When | Why |
Jul-02-23 | Text-to-Image |
Jul-03-23 | July 3 10 Self / 10 World Questions |
Jul-05-23 | July 5 - Invitation for TTT |
Jul-06-23 | Mary Cassatt |
Jul-08-23 | Seven Approaches on NowComment |
It's Independence Day week, July 4th is on Tuesday, and maybe it's appropriate to take a little break, but there are a few things on my mind and we need to get ready for the STEM workshops that Marina and I are dong at the end of the week. We do have a good plan in place--with a couple of details to work out. Still, I think I'll use my logs this week to think about what we are doing and why.
In the style of Jean-Michel Basquiat, show a self-contained, independent bird perched atop a freshly laundered American flag in a sunlit meadow at dawn, as if to symbolize the strength, purpose, and future of a society brought together by diverse means.
Remember AI is just a Thinking Partner in this process. Be sure to edit this prompt to make it say what you want it to say. Copy and paste this prompt into an image generator like StableDiffusionWeb.com.
From what I hear in this text, it bseems like this writer is taking a break to reflect on their activities and to think about what needs to be done to get ready for the STEM workshops at the end of the week. It sounds like there is already a plan in place that just needs a few tweaks to get ready. In terms of reflection, it also appears that writing logs or journaling will be used to help think through what is being done and why. I’m noticing a certain anticipation in the text, wondering what will come out of this process.
It seems like you are recognizing that you need to prepare for the workshops, but also that there are a few details that need to be worked out. Based on this, I can identify three “Wicked Problems” in the text.
The first Wicked Problem is that of facilitator preparedness. It seems like you are trying to prepare yourself as a facilitator, but there remain some details that you need to work out. This matters because being well prepared as a facilitator is essential to leading a successful workshop. This is a Wicked Problem because there are often unpredictable elements that you need to adapt to or work around during the course of the workshop, which makes it difficult to anticipate all the details need to make sure you are well prepared. As you mentioned in the text, “we do have a good plan in place—with a couple of details to work out.”
The second Wicked Problem is the need for evaluation. It seems like you are in the process of organizing the workshops, which means that you are likely also planning how to evaluate their success. This matters because it is important to be able to measure the results of your efforts in order to know whether they have been successful or not. This is a Wicked Problem because it is difficult to evaluate complex ideas that often change over time. As you mentioned in the text, “I’ll use my logs this week to think about what we are doing and why.”
The third Wicked Problem is resource allocation. It seems like you are planning for how to best allocate resources in order to ensure the success of the workshop. This matters because it is important to have enough resources to support the activities and ensure that everything goes smoothly. This is a Wicked Problem because it is difficult to anticipate how resources should be allocated and how they should be used over time. As you mentioned in the text, “we do have a good plan in place—with a couple of details to work out.”
These are three Wicked Problems I can see in the text. Now, I invite you to add any other “Wicked Problems” you might see in the text or if you would like to elaborate on anything I have already brought up.
Added July 02, 2023 at 1:51pm
by Paul Allison
Title: Text-to-Image
Added July 03, 2023 at 10:42pm
by Paul Allison
Title: July 3 10 Self / 10 World Questions
Ah who was the author, was it Democratic Education? Oh yes, Curriculum Integration is the title, and look at what I found: https://www.daneshnamehicsa.ir/userfiles/files/1/4-%20Curriculum%20Integration_%20Designing%20the%20Core%20of%20Democratic%20Education.pdf
So what are my self questions?
And what about my world questions?
Added July 05, 2023 at 12:48pm
by Paul Allison
Title: July 5 - Invitation for TTT
So I wrote this for this week's invitation to TTT. I have a lot more to say, not the least of which is that the seven approaches are easy for me to remember and distinguish from each other. The feel good in my head. I did A LOT of tedious work yesterday to re-arrange all of the Thinking Partners we have up so far. I hope other people see the value of this as well.
Come learn with us about how your students can learn with and about prompt literacy in the coming school year. Grab a seat tonight, Wed. July 5th at 9E/8C/7M/6P at Kumospace.com/youthvoices
We found the missing owner's manual for NowComment's Thinking Partners. Dr. Ethan Mollick and Dr. Lilach Mollick from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania & Wharton Interactive published a paper a few weeks ago that is helping us to organize and illuminate prompt writing for Thinking Partners.
We are now using their 7 AI approaches as categories for NowComment's Thinking Partners:
Open the universe of AI discourse for your students! We will see you tonight, Wed. July 5th at 9E/8C/7M/6P at Kumospace.com/youthvoices
Added July 06, 2023 at 10:41pm
by Paul Allison
Title: Mary Cassatt
Added July 08, 2023 at 7:55am
by Paul Allison
Title: Seven Approaches on NowComment
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Our interface is intuitive, your documents are accessible wherever you are, and we do the hosting and maintenance.
NowComment has the features to handle very large groups: notifications, assignments, subgroups, moderation, and more.
By default comments are off to the side (with multiple sort options!), but you can also display comments in-line.
An example of the discourse practice of “Social Making” can be seen in your teaching practice as you reflect on and plan out the STEM workshops while also engaging with your students. This allows your students to collaborate and negotiate with you and each other as they create different compositions and creations. To further integrate “Social Making: Dialogue through making texts” into your teaching practice, you could provide students with opportunities to collaborate and converse while crafting texts. For instance, you could create an online platform that allows students to work together to create texts or digital stories. You could set up an online discussion board or chat system for students to discuss and critique one another’s interpretations of the material and to negotiate how to create the final product together. You could also give students the opportunity to make changes and revisions to their work collaboratively. Additionally, you might open up a dialogue with students through technology about their experiences and the challenges posed by the different texts they are crafting. All of these activities provide ways for your students to engage in meaningful social making conversations.
Alignment: In this set of logs, you are using the context of Independence Day and the specific task of STEM workshops in order to decide how best to use you logs. You are tying her current tasks to her larger goals and purposes. To make this even more effective, you could focus on drawing more explicit connections between the various parts of her writing. For example, how can the STEM workshops specifically be used to think about what you are doing and why?
Precision: You use specific details such as the date of the Independence Day holiday and the fact that the workshops are STEM-based to set the context for you log writing – giving the reader an understanding of you overall situation. To make this even more precise, you could include more specifics about the exact nature of the STEM workshops you is conducting.
Sequencing: You start with the context and then move into the specifics of your tasks. To make this sequencing even more effective, you could write a few sentences that wrap up her thoughts and draw the reader’s attention to the larger picture, such as what you are going to do with your logs this week and how that ties into her larger goals.
Timing: You spend the right amount of time on each of her points, allowing you to convey in a succinct manner your plan for the week. To make this timing even more effective, you could break down your thoughts into smaller segments and explain the exact timeline of events for the upcoming week.
Use of Props: You are making use of her logs as part of you plan for the week, showing an effective use of props to achieve her goals. To make this use of props even more effective, you could explain what kind of research you will be conducting with you logs and how that will help you to go further in achieving her goals.
Now, taking all the principles of Iyengar Yoga into consideration, how does this all add up? Have you taken the time to explore the potential of this week’s logs and its possible applications? What further creative ways can you think of to apply the principles to your writing, and what new insights can you find?
Prompt: An hourglass in the foreground as an analogy for the interconnectedness of time, preparation, and freedom; sunrise and a bird in the background to represent the dawn of new ideas; in a vibrant, colorful, geometric Klee-style.
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