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[3 of 5] The House on Mango Street, vignettes 19-27, by Sandra Cisneros (1984)

Author: Sandra Cisneros

Cisneros, Sandra. "Vignettes 19-27" The House on Mango Street. Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 2004, Arte Público Press 1984.

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The First Job
Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark
Born Bad
Elenita, Cards, Palm, Water
Geraldo No Last Name
Edna’s Ruthie
The Earl of Tennessee

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It’s me—Mama, Mama said. I open up and she’s there with bags and big boxes, the new clothes and, yes, she’s got the socks and a new slip with a little rose on it and a pink-and-white striped dress. What about the shoes? I forgot. Too late now. I’m tired. Whew!

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Oct 20
Rachel R Rachel R (Oct 20 2023 12:45PM) : Initial dialogue and introduction to Mama. more

I notice how Cisneros doesn’t use quotation marks to offset the dialogue and I wonder why.

Oct 20
Elizabeth R Elizabeth R (Oct 20 2023 12:50PM) : Without dialogue the piece seems more "informal" and intimate to me.
Oct 20
Meenoo R Meenoo R (Oct 20 2023 12:51PM) : I loved this observation and enjoy when authors like Cisneros, Morrison, and Junot Diaz do this in their writing.
Oct 20
Rachel R's Question Rachel R and/or Prediction Tutor (Oct 20 2023 1:07PM) : Why doesn't Cisneros use quotation marks? more
Prediction Tutor with Rachel R's edits:
Prediction Tutor
Identifies author's writing choices and what these foretell

I agree with you, it’s definitely a unique choice. Maybe Cisneros doesn’t use quotation marks to give the dialogue a more informal, conversational feel. It feels like we’re right there in the room with the characters, experiencing the story as it unfolds.

Here’s another example: “Don’t cry. Don’t. It makes your face all red, Mama said.” The author is very straightforward in telling us who said what, but without quotation marks, it almost feels like we’re getting an inside look into Mama’s thoughts, not just her spoken words.

The lack of quotation marks keeps us on our toes, doesn’t it? It hints that there might be more to this story than what’s just on the surface. What do you guys think? Can we find other places in the text where the author’s choices might suggest what’s coming next?

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Oct 20
Elizabeth R's Question Elizabeth R and/or Generating Themes for Freewriting Mentor (Oct 20 2023 1:08PM) : Is mom flippant about the shoes? more
Generating Themes for Freewriting Mentor with Elizabeth R's edits:
Generating Themes for Freewriting Mentor
Identifies three possible themes in the text, then describes how to do...

Based on the provided text, there seem to be three themes that are especially prominent: 1) Mother’s Attitude, 2) Regret, and 3) Material Possessions.

Firstly, I would love for you to dive deeper and explore the theme of Mother’s Attitude. Try to write extensively about how you perceive her approach and her nonchalance about the shoes: Is it shaped by prior experiences? Is it a way of dealing with situations that are out of her control?

Secondly, the theme of Regret is extremely interesting here, especially in the context of ‘Too late now.’ Spend some time writing about the nature, the origins, and the consequences of this regret. How does it affect the people involved and the overall momentum of the narrative?

Thirdly, Material Possessions seem to be of significant importance in this piece of text. Freewrite about the symbolism of the shoes, their importance, and how they reflect the characters’ values or status.

Remember, you’re a student and your main aim is to learn and practice. Embrace the inherent subjectivity of analysing literature. Write constantly for 10 minutes on each theme, without overthinking or stopping to consider spellings or the perfect words. Just let your ideas flow onto the piece. If you get stuck, repeat what you’ve already written or write ‘I can’t think what to say’ until your thoughts move. Most importantly, enjoy the process of exploring these themes and discovering your unique interpretations.

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Six-thirty already and my little cousin’s baptism is over. All day waiting, the door locked, don’t open up for nobody, and I don’t till Mama gets back and buys everything except the shoes.

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Oct 20
Tobey A's Question Tobey A and/or Text-to-Self Mentor (Add meaningful details about yourself to the optional descriptive box) (Oct 20 2023 1:10PM) : The character seems ashamed. Why? more
Text-to-Self Mentor (Add meaningful details about yourself to the optional descriptive box) with Tobey A's edits:
Text-to-Self Mentor (Add meaningful details about yourself to the optional descriptive box)
Takes your description of yourself in the descriptive box and makes con...

As the text says, “Six-thirty already and my little cousin’s baptism is over. All day waiting, the door locked, don’t open up for nobody.” Could this be a metaphor for feeling locked out or shut off from their own family or faith? Do you remember feeling a sense of disconnect from your faith or family at any point?

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Now Uncle Nacho is coming in his car, and we have to hurry to get to Precious Blood Church quick because that’s where the baptism party is, in the basement rented for today for dancing and tamales and everyone’s kids running all over the place.

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Mama dances, laughs, dances. All of a sudden, Mama is sick. I fan her hot face with a paper plate. Too many tamales, but Uncle Nacho says too many this and tilts his thumb to his lips.

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Oct 20
Meenoo R Meenoo R (Oct 20 2023 12:46PM) : I noticed how the author is trying to bring up a delicate subject but showing it and not telling it. It could be an effective technique to show to students.
Oct 20
Brent R Brent R (Oct 20 2023 12:50PM) : A clear passage of time too in just those three verbs ("dances, laughs, dances")
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Everybody laughing except me, because I’m wearing the new dress, pink and white with stripes, and new underclothes and new socks and the old saddle shoes I wear to school, brown and white, the kind I get every September because they last long and they do. My feet scuffed and round, and the heels all crooked that look dumb with this dress, so I just sit.

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Oct 20
Meenoo R Meenoo R (Oct 20 2023 12:48PM) : I notice the vivid description of the party scene and could also ask students what do they get to buy at the beginning of the school year. Is there a tradition for start of the school year in your family.
Oct 20
Rachel R Rachel R (Oct 20 2023 12:51PM) : Would certainly be a great mentor to use with students when teaching credible details.
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Oct 20
Elizabeth R Elizabeth R (Oct 20 2023 12:47PM) : She is upset about her shoes and it ruins the fact that she has an entire new outfit, down to the underclothes.

Meanwhile that boy who is my cousin by first communion or something asks me to dance and I can’t.

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Oct 20
Brent R Brent R (Oct 20 2023 12:49PM) : "first communion or something" - not even sure how people are connected. Does that suggest relationships are more arbitrary (i.e. built on fallacies) or more innate (i.e. fundamental, regardless of language's ability to explain)
Oct 20
Rachel R Rachel R (Oct 20 2023 12:50PM) : Love this question and find it interesting to consider her perhaps limited understanding of familial connections.
Oct 20
Tobey A Tobey A (Oct 20 2023 12:51PM) : Yes! Also: allusions to Catholicism [Edited] more

Here and elsewhere (chairs stamped with Precious Blood), the author has woven Catholicism into her understanding of her relationships and surroundings. It infuses the speaker’s view of the situation, just as her view of relationships does.

Oct 20
Rachel R's Question Rachel R and/or So What? Tutor (for College Admissions Essay) (Oct 20 2023 1:11PM) : What do you think is the significance of this part of the text? more
So What? Tutor (for College Admissions Essay) with Rachel R's edits:
So What? Tutor (for College Admissions Essay)
A guide for writing a section about why your story matters.

This is where you connect your religious insights to a broader audience, where the personal becomes universal. Not an easy step, but essential. Is there a specific area you’d like to delve deeper into: the significance of religion, the role of relationships, or the purpose of the refusal? Narrating is easy, but now we persuade. Are you ready to level up?

Oct 20
Elizabeth R Elizabeth R (Oct 20 2023 12:52PM) : This could spark a conversation regarding how culture has different meanings and definitions of "family"
Oct 20
Rachel R Rachel R (Oct 20 2023 12:49PM) : She acknowledges that there is a boy who may be her cousin who wants her to dance. more

I wonder why she offsets this idea as its own paragraph.

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Just stuff my feet under the metal folding chair stamped Precious Blood and pick on a wad of brown gum that’s stuck beneath the seat. I shake my head no. My feet growing bigger and bigger.

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Oct 20
Elizabeth R Elizabeth R (Oct 20 2023 12:47PM) : What do her feet (shoes) represent?
Oct 20
Brent R Brent R (Oct 20 2023 12:51PM) : Great question! Especially in some of these super abstract moments (like the feet growing bigger and bigger)
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Then Uncle Nacho is pulling and pulling my arm and it doesn’t matter how new the dress Mama bought is because my feet are ugly until my uncle who is a liar says, You are the prettiest girl here, will you dance, but I believe him, and yes, we are dancing, my Uncle Nacho and me, only I don’t want to at first. My feet swell big and heavy like plungers, but I drag them across the linoleum floor straight center where Uncle wants to show off the new dance we learned. And Uncle spins me, and my skinny arms bend the way he taught me, and my mother watches, and my little cousins watch, and the boy who is my cousin by first communion watches, and everyone says, wow, who are those two who dance like in the movies, until I forget that I am wearing only ordinary shoes, brown and white, the kind my mother buys each year for school. And all I hear is the clapping when the music stops. My uncle and me bow and he walks me back in my thick shoes to my mother who is proud to be my mother. All night the boy who is a man watches me dance. He watched me dance.

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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Oct 20
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Text-to-Self Mentor (Add meaningful details about yourself to the optional descriptive box) (Oct 20 2023 1:03PM) : Hey what's going on here? more
Text-to-Self Mentor (Add meaningful details about yourself to the optional descriptive box) with Paul A's edits:
Text-to-Self Mentor (Add meaningful details about yourself to the optional descriptive box)
Takes your description of yourself in the descriptive box and makes con...

As a reader who grew up fully immersed in and advocating for equality regardless of physical appearance, the passage resonates quite deeply. You might be able to personally connect to the central theme of feeling self-conscious about your physical appearance. After all, it’s something you probably experienced during your early teen ages, an era of life when self-esteem issues and beauty standards pressured you.

During this scene, the protagonist is forced to be in the public eye at a social event where she feels less than beautiful due to her “ugly” feet. The quote, “my feet are ugly until my uncle who is a liar says, You are the prettiest girl here,” demonstrates her deep-seated insecurity. This might align with how you felt when external affirmations used to impact your perception of yourself.

Furthermore, as she danced, she “forget[s] that I am wearing only ordinary shoes, brown and white, the kind my mother buys each year for school.” This action takes on exceptional significance, embodying her journey from self-doubt to self-acceptance. This could remind you of your transformation towards self-acceptance and comfort with your physical appearance over time.

I invite you to reread the passage, focusing on how the protagonist’s mindset changes from self-doubt to confidence. Would you say her journey resonates with your experiences during your adolescence? Can you find more connections in the protagonist’s transformation and your personal journey towards self-acceptance and self-love?

Oct 20
Brent R's Question Brent R and/or Text-to-Self Mentor (Add meaningful details about yourself to the optional descriptive box) (Oct 20 2023 1:08PM) : Why would you name someone Nacho? more
Text-to-Self Mentor (Add meaningful details about yourself to the optional descriptive box) with Brent R's edits:
Text-to-Self Mentor (Add meaningful details about yourself to the optional descriptive box)
Takes your description of yourself in the descriptive box and makes con...

I understand that as an 8th grader, you may often find it hard to delve into long paragraphs of text. Here’s a little tip: Try to find the main characters and the actions they’re doing, that usually helps in understanding what’s happening.

In this case, the main characters are the narrator and their Uncle Nacho. They are dancing together at a gathering. Uncle Nacho initiates the dance and teaches the narrator new dance steps. As they dance, others, including the narrator’s mother, little cousins and a boy, watch in admiration, saying, “wow, who are those two who dance like in the movies”. At the end, the crowd claps for them, and they both bow.

Think of a time when you tried something new even when you were scared. This could be relating to a school presentation, a sports activity, or even trying out a new video game strategy. The narrator felt the same way about dancing in the beginning – they didn’t want to do it at first, they felt their feet were ‘ugly’ and ‘big and heavy like plungers’, but they pushed through and it turned out to be a memorable night.

Re-read the text again, focusing on how the narrator and Uncle Nacho interact. Maybe you’ve had a similar experience where an adult in your life encouraged you to step out of your comfort zone. This can make the story more relatable and interesting for you!

Plus, the name Nacho isn’t very common, right? Just imagining an Uncle with that name adds a bit of fun into the reading!

Oct 20
Brent R's Question Brent R and/or Social Power/Marxist Simulator (Oct 20 2023 1:12PM) : Who is right and who is wrong? more
Social Power/Marxist Simulator with Brent R's edits:
Social Power/Marxist Simulator
Engages us in a conversation about the text from a social power/marxist...

Hello there, as we’re using the Social Power/Marxist lens, let’s dive into the social and economic dynamics that this text presents. Through this perspective, we can explore the influence of class, power, and economics in the story.

An important quote from the text is, “my feet are ugly until my uncle who is a liar says, You are the prettiest girl here, will you dance, but I believe him.” From a Marxist viewpoint, this could echo the narrative of how those in power manipulate the working class to adopt their norms. Here Uncle Nacho is able to convince her, despite her initial belief about her shoes, to dance.

From this perspective, it’s useful for us to question:
1. How does the reference to the “ordinary shoes, brown and white, the kind my mother buys each year for school" correlate to the economic status of the narrative’s family?
2. How does Uncle Nacho’s appeal for her to dance represent the influence and power exerted by the wealthy class on the working class?
3. Is the feeling of acceptance she experiences when she dances an allegory for the manipulation of the working class by the bourgeois?

Here’s why we’re asking these questions:

1. The shoes are a strong symbol. The narrator calls them ugly and ordinary, probably comparing them to what wealthier people are supposed to wear. This might offer insight into the economic status of the narrator’s family.
2. Uncle Nacho is presented as someone who can convincingly lie. His dynamic with the protagonist could mirror the power dynamics between the wealthy class and the working class, with the uncle “showing off” a new dance – perhaps a new set of rules or norms – and the protagonist forced to follow.
3. When everyone watches her and applauds, she feels accepted which could be seen as a metaphor for the temporary validation the working class might feel from the wealthy, making them more accepting of their conditions.

So, as we move forward, let’s reread this passage and think about these questions. Consider what symbols, characters, and narrative dynamics might serve as metaphors for class conflicts, economic disparities, and power dynamics. Try to write your thoughts in response to these question prompts and, don’t worry, there are no wrong answers! This is all about opening up conversation and exploring different perspectives.

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Oct 20
Elizabeth R Elizabeth R (Oct 20 2023 12:48PM) : Figurative Language
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Oct 20
Brent R Brent R (Oct 20 2023 12:47PM) : "The boy who is a man" great play on the relationships and power in this story.
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I like coffee, I like tea. I like the boys and the boys like me. Yes, no, maybe so. Yes, no, maybe so . . .

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One day you wake up and they are there. Ready and waiting like a new Buick with the keys in the ignition. Ready to take you where?

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They’re good for holding a baby when you’re cooking, Rachel says, turning the jump rope a little quicker. She has no imagination.

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You need them to dance, says Lucy.

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If you don’t get them you may turn into a man. Nenny says this and she believes it. She is this way because of her age.

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That’s right, I add before Lucy or Rachel can make fun of her. She is stupid alright, but she is my sister.

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But most important, hips are scientific, I say repeating what Alicia already told me. It’s the bones that let you know which skeleton was a man’s when it was a man and which a woman’s.

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They bloom like roses, I continue because it’s obvious I’m the only one who can speak with any authority; I have science on my side. The bones just one day open. Just like that. One day you might decide to have kids, and then where are you going to put them? Got to have room. Bones got to give.

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But don’t have too many or your behind will spread. That’s how it is, says Rachel whose mama is as wide as a boat. And we just laugh.

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What I’m saying is who here is ready? You gotta be able to know what to do with hips when you get them, I say making it up as I go. You gotta know how to walk with hips, practice you know—like if half of you wanted to go one way and the other half the other.

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That’s to lullaby it, Nenny says, that’s to rock the baby asleep inside you. And then she begins singing seashells, copper hells, eevy, ivy, over.

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I’m about to tell her that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, but the more I think about it.. .

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You gotta get the rhythm, and Lucy begins to dance. She has the idea, though she’s having trouble keeping her end of the double-dutch steady.

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It’s gotta be just so, I say. Not too fast and not too slow. Not too fast and not too slow.

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We slow the double circles down to a certain speed so Rachel who has just jumped in can practice shaking it.

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I want to shake like hoochi-coochie, Lucy says. She is crazy.

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I want to move like heebie-jeebie, I say picking up on the cue.

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I want to be Tahiti. Or merengue. Or electricity.

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Or tembleque!

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Yes, tembleque. That’s a good one.

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And then it’s Rachel who starts it:

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Skip, skip, snake in your hips. Wiggle around and break your lip.

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Lucy waits a minute before her turn. She is thinking. Then she begins: The waitress with the big fat hips

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who pays the rent with taxi tips . . .

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says nobody in town will kiss her on the lips

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because . . .

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because she looks like Christopher Columbus!

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Yes, no, maybe so. Yes, no, maybe so.

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She misses on maybe so. I take a little while before my turn, take a breath, and dive in: Some are skinny like chicken lips. Some are baggy like soggy Band-Aids after you get out of the bathtub. I don’t care what kind I get. Just as long as I get hips.

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Everybody getting into it now except Nenny who is still humming not a girl, not a boy, just a little baby. She’s like that.

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When the two arcs open wide like jaws Nenny jumps in across from me, the rope tick-ticking, the little gold earrings our mama gave her for her First Holy Communion bouncing. She is the color of a bar of naphtha laundry soap, she is like the little brown piece left at the end of the wash, the hard little bone, my sister. Her mouth opens. She begins:

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My mother and your mother were washing clothes. My mother punched your mother right in the nose.

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What color blood came out?

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Not that old song, I say. You gotta use your own song. Make it up, you know? But she doesn’t get it or won’t. It’s hard to say which. The rope turning, turning, turning.

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Engine, engine number nine, running down Chicago line. If the train runs off the track do you want your money back? Do you want your MONEY back? Yes, no, maybe so. Yes, no, maybe so . . .

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I can tell Lucy and Rachel are disgusted, but they don’t say anything because she’s my sister.

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Yes, no, maybe so. Yes, no, maybe so . . .

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Nenny, I say, but she doesn’t hear me. She is too many light-years away. She is in a world we don’t belong to anymore. Nenny. Going. Going.

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Y-E-S spells yes and out you go!

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The First Job

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It wasn’t as if I didn’t want to work. I did. I had even gone to the social security office the month before to get my social security number. I needed money. The Catholic high school cost a lot, and Papa said nobody went to public school unless you wanted to turn out bad.

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I thought I’d find an easy job, the kind other kids had, working in the dime store or maybe a hotdog stand. And though I hadn’t started looking yet, I thought I might the week after next. But when I came home that afternoon, all wet because Tito had pushed me into the open water hydrant—only I had sort of let him—Mama called me in the kitchen before I could even go and change, and Aunt Lala was sitting there drinking her coffee with a spoon. Aunt Lala said she had found a job for me at the Peter Pan Photo Finishers on North Broadway where she worked, and how old was I, and to show up tomorrow saying I was one year older, and that was that.

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So the next morning I put on the navy blue dress that made me look older and borrowed money for lunch and bus fare because Aunt Lala said I wouldn’t get paid till the next Friday, and I went in and saw the boss of the Peter Pan Photo Finishers on North Broadway where Aunt Lala worked and lied about my age like she told me to and sure enough, I started that same day.

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In my job I had to wear white gloves. I was supposed to match negatives with their prints, just look at the picture and look for the same one on the negative strip, put it in the envelope, and do the next one.

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That’s all. I didn’t know where these envelopes were coming from or where they were going. I just did what I was told.

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It was real easy, and I guess I wouldn’t have minded it except that you got tired after a while and I didn’t know if I could sit down or not, and then I started sitting down only when the two ladies next to me did. After a while they started to laugh and came up to me and said I could sit when I wanted to, and I said I knew.

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When lunchtime came, I was scared to eat alone in the company lunchroom with all those men and ladies looking, so I ate real fast standing in one of the washroom stalls and had lots of time left over, so I went back to work early. But then break time came, and not knowing where else to go, I went into the coatroom because there was a bench there.

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I guess it was the time for the night shift or middle shift to arrive because a few people came in and punched the time clock, and an older Oriental man said hello and we talked for a while about my just starting, and he said we could be friends and next time to go in the lunchroom and sit with him, and I felt better. He had nice eyes and I didn’t feel so nervous anymore. Then he asked if I knew what day it was, and when I said I didn’t, he said it was his birthday and would I please give him a birthday kiss. I thought I would because he was so old and just as I was about to put my lips on his cheek, he grabs my face with both hands and kisses me hard on the mouth and doesn’t let go.

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Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark

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Your abuelito is dead, Papa says early one morning in my room. Está muerto, and then as if he just heard the news himself, crumples like a coat and cries, my brave Papa cries. I have never seen my Papa cry and don’t know what to do.

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I know he will have to go away, that he will take a plane to Mexico, all the uncles and aunts will be there, and they will have a black-and-white photo taken in front of the tomb with flowers shaped like spears in a white vase because this is how they send the dead away in that country.

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Because I am the oldest, my father has told me first, and now it is my turn to tell the others. I will have to explain why we can’t play. I will have to tell them to be quiet today.

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My Papa, his thick hands and thick shoes, who wakes up tired in the dark, who combs his hair with water, drinks his coffee, and is gone before we wake, today is sitting on my bed.

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And I think if my own Papa died what would I do. I hold my Papa in my arms. I hold and hold and hold him.

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Born Bad

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Most likely I will go to hell and most likely I deserve to be there. My mother says I was born on an evil day and prays for me. Lucy and Rachel pray too. For ourselves and for each other . . . because of what we did to Aunt Lupe.

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Her name was Guadalupe and she was pretty like my mother. Dark. Good to look at. In her Joan Crawford dress and swimmer’s legs. Aunt Lupe of the photographs.

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But I knew her sick from the disease that would not go, her legs bunched under the yellow sheets, the bones gone limp as worms. The yellow pillow, the yellow smell, the bottles and spoons. Her head thrown back like a thirsty lady. My aunt, the swimmer.

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Hard to imagine her legs once strong, the bones hard and parting water, clean sharp strokes, not bent and wrinkled like a baby, not drowning under the sticky yellow light. Second-floor rear apartment.

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The naked light bulb. The high ceilings. The light bulb always burning.

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I don’t know who decides who deserves to go bad. There was no evil in her birth. No wicked curse.

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One day I believe she was swimming, and the next day she was sick. It might have been the day that gray photograph was taken. It might have been the day she was holding cousin Totchy and baby Frank. It might have been the moment she pointed to the camera for the kids to look and they wouldn’t.

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Maybe the sky didn’t look the day she fell down. Maybe God was busy. It could be true she didn’t dive right one day and hurt her spine. Or maybe the story that she fell very hard from a high step stool, like Totchy said, is true.

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But I think diseases have no eyes. They pick with a dizzy finger anyone, just anyone. Like my aunt who happened to be walking down the street one day in her Joan Crawford dress, in her funny felt hat with the black feather, cousin Totchy in one hand, baby Frank in the other.

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Sometimes you get used to the sick and sometimes the sickness, if it is there too long, gets to seem normal. This is how it was with her, and maybe this is why we chose her.

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It was a game, that’s all. It was the game we played every afternoon ever since that day one of us invented it—I can’t remember who—I think it was me.

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You had to pick somebody. You had to think of someone everybody knew. Someone you could imitate and everyone else would have to guess who it was. It started out with famous people: Wonder Woman, the Beatles, Marilyn Monroe. . . . But then somebody thought it’d be better if we changed the game a little, if we pretended we were Mr. Benny, or his wife Blanca, or Ruthie, or anybody we knew.

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I don’t know why we picked her. Maybe we were bored that day. Maybe we got tired. We liked my aunt. She listened to our stories. She always asked us to come back. Lucy, me, Rachel. I hated to go there alone. The six blocks to the dark apartment, second-floor rear building where sunlight never came, and what did it matter? My aunt was blind by then. She never saw the dirty dishes in the sink. She couldn’t see the ceilings dusty with flies, the ugly maroon walls, the bottles and sticky spoons. I can’t forget the smell. Like sticky capsules filled with jelly. My aunt, a little oyster, a little piece of meat on an open shell for us to look at. Hello, hello. As if she had fallen into a well.

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I took my library books to her house. I read her stories. I liked the book The Waterbabies. She liked it too. I never knew how sick she was until that day I tried to show her one of the pictures in the book, a beautiful color picture of the water babies swimming in the sea. I held the book up to her face.

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I can’t see it, she said, I’m blind. And then I was ashamed.

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She listened to every book, every poem I read her. One day I read her one of my own. I came very close. I whispered it into the pillow:

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I want to be like the waves on the sea, like the clouds in the wind, but I’m me. One day I’ll jump out of my skin. I’ll shake the sky like a hundred violins.

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That’s nice. That’s very good, she said in her tired voice. You just remember to keep writing, Esperanza. You must keep writing. It will keep you free, and I said yes, but at that time I didn’t know what she meant.

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The day we played the game, we didn’t know she was going to die. We pretended with our heads thrown back, our arms limp and useless, dangling like the dead. We laughed the way she did. We talked the way she talked, the way blind people talk without moving their head. We imitated the way you had to lift her head a little so she could drink water, she sucked it up slow out of a green tin cup. The water was warm and tasted like metal. Lucy laughed. Rachel too. We took turns being her. We screamed in the weak voice of a parrot for Totchy to come and wash those dishes. It was easy.

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We didn’t know. She had been dying such a long time, we forgot. Maybe she was ashamed. Maybe she was embarrassed it took so many years. The kids who wanted to be kids instead of washing dishes and ironing their papa’s shirts, and the husband who wanted a wife again.

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And then she died, my aunt who listened to my poems.

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And then we began to dream the dreams.

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Elenita, Cards, Palm, Water

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Elenita, witch woman, wipes the table with a rag because Ernie who is feeding the baby spilled Kool-Aid. She says: Take that crazy baby out of here and drink your Kool-Aid in the living room. Can’t you see I’m busy? Ernie takes the baby into the living room where Bugs Bunny is on TV.

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Good lucky you didn’t come yesterday, she says. The planets were all mixed up yesterday.

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Her TV is color and big and all her pretty furniture made out of red fur like the teddy bears they give away in carnivals. She has them covered with plastic. I think this is on account of the baby.

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Yes, it’s a good thing, I say.

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But we stay in the kitchen because this is where she works. The top of the refrigerator busy with holy candles, some lit, some not, red and green and blue, a plaster saint and a dusty Palm Sunday cross, and a picture of the voodoo hand taped to the wall.

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Get the water, she says.

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I go to the sink and pick the only clean glass there, a beer mug that says the beer that made Milwaukee famous, and fill it up with hot water from the tap, then put the glass of water on the center of the table, the way she taught me.

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Look in it, do you see anything?

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But all I see are bubbles.

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You see anybody’s face?

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Nope, just bubbles, I say.

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That’s okay, and she makes the sign of the cross over the water three times and then begins to cut the cards.

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They’re not like ordinary playing cards, these cards. They’re strange, with blond men on horses and crazy baseball bats with thorns. Golden goblets, sad-looking women dressed in old-fashioned dresses, and roses that cry.

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There is a good Bugs Bunny cartoon on TV. I know, I saw it before and recognize the music and wish I could go sit on the plastic couch with Ernie and the baby, but now my fortune begins. My whole life on that kitchen table: past, present, future. Then she takes my hand and looks into my palm. Closes it. Closes her eyes too.

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Do you feel it, feel the cold?

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Yes, I lie, but only a little.

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Good, she says, los espíritus are here. And begins.

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This card, the one with the dark man on a dark horse, this means jealousy, and this one, sorrow.

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Here a pillar of bees and this a mattress of luxury. You will go to a wedding soon and did you lose an anchor of arms, yes, an anchor of arms? It’s clear that’s what that means.

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What about a house, I say, because that’s what I came for.

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Ah, yes, a home in the heart. I see a home in the heart.

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Is that it?

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That’s what I see, she says, then gets up because the kids are fighting. Elenita gets up to hit and then hug them. She really does love them, only sometimes they are rude.

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She comes back and can tell I’m disappointed. She’s a witch woman and knows many things. If you got a headache, rub a cold egg across your face. Need to forget an old romance? Take a chicken’s foot, tie it with red string, spin it over your head three times, then burn it. Bad spirits keeping you awake?

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Sleep next to a holy candle for seven days, then on the eighth day, spit. And lots of other stuff. Only now she can tell I’m sad.

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Baby, I’ll look again if you want me to. And she looks again into the cards, palm, water, and says uh-huh.

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A home in the heart, I was right.

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Only I don’t get it.

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A new house, a house made of heart. I’ll light a candle for you.

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All this for five dollars I give her.

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Thank you and goodbye and be careful of the evil eye. Come back again on a Thursday when the stars are stronger. And may the Virgin bless you. And shuts the door.

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Geraldo No Last Name

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She met him at a dance. Pretty too, and young. Said he worked in a restaurant, but she can’t remember which one. Geraldo. That’s all. Green pants and Saturday shirt. Geraldo. That’s what he told her.

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And how was she to know she’d be the last one to see him alive. An accident, don’t you know.

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Hit-and-run. Marin, she goes to all those dances. Uptown. Logan. Embassy. Palmer. Aragon. Fontana. The Manor. She likes to dance. She knows how to do cumbias and salsas and rancheras even. And he was just someone she danced with. Somebody she met that night. That’s right.

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That’s the story. That’s what she said again and again. Once to the hospital people and twice to the police. No address. No name. Nothing in his pockets. Ain’t it a shame.

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Only Marin can’t explain why it mattered, the hours and hours, for somebody she didn’t even know.

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The hospital emergency room. Nobody but an intern working all alone. And maybe if the surgeon would’ve come, maybe if he hadn’t lost so much blood, if the surgeon had only come, they would know who to notify and where.

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But what difference does it make? He wasn’t anything to her. He wasn’t her boyfriend or anything like that. Just another brazer who didn’t speak English. Just another wetback. You know the kind. The ones who always look ashamed. And what was she doing out at three a.m. anyway? Marin who was sent home with her coat and some aspirin. How does she explain?

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She met him at a dance. Geraldo in his shiny shirt and green pants. Geraldo going to a dance.

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What does it matter?

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They never saw the kitchenettes. They never knew about the two-room flats and sleeping rooms he rented, the weekly money orders sent home, the currency exchange. How could they?

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His name was Geraldo. And his home is in another country. The ones he left behind are far away, will wonder, shrug, remember. Geraldo—he went north … we never heard from him again.

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Edna’s Ruthie

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Ruthie, tall skinny lady with red lipstick and blue babushka, one blue sock and one green because she forgot, is the only grown-up we know who likes to play. She takes her dog Bobo for a walk and laughs all by herself, that Ruthie. She doesn’t need anybody to laugh with, she just laughs.

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She is Edna’s daughter, the lady who owns the big building next door, three apartments front and back. Every week Edna is screaming at somebody, and every week somebody has to move away. Once she threw out a pregnant lady just because she owned a duck . . . and it was a nice duck too. But Ruthie lives here and Edna can’t throw her out because Ruthie is her daughter.

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Ruthie came one day, it seemed, out of nowhere. Angel Vargas was trying to teach us how to whistle. Then we heard someone whistling—beautiful like the Emperor’s nightingale—and when we turned around there was Ruthie.

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Sometimes we go shopping and take her with us, but she never comes inside the stores and if she does she keeps looking around her like a wild animal in a house for the first time.

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She likes candy. When we go to Mr. Benny’s grocery she gives us money to buy her some. She says make sure it’s the soft kind because her teeth hurt. Then she promises to see the dentist next week, but when next week comes, she doesn’t go.

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Ruthie sees lovely things everywhere. I might be telling her a joke and she’ll stop and say: The moon is beautiful like a balloon. Or somebody might be singing and she’ll point to a few clouds: Look, Marlon Brando. Or a sphinx winking. Or my left shoe.

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Once some friends of Edna’s came to visit and asked Ruthie if she wanted to go with them to play bingo. The car motor was running, and Ruthie stood on the steps wondering whether to go. Should I go, Ma? she asked the gray shadow behind the second-floor screen. I don’t care, says the screen, go if you want.

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Ruthie looked at the ground. What do you think, Ma? Do what you want, how should I know? Ruthie looked at the ground some more. The car with the motor running waited fifteen minutes and then they left. When we brought out the deck of cards that night, we let Ruthie deal.

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There were many things Ruthie could have been if she wanted to. Not only is she a good whistler, but she can sing and dance too. She had lots of job offers when she was young, but she never took them.

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She got married instead and moved away to a pretty house outside the city. Only thing I can’t understand is why Ruthie is living on Mango Street if she doesn’t have to, why is she sleeping on a couch in her mother’s living room when she has a real house all her own, but she says she’s just visiting and next weekend her husband’s going to take her home. But the weekends come and go and Ruthie stays. No matter.

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We are glad because she is our friend.

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I like showing Ruthie the books I take out of the library. Books are wonderful, Ruthie says, and then she runs her hand over them as if she could read them in braille. They’re wonderful, wonderful, but I can’t read anymore. I get headaches. I need to go to the eye doctor next week. I used to write children’s books once, did I tell you?

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One day I memorized all of “The Walrus and the Carpenter” because I wanted Ruthie to hear me.

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“The sun was shining on the sea, shining with all his might…” Ruthie looked at the sky and her eyes got watery at times. Finally I came to the last lines: “But answer came there none—and this was scarcely odd, because they’d eaten every one …” She took a long time looking at me before she opened her mouth, and then she said, You have the most beautiful teeth I have ever seen, and went inside.

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The Earl of Tennessee

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Earl lives next door in Edna’s basement, behind the flower boxes Edna paints green each year, behind the dusty geraniums. We used to sit on the flower boxes until the day Tito saw a cockroach with a spot of green paint on its head. Now we sit on the steps that swing around the basement apartment where Earl lives.

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Earl works nights. His blinds are always closed during the day. Sometimes he comes out and tells us to keep quiet. The little wooden door that has wedged shut the dark for so long opens with a sigh and lets out a breath of mold and dampness, like books that have been left out in the rain. This is the only time we see Earl except for when he comes and goes to work. He has two little black dogs that go everywhere with him. They don’t walk like ordinary dogs, but leap and somersault like an apostrophe and comma.

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At night Nenny and I can hear when Earl comes home from work. First the click and whine of the car door opening, then the scrape of concrete, the excited tinkling of dog tags, followed by the heavy jingling of keys, and finally the moan of the wooden door as it opens and lets loose its sigh of dampness.

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Earl is a jukebox repairman. He learned his trade in the South, he says. He speaks with a Southern accent, smokes fat cigars and wears a felt hat—winter or summer, hot or cold, don’t matter—a felt hat. In his apartment are boxes and boxes of 45 records, moldy and damp like the smell that comes out of his apartment whenever he opens the door. He gives the records away to us—all except the country and western.

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The word is that Earl is married and has a wife somewhere. Edna says she saw her once when Earl brought her to the apartment. Mama says she is a skinny thing, blond and pale like salamanders that have never seen the sun. But I saw her once too and she’s not that way at all. And the boys across the street say she is a tall red-headed lady who wears tight pink pants and green glasses. We never agree on what she looks like, but we do know this. Whenever she arrives, he holds her tight by the crook of the arm.

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They walk fast into the apartment, lock the door behind them and never stay long.

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DMU Timestamp: September 20, 2023 03:37

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