is? more
Sage Tutor with Jill S's edits:
Sage Tutor
Sees and points to universal lessons or understandings that emerge from...

The text reveals the harsh reality of the educational system that often fails to recognize each student’s individual needs and challenges. In the text, the writer reflects on the patterns of behavior from educators that impacts young people in ways that are not beneficial for learning and development. Through this turning point, the writer demonstrates how the educational system fails to address the needs of the students. Everyone should come away from this realizing that changes should be made, so that learning can become a more positive and engaging experience. By re-reading the text, we can bring awareness to how the educational system affects young people and explore ways we can create a more equitable and tolerant learning environment. As teachers, this is especially important to consider when designing lesson plans and creating an overall classroom and school culture.

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Trinity, 12

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I feel like my school is teaching me how to be responsible. At the beginning of the year, they give you computers and folders and all this stuff for school supplies. And if you lose it, they don’t give you another one.

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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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Many of you went to school at least partly online because of Covid. What was good about that, and what was difficult about that?

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Paragraph 69, Sentence 2 0
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Paragraph 70 (Image 21) 0
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Whole Image 0
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Wynter, 14

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Paragraph 71 0
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Paragraph 71, Sentence 1 0
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I only did a couple of weeks online at the beginning of the year when we were required. But, I mean, it was chill just to be on the screen and do whatever you want.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 72 0
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Paragraph 72, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 72, Sentence 2 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 73 (Image 22) 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Hunter, 14

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 74 0
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Paragraph 74, Sentence 1 0
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I did two years online. The only good part about it was that I could stay home. But for me, I needed someone to be there to teach me, instead of just reading.

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Paragraph 75 0
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Paragraph 75, Sentence 2 0
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Paragraph 75, Sentence 3 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 76 (Image 23) 0
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Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Andrew, 11

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 77 0
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Paragraph 77, Sentence 1 0
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It didn’t really feel like school because I just woke up and then, like, 10 minutes later, I was in the classroom. And I feel like they didn’t really teach me anything. There was just too much distraction

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 78 0
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Paragraph 78, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 78, Sentence 2 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 78, Sentence 3 0
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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 79 0
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Paragraph 79, Sentence 1 0
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Do you feel that online school during Covid changed how you think or feel about school now?

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 80 0
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Paragraph 80, Sentence 1 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 81 (Image 24) 0
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Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Trinity, 12

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Paragraph 82 0
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Paragraph 82, Sentence 1 0
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I think it made me see how organized my school is. Because when we had Covid, it was chaotic. We went through Covid for the last two months of fourth grade and the first two months of fifth grade. There was a lot of plastic. We were protected. We had to eat outside. It made me see that they care about us and stuff.

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Paragraph 83 0
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Paragraph 83, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 83, Sentence 2 0
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Paragraph 83, Sentence 3 0
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Paragraph 83, Sentence 4 0
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Paragraph 83, Sentence 5 0
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Paragraph 83, Sentence 6 0
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Paragraph 83, Sentence 7 0
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Paragraph 84 (Image 25) 0
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Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Jilian, 14

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Paragraph 85 0
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Paragraph 85, Sentence 1 0
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Online school is very different from in-person school. It was really hard to focus online. It didn’t really feel like I was able to learn as well as when I was in person.

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Paragraph 86 0
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Paragraph 86, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 86, Sentence 2 0
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Paragraph 86, Sentence 3 0
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Paragraph 87 (Image 26) 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Roshini, 14

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Paragraph 88 0
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Paragraph 88, Sentence 1 0
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I also felt really distracted and wasn’t able to focus when I was at home. I was able to focus a lot more in person.

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Paragraph 89 0
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Paragraph 89, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 89, Sentence 2 0
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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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Paragraph 90 0
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Paragraph 90, Sentence 1 0
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One last question about schools before we move on. Other than fire drills, have you guys ever had the kind of drill at school that’s meant to protect you from any kind of emergency? How do those make you feel, and how prepared do you feel now?

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Paragraph 91 0
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Paragraph 91, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 91, Sentence 2 0
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Paragraph 91, Sentence 3 0
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Paragraph 92 (Image 27) 0
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Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Jonah, 12

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Paragraph 93 0
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Paragraph 93, Sentence 1 0
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I was scared. But it protects you a lot.

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Paragraph 94 0
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Paragraph 94, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 94, Sentence 2 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 95 (Image 28) 0
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Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Wynter, 14

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Paragraph 96 0
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Paragraph 96, Sentence 1 0
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Those drills just happen. I’m prepared if something happens.

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Paragraph 97 0
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Paragraph 97, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 97, Sentence 2 0
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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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Paragraph 98 0
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Paragraph 98, Sentence 1 0
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Are these drills for a particular emergency?

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Paragraph 99 0
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Paragraph 99, Sentence 1 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 100 (Image 29) 0
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Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Wynter, 14

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Paragraph 101 0
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Paragraph 101, Sentence 1 0
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Like active assailants or weather emergencies, stuff like that.

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Paragraph 102 0
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Paragraph 102, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 103 (Image 30) 0
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Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Andrew, 11

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 104 0
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Paragraph 104, Sentence 1 0
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We have code-red drills a lot, and our teacher always stands by the door. But we had one where the teacher didn’t know it was just a drill. And so seeing my teacher hide behind the desk made me feel a little like they’re not really going to do anything if there’s actually a person in the school.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 105 0

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

May 23
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Background Knowledge Tutor - Original (for any text) (May 23 2023 9:40AM) : What's going on here? more
Background Knowledge Tutor - Original (for any text) with Paul A's edits:
Background Knowledge Tutor - Original (for any text)
Provides important background information for understanding the text

Sentence 1: “We have code-red drills a lot, and our teacher always stands by the door.”
This sentence gives important context indicating that code-red drills are common in this school, and the teacher has an established role to take during a drill, standing by the door.

Sentence 2: “But we had one where the teacher didn’t know it was just a drill.”
This sentence signifies a change of circumstances, as the teacher is unaware it is only a drill. This reveals the potential danger of such drills in reality.

Sentence 3: “And so seeing my teacher hide behind the desk made me feel a little like they’re not really going to do anything if there’s actually a person in the school.”
This sentence conveys the author’s emotions regarding the situation, suggesting a lack of true preparation by the teacher.

The background information necessary to understand this text is an understanding of school drills, specifically code-red drills, which often occur in the event of an intruder in the school building. As such, teachers perform roles in tandem with these drills such as standing by the door. In this case, the teacher was unaware of the drill and hid. This reveals the fragility of the system and lack of preparedness in facing a potential threat in reality.

Read this text carefully again and see what other insight and understanding you can gain. Perhaps it will reveal other implications for school drills, or a reminder of the importance of preparation in certain situations. Reply with your thoughts!

May 23
Neil D's Question Neil D and/or Background Knowledge Tutor - Original (for any text) (May 23 2023 9:41AM) : What do teachers usually do more
Background Knowledge Tutor - Original (for any text) with Neil D's edits:
Background Knowledge Tutor - Original (for any text)
Provides important background information for understanding the text

This sentence is important because it shows how a teen may feel in a school where a teacher doesn’t follow the normal rule of standing by the door during a code-red drill. This detail suggests the teen might feel unsafe, showing a lack of trust in the teacher’s ability to protect the students.

Usually, educational institutions have safety protocols and security measures such as code-red drills and lockdown procedures to protect students and faculty in case of attack. During these drills, teachers are expected to provide leadership and guidance to students as they enter the designated hiding place until the drill is over.

This sentence is important because it provides the context for why the teen felt confused and uneasy when they saw their teacher hiding. It explains that during code-red drills, teachers are usually expected to take a leadership role and provide guidance to students.

The implications of this particular incident could have serious impacts on the relationship between the teacher and the student, especially when the student wonders if the teacher really cares about their safety.

This sentence is important because it highlights the potential consequences of the teacher’s actions. It shows how this may have had a negative effect on the trust between the student and their teacher, and questions if the teacher really cares about their safety.

My friend said the teacher was probably just as scared as we were, but it didn’t really make me feel better.

This sentence is important because it suggests that this incident may have had a lasting impression on the relationship between the student and the teacher, and it provides an understanding into how the student may have felt.

Given the context of this text, it is important to understand the educational systems and safety protocols in place, in order to gain a greater insight into the implications of this incident. To better understand the situation of the teen, consider the teacher’s role in a code-red drill and how the student’s trust in their teacher may have been affected by the teacher’s failure to follow the rules.

Take a few moments to re-read the text and observe any new details you may have missed before. Share your thoughts and reactions to gain an understanding of how both the student and the teacher may have felt following this incident.

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Paragraph 105, Sentence 1 0
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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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Paragraph 106 0
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Paragraph 106, Sentence 1 0
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And Trinity?

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 107 0
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Paragraph 107, Sentence 1 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 108 (Image 31) 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Trinity, 12

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 109 0
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Paragraph 109, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

I feel like the drill isn’t as accurate and as serious as if it actually happened. A drill, they have to practice it. But if it actually happened, it would be chaotic, and people would be really scared.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 110 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 110, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.
New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 110, Sentence 2 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.
New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 110, Sentence 3 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Moderator, Margie Omero

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 111 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 111, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Let’s talk a bit about screens, phones, social media. Tell me a little bit how much time you’re typically on a screen during the school day. Not for something like a school assignment but for your own use.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 112 0
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Paragraph 112, Sentence 1 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 112, Sentence 2 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 112, Sentence 3 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 113 (Image 32) 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.
New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Jilian, 14

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 114 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 114, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

My school’s not really that strict about being on your phones. It really depends on the teacher. But sometimes in class, we’re not really doing anything, so I might get to spend part of the class on my phone. Usually, I’ll just text my friends or play games or watch a show or TikTok, something like that.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 115 0
May 23
Neil D's Question Neil D and/or TikTok Script Simulator (May 23 2023 9:49AM) : Have you ever slacked on work to watch tiktok more
TikTok Script Simulator with Neil D's edits:
TikTok Script Simulator
Transforms the text into a description of a short TikTok video

The video starts with an up-close shot on a student looking at their phone with a mischievous smirk on their face. Quickly, the camera zooms out and tilts up to reveal the student is sitting in a classroom just before the bell rings. Eye-catching graphics with dancing text appear around the student’s head as a bubbly pop song plays in the background. The student giggles as they quickly jump onto the TikTok app and start perusing the video options.

After a few seconds, there’s a fast-paced edit with close-up clips of people around the students laughing, dancing, and lip-syncing to various songs. At the 15-second mark, the student in our classroom realizes the teacher is looking at them and suddenly freezes with a look of surprise on their face. The clip reaches its peak with a humorous transition as a loud school bell rings out and cuts to a clip of the student walking out of the school with a satisfied smile on their face, head phones in their ears.

The video then softly transitions to a energetic montage of clips of people around the world from different cultures and languages, all bopping their heads to the same beat of the track. As the montage begins to slow down with a series of slow motion clips, the video ends with the student from the classroom we first saw, but this time, they turn around, look directly into the camera, and ask, “Who else has been too busy watching TikTok in their spare time?” in a soft, yet cheeky voice, before the screen fades to black. A question with an invitation to comment.

May 23
Lucas N's Question Lucas N and/or Old Head (May 23 2023 9:53AM) : Have you ever read a script like this before? more
Old Head with Lucas N's edits:
Old Head
An older man from philadelphia

The last scene opens up again and we find the wise old man from Philadelphia, surrounded by several young people, speaking to the camera. He speaks about his history and how playing basketball on the street court of Philly changed his life. Bright, vibrant colors with a mix of vintage footage play in the background as he speaks with emotion and wisdom. He then encourages the youth to be leaders, to get involved, to build something great, and to take ownership of their future.

Finally, the words rest with the old man’s last statement, “Let’s work together to stop the violence and build a better future.” With a soft, sullen beat in the background, the camera zooms out to conclude the story as the old man looks out into the horizon.

No, I have never read a script like this before.

May 23
Lucas N's Question Lucas N and/or George Washington (May 23 2023 9:50AM) : What do you think about technology? more
George Washington with Lucas N's edits:
George Washington
American military officer, statesman, and Founding Father who served a...

I think technology can be really helpful because it’s made it so much easier to communicate with people and you can use it to help with school and work. But it can also be a distraction if you don’t use it in moderation. So I think it’s important to be mindful of how you use technology.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 115, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 115, Sentence 2 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 115, Sentence 3 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 115, Sentence 4 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Moderator, Margie Omero

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 116 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 116, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Everybody here has their own cellphone. What kinds of things are you doing at school when you’re on your phone?

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 117 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 117, Sentence 1 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 117, Sentence 2 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 118 (Image 33) 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Kira, 14

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 119 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 119, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

I don’t really go on my phone at school, but when I’m on my own computer, I write my book. I’m writing a book.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 120 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 120, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.
New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 120, Sentence 2 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Moderator, Margie Omero

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 121 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 121, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Is it fiction or nonfiction?

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 122 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 122, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 123 (Image 34) 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.
New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Kira, 14

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 124 0
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Paragraph 124, Sentence 1 0
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It’s fiction.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 125 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 125, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Moderator, Margie Omero

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 126 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 126, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Nice. Roshini, what are you doing on your phone or device during the day?

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 127 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 127, Sentence 1 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 127, Sentence 2 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 128 (Image 35) 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.
New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Roshini, 14

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 129 0
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Paragraph 129, Sentence 1 0
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Usually just texting my friends or on social media.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 130 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 130, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Moderator, Margie Omero

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 131 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 131, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Let’s talk about phone usage at home, after school.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 132 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 132, Sentence 1 0
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About how much time do you spend on your phone at home, after school?

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 133 0
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Paragraph 133, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 134 (Image 36) 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.
New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 135 (Image 37) 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Andrew, 11

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 136 0
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Paragraph 136, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

I’m usually on my phone for an hour when I get back from school. I just watch stuff and text my friends. Since they all live in my neighborhood, I usually see who can play outside, and then we go play outside.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 137 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 137, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.
New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 137, Sentence 2 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 137, Sentence 3 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 138 (Image 38) 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.
New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Sophie, 13

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 139 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 139, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

I’m watching TikTok.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 140 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 140, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Moderator, Margie Omero

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 141 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 141, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Is there a social media platform you can’t live without?

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 142 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 142, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 143 (Image 39) 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.
New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Wynter, 14

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 144 0
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Mainly TikTok.

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Hunter, 14

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An app called Discord, because most of my friends use it.

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Jonah, 12

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Hunter, 14

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I’m more talkative and more friendly. I try to be friends with more people online.

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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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Why are you more talkative online?

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Hunter, 14

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Because the games I play are team games, I have to communicate.

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Matthew, 13

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I talk a lot more online than I do in real life for the same reason. I play team games.

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Trinity, 12

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I’m more myself when I’m online. In school I feel like you’re just being watched by teachers. You can’t do as much stuff as you would do at home. With my friends, whether I’m FaceTiming them or playing them, I feel like I’m, like, a better person, a more fun person when I’m with them.

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Nate, 14

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Online feels more peaceful and calming. You don’t have to talk with anybody in person or do anything in person. You’re just sitting on your bed or chair, watching or doing something.

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Andrew, 11

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When I’m online, I can mute myself, and they can’t really see me. I can’t just mute myself in real life.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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Sometimes when I talk to folks your age, they say that they’re seeing things online about what’s happening in politics or their local government or in other countries or in the environment. Is anybody following or seeing stuff like this online?

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Jilian, 14

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I don’t know if I’d say I really follow it, but on Instagram or Tiktok, I hear stuff about elections and the war with Ukraine and Russia.

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Jilian, 14

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I don’t think it’s the most reliable source. I feel like you should actually Google these things and go on verified websites instead.

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Roshini, 14

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I do see a lot of stuff on social media, but I don’t follow it. But I do think it sometimes can have a negative impact.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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Tell me what you mean.

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Roshini, 14

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Not on me personally, but I feel like with other people — people have their own opinions on everything.

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Wynter, 14

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Every now and then, I hear something about the environment or politics. But I don’t really follow up on it, unless it’s something like, “Oh, that’s kind of cool.” I saw something about the Willow Project, the oil development plan in Alaska, and there was a petition online to stop it.

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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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A lot of adults are worried about the amount of time that kids spend online. What do you think about that concern? Is that a legitimate concern to have about kids?

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Trinity, 12

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I don’t think it should be a concern. For most kids, they go on their phone to talk with their friends or hang out with their friends. Because some kids have friends that don’t go to their school, so they can’t talk with them all the time in person. I feel like people use it to communicate with their friends

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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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And what about in terms of the amount of time? Should parents be concerned about the total amount of time?

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Whole Image 0
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Trinity, 12

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I think maybe a little bit, but it really depends who you are. Every person’s different.

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Jilian, 14

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I do think it is a legitimate concern, especially screen time. There’s so many other things that you could be doing besides just being on your phones all the time.

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Whole Image 0
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Roshini, 14

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I think parents have a right to be concerned. Like I mentioned before, social media does have a negative impact in some ways, depending on what content your child is seeing.

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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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Have your parents put any kinds of restrictions on the amount of screen time you have?

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Sophie, 13

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Sometimes my mother would take my phone away at a certain time so that I wasn’t on my phone when I was supposed to be asleep.

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Nate, 14

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Not much. It just really all depends, like if it’s a school night and I’m staying up too late and doing it.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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Paragraph 216 0
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A few people said that their parents set some rules sometimes or they’ll take the phone away at night or try to have some sort of cutoff. Do people feel like that’s a good thing?

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Whole Image 0
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Trinity, 12

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I think it’s worth it, because then I can get at least another hour or two of sleep more than I usually do.

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Whole Image 0
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Andrew, 11

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I haven’t really had this happen, but if I get a bad grade, then they’ll take it away. They know that I usually do that instead of doing my homework. That really helps me out because then I would actually have to focus on doing my work so I could get smarter.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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Are people’s parents tracking what they do online? Does anybody have that kind of experience where they feel like their parents are really kind of trying to infiltrate what they’re doing online?

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Paragraph 226 (Image 62) 0
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Whole Image 0
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Trinity, 12

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Yeah, sometimes they do. They don’t ask me every day. But sometimes they do, just to know that I’m safe and to remind me that I shouldn’t talk to any random people or strangers online.

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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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Have people had scary or upsetting experiences online?

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Paragraph 231 (Image 63) 0
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Whole Image 0
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Trinity, 12

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Cyberbullying. It was somebody from my school.

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Whole Image 0
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Roshini, 14

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Yeah, not personally me, but I know cyberbullying happens in my school. People make fake accounts to kind of lure them into it.

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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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And how do you think that online bullying compares to in-person bullying? Is it more likely to happen online or less likely?

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Paragraph 239 (Image 65) 0
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Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Roshini, 14

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I think it’s more likely to happen online, just because you’re behind a screen and no one really knows who you are. And they can say a lot of hurtful things.

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Paragraph 242 (Image 66) 0
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Whole Image 0
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Hunter, 14

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Paragraph 243, Sentence 1 0
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I wouldn’t count this as cyberbullying, but this kid did something extremely weird at my school. There’s a video of him doing it. I won’t say what it was, but everyone just started making fun of him because of it.

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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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Do you think it’s easier to be mean online or in person?

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Whole Image 0
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Hunter, 14

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I’m pretty sure that being mean online is actually easier. You don’t know the person, and they don’t know you.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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Paragraph 250 0
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Paragraph 250, Sentence 1 0
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I want to talk a little bit about feeling stressed out or anxious. Who here feels stressed out or anxious, and what are you stressed out or anxious about?

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Paragraph 252 (Image 68) 0
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Whole Image 0
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Te’Kai, 11

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Something that stresses me out is always having to go to each class and the time I have to spend there.

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Paragraph 255 (Image 69) 0
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Whole Image 0
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Kira, 14

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The amount of work and how much time I have to do it.

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Whole Image 0
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Jilian, 14

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I sometimes get stressed out about schoolwork.

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Whole Image 0
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Wynter, 14

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Schoolwork, mainly. Sports sometimes.

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Paragraph 264 (Image 72) 0
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Whole Image 0
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Trinity, 12

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School and sports and our environment, I guess.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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Paragraph 267, Sentence 1 0
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What stresses you out about the environment?

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Paragraph 269 (Image 73) 0
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Whole Image 0
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Trinity, 12

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On the news and stuff, I’ve heard about global warming and pollution and people littering.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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Paragraph 272 0
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Paragraph 272, Sentence 1 0
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Do other people get stressed out about the environment?

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Whole Image 0
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Roshini, 14

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Paragraph 275, Sentence 1 0
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Whenever a natural disaster happens, I just think worst-case scenario. There are a lot of hurricanes on the coast where I live.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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Paragraph 277 0
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Paragraph 277, Sentence 1 0
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If somebody came to you, a friend of yours, and said, “I’m feeling really anxious. I’m feeling really stressed out,” what would you say to them?

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Paragraph 279 (Image 75) 0
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Whole Image 0
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Andrew, 11

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Paragraph 280, Sentence 1 0
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I would just ask them what they’re stressed out about and try to help them out with it.

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Paragraph 282 (Image 76) 0
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Whole Image 0
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Jilian, 14

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Paragraph 283, Sentence 1 0
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I feel like I would try to talk them through it and see if I can help them solve the problem.

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Whole Image 0
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Te’Kai, 11

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Paragraph 286, Sentence 1 0
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I’d tell him to talk to their parents.

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Paragraph 288 (Image 78) 0
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Whole Image 0
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Wynter, 14

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Paragraph 289, Sentence 1 0
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If it was something I could help them with, like school or something, I’d try and help them study. Or I’d try and give them advice.

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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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Paragraph 291 0
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Paragraph 291, Sentence 1 0
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Here’s a general question: Do you guys know folks your age who identify as nonbinary or trans? Anybody in your school or class?

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Paragraph 293 (Image 79) 0
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Whole Image 0
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Roshini, 14

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Paragraph 294, Sentence 1 0
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Yeah, I have a couple of friends who are in that category.

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Paragraph 295, Sentence 1 0
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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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Paragraph 296 0
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Paragraph 296, Sentence 1 0
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Does it change anything in school or with friends for somebody to identify themselves as nonbinary or trans?

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Paragraph 297 0
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Paragraph 298 (Image 80) 0
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Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Roshini, 14

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Paragraph 299, Sentence 1 0
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For me, I don’t think so, because their identity — they’re a very human being, like anyone else. I don’t think they should be judged for how they identify themselves.

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Paragraph 300, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 300, Sentence 2 0
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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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Paragraph 301 0
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Paragraph 301, Sentence 1 0
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Is that how it plays out at school?

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Paragraph 302, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 303 (Image 81) 0
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Whole Image 0
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Roshini, 14

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Paragraph 304 0
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Paragraph 304, Sentence 1 0
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No, I don’t think so. I know there’s been times where people have been judged for it.

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Paragraph 305 0
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Paragraph 305, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 305, Sentence 2 0
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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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Paragraph 306 0
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Paragraph 306, Sentence 1 0
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Judged how?

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Paragraph 307 0
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Paragraph 307, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 308 (Image 82) 0
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Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Roshini, 14

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Paragraph 309, Sentence 1 0
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I don’t want to say the words, but people say words to their face that are really hurtful.

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Paragraph 310 0
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Paragraph 310, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 311 (Image 83) 0
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Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Trinity, 12

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Paragraph 312 0
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Paragraph 312, Sentence 1 0
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My middle school is small. The people who go to my school that are nonbinary or transgender —

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Paragraph 313 0
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Paragraph 313, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 313, Sentence 2 0
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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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Paragraph 314 0
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Paragraph 314, Sentence 1 0
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And for them to identify themselves that way, does that change anything for them in school or with friends?

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Paragraph 315 0
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Paragraph 315, Sentence 1 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 316 (Image 84) 0
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Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Trinity, 12

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Paragraph 317 0
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Paragraph 317, Sentence 1 0
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I don’t think it’s different or it should be different. Because, like Roshini said, like, they’re a human being, so they should be treated the same way. I mean, some people would judge them, but I don’t know.

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Paragraph 318 0
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Paragraph 318, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 318, Sentence 2 0
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Paragraph 318, Sentence 3 0
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Moderator, Margie Omero

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Paragraph 319 0
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Paragraph 319, Sentence 1 0
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I want folks to tell me a little bit about what they think they might want to do when they grow up. I don’t necessarily mean a job but, like, where you want to live or what you want your family to look like and what sort of hopes and dreams you might have for yourself.

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Paragraph 320 0
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Paragraph 320, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 320, Sentence 2 0
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Paragraph 321 (Image 85) 0
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Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Jonah, 12

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Paragraph 322 0
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Paragraph 322, Sentence 1 0
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I want to become an N.B.A. player.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 323 0
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Paragraph 323, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 324 (Image 86) 0
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Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Sophie, 13

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 325 0
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Paragraph 325, Sentence 1 0
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Maybe a translator?

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 326 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 326, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Moderator, Margie Omero

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 327 0
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Paragraph 327, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

A translator? What kind of language?

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 328 0
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Paragraph 328, Sentence 1 0
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Paragraph 328, Sentence 2 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 329 (Image 87) 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Sophie, 13

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Paragraph 330 0
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Paragraph 330, Sentence 1 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 331 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 331, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Moderator, Margie Omero

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Paragraph 332 0
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Paragraph 332, Sentence 1 0
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And so where do you see yourself?

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 333 0
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Paragraph 333, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 334 (Image 88) 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.
New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Sophie, 13

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Paragraph 335 0
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Paragraph 335, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.


New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 336 0
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Paragraph 336, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 337 (Image 89) 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Nate, 14

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Paragraph 338 0
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Paragraph 338, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

I just want a nice job with a nice amount of money and a nice car and a nice house and stuff like that.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 339 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 339, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 340 (Image 90) 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.
New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Andrew, 11

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 341 0
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Paragraph 341, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

I want to make it to the N.B.A. or the M.L.B. or some American sports program or something like that.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 342 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 342, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Moderator, Margie Omero

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 343 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 343, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Do you see yourself, like, living in a certain part of the country?

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Paragraph 344 0
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Paragraph 344, Sentence 1 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 345 (Image 91) 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Andrew, 11

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Paragraph 346 0
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Paragraph 346, Sentence 1 0
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Beverly Hills.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 347 0
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Paragraph 347, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 348 (Image 92) 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.
New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Te’Kai, 11

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 349 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 349, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

I want to become a YouTuber and have a nice channel.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 350 0
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Paragraph 350, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 351 (Image 93) 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Whole Image 0
No whole image conversations. Start one.

Kira, 14

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Paragraph 352 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 352, Sentence 1 0
No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

I’d like to maybe have a job that supports me financially and maybe have a little bit of extra money and live with my best friend.

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 353 0
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Paragraph 353, Sentence 1 0
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Moderator, Margie Omero

New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 354 0
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New Thinking Partner Conversation New Conversation
Paragraph 354, Sentence 1 0
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Here’s a question: What makes you nervous or scared about getting older, about growing up?

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Jilian, 14

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I’m scared about finances. You have to pay for college and then a house. There’s just a lot of expenses.

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Wynter, 14

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I’m scared of the possibility of losing my job and not having a stable income to get a house or apartment to live in.

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Andrew, 11

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I’m scared of getting too caught up in work and separating from people that I care about.

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Matthew, 13

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I’m scared of failing in whatever my job is and not having money.

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Jonah, 12

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I’m not really scared of anything.

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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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How do you imagine the world might be different when you are adults?

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Wynter, 14

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Nothing will probably be actually different, but the way you view it will be different. Now you see a house and you’re like, “Oh, my gosh, I want to live there. That’s so nice.” And then when you grow up, you’re like, “That’s a lot of planning. That’s too big.”

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Hunter, 14

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Prices will be going up, but salary and stuff like that would be going up, too.

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Nate, 14

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I think the world might get better, because of new things and new technology.

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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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Do you have any guesses of how that technology might help us or hurt us, or what it would do? What kind of technology?

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Nate, 14

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Probably help us travel and stuff.

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Moderator, Ariel Kaminer

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How much impact do you think that kids like you can have on the world around them and the path that it takes?

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Matthew, 13

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I feel like kids my age can’t really have a big impact on the world, because most adults nowadays don’t listen to kids.

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Trinity, 12

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Adults are not listening to kids. They’re like, “They’re just kids. They don’t know anything.”

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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Is there a message that you want to send to adults?

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Wynter, 14

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Listen to us.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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Let’s say you could ask your 25-year-old self a question. What would you ask, and how would you answer?

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Jonah, 12

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Is your life better?

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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What do you think 25-year-old Jonah would say?

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Jonah, 12

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A lot better.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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Better in what way?

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Jonah, 12

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Like, I’ve accomplished my dream or something.

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Matthew, 13

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I’d ask myself if my relationships, my friendships are still the same.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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And what do you think your 25-year-old self would say?

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Matthew, 13

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I think they’d still say that it’s pretty much still the same.

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Jilian, 14

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I’d probably ask myself what I’m doing with my career and about my friends and my family. I want to become a medical illustrator, so I do hope I do that. And I do want to have cats and dogs.

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Andrew, 11

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I would ask myself if I’m in the M.L.B. or the N.B.A.

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Kira, 14

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I would ask about my friend and how her life is going and how things have changed, like, around the world.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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And what do you think your 25-year-old self would say?

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Kira, 14

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I would hope that my friend is doing better, and I think that the world might have changed a lot, since so many years have passed. There’s probably going to be more pollution and a lot more technology.

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Sophie, 13

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I would ask what I’m doing, like if I’m making money and if I have a job.

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Whole Image 0
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Wynter, 14

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I’d want to know how far I made it into volleyball.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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What do you think your 25-year-old self would say?

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Wynter, 14

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Hopefully, I played in college.

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Roshini, 14

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I would ask 25-year-old me, are you proud of me? Because I feel like at 25, I should be in a good spot where I’m pretty accomplished, hopefully.

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Moderator, Margie Omero

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OK. Nate, how about you?

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Nate, 14

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How did you get so old?

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America in Focus seeks to hear and understand the views of cross-sections of Americans whose voices are often not heard in opinion journalism.

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This discussion was moderated by a focus group veteran, Margie Omero, and Ariel Kaminer, a New York Times deputy Op-Ed editor. Ms. Omero has done similar work over the years for Democratic candidates and partisan groups. She chose the participants and obtained their guardians’ consent. (Times Opinion paid her for the work.) This transcript has been edited for length and clarity; an audio recording of the session is also included. Participants provided their biographical details. As is customary in focus groups, our role as moderators was not to argue with or fact-check the speakers, and some participants expressed opinions not rooted in facts

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Illustrations by Lucinda Rogers.

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DMU Timestamp: March 17, 2023 08:51

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