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Sloan's AI notes (Aug 1-6)

2 additions to document , most recent about 1 year ago

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Aug-02-23 Example of a high school AI policy for 2023-24
Aug-02-23 MSU Generative AI Guidance

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This week I'm focusing even more on what I'm actually going to be doing with/about AI with my high school students starting in about 2 weeks. The questions from last week are still relevant:

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  1. How will my students actually use AI in my classroom? What rules/guidelines make the most sense in my setting?
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  3. How will the AI tools used in my setting align with my teaching philosophy and my community's goals and values?
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  5. To what extent do I include my students, guardians, and admin in conversations and decisions about the AI tools used in my classes?​
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DMU Timestamp: July 31, 2023 21:00

Added August 02, 2023 at 5:44pm by Christopher Sloan
Title: Example of a high school AI policy for 2023-24

I had a department chair meeting this morning where we had a productive conversation about AI. I was reminded about what a thoughtful group of educators I work with. What's below is pretty much our AI policy for the 2023-24 school year. I've taken out things particular to my setting (like the name of the school) in case anybody wants to use it as a template. I could be wrong but overall it seems like a sensible approach.

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2023-24 AI Technology Policy (ChatGPT, DALL-E, Etc.)

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Aug 2
Christopher Sloan Christopher Sloan (Aug 02 2023 6:09PM) : Here's an example of an entry from a high school's student handbook.
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Purpose of Chat GPT/ and other AI-powered engines: ChatGPT serves as an educational tool to enhance learning experiences, nurture creativity, and support academic development for its stakeholders. It may be useful in helping to assist students in acquiring information, cultivating critical thinking skills, and engaging in meaningful conversations through the written medium.

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Aug 2
Christopher Sloan Christopher Sloan (Aug 02 2023 5:47PM) : I like the framing of AI as a tool more

There are a lot of negatives that potentially come with using AI in high schools, so I like that this policy begins with the potential of AI for learning

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Responsible Use: Students are expected to utilize ChatGPT/AI intelligence both responsibly and ethically, adhering to the following guidelines:

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Students should be aware that the [name of school] does not regard any work produced—even only in part—by AI related tools, to be a student's own work. Therefore, as with any quote or material from another source, it must be clear that AI-generated text, image, or graph included in a piece of work, has been copied from such software. The AI software must be credited appropriately through correct citations. Without proper citation, the work will be deemed plagiarized and thus subject to our academic dishonesty policy.

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Aug 2
Christopher Sloan Christopher Sloan (Aug 02 2023 5:55PM) : Goes back to what I said in paragraph 7 of last week's AI notes. "Show me your sources." more

This brings up a couple of questions though. Where is the line between student-produced and AI-produced? Another minor point, but how do we cite AI as a source?

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Inappropriate Use: The following activities are strictly prohibited when using ChatGPT:

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Consequences: Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action, which may include, but is not limited to:

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Reporting Inappropriate Use: Students, teachers, or staff members who become aware of any inappropriate use of ChatGPT/ AI models should promptly report it to the Dean’s office. Reports will be treated confidentially, and appropriate measures will be taken to address the situation.

Use of Chat GPT Detectors by Teachers: To maintain a safe and respectful learning environment, teachers may employ ChatGPT detectors or monitoring tools to identify inappropriate or concerning interactions involving students.

Teachers will use such tools responsibly, ensuring that privacy is respected, and that monitoring is conducted within the confines of their purview as teachers.

Any evidence obtained using ChatGPT/AI detectors will be used solely for investigation purposes related to violations of this discipline policy. We also recognize that these or imprecise fact-finding tools and that they are capable of making errors. These may be used to supplement an ongoing investigation.

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Aug 2
Christopher Sloan Christopher Sloan (Aug 02 2023 5:52PM) : acknowledging that AI detectors can be wrong. more

This reminds me that what we know about good writing pedagogy. I think that if I structure writing activities well enough, there shouldn’t be much of a need for dishonesty.

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When necessary, teachers will collaborate with the Dean’s office to address and resolve any incidents in accordance with the disciplinary actions outlined in this policy above.

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By adhering to this AI policy, we aim to foster responsible and ethical use of emerging artificial intelligence technologies, while cultivating a positive and supportive learning environment in accordance with our school’s stated values. It is the responsibility of every student to familiarize themselves with this policy and comply with its guidelines.

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DMU Timestamp: July 31, 2023 21:00

Added August 02, 2023 at 6:06pm by Christopher Sloan
Title: MSU Generative AI Guidance

Michigan State University Interim Guidance on Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Instructional Settings

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Aug 2
Christopher Sloan Christopher Sloan (Aug 02 2023 6:08PM) : Guidance for higher ed more

I also am an instructor for MSU’s Masters in Educational Technology program. Lots to like about this document.

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As you prepare for the Fall 2023 academic semester, our hopes are that instructors will 1) develop a course-level generative AI use policy and actively discuss with students about expectations for generative AI use in the work for your class, 2) promote equitable and inclusive use of the technology, and 3) work with colleagues across campus to determine ethical and scholarly applications of generative AI for preparing students to succeed in an evolving digital landscape.

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The following materials were assembled using existing MSU policy documents and include framing questions developed by an interdisciplinary team of campus experts.

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Develop and actively communicate your course-level generative AI policy

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  1. Consider how AI technology might compel you to revise your course assignments, quizzes, and tests to avoid encouraging unethical or dishonest use of generative AI.
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  3. Develop and integrate a generative AI policy throughout the course resources:
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          Provide clear definitions, expectations, and repercussions of what will happen if students violate the policy.

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          Explain the standards of academic integrity in the course, especially as related to use of AI technologies, and review the Integrity of Scholarship and Grades Policy.

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          Be clear about what types of AI are acceptable and what versions of the technology students can use or not use.

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          Put this policy into D2L and any assignment instructions consistently.

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  1. Discuss these expectations when talking about course policies at the beginning of the course and remind students about them as you discuss course assignments:
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          Take time to explain to students the pros and cons of generative AI technologies relative to your course.

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          Explain the development of your policy and make clear the values, ethics, and philosophies underpinning its development.

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          Explain the repercussions of not following the course policy and submit an Academic Dishonesty Report if needed.

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  1. If you want to integrate AI in the classroom as an allowed or required resource:
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          Consult with MSU IT guidance about recommendations for use and adoption of generative AI technology, including guidelines for keeping you and your data safe.

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          Determine if MSU already has access to the tools you desire for free, and if not available through MSU, consider the cost and availability of the resources you will allow or require, and go through MSU's procurement process.

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          If you want to require students to use an AI technology that comes with a cost, put the resource into the scheduling system as you would a textbook, so students know that is an anticipated cost to them.

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Promote Equitable and Inclusive Use

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  1. Consider equity and inclusion when making decisions about AI use in your course.
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1.1.                        How does the development and use of generative AI affect identity groups differentially? What biases exist within the development and use of generative AI? What are the potential challenges regarding AI from an equity-lens (e.g., historic issues with facial recognition and BIPOC populations)?

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1.2.                        What data sources does generative AI use to generate a response, and how representative is this data source?

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  1. Consider how AI content and perspectives can enhance dialogue and collaboration between diverse disciplines, departments, and individuals.
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  1. Consider how integration of generative AI technologies into the classroom help or hinder students’ success.
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  1. Consider situations in which some students may have access to more advanced technology than others based on cost or other factors.
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  1. Consider if generative AI technology provides accommodation for certain populations and how its use may help achieve equity for persons with disabilities.
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Determine Ethical and Scholarly Use

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The determination of appropriate uses for generative AI can be facilitated through discussion with colleagues within and among disciplines. Discussions that can help our communities to answer

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  1. What is the ethical use of AI in society, in a given scholarly discipline, and in instruction?
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  1. How does generative AI pose ethical challenges to issues such as data security and privacy?
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  1. What types of information should and should not be inputted into an AI system?
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  1. When does generative AI-assistance become AI-ownership? What are the limits to using generative AI in support of academic work?
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  3. How should a student cite or disclose the use of generative AI relative to their academic work?
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  1. How does the course/instructor define plagiarism and academic dishonesty relate to AI? What are the penalties for not following the policy? Many philosophies and policies outlined on the OSSA Academic Integrity website already apply, and additional specific guidance is available on FAQs specifically addressing generative AI.
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AI as a complex issue requiring multiple perspectives and dialogue

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  1. How can generative AI technologies assist with collaborative, integrated, and interdisciplinary work in the classroom?
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  1. What is the appropriate use of generative AI in the subject-area and/or discipline to advance scholarship and maintain excellence?
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  1. What are the current uses, concerns, and dialogue relative to generative AI within the subject and/or discipline?
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  1. How will generative AI affect the unit/major/courses’ content, assignments, instructional objectives, learning outcomes, or assessment models? Might these outcomes need to change to account for AI technology?
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  1. How will generative AI influence job growth, skills, and responsibilities in the future?
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To help facilitate this work, the Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation (CTLI) and the Enhanced Digital Learning Initiative (EDLI) will be producing resources, offering workshops, and facilitating discussions throughout the year. You can learn more about generative AI and participate in discussions in the “AI & Education” group on

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DMU Timestamp: July 31, 2023 21:00

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