When | Why |
Jul-31-23 | Wording change |
Jul-31-23 | Wording change |
Jul-31-23 | Wording change |
Jul-31-23 | Wording change |
Jul-31-23 | Wording change |
Jul-31-23 | Wording change |
Jul-31-23 | Wording change |
Jul-31-23 | Wording change |
Jul-31-23 | Wording change |
Jul-31-23 | Wording change |
Jul-31-23 | Wording change |
Jul-31-23 | Wording change |
[Recently/This summer/Last month/This weekend/Over the break…]For the past two months, I participated in a profession professional learning experience with [Name the sponsoring organization or program: e.g. LUTE-STEM/Noyce-STEM/Scratch in Practice/Facing History/The Danielson Group/The New York City Writing Project/Stem4All…] at [Name the institution the organization or program is associated with: e.g. Lehman College/MIT…]LUTE Stem at Lehman College. I learned a lot about [Make a list of the educational theories and practices that you were introduced to in these workshops.]vast amount about multimodal literacies to educate students, and various ways in which we can use these inside and outside the classroom.
For the past two months, I participated in a professional learning experience with LUTE Stem at Lehman College.
I learned a vast amount about multimodal literacies to educate students, and various ways in which we can use these inside and outside the classroom.
There was a lot to think about and to consider how to apply in the classroom, and in this letter I’d like to focus on [choose one topic, theory, approach, or idea that you think is important] because [Write a few sentences to explain why you have chosen this. What makes it urgent to try out? What was your own experience in learning this? What do you want students to learn? What is it about your students that makes this particularly apt? Why do you think this will be effective?]ocean life and the importance of fish within its ecosystem because I have been learning so much about the ocean recently, and it is truly fascinating. We depend on the ocean for many reasons i.e. food & travel, but not only do we need its ecosystem, the ecosystem is slowly being destroyed. Many ocean animals are being harvested at a faster rate than they are reproducing, and some have even become extinct already. There is so much waste and toxins in our oceans causing mass death to fish and other sea creatures. Children are the future, and by teaching them the importance of our oceans and the life within them, they can develop further respect and value for it. Without the ocean, all other ecosystems would suffer and so would we.
There was a lot to think about and to consider how to apply in the classroom, and in this letter I’d like to focus on ocean life and the importance of fish within its ecosystem because I have been learning so much about the ocean recently, and it is truly fascinating.
We depend on the ocean for many reasons i.e. food & travel, but not only do we need its ecosystem, the ecosystem is slowly being destroyed.
Many ocean animals are being harvested at a faster rate than they are reproducing, and some have even become extinct already.
There is so much waste and toxins in our oceans causing mass death to fish and other sea creatures.
Children are the future, and by teaching them the importance of our oceans and the life within them, they can develop further respect and value for it.
Without the ocean, all other ecosystems would suffer and so would we.
What makes it urgent to try out? What was your own experience in learning this? What do you want students to learn? What is it about your students that makes this particularly apt? Why do you think this will be effective?]Before choosing this topic, it was something I already felt passionate about and connected to. I would like my students to gain knowledge and understanding of just how important this matter is, why and how it affects both ocean life as well as their lives directly, and how they can bring about change as well as spread the knowledge they will acquire. I know that many of my students enjoy learning about the ocean, its inhabitants, and how it benefits and affects our environment. For this reason, I feel that this topic will be well received by all & that they will be motivated to further their research. I also believe that because we will be focusing specifically on fish, that they will feel empathy towards these animals which plays a great role in their value of the ocean's ecosystem.
Before choosing this topic, it was something I already felt passionate about and connected to.
I would like my students to gain knowledge and understanding of just how important this matter is, why and how it affects both ocean life as well as their lives directly, and how they can bring about change as well as spread the knowledge they will acquire.
I know that many of my students enjoy learning about the ocean, its inhabitants, and how it benefits and affects our environment.
For this reason, I feel that this topic will be well received by all & that they will be motivated to further their research.
I also believe that because we will be focusing specifically on fish, that they will feel empathy towards these animals which plays a great role in their value of the ocean's ecosystem.
I would like to propose that we [Describe the complete a learning activity that you want to do with the students. Write this brief overview of the task in one or two sentences. This should be an activity conducted in a school setting with one or more students. It should take between 15 and 60 minutes to complete.]in which the 2nd-grade students learn about how fish are ocean helpers. This activity will include a class discussion on the benefits of fish, where students share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions, followed by creating fact charts showing how different types of fish/whales/sharks affect and benefit the ocean's ecosystem.
I would like to propose that we complete a learning activity in which the 2nd-grade students learn about how fish are ocean helpers.
This activity will include a class discussion on the benefits of fish, where students share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions, followed by creating fact charts showing how different types of fish/whales/sharks affect and benefit the ocean's ecosystem.
To do this we will need [Make a list of the materials you will need. Your activity can be unplugged or computer/tablet based activity/task. If computer/tablet-based, indicate types of tech tools/platforms students will use. For example: Presentation Software, Voice Recording App or Web Site, Image Library, Video Recording App or Web Site.] vocabulary cards accompanied by pictures, cut-outs of various fish/whales/sharks, poster boards, multi-colored markers and colored pencils, glue, and non-fiction books about fish and oceans.
To do this we will need vocabulary cards accompanied by pictures, cut-outs of various fish/whales/sharks, poster boards, multi-colored markers and colored pencils, glue, and non-fiction books about fish and oceans.
The students will be making [Be specific about the modes and media you will have available for student to use. What choices will they be able to make? What media do you expect students to use in this activity?] In small groups, students will collaborate to create a fact chart about a fish, whale or shark that will be assigned to them. They will be tasked with researching their animal, using the books in our library on this topic to create a fact sheet on that animal. The students will have the liberty to add any findings that are of interest to them as well as pertaining to the topic at hand, to their chart. It is important that they include facts on how this animal affects or benefits the ocean's ecosystem.
In small groups, students will collaborate to create a fact chart about a fish, whale or shark that will be assigned to them.
They will be tasked with researching their animal, using the books in our library on this topic to create a fact sheet on that animal.
The students will have the liberty to add any findings that are of interest to them as well as pertaining to the topic at hand, to their chart.
It is important that they include facts on how this animal affects or benefits the ocean's ecosystem.
Here’s how I think we might introduce this activity. We could give these directions to the students:
1. Search through the section in our classroom library for books on the fish/whale/shark that has been assigned to your group
2. After you have found 2-3 books on your animal, read/skim through them with your group to find facts about this animal and how it benefits the ocean and other ocean life
3. Once you have completed your research, take turns adding these facts to your chart.
4. Please add drawings and illustrations to your chart using the writing materials provided.
5. Upon completion of your chart, you will be asked to present your findings to our class. Your posters will then be displayed throughout our classroom.
[Write the step-by-step directions you will be giving the students. Be sure to write this section to the students: e.g. First, you should… After that, you will see that… Tell the students when they will be expected to work alone and when they will need to work with other students.]
Here’s how I think we might introduce this activity.
We could give these directions to the students:
Search through the section in our classroom library for books on the fish/whale/shark that has been assigned to your group.
2. After you have found 2-3 books on your animal, read/skim through them with your group to find facts about this animal and how it benefits the ocean and other ocean life.
After you have found 2-3 books on your animal, read/skim through them with your group to find facts about this animal and how it benefits the ocean and other ocean life.
3. Once you have completed your research, take turns adding these facts to your chart.
4. Please add drawings and illustrations to your chart using the writing materials provided.
5. Upon completion of your chart, you will be asked to present your findings to our class. Your posters will then be displayed throughout our classroom.
[Write the step-by-step directions you will be giving the students. Be sure to write this section to the students: e.g. First, you should… After that, you will see that… Tell the students when they will be expected to work alone and when they will need to work with other students.]
I would also propose that the students give each other feedback on their work. They could use this checklist to self-assess and to give each other feedback:
This activity should take at least 60 minutes to complete, which should allow time for productive struggle. To encourage persistence, I think we might [Describe how you might encourage students and give them opportunities to revise and resubmit their work.] ask students to share what they are learning as they work in their small groups and prompt them to ask questions for clarity or confirmation.
This activity should take at least 60 minutes to complete, which should allow time for productive struggle.
To encourage persistence, I think we might ask students to share what they are learning as they work in their small groups and prompt them to ask questions for clarity or confirmation.
When they have finished this activity, I would be great if we could ask the students to write and talk about how they used one of these three Habits of Mind.
I will also use these Habits of Mind to give the students both written and oral feedback while they are working and once the finish their work!
Thank you for taking the time to consider this proposal. I hope you see how valuable this activity could be for our students. Please let me know if you have any revisions that I might consider for this activity. I look forward to working with you on this.
Added July 31, 2023 at 10:07am
by Anika Joseph
Title: Wording change
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 2 (click to return there).
[Recently/This summer/Last month/This weekend/Over the break…], I participated in a profession learning experience with [Name the sponsoring organization or program: e.g. LUTE-STEM/Noyce-STEM/Scratch in Practice/Facing History/The Danielson Group/The New York City Writing Project/Stem4All…] at [Name the institution the organization or program is associated with: e.g. Lehman College/MIT…]. I learned a lot about [Make a list of the educational theories and practices that you were introduced to in these workshops.]
Added July 31, 2023 at 10:24am
by Anika Joseph
Title: Wording change
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 3 (click to return there).
There was a lot to think about and to consider how to apply in the classroom, and in this letter I’d like to focus on [choose one topic, theory, approach, or idea that you think is important] because [Write a few sentences to explain why you have chosen this. What makes it urgent to try out? What was your own experience in learning this? What do you want students to learn? What is it about your students that makes this particularly apt? Why do you think this will be effective?]
Added July 31, 2023 at 10:25am
by Anika Joseph
Title: Wording change
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 3 (click to return there).
There was a lot to think about and to consider how to apply in the classroom, and in this letter I’d like to focus on [choose one topic, theory, approach, or idea that you think is important] because [Write a few sentences to explain why you have chosen this.ocean life and the importance of fish within its ecosystem because I have been learning so much about the ocean recently, and it is truly fascinating. We depend on the ocean for many reasons i.e. food & travel, but not only do we need its ecosystem, the ecosystem is slowly being destroyed. Many ocean animals are being harvested at a faster rate than they are reproducing, and some have even become extinct already. There is so much waste and toxins in our oceans causing mass death to fish and other sea creatures. Children are the future, and by teaching them the importance of our oceans and the life within them, they can develop further respect and value for it. Without the ocean, all other ecosystems would suffer and so would we. Before choosing this topic, it was something I already felt passionate about and connected to. I would like my students to gain knowledge and understanding of just how important this matter is, why and how it affects both ocean life as well as their lives directly, and how they can bring about change as well as spread the knowledge they will acquire. I know that many of my students enjoy learning about the ocean, its inhabitants, and how it benefits and affects our environment. For this reason, I feel that this topic will be well received by all & that they will be motivated to further their research. I also believe that because we will be focusing specifically on fish, that they will feel empathy towards these animals which plays a great role in their value of the ocean's ecosystem.
What makes it urgent to try out? What was your own experience in learning this? What do you want students to learn? What is it about your students that makes this particularly apt? Why do you think this will be effective?]
There was a lot to think about and to consider how to apply in the classroom, and in this letter I’d like to focus on ocean life and the importance of fish within its ecosystem because I have been learning so much about the ocean recently, and it is truly fascinating.
We depend on the ocean for many reasons i.e. food & travel, but not only do we need its ecosystem, the ecosystem is slowly being destroyed.
Many ocean animals are being harvested at a faster rate than they are reproducing, and some have even become extinct already.
There is so much waste and toxins in our oceans causing mass death to fish and other sea creatures.
Children are the future, and by teaching them the importance of our oceans and the life within them, they can develop further respect and value for it.
Without the ocean, all other ecosystems would suffer and so would we.
Before choosing this topic, it was something I already felt passionate about and connected to.
I would like my students to gain knowledge and understanding of just how important this matter is, why and how it affects both ocean life as well as their lives directly, and how they can bring about change as well as spread the knowledge they will acquire.
I know that many of my students enjoy learning about the ocean, its inhabitants, and how it benefits and affects our environment.
For this reason, I feel that this topic will be well received by all & that they will be motivated to further their research.
I also believe that because we will be focusing specifically on fish, that they will feel empathy towards these animals which plays a great role in their value of the ocean's ecosystem.
Added July 31, 2023 at 10:25am
by Anika Joseph
Title: Wording change
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 4 (click to return there).
What makes it urgent to try out? What was your own experience in learning this? What do you want students to learn? What is it about your students that makes this particularly apt? Why do you think this will be effective?]
Added July 31, 2023 at 10:34am
by Anika Joseph
Title: Wording change
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 5 (click to return there).
I would like to propose that we [Describe the learning activity that you want to do with the students. Write this brief overview of the task in one or two sentences. This should be an activity conducted in a school setting with one or more students. It should take between 15 and 60 minutes to complete.]
Added July 31, 2023 at 2:16pm
by Anika Joseph
Title: Wording change
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 6 (click to return there).
To do this we will need [Make a list of the materials you will need. Your activity can be unplugged or computer/tablet based activity/task. If computer/tablet-based, indicate types of tech tools/platforms students will use. For example: Presentation Software, Voice Recording App or Web Site, Image Library, Video Recording App or Web Site.]
Added July 31, 2023 at 2:17pm
by Anika Joseph
Title: Wording change
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 2 (click to return there).
[Recently/This summer/Last month/This weekend/Over the break…]For the past two months, I participated in a profession professional learning experience with [Name the sponsoring organization or program: e.g. LUTE-STEM/Noyce-STEM/Scratch in Practice/Facing History/The Danielson Group/The New York City Writing Project/Stem4All…] at [Name the institution the organization or program is associated with: e.g. Lehman College/MIT…]LUTE Stem at Lehman College. I learned a lot about [Make a list of the educational theories and practices that you were introduced to in these workshops.] multimodal literacies to educate students, such as utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a teaching resource.
For the past two months, I participated in a professional learning experience with LUTE Stem at Lehman College.
I learned a lot about multimodal literacies to educate students, such as utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a teaching resource.
Added July 31, 2023 at 2:24pm
by Anika Joseph
Title: Wording change
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 7 (click to return there).
The students will be making [Be specific about the modes and media you will have available for student to use. What choices will they be able to make? What media do you expect students to use in this activity?]
Added July 31, 2023 at 2:29pm
by Anika Joseph
Title: Wording change
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 8 (click to return there).
Here’s how I think we might introduce this activity.
We could give these directions to the students:
[Write the step-by-step directions you will be giving the students.
Be sure to write this section to the students: e.g. First, you should… After that, you will see that… Tell the students when they will be expected to work alone and when they will need to work with other students.]
Added July 31, 2023 at 2:41pm
by Anika Joseph
Title: Wording change
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 5 (click to return there).
I would like to propose that we [Describe the complete a learning activity that you want to do with the students. Write this brief overview of the task in one or two sentences. This should be an activity conducted in a school setting with one or more students. It should take between 15 and 60 minutes to complete.]in which the 2nd-grade students learn about how fish are ocean helpers. This activity will include a class discussion on the benefits of fish, where students share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions, followed by creating a chart showing how different types of fish/whales/sharks affect and benefit the ocean's ecosystem.
I would like to propose that we complete a learning activity in which the 2nd-grade students learn about how fish are ocean helpers.
This activity will include a class discussion on the benefits of fish, where students share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions, followed by creating a chart showing how different types of fish/whales/sharks affect and benefit the ocean's ecosystem.
Added July 31, 2023 at 2:41pm
by Anika Joseph
Title: Wording change
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 10 (click to return there).
2. After you have found 2-3 books on your animal, read/skim through them with your group to find facts about this animal and how it benefits the ocean and other ocean life
Added July 31, 2023 at 2:43pm
by Anika Joseph
Title: Wording change
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 20 (click to return there).
This activity should take at least 60 minutes to complete, which should allow time for productive struggle.
To encourage persistence, I think we might [Describe how you might encourage students and give them opportunities to revise and resubmit their work.]
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