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What We Know About the War Between Israel and Hamas (November 2, 2023)

Author: Matthew Mpoke Bigg

Bigg, Matthew Mpoke. “What We Know about the War between Israel and Hamas.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 2 Nov. 2023, Questions at the top are excerpted from: Network, The Learning. “The Israel-Hamas War: A Forum for Young People to React.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 10 Oct. 2023,

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After Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel on Oct. 7, Israel has been besieging and bombarding the Gaza Strip, worsening a humanitarian crisis.

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Israeli soldiers in Be’eri, Israel, this month. Be’eri was among the sites attacked by Hamas terrorists during their Oct. 7 assault. Credit: Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times

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Nov. 2, 2023

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Follow our latest updates on the Israel-Hamas war.

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On Oct. 7, Hamas terrorists staged a surprise attack on Israel, killing more than 1,400 people in their homes, at a music festival and on the streets. In retaliation, Israel’s government vowed to destroy Hamas, the armed Palestinian group that controls the Gaza Strip. Israel unleashed a devastating barrage of airstrikes against Gaza, where more than 8,000 people are now dead, according to the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry, and sent troops into the battered enclave. The fallout from the violence has shaken the region and the world.

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Nov 16
Jaden B Jaden B (Nov 16 2023 10:51AM) : What happened? more

Hamas “terrorists” staged a surprise attack on Israel, killing more than 1,400 people in their homes.

Nov 16
David A David A (Nov 16 2023 11:49AM) : What happened ? more

Hamas stages a surprise attack on Israel killing more than 1,400 people in their homes.

Nov 16
David A David A (Nov 16 2023 11:52AM) : How did Israel respond ? [Edited] more

Israel’s government made a promise to destroy Hamas and unleashed a fatal barrage of bombs against Gaza .

Nov 16
Jala A Jala A (Nov 16 2023 12:01PM) : What happened more

Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel and killed 1,400 people in their homes, on the streets, and at a music festival.

Nov 16
Jala A Jala A (Nov 16 2023 12:02PM) : After the attack, Israel unleashed a barrage of airstrikes against Gaza, killing over 8,000 people.
Nov 16
Christopher U U Christopher U U (Nov 16 2023 12:56PM) : What Happened? more

Hamas staged a surprised an attack on Israel,killing more than 1,400 people in homes,Music Festival and the streets.

Nov 20
Deasy H Deasy H (Nov 20 2023 10:02AM) : hey guys war is bad & not cool murder is wrong yk

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Dec 30
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War (Dec 30 2023 4:16PM) : Is this what happened? more
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War with Paul A's edits:
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War
Checks claims against an article in Wikipedia.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called “2023 Israel-Hamas War,” which we copied on December 28, 2023. You can see an up-to-date version of this article here:

1) What is accurate:
- The war began with a surprise attack by Hamas-led Palestinian militant groups on October 7, 2023.
- There was significant loss of life as a result of the attacks and subsequent military actions.
- Israel responded with airstrikes against Gaza and launched ground operations in the territory.

2) What is not accurate:
- The specific number of people killed during the initial attack (more than 1,400) does not match any figures provided in the Wikipedia article. According to the text provided for comparison, there were different numbers mentioned for Israeli civilian deaths (695), soldiers (373), and foreigners (71).
- The total number of dead in Gaza according to your summary is over 8,000; however, as per the text provided for comparison from Wikipedia, more than 20,000 Palestinians had been killed as of December 22nd.

3) Related facts that might provide more understanding and context:

“The war began when Hamas-led Palestinian militant groups targeted Israel with a barrage of rockets while around 3,000 militants breached the Gaza–Israel barrier…” This provides context about how widespread and coordinated the initial attack was.

“An estimated…240 Israeli soldiers…were taken to [the] Gaza Strip as captives or hostages…” This adds another dimension to understand why Israel’s response may have been so severe.

“Over…6 days,…Israel dropped over…6 thousand bombs on targets in Gaza…” These details illustrate both scale and intensity within just one week after hostilities commenced.

“…there have been widespread global protests that primarily call for a ceasefire.” Demonstrates international concern regarding escalation between both parties involved in conflict.

These additional points offer deeper insight into events leading up to this conflict including historical tensions such as “The United Nations and several human rights organizations continue to classify Gaza as held under Israeli occupation…”, providing necessary background information about long-standing issues contributing towards current warfare dynamics.

Nov 16
Maryam C Maryam C (Nov 16 2023 1:17PM) : what happened [Edited] more

Why stage a surprise attack? it’s not like everyone in that country Is your enemy. most people that have been killed were innocent, and had nothing to do with anything that happened before this, if anything even happened.

Nov 20
Jaylin F Jaylin F (Nov 20 2023 8:35AM) : Response more

I agree that Hamas doing a surprise attack wasn’t a good idea. To add to this I think it was a bad idea also because of how much stronger as a nation Israel is compared to them

Nov 20
Sundus T Sundus T (Nov 20 2023 8:37AM) : response more

I think the reason for the surprise attack was for the fact that they wanted to get a jump on Hamas unexpected so that they could kill them. I also think they don’t consider the lives of the innocent people dying as they just see them as collateral damage- people dying as a result of their goal. they see it as a must, that it just has to be done.

Nov 21
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 21 2023 9:11AM) : Response to Sundus more

Exactly what they were thinking, they even stated this on their 1st conference that was live on national + global TV, here in the states, at least. It’s a must on both sides mainly the state of Israel to get more control, power and land, once again in humane history.

Nov 20
Justus M Justus M (Nov 20 2023 9:21PM) : Response more

If you want a country’s attention, the first target is always the people. Israel and Palestine have been at odds for some 100 years now, it can be seen as almost ironic that Hamas targeted civilians. If you were to see it from a Palestinian’s perspective, how long have your people suffered for? How much pain, how much death, how many things that should never have happened in the first place?
Someone wanted violence to pay back the suffering, to show the oppressor how it felt to the oppressed. This spirals out of control very easily unfortunately, as seen with the point the conflict has now reached.

Nov 16
Julian P Julian P (Nov 16 2023 1:22PM) : What happened? [Edited] more

Hamas attacked Israel knowing that they would want revenge. Israel are known to be a country who will go to drastic measures to get revenge.

Nov 20
Jachym W Jachym W (Nov 20 2023 8:11AM) : Responce more

I agree with Julian because even if Hamas was resisting instead of being terriosts who idiot in their right mind attacks a nuclear power that is much stronger than them

Nov 20
Jaylin F Jaylin F (Nov 20 2023 8:42AM) : Response more

I agree with this, attacking not only Israel but also its citizens was a horrible idea.

Nov 20
David A David A (Nov 20 2023 4:54PM) : response more

Hamas attacked Israel, and it’s like they knew Israel would hit back hard. It’s because of this back-and-forth thing they’ve got going on. Both sides have this history of not letting things slide, and it just makes the whole situation more complicated. We need to figure out a way to break this cycle and find a real solution.Hamas attacking Israel and expecting retaliation is like this messed-up cycle. It’s because they know Israel tends to respond strongly. The thing is, this whole revenge game just keeps going back and forth. It’s not just about one incident—it’s like a build-up of tension over time. To really solve this, we’ve got to dig into the deeper issues and find a way to break this pattern that’s been going on for too long.

Nov 20
Jala A Jala A (Nov 20 2023 7:38PM) : Response more

I feel like this is an extreme oversimplification of the events that occurred.

Nov 20
Nyiem C Nyiem C (Nov 20 2023 8:14PM) : Response more

I agree, but this makes the Hamas government make a selfish decision because this cost a lot of lives, which is still continuing. Even for freedom, the stakes were extremely high.

Nov 16
Julian P Julian P (Nov 16 2023 1:30PM) : What happened? more

After the Hamas attack Israel’s revenge attack killed 8,000. After Hamas killed 1,400, Israel killed 6,600 more people than Hamas.

Nov 16
Toni-Kae A Toni-Kae A (Nov 16 2023 1:31PM) : What happened? more

Israel’s government vowed to destroy Hamas after the surprise attack at the music festival.

Nov 16
Savannah H Savannah H (Nov 16 2023 2:11PM) : What happened during the Hamas attack more

Hamas staged a surprise attack on Israel

Nov 16
Bobbi T Bobbi T (Nov 16 2023 2:33PM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

The military organization controlling the Gaza Strip launched an attack on Israel, causing 1400 fatalities in different areas.

Nov 16
Imani R Imani R (Nov 16 2023 5:56PM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel, killing over 1,400 people and taking over 200 civilians hostage.

Nov 16
Jason L Jason L (Nov 16 2023 6:38PM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

Hamas terrorists staged a surprise attack, killing over 1,000 people in their homes.

Nov 16
Jason L Jason L (Nov 16 2023 6:39PM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

Israel unleashed a devastating barrage of airstrikes against Gaza, where more than 8,000 people are now dead, according to the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry, and sent troops into the battered enclave.

Nov 21
Synai H Synai H (Nov 21 2023 1:09AM) : Response to Jason L more

The IDF went very extreme with their retaliation. Hamas attacked because the way the Palestinians were living, under Israel, was unsustainable.

Nov 16
Imani R Imani R (Nov 16 2023 6:56PM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

Due to this being a surprise attack, it was very unexpected and sudden. Knowing the long battles and history between Israel and Palestine, why now? What prompted Hamas to strike back now? I wonder if Hamas suddenly staged this attack or already had this attack planned for years.

Nov 20
Gabriela L Gabriela L (Nov 20 2023 11:18AM) : Response more

I think that this attack was planned, I thought that they had purposely stated that they were tired of dealing with Israel taking over so they purposefully attacked Israel. Although I could have been wrong because it was what I heard not a fact.

Nov 16
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 16 2023 7:23PM) : What happened more

Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel on October 7, killing over 1400 people

Nov 16
Ramadhany J Ramadhany J (Nov 16 2023 10:31PM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? [Edited] more

On October 7th, Hamas suddenly launched an attack on Israel, killing more than 1,400 Israeli people.

Nov 17
Kaylin V Kaylin V (Nov 17 2023 9:06AM) : my thoughts more

are they correct in calling Hamas terrorists? what about what happened in the earlier years and how that affected Palestine throughout the whole conflict. Is Israel’s response justifiable?

Nov 20
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 20 2023 6:20PM) : Response more

There isn’t exactly a yes or no answer to whether Hamas are terrorists or not. To an Israelian civilian the are terrorists because they kill innocent people but to Palestinians, Hamas is protecting them.

Nov 17
Savier T Savier T (Nov 17 2023 10:00AM) : How did Israel respond? more

Israel are now unleashing bombs in Palestine.

Nov 17
Savier T Savier T (Nov 17 2023 10:07AM) : How did Israel respond? more

I feel as if the way Israel responded somewhat makes sense but it still isnt needed. I say that because yes they got bombed and had civilians getting killed by hamas but that doesnt mean they have to go and kill civilians in palestine.

Nov 20
Naomi M Naomi M (Nov 20 2023 7:56PM) : response more

Yes I agree and forth fight between Palestine and Israel needs to stop. SO much damage has been done already

Nov 19
Carlentz P Carlentz P (Nov 19 2023 6:22PM) : . more

hamas killed more than 1400 people and israel responded by saying they would destroy hamas then unleased airstrikes on GAZA where they killed 8000 people

Nov 21
Elijah A Elijah A (Nov 21 2023 8:39AM) : What happened? more

Hamas staged a surprise attack on Israel resulting in the death of more than 1400 people within their own homes

Nov 21
Elijah A Elijah A (Nov 21 2023 8:45AM) : What happened more

In response to Hamas Israel unleashed a barrage of airstrikes against Gaza where more than 8000 have been killed

Nov 28
Brianna S Brianna S (Nov 28 2023 9:33AM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

Hamas terrorists staged a surprise attack on Israel, killing more than 1,400 people in their homes, at a music festival and on the streets on October 7.

Nov 28
Brianna S Brianna S (Nov 28 2023 9:38AM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

I think the attack just made the situation worse, escalating the conflict and killing more innocent people.


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Nov 28
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Maram Simulator, a Palestinian-American who grew up in Gaza (Nov 28 2023 3:54PM) : Do you agree that the attack on October 7th made the situation worse, escalating the conflict and killing more innocent people? more
Maram Simulator, a Palestinian-American who grew up in Gaza with Paul A's edits:
Maram Simulator, a Palestinian-American who grew up in Gaza
Practice reading this text through the eyes of a Palestinian-American r...

The question is whether I agree that the attack on October 7th made the situation worse, escalating the conflict and killing more innocent people. Reflecting on this tragic and deeply painful situation, my heart says yes, it unequivocally escalated the conflict and led to further loss of innocent life. The attack, a surprise strike, did not just target combatants but rather it resulted in a drastic number of civilian casualties—over 1,400 people, including those in their homes and at a music festival. These actions that Hamas took, as stated, have surely exacerbated tensions and brought about a severe retaliation from Israel, involving overwhelming airstrikes and troop deployments within Gaza. The loss of life, which the Hamas-run health ministry reports to be over 8,000 individuals, has not only ripped through families and communities but has also heightened instability in the region at large. Yet, the cycle of violence, where one act begets another, only furthers the despair without offering a path to peace or resolution.

It is such a complex, heart-wrenching narrative, where every strike, every retaliation, has a backstory filled with pain, loss, and injustice that spans generations. This conflict hits close to home, affecting people I know, my family. Imagine the ever-present fear, the mourning that never fully heals because it’s layered with new grief, it’s a reality for us, for so many.

What else would you like to explore in this? Perhaps we could delve into the broader implications of this cycle of violence, or we could look at the international response and its effectiveness. Alternatively, we could discuss the human stories that emerge in these times of crisis—how individuals and families cope with the constant uncertainty and threat. Let me know where you’d like our conversation to go, or if there’s another angle you’re interested in.

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

Lastly, I invite you to deeply engage with the reality behind these very issues—we mustn’t just read, we must listen, interact, and most importantly, carry these narratives forward for understanding. I encourage you to listen to and comment on my actual interview “Inside A Gaza Village: ‘All Of Us Will Die, But We Don’t Know When’” at Together, we can strive towards a greater comprehension of this very real human struggle.

Dec 13
Mark C Mark C (Dec 13 2023 2:16PM) : responce more

the feelings of those who have had their normal life disrupted so suddenly? As you connect these threads from your own life to the text, remember that the stories we read often hold a mirror up to our own experiences, offering solace, understanding, or even a path forward.

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Nov 16
Mariam B Mariam B (Nov 16 2023 1:27PM) : What happened? more

“Hamas terrorists staged a surprise attack on Israel.” At the time, it seemed like a terrorist group attacking a nation, however, now it looks to be a group rebelling against their oppressors.

Nov 16
Anaya C Anaya C (Nov 16 2023 8:05PM) : The Hamas attack- more

I think this attack was unnecessary and further dragged this ongoing conflict.

Nov 20
Deasy H Deasy H (Nov 20 2023 10:05AM) : yeah, war is bad, more

getting civilians involved in a dispute is a huge issue, especially when hospitals are being attacked, It is unfair, especially to people whose lives have barely even started and those whose lives are barley being head together

Nov 16
Chimdiadi N Chimdiadi N (Nov 16 2023 10:05PM) : What Happened? more

Hamas terrorists staged a suprised attack on Israel making the Israeli government vow vengeance on Hamas

Nov 16
Michael M Michael M (Nov 16 2023 10:56PM) : what happened? more

A ¨ẗerrorist group¨ by the name of hamas staged a surprise attack on israel, leading to the death of more than 1400 people

Nov 16
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 16 2023 11:03PM) : Bias more

Calling Hamas a terrorist group shows the bias in this article favors the Israelis

Nov 19
Ahmed Al A Ahmed Al A (Nov 19 2023 8:32PM) : Agreed more

I do agree with this statement however, It is important to understand the reason why Israelis call them terrorists. It is because they look for ways to villanize the Muslims because it is very easy to do so.

Nov 20
Allisson M Allisson M (Nov 20 2023 1:27PM) : Response more

Yes i agree with this statement- there is some biased in this article and that makes me question the rest of the info that was said in this article. is it reliable?

Nov 17
Savier T Savier T (Nov 17 2023 9:58AM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

Hamas ( A group in Palestine ) staged a terrorist attack on Israel and killed more than 1.4k people.

Nov 19
Ashiyah C Ashiyah C (Nov 19 2023 4:20PM) : What happened ? more
Hamas led a surprise terrorist attack on Israel, killing roughly 1,400 people including at least 300 soldiers, according to the Israeli government.
Nov 21
Zhaki A Zhaki A (Nov 21 2023 7:58AM) : I more

During the hamas attack an attack was staged that killed about 1.4k Israelites that were in there homes during a music festival

Dec 7
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 07 2023 10:48PM) : The attack more

they enjoy killing is insane

Jan 26
Teodora H Teodora H (Jan 26 2024 9:26AM) : what happened more

Hamas conducted an attack onto israel which resulted in a death toll of more that 1.4k

Jan 26
Andre P Andre P (Jan 26 2024 2:27PM) : Attack more

The terrorist attack killed many innocent people enjoying a festival

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Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 8:08PM) : Why more

Why did the Israeli government attack the Gaza Strip and not a Hamas military outpost?

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Nov 16
Jaden B Jaden B (Nov 16 2023 10:47AM) : What happened? more

Israel fired a barrage of airstrikes against Gaza, where more than 8,000 people are dead.

Nov 16
Chimdiadi N Chimdiadi N (Nov 16 2023 10:06PM) : What Happened? more

Israel unleashed a devastating barrage of airstrikes against Gaza, where more than 8,000 people are now dead, according to the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry, and sent troops into the battered enclave.


Nov 20
Daniel F Daniel F (Nov 20 2023 1:29PM) : I agree but, I still wonder how accurate the number of death really was when this happens because there probably was too much rubble to accurately count
Jan 26
Teodora H Teodora H (Jan 26 2024 9:29AM) : what happened more

Since the attack from hamas, more than 8k (since the article has been written) palestinians have died because of the IDF

Jan 26
Andre P Andre P (Jan 26 2024 2:31PM) : Airstrikes more

They released lots of deadly strikes against Gaza, more than 8,000 dead

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Nov 16
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 16 2023 11:01PM) : What Happened during the Hamas attack more

A sacred mosque was bombed causing the tensions between Israel and Palestinians

Nov 17
Christopher C C Christopher C C (Nov 17 2023 8:11AM) : what happened during the Hamas attack more

after the bombing many women and children were injured and dead

Nov 21
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 21 2023 11:17PM) : Response more

Do you think that the Israelites care about the number of kids they’re killing

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 10:08PM) : Reply more

Probably not because the government really don’t like palestinians

Dec 7
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 07 2023 10:50PM) : Prediction more

Will the world have to get involved because of escalation?

Here’s what to know:

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What happened during the Hamas attack?

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Nov 15
Selena R Selena R (Nov 15 2023 5:08PM) : what happened during the Hamas attack. more

Hamas has said it was motivated to launch the attack essentially as the culmination of long-building anger over Israeli policy, including recent outbreaks of violence at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, but more generally over the treatment of Palestinians and the expansion of Israeli settlements.

Nov 15
Selena R Selena R (Nov 15 2023 5:20PM) : what happened durring the hamas attack more

after the bombing of a sacred mosque, Al-Aqsa by the jews, and the oppression of them Palestinian people. Hamas went out of the strip of gaza and to defend the Palestinians against constant oppression.

Nov 16
Jachym W Jachym W (Nov 16 2023 7:35AM) : What Happened during the Hamas attack more

After Isreal Bombed a sacred mosque hamas moved into isreal as a culimination of long building anger and resentment boiled over

Nov 16
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 16 2023 9:51AM) : What happened during the Hamas Attack [Edited] more

More than a thousand Israelis were killed during the attack and more than 200 were taken hostage.

Nov 16
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 16 2023 9:56AM) : What happened during the Hamas Attack more

It was sudden and unexpected, The reconnaissance done by Israel has always been diligent and accurate however the plans for this attack had not been found and it surprised even the highest of authorities in Israel

Nov 20
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 20 2023 9:53AM) : Response more

I wonder if it is possible Israel intentionally lessened their defenses to justify retaliation. As you said, Israel typically has a large amount of recon and their Iron Dome is well funded. Considering how they have been reported to do a lot for a good reputation among the Western world, it does not seem like a big stretch to assume they would do this.

Nov 16
Indianasia S Indianasia S (Nov 16 2023 10:14AM) : How closely have you been following the news? Where are you getting your information? How do you know that what you are seeing and hearing is accurate? more

Any media revolving highly controversial topics will never be shared equally on both sides especially by popular news networks; anyone or group of people who have power to speak up to speak up against the opposing sides biases and spread more accurate information in effort to make a change to any degree is what makes the media more powerful in a way. I noticed that American networks always or almost always side with Israel or stand ‘neutral’ avoiding mentioning parts of the news that may hint towards being in support of one side more than the other. Since the U.S. supports Israel in the war its important to notice the relation between Israel and U.S. history; like most countries a previous history of partnership or alliance will overpower any conflict whether its morally right or wrong or seen as so.

Nov 16
Anton H Anton H (Nov 16 2023 10:15AM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

The military organization Hamas killed around 1200 Israeli soldiers, officers and civilians, injuring around 5000 and around 200 hostages were taken.

Nov 16
Indianasia S Indianasia S (Nov 16 2023 10:22AM) : How closely have you been following the news? Where are you getting your information? How do you know that what you are seeing and hearing is accurate? more

Acknowledgment of both sides arguments and recognizing bias sources and media outlets will give you the most updated and accurate news on the war

Nov 16
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 16 2023 9:05PM) : What happened during the attack? more

After lots of oppression and violence towards Palestinians from IDF soldiers and the Israeli governement, Hamas reached a limit and ended up breaching the wall keeping them in the open-air prison, and brutally attacking many Israeli civilians and soldiers. As well as taking hundreds of civilians and soldiers captive.

Nov 16
Ronald D Ronald D (Nov 16 2023 9:07PM) : what happened during the Hamas attack? more

Although this attack was egregious I think that it could’ve been seeing as the article says that the attack carried out was said to have been on the outskirts and if it were closer to the interior then it would’ve caused more damage.

Nov 16
Ronald D Ronald D (Nov 16 2023 9:18PM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

Why and how did the "Iron Dome missile defense system fail also if Hamas planned to attack this because they could wreak the most havoc and kill the most Isrealy.

Nov 16
Ramadhany J Ramadhany J (Nov 16 2023 10:39PM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

On October 7th, Hamas fired rockets towards Israel. They then infiltrated the country, killing many people. Not only this, they kidnapped 239 civilians and soldiers. This was the single deadliest day in Israel’s history.

Nov 17
Ramlah H Ramlah H (Nov 17 2023 2:51AM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? [Edited] more

Hamas organized a surprise attack on Israel and its defense system wasn’t able to defend itself. On this day, a devastating 1,400+ people were killed. Knowing Israel’s advanced military, their retaliation would be absolutely brutal to the Palestinians.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 6:47AM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

As of right now, close to 2 months ago, Hamas made an unexpected blast attack beside thousands of soldiers; ‘terrorists’ breaching within an Israel border. While also having hostages from Israel, U.S [and possibly European countries] who are presumed to be underground in the Palestinian underground tunnel military system. As they state, this is because they want the state of freedom from Zionism of Israel and most state too about their land boundaries + fair laws that are being ignored. It’s been known, globally, that Israel’s Secretary of state + oppressed Palestine for the last 70+ years. From being unjustly to the country’s/state’s vulnerable, financially and physically for their lives, across their borders. By across their borders also is some citizens being bigoted to Palestinians.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 6:51AM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? [Edited] more

So far, after the Al-Aqsa Mosque violence to Palestinians. The Hamas group got upset and planned what happened about 2 months ago, starting the new war.

Nov 17
Naomi M Naomi M (Nov 17 2023 9:29AM) : What happened during Hamas attack more

more than 200 Israeli people have been held as hostages. Homas has fired multiple rockets into Israels’s missile defense system, and they have massacred many men women and children in different communities etc.

Nov 17
Aniyah K Aniyah K (Nov 17 2023 9:52AM) : Hamas Attack more

Hamas attacked Israel as a result of the long-held hatred for the Israeli occupation.

Nov 21
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 21 2023 11:23PM) : Response more

Do you think Hamas has any remorse for the Palestinians who die during this dispute

Nov 17
Savier T Savier T (Nov 17 2023 10:05AM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

I feel as if killing civilians should never be involved in wars.

Nov 20
Michelle T Michelle T (Nov 20 2023 10:03AM) : Response more

I agree that civilians should never be involved in wars. They should have been given a chance to flee the country since they aren’t actively participating in the war. If both sides had given the civilians the chance to get out of the country, there would be less casualties and less families grieving over the people they had lost.

Nov 17
Naomi M Naomi M (Nov 17 2023 10:08AM) : What happened during Hamas Attack more

Homas took at least 239 civilians soldiers hostage

Nov 21
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 21 2023 11:29PM) : Response more

What do you think Hamas will do if even capturing hostages can’t satisfy their demands

Dec 14
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 14 2023 12:13PM) : What happened during the Hamas attack more

Even Israel’s highest authorities were taken aback by the sudden and unexpected attack, which was unexpected given Israel’s history of meticulous and accurate reconnaissance. The plans for the attack had not been discovered.

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 9:00AM) : What happened during the hamas attack more

There are currently over 200 Israelis being held captive. Homas has massacred numerous men, women, and children in various communities by firing multiple rockets into Israel’s missile defense system.

Jan 26
Cashae M Cashae M (Jan 26 2024 9:14AM) : On october 7th, Israel was attacked by the Hamas with multiple rockets, this became the most deadly day in history
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A demonstration in support of the hostages.
A rally in support of those taken hostage. Hamas and other Palestinian groups are believed to be holding more than 200 people as hostages. Credit: Amit Elkayam for The New York Times
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Jan 25
Marcus R Marcus R (Jan 25 2024 10:24AM) : What is happening during the Hamas attacks? more

Family members of people lost, or dead are mourning the deaths of the family. This is a harsh sight to see and burden on your soul.

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Dec 22
Nya H Nya H (Dec 22 2023 9:26AM) : What happened during the hamas attack more

It is just sad to see people holding posters with their loved ones saying “Bring him/her home”. No one should ever have to go through that.

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Nov 16
Hannah T Hannah T (Nov 16 2023 12:08PM) : the picture more

the people are scared and their loved ones are being taken for just living there

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Early on Oct. 7, Hamas fired volleys of rockets that struck as far away as Tel Aviv and the outskirts of Jerusalem, cities normally protected by Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system. The attackers then infiltrated border communities and army bases, as well as an outdoor music festival, massacring men, women and children. It took days for Israeli forces to regain control after the attack, which marked the single deadliest day in Israel’s history.

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Nov 15
Geoffrey W Geoffrey W (Nov 15 2023 10:21AM) : What happened? more

I think that when Hamas attacked civilians, especially children they knew there would be a strong response. Israel is known to act with vengence.

Nov 15
Ryan A Ryan A (Nov 15 2023 10:44AM) : Military more

I dont understand how Hamas was able to affect israel t all. Israel is a very advanced c ountry compared to the poor and underdeveloped Palestine. Because of this, im confused as to why Israel couldnt detect Palestinian attacks.

Nov 15
Jaylin F Jaylin F (Nov 15 2023 2:16PM) : What Happened? more

The attack started with Hamas firing volleys of rockets to Israel.

Nov 16
Bidia G Bidia G (Nov 16 2023 8:45AM) : Q more

is Hamas apart of Israel or Palestine?

Nov 15
Ahmed Al A Ahmed Al A (Nov 15 2023 10:15PM) : What Happened more

Hamas sent rockets into deep Israeli territory in retaliation for the settler colonialism that has been ongoing in Palestine. The attack was devastating and killed mostly civilians and teenagers.

Nov 15
Ahmed Al A Ahmed Al A (Nov 15 2023 10:18PM) : What Happened more

This is also where Hamas became extremely controversial. They are much harder to brand as a militant group now. However, Isreal’s military has been doing the same thing for decades so it depends on simply how you view Muslims and Arabs.

Nov 15
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 15 2023 11:59PM) : The Attack's possible response more

I think Hamas must have known the consequences of this attack would be great given that Isreal is a powerful military base

Nov 16
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 16 2023 8:14AM) : What Happened? more

Hamas sent rockets into Israeli territory in retaliation for the oppresion that the Palestinians have been undergoing for many that has been ongoing in Palestine. The attack was devastating and killed mostly civilians and teenagers.

Nov 16
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 16 2023 8:16AM) : What Happened? more

I think that when Hamas sent rockets into Israel and killed children, Israel was bound to respond with similar violence.

Nov 16
Bidia G Bidia G (Nov 16 2023 8:42AM) : why more

why did Hamas attack Jerusalem if its not in Palestine?

Nov 16
Ade R Ade R (Nov 16 2023 8:51AM) : What happened during the attack more

On October 7th, Hamas launched a barrage of missiles that struck some of Isreal’s cities that were normally under the protection of Isreal’s Iron Dome missile defense system. Hamas then infiltrated army bases, communities, and a music festival and killed men women and children and took at least 239 soldiers and civilians hostage

Nov 16
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 16 2023 10:07AM) : What Happened? more

In retaliation to all of the oppression from Israel, Hamas fired several rockets at Israel before sending people to take Israeli citizens hostage.

Nov 16
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 16 2023 10:12AM) : What Happened? more

The actions of Hamas made the strife between Israel and the Gaza Strip into a war recognized by several countries, despite the two territories firing missiles at each other for some time before.

Nov 16
Sabrina P Sabrina P (Nov 16 2023 12:08PM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

Hamas had attacked cities protected by Israel, infiltrating the border communities, army bases and resulted in the death of hundred of people

Nov 16
Jala A Jala A (Nov 16 2023 12:10PM) : What is your reaction to Hamas’s attack on Israel and to Israel’s response? What emotions, feelings, and thoughts are you experiencing? more

The attack on Israel perpetuated by Hamas is no doubt brutal and disgusting, however, the lack of nuance that is present in these discussions bothers me. Israel’s reaction is in no way justified considering the oppression that they have subjected Palestinians to for years. The colonization and ethnic cleansing that could even be considered genocide that is now happening to Palestinians is not okay, and no attack made by Hamas could justify the inhumane acts that Israel is taking.

Nov 21
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 21 2023 12:30AM) : Fair point more

This is true. We see many people acting like this is a relatively new thing, when in reality this has been going on for hundreds of years.

Nov 16
Sabrina P Sabrina P (Nov 16 2023 12:15PM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? #2 more

What would there be to gain in starting this conflict? If Israel is a country with the region’s most advanced military, then why enact violence when they will surely fight back, if not harder

Nov 16
Savannah H Savannah H (Nov 16 2023 2:13PM) : what happened during the Hamas attack? more

Fired rockets and attacked israel to the point where they couldn’t recover

Nov 16
Bobbi T Bobbi T (Nov 16 2023 2:39PM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

A hamas attack marked “the single deadliest day in Israel history”. Volleys of rockets struck multiple Israel cities and attackers infiltrated army bases and public areas, killing men, women, and children.

Nov 16
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 16 2023 5:01PM) : What happened? more

On October 7th, Israel was attacked with several rockets in their cities by Hamas. They went into their army bases, border communities, and an outdoor festival. These attacks made it the single most deadliest day in history.

Nov 16
Arafat H Arafat H (Nov 16 2023 6:36PM) : Confusion? What happened. [Edited] more

I have many questions as to how it took days for the Israeli forces to take control after the attack. Regarding how advanced Israel is with their military, I would think they would’ve caught Hamas. It’s just very surprising to me that Hamas was able to affect Israel this badly.

Nov 16
Arafat H Arafat H (Nov 16 2023 6:43PM) : Infiltration of Israel. What happened during Hamas. more

Hamas ended up on news headlines because they sent rockets into Israel’s territory and not only that, they managed to infiltrate border communities. They ended up killing and taking at least 239 civilians of Israel. This led to the controversy between Israel and Hamas to resurface. Hamas probably did this in retaliation for the settler colonialism that’s going on in Palestine.

Nov 16
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 16 2023 10:52PM) : reaction more

I feel that it’s possible Hamas initially had this attack to trigger Israel’s response. The Western media was not covering this situation nearly as much as they are now, and that is mainly due to Israel’s brutal response. I feel that (if true) Hamas was successful in getting the world’s attention to that part of the world, opening up millions of eyes to what is happening there.

Nov 20
Arafat H Arafat H (Nov 20 2023 11:08AM) : Reply to Masaki more

You brought up a really good point, as the situation(the apartheid) in Gaza wasn’t really brought up even when people talked about it, word hadn’t really spread around. I think that was one of Hamas’s intentions, to essentially sacrifice for the greater good despite the losses. The greater good being the attention of the world.

Nov 20
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 20 2023 6:46PM) : Reply. more

I agree and I have been saying this. Media and many people are portraying this as a completely random attack, when in reality it’s the years of violence being taught to Palestinians due to Israel’s tactics. Even Israelis are taught to live with violence, as every able person has to serve 2 years in the military.

Nov 27
Ashiyah C Ashiyah C (Nov 27 2023 5:05PM) : disagree more

I understand where you were going with this but I have to disagree a bit. Although it is true that Israel’s reaction to the Hamas attack is what got the attention of Palestine being opressed for years I dont think Palestine attacked them just for that reason . I mean just think about it why would palestinians put thousands of lives in danger and provoke a war just for that reason. Not to say that the world shouldn’t have been informed about Israel’s acts but that way of doing it seems to risky.

Nov 16
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 16 2023 11:15PM) : What's next? [Edited] more

I feel that at this point the most likely thing to happen is possibly another world war. This conflict has gone on for so many years now and even if politically an agreement is able to be met, thousands of people from both Israel and Palestine have been traumatized, and with that comes angered people. I feel that the cycle will continue, even if there is a victor in this theoretical war I am talking about history will likely repeat itself and someone will be left hurt. No matter what happens I feel that they are too far into this violent conflict to recover in our lifetime.


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Dec 30
Paul A's Question

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Paul A and/or Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War (Dec 30 2023 10:12AM) : Do the facts support this position? more
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War with Paul A's edits:
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War
Checks claims against an article in Wikipedia.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War, which we copied on December 28, 2023.

1) What is accurate:
- The conflict involved rocket attacks by Hamas that reached as far away as Tel Aviv and the outskirts of Jerusalem.
- There were infiltrations into border communities and army bases by attackers.
- An outdoor music festival was attacked during the hostilities.
- Israeli forces took time to regain control after these attacks.

2) What is not accurate:
- The statement regarding “the single deadliest day in Israel’s history” cannot be verified without specific data or dates for comparison. This claim would need historical context and confirmation against other events in Israel’s history.

3) What else might be added to provide more understanding and context:
- Details about how Iron Dome missile defense system performed during this attack could offer insight into why rockets struck areas usually protected by it.
- Information on any diplomatic efforts or ceasefire attempts that occurred before or after October 7th could give a better sense of international response to the escalation.

Regarding your personal position on future outcomes such as another world war, while informed speculation can be valuable, predicting future conflicts with certainty is beyond factual analysis. Historical patterns do show cycles of violence in regions with protracted conflicts like this one; however, many factors contribute to whether such cycles continue or are broken. Diplomatic interventions, changes in leadership, shifts in public opinion within affected populations, external pressures from global powers—all can influence whether peace becomes attainable.

It’s important also to note that opinions about potential recovery within our lifetime are subjective assessments rather than verifiable facts. While trauma does have long-lasting effects on societies and individuals alike—and indeed may fuel ongoing conflict—there are also examples throughout history where peace has been achieved following intense periods of violence.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War, which we copied on December 28, 2023. You can see an up-to-date version of this article here:

Nov 16
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 16 2023 11:26PM) : What happened more

Hamas launched an attack near Jerusalem and then attacked nearby citizens

Nov 17
Jason L Jason L (Nov 17 2023 9:18AM) : What is your reaction to Hamas’s attack on Israel? more

I feel like the attack on Israel was an act of vengeance as Israel had been oppressing Palestine for a while now.

Nov 17
Julieta Z Julieta Z (Nov 17 2023 1:15PM) : What happened? more

Why was Israel’s “Iron Dome missile defense system” down if it normally was in operation? and how did Hamas know that the attack would hit in the first place?

Nov 20
Victor V Victor V (Nov 20 2023 12:56PM) : Add on to Julz more

I somewhat think that this whole attack was planned by Hamas but I don’t why the Iron Dome wasn’t operating when Hamas placed their attacks.

Nov 20
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 20 2023 10:54PM) : What happened more

Hamas attacked Israel, marking it the deadliest day in Israel’s history

Dec 8
Suhayla L Suhayla L (Dec 08 2023 8:16PM) : What happened? more

The attack started when in early October Hamas decided to fire volleys of rockets at Israeli territory. Which declared that day the single deadliest day in Israel’s history.

Dec 8
Suhayla L Suhayla L (Dec 08 2023 8:19PM) : What happened? more

On October 7th, Israel was attacked with several rockets in their cities by Hamas. They went to their army bases, border communities, and an outdoor festival. These attacks made it the single most deadliest day in history.

Jan 3
Sophia C Sophia C (Jan 03 2024 6:42PM) : Q more

Hamas launched a barrage of missiles that struck some of Israel’s cities

Jan 26
Cashae M Cashae M (Jan 26 2024 9:22AM) : . more

While Hamas did start with the first attack. Israel’s response was far worse. They have cut off water, gas, and food supply for the Gaza Strip. The phone and internet service is also down. Israel has invaded Gaza, gathered hostages, and has vowed to demolish Hamas.

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Nov 16
Daniel F Daniel F (Nov 16 2023 8:46AM) : It was Hamas not the Palestinian people in Gaza who started the attack.
Nov 16
Justus M Justus M (Nov 16 2023 9:54AM) : Iron dome more

Shouldn’t the Iron Dome have intercepted the missiles? Why did it fail now of all times?

Nov 16
Annalise W Annalise W (Nov 16 2023 10:18AM) : Retaliation more

After Hamas fired rockets that destroyed some of Israel’s structures, Israel countered a more devastating attack against Gaza killing twice as much Palestine.

Nov 16
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 16 2023 1:25PM) : What happened? more

If these cities are normally protected by the Iron Dome system, why didn’t they perform their function this time? Was it sabotage?

Nov 16
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 16 2023 6:26PM) : What happened? more

It looks like to me the conflict began as soon as Hamas terrorists ended up launching a sudden attack that broke through Israel’s defense system, called the Iron Dome, which was made to launch missiles that intercept incoming rockets and explode to destroy them on impact. Many Israel civilians were attacked and as well as army bases killing 1400 people at least.

Nov 27
Ashiyah C Ashiyah C (Nov 27 2023 5:12PM) : agree/disagree more

This is true but we also have to consider the history behind these acts.As we know this conflict surfaces back over 100 years of Israel mainly opressing Palestine. Not to disregard Palestines attack but , after that Israel could’ve easily just did the same damage or a little more. But they killed almost 10x the amount Palestine has killed.

Nov 16
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 16 2023 6:38PM) : Iron dome? more

Why didn’t the iron dome protect the buildings from the rockets?

Nov 16
Nyiem C Nyiem C (Nov 16 2023 8:35PM) : An attack more

This was a destructive volley killing hundreds from the start.

Nov 16
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 16 2023 11:26PM) : Iron Dome more

Why did the Iron dome fail?


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Nov 17
Paul A's Question

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Paul A and/or Tishby Simulator, an Israeli actress, speaker, author, and ardent supporter of Israel (Nov 17 2023 7:30AM) : What do you think? more
Tishby Simulator, an Israeli actress, speaker, author, and ardent supporter of Israel with Paul A's edits:
Tishby Simulator, an Israeli actress, speaker, author, and ardent supporter of Israel
Practice reading this text through the eyes of an Israeli who strongly ...

The question at hand—why did the Iron Dome fail—strikes at the very core of our security concerns, as it challenges a critical aspect of our national defense. From my perspective, as someone deeply invested in the safety of Israel and our people, examining the circumstances surrounding the failure of the Iron Dome on October 7 is of utmost importance.

You see, the Iron Dome has been one of our most trusted shields, intercepting countless rockets and protecting our cities from the kind of horrors that have scarred our region. For it to fail, as it reportedly did when “Hamas fired volleys of rockets that struck as far away as Tel Aviv and the outskirts of Jerusalem,” it necessitates a thorough investigation into both technical and strategic factors at play.

Was it a matter of technical malfunction, overwhelming barrage, or advanced countermeasures that Hamas deployed? I must emphasize how critical the Iron Dome has been in providing a protective canopy over our homes; its success rate has historically been superb. But, like any technology, it’s not infallible—it can be strained under extreme conditions or faced with new threats that push beyond its current capacities.

In these moments, it is more imperative than ever that we unite, reinforcing our defenses both materially and in spirit. A failure of the Iron Dome is not just a military setback; it’s also a hit to the collective psyche of our people. We look to it for a sense of safety, and when that is shaken, it can reverberate through the heart of our nation.

To understand the failure is to learn, adapt, and overcome. For us, for me, and for every supporter of the IDF, it’s a moment to rally, to strengthen our resolve, and to ensure that such vulnerabilities are addressed with urgency and precision. Our mission has always been to protect our land and our people, and failures, though painful, are lessons that drive us towards greater innovation and resilience.

As we probe this incident, we’ll be looking at every angle—because when it comes to the security of Israel and the efficacy of the Iron Dome, we leave no stone unturned.

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

I eagerly extend the invitation for you to engage with the sentiments and statements I laid forth in my impassioned address at the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces event on October 17, 2023, in NYC. May the words echo with you as they did in the hearts of those present:

Nov 17
Ayden H Ayden H (Nov 17 2023 9:57AM) : Iron Dome more

What happened to the Iron Dome defense system for the Hamas rockets to intercept and surpass the defense system?

Nov 20
Daniel F Daniel F (Nov 20 2023 1:33PM) : I agree it is the iron dome that is supposed to stop all incoming attacks like this one. So then how and why did it fail to stop these missiles.
Nov 21
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 21 2023 12:36AM) : Iron Dome more

this is true, especially considering the tremendous amount of money invested into it by not only Israel, but also the US, why now of all times did it not work? It’s possible it could have been intentional.

Nov 19
Ashiyah C Ashiyah C (Nov 19 2023 4:24PM) : what happened ? more

Israel then seeked vengence. They infiltrated Palestine and struck them with valleys of rockets.

Nov 21
Naleyah W Naleyah W (Nov 21 2023 1:43PM) : What happened? more

If the cities are normally protected by Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense, why weren’t they being protected the day that rockets got shot at them? Was this planned?

Nov 21
Javan E Javan E (Nov 21 2023 1:44PM) : Hamas more

Hamas Sent a volley of rockets to Israel

Nov 24
Javan E Javan E (Nov 24 2023 10:09PM) : Normally more

Was the Iron dome tampered with? And if it was, how has it been done under Israel’s nose?

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 8:20PM) : question more

why did Hamas attack Israel, what was the reason behind the attack

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 8:25PM) : Iron dome more

I know it says the Iron Dome is a missile defense system but how exactly does it work?


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Dec 7
Paul A's Question

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Paul A and/or Research Teammate (Dec 07 2023 8:38PM) : How does the Iron Dome work? more
Research Teammate with Paul A's edits:
Research Teammate
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The Iron Dome is a mobile all-weather air defense system, developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries. It’s designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells fired from distances of 4 to 70 kilometers away and whose trajectory would take them to a populated area. The system uses radar to detect incoming threats, and its battle management and weapon control system (BMC) calculates the potential impact point of the incoming threat. If the projected target poses a significant risk, Iron Dome launches a Tamir interceptor missile which uses its onboard sensors and real-time data from the BMC to home in on and neutralize the threat with a proximity fuze, exploding near the target to minimize damage.

Now to distill that explanation: Iron Dome works through detection, decision, and destruction. Radar spots the rocket, the system decides if it’s a threat, and if so, launches an interceptor to destroy the target in mid-air.

Are you curious about the challenges faced by the Iron Dome, its success rate, or ways systems like this could evolve? Shall we dive into the technical nuances, geopolitical implications, or focus more on the strategic role such systems play? Let me know what specifically interests you, and we can expand in that direction with a vigorous exploration.


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Dec 7
Paul A's Question

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Paul A and/or Research Teammate (Dec 07 2023 8:42PM) : Why can’t the UN put an Iron Dome up over Gaza? more
Research Teammate with Paul A's edits:
Research Teammate
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The UN doesn’t deploy systems like the Iron Dome due to a complex web of legal, political, and logistical reasons. The framework of the United Nations is to maintain peace and security through dialogue and cooperation, not to provide military or defense systems to specific regions or states. Deploying a military asset like the Iron Dome could be seen as taking a side in a conflict, which goes against the UN’s principle of neutrality. The cost and the expertise needed to operate such a system are also significant barriers. Moreover, the sovereignty of states and the international arms-control agreements could further complicate or prohibit such an action.

The question at hand is why the UN can’t shield Gaza with Iron Dome technology, and I’ve highlighted the multifaceted nature of the answer that spans from political neutrality to legal complications. Curious about how these reasons intertwine with the UN’s mandate, the technical training required for operation, or the diplomatic repercussions of such a deployment? Which of these facets should we scrutinize next, or is there another angle that’s peaked your interest? Let’s boldly venture into the complexities that guide international peacekeeping and defense policies.


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Dec 7
Paul A's Question

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Paul A and/or Research Teammate (Dec 07 2023 8:46PM) : Could another country, like Egypt or Saudi Arabia or Iran set up an Iron Dome for Gazans? more
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Research Teammate
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In discussing whether a country like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, or Iran could set up an Iron Dome for Gazans, it’s important to contextualize the question within the realms of geopolitical alliances, regional security dynamics, and the technological and financial capabilities of these countries. The deployment of a defense system such as the Iron Dome is a multifaceted issue involving technical cooperation, military aid, and political will—elements that differ significantly between nations. Given that the Iron Dome is an Israeli creation, its proliferation is tightly controlled by Israel and its allies.

Considering the intricate web of relationships and strategic interests in the Middle East, for Egypt, Saudi Arabia, or Iran to provide such a system to Gaza requires assessing their respective diplomatic stances, defense capacities, and the potential reactions from both regional and global powers. Would you want to explore the role of international alliances in this equation, examine the feasibility from a military technology transfer perspective, or analyze the regional power balance that would be impacted by such a move? Together, we can unpack these layers and illuminate the broader narrative of defense politics in the region. Shall we plunge into the diplomatic dance or the technological tangle? Or perhaps there’s another aspect you’re eager to unravel—fire away!


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Dec 7
Paul A's Question

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Paul A and/or Research Teammate (Dec 07 2023 8:51PM) : Is there any possibility that Palestinians can find justice and security in Gaza? more
Research Teammate with Paul A's edits:
Research Teammate
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Regarding the possibility of Palestinians in Gaza finding justice and security, considering the region’s dynamics, it’s a complex interplay of geopolitical interests, humanitarian concerns, and strategic security considerations. Israel’s Iron Dome is a sophisticated air defense system that, while protecting Israeli citizens from rocket attacks, is also a symbol of unequal military capabilities in the region. Nations like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, or Iran possess varied capabilities and hold different geopolitical positions that inform their potential to provide a similar system to Gazans.

To evaluate their ability to implement an Iron Dome-like defense for Gaza, I’d look at their military infrastructure, political willingness, financial resources, and international relations, particularly the pressure and incentives provided by other global powers. For example, Egypt, maintaining a peace treaty with Israel, might face significant political barriers. Saudi Arabia, though affluent and technologically advanced, shares complex relationships with Israel and Hamas. Iran, on the other hand, supports Hamas but faces international sanctions and would likely contend with Israeli and American opposition.

Would you be interested in exploring the nature of these political barriers further, the economic implications of such defense provision, or the strategies through which such a system could potentially be introduced, considering international law and sanctions? Each pathway provides a unique angle on the overarching question of justice and security for Palestinians in Gaza. Let’s set the stage for a deeper dive – which narrative thread shall we pull, or is there another direction you’re contemplating?


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Dec 7
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Research Teammate (Dec 07 2023 8:54PM) : Forget the Iron Dome idea. Are there any other ideas? more
Research Teammate with Paul A's edits:
Research Teammate
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Is there potential for achieving justice and security for Palestinians in Gaza through means other than Israel’s Iron Dome? This question opens up an array of alternative strategies that might be considered. First, diplomatic efforts could play a vital role—international mediation aimed at de-escalation and addressing the root causes of conflict. There’s also the option of investing in civil defense infrastructure in Gaza, making structures more resilient to potential damage. Moreover, economic empowerment and humanitarian aid could contribute to stability and, indirectly, security by fostering a more sustainable living environment.

These considerations would involve a mix of local governance initiatives and international support, with attention to the impact of external political pressures. For instance: What role could non-governmental organizations play in bolstering civil defense? How might foreign aid be structured to contribute to both immediate relief and long-term security? Or, what are the implications of involving international peace-keeping forces? Your curiosity may guide us toward one of these avenues or perhaps to another yet unexplored path. Shall we uncover the layers of diplomatic nuances, delve into the infrastructure resilience, or chart the course of economic empowerment narratives? The conversation could take many forms—what strikes a chord with you?

Dec 7
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 07 2023 10:02PM) : Effects more

Many innocent lives were killed during this massacre due to bombing, missles, etc.

Dec 8
Rayane N Rayane N (Dec 08 2023 9:31AM) : Hamas attacked palestine by getting rid of the gates that seprates the 2 and killed innocent people and took hostages
Dec 17
Anaya C Anaya C (Dec 17 2023 9:20PM) : response more

why wasn’t it protected by the Iron Dome missile defense system at the time of the attack


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Dec 17
Paul A's Question

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Paul A and/or Research Teammate (Dec 17 2023 10:18PM) : Is there information about how Hamas was able to get beyond Israel's Iron Dome on October 7th? more
Research Teammate with Paul A's edits:
Research Teammate
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To address the question of why certain Israeli areas normally protected by the Iron Dome were struck by rockets on October 7th, we must consider several variables. These include the volume of rockets fired, the system’s resource allocation, possible technical malfunctions, and adaptive tactics used by Hamas. The Iron Dome is designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets, but its success rate is not 100%. In situations where a large number of rockets are launched simultaneously, the system may be overwhelmed or unable to intercept all threats. Additionally, resource constraints, such as the availability of interceptors, could play a role. It’s also possible that technical issues could temporarily reduce the system’s effectiveness.

Hamas may have employed techniques such as firing from different locations or using new types of rockets to evade detection or interception. The effectiveness of the Iron Dome can also be compromised if Hamas uses rockets with smaller warheads, lower trajectories, or a combination of decoys and actual rockets to confuse the defense system. To further explore this, I could delve into the Iron Dome’s operation limits, discuss how Hamas adapts its strategies, or assess the broader implications for regional security. Which of these—or is there another angle—you would like to pursue?

Let’s pick up our academic quills and paint the next strokes on this canvas of inquiry!


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Dec 17
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Paul A (Dec 17 2023 10:23PM) : Check out this article: more
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Nov 16
Michelle T Michelle T (Nov 16 2023 9:55AM) : What questions do you have about what is happening now and about its larger context? more

Why does Hamas attack regular citizens that are living their lives and are not actively participating in the war?

Nov 21
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 21 2023 9:23AM) : Response more

I agree with the question but myself and you also might know why already. Innocent people are citizens of a country just like us. When war happens especially direct attacks, the governments of the nations don’t look at the people like humans; they dehumanize them for automatically by birth being an ‘enemy’ or they do while not caring because ’they’re not helping their goals by being here’. In this case, Hamas to me are doing this on purpose because they’re either weak + knows that and/or for something bigger as time goes on, so taking hostages to make the war prolonged to have time.

Nov 16
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 16 2023 10:08AM) : My reaction to Hamas's attack. more

I believe that the attack is immoral and that the response is as well. These regular civilians fall as subjects to these terrible circumstances because governors like to compete on who can shed more blood on the enemy territory is upsetting. Wether either side is out for revenge from the other I think killing families, destroying homes and terrorizing citizens is by far the most inhumane way to do so.

Nov 16
Ade R Ade R (Nov 16 2023 6:09PM) : What happened during the attack more

The actions taken by Hamas has led Isreal to retaliate by bombing the Gaza strip killing civilians and leaving living civilians trapped

Nov 16
Nya H Nya H (Nov 16 2023 6:38PM) : Why did they start attacking randoms? more

It would make more sense if they just started attacking only army bases but when it comes to random people out on the street like the ones in the festival, it doesn’t make sense, they can prove their point by attacking the right people.

Nov 16
Samir W Samir W (Nov 16 2023 7:31PM) : What happened during the Hamas attack ? more

During this brutal attack led by Hamas they overly expressed their power by attacking normal civilians and damaging communities just to prove they have the ability to attack rashly

Jan 25
Marcus R Marcus R (Jan 25 2024 10:26AM) : Why is Hamas attacking innocent civilians? more

I do not understand the attempted and attacks on innocent people who live an honest life.

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Nov 16
Justus M Justus M (Nov 16 2023 10:02AM) : Hospital Explosion more

The destruction of the hospital referenced in the link is interesting to me. It’s said to be a malfunctioning rocket from a group associated with Hamas, and perhaps I’m overestimating the competency of the groups, but I’d imagine its rather hard to hit a hospital in Gaza when you’re aiming for Israel.
Further, the event instead of unifying people under a single understanding of “needless lives are being lost” it instead only caused more tension.

Nov 16
Gabriela L Gabriela L (Nov 16 2023 10:03AM) : What happened during the Hamas Attack? more

Hamas planned an attack on the people of Israel, many of the attackers of Hamas, murdered a lot of people and took at least 239 hostages.

Nov 16
Gabriela L Gabriela L (Nov 16 2023 10:08AM) : Opinion more

I don’t think that massacring innocent people helps their cause if they were already attacking the army bases of Israel. It is immoral and unethical to start killing innocent people and does not help their cause at all to free Palestine and it is just an act of violence with no motive other than to kill.

Nov 21
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 21 2023 12:45AM) : Hamas Attack more

I agree that the civilians should not be victims from either country. Cenk Uygur said that in some ways Hamas is pulling the cause back with what they are doing. This whole situation really proves that violence does indeed speak the loudest.

Nov 16
Allisson M Allisson M (Nov 16 2023 10:14AM) : What happened during the Hamas Attack more

I had a conversation about this with my friend about how this being the single deadliest day for Israel really says something about how isreal doesnt get challanged as often and their response to this would be very strong because of this

Nov 16
Jennifer V Jennifer V (Nov 16 2023 10:55AM) : Hamas Attack on Israel more

The attack was very violent. They even attacked innocent civilians at an outdoor music festival. I do not support violence being enacted on innocent people. Also, I wonder how Hamas were able to be so destructive if Israel has a missile defense system and has a very strong military.

Nov 16
Hannah T Hannah T (Nov 16 2023 12:07PM) : Israel strong forces more

Israel has a very strong military but they even have trouble fighting back.

Nov 16
Mariam B Mariam B (Nov 16 2023 1:31PM) : What happened during the Hamas Attack? more

Many people my view this as Hamas just rebelling against their oppressor, however this does not justify the murder of men, women, and children.

Nov 16
Julian P Julian P (Nov 16 2023 1:37PM) : Aftermath more

Not only did it take Israel multiple days to get back in control it also resulted into the deadliest day in Israel’s history.

Nov 16
Synai H Synai H (Nov 16 2023 3:56PM) : Israel's attack in comparison to the attack of Jews in Nazi Germany more

I think this attack brought out a type of violence that reminded the Israeli people and government of Nazi Germany. Since this was the deadliest attack in Israel’s history, I believe it inspired an unnaturally fast escalation. Perhaps the Israeli government saw this attack as permission to do whatever they wanted to capture Hamas.

Nov 16
Anya C Anya C (Nov 16 2023 8:11PM) : Regain Control more

Maybe I’m misremembering but I think Israel’s response was actually pretty quick. I think I read about their plan to cut off Gaza’s resources the next day or so. Either way, it was definitely a terrible situation.

Nov 20
Rayana M Rayana M (Nov 20 2023 10:21AM) : What Happened more

It has also caused a full on war for the borders of Israel causing casualties into the thousands.

Compounding the sense of shock to Israel, a country with the region’s most advanced military, Hamas and other armed groups in Gaza also took at least 239 civilians and soldiers hostage. Four have since been released.

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Nov 15
Geoffrey W Geoffrey W (Nov 15 2023 10:23AM) : Hostages more

Hamas must want the hostages for negotiating leverage.

Nov 15
Jaylin F Jaylin F (Nov 15 2023 1:57PM) : What Happened? [Edited] more

During the Hamas attack many Israeli people were taken hostage. Many more people such as women, children, and men were killed which led to this attack being the deadliest in the history of Israel.

Nov 16
Daniel F Daniel F (Nov 16 2023 8:43AM) : I agree with this
Nov 15
Sundus T Sundus T (Nov 15 2023 7:53PM) : What Happened During the Hamas Attack more

Hamas launched an aggressive attack which got passed the iron dome missile defense system marking the event of October 7th as the single deadliest day in Israel’s history. I think Israel will fight back in vengeance as they have done in the past and the gaza strip will become a war zone.

Nov 16
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 16 2023 12:03AM) : Hostages more

Given that Hamas took hostages, I think they might have predicted that the response to this action would be heavy and possibly prepared for whatever they might face in the future

Nov 20
Michelle T Michelle T (Nov 20 2023 10:10AM) : Response more

The hostages that Hamas took could also be used as leverage since the government of Israel would want to save those civilians and soldiers. They could also use the hostages to limit the amount of civilians killed in Palestine temporarily because the government of Israel wouldn’t want to kill the hostages accidentally.

Nov 20
Imani R Imani R (Nov 20 2023 7:10PM) : Response more

Agreed, Israel’s government wouldn’t want to kill the Israeli hostages accidentally. But there is a possibility they could due Hamas hiding underground and in places where Palestinian citizens are like hospitals. If Israel keeps being careless with their weaponry (bombs), an accident could occur.

Jan 3
Sophia C Sophia C (Jan 03 2024 6:44PM) : Response more

Due to Hamas taking hostages that gives them a bit of an advantage over Israel and use it as a way to gain more power over them.

Nov 16
Allisson M Allisson M (Nov 16 2023 10:02AM) : What happened during the Hamas attack? more

why where only four released? what are their expiernces? what does hamas plan to do with the hostages if using them for leverage does not work in their favor

Nov 16
Jala A Jala A (Nov 16 2023 12:27PM) : What is your reaction to Hamas’s attack on Israel and to Israel’s response? What emotions, feelings and thoughts are you experiencing? more

People tend to focus on the people that Hamas has not released, but I also want people to think about the countless Palestinians Israel continues to keep unlawfully.

Nov 16
Julian P Julian P (Nov 16 2023 1:40PM) : Hostages more

Hamas still has 235 hostages and are probably using them for negotiations with Israel because they know Israel will want their people back.

Nov 16
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 16 2023 9:11PM) : What happened during the attack? more

After so much oppression from the Israeli side, we see Hamas reach its limit and attack out of anger to maybe try to be heard around the world. However, with multiple reports of children and civilians being caught in the crossfire, it is very sad to see how the attack was executed. Although there is no justification for taking innocent lives, there is no one else who stood up to Israeli forces, it shouldn’t have been done this way though.
However Israel is also to blame for this attack, when they are subjecting so many Palestinians to violence, eventually that will be the only way Palestinian people will know how to react with.

Nov 16
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 16 2023 9:47PM) : What happened more

At least 239 Israel civilians and soldiers have been taken hostage by Hamas, possibly for leverage or negotiations

Nov 17
Ramlah H Ramlah H (Nov 17 2023 3:26AM) : What is your reaction to Hamas’s attack on Israel and to Israel’s response? What emotions, feelings and thoughts are you experiencing? more

In this situation, I find it devastating that people have died and been taken on both sides. Losing lives will always be a tragedy. After Hamas’ attack, Israel is seen to be bombing places where Hamas was said to be, yet all they’re doing is hurting innocent civilians as well, day after day with no way to defend themselves. I believe that is inhumane. Israel has been known in the past to bomb, beat, and kill innocents but they don’t label themselves terrorists, yet they do for Hamas. Israel has more power in this situation, meaning they have the upper hand and are much more equipped and prepared, while Palestine may have political parties they are run by, they have no military. Because of this, since Israel wants to wipe out Gaza whole, all the innocent lives and people would be lost because they can’t defend themselves.

Nov 17
Jason L Jason L (Nov 17 2023 9:20AM) : What emotions, feelings and thoughts are you experiencing? more

I don’t think it was right for Hamas to fight back since I don’t believe in fighting fire with fire, but I can understand why they would do it. This fight is causing civilian casualties on both sides though, killing innocent people who simply just want peace.

Nov 17
Kaylin V Kaylin V (Nov 17 2023 9:26AM) : what happened? more

I understand why Israel would be shocked by the attacks, it was an aggressive move by Palestine and resulted in a lot of casualties in Israel. They took lots of hostages and I think this will cause a long conflict in the future.

Nov 17
Aniyah K Aniyah K (Nov 17 2023 9:55AM) : Hostages more

After Hamas’ attack on Israel, they kidnapped more than 200 civilians and soldiers.

Nov 17
Ayden H Ayden H (Nov 17 2023 10:03AM) : Hostages [Edited] more

This is one of the things that makes me confused on who to support because both of them have done terrible things, overall I support Palestine, but taking hostages is a bit too far, this is a conflict with the country, not it’s innocent people.

Nov 17
Julieta Z Julieta Z (Nov 17 2023 1:18PM) : What Happened? more

Hamas took Israeli hostages during the attack, very likely to get negotiation leverage when the time comes to get it. Might be to try and get control of their own borders, and free access to the basic necessities, like water and power.

Nov 17
Annalise W Annalise W (Nov 17 2023 7:20PM) : Retaliation more

Both the Israeli and Palestinian governments and militant groups are in the wrong. Palestine wants their territory back and have the right to feel that way, as with Israel occupying Palestine for over 10 decades.

Nov 20
Imani R Imani R (Nov 20 2023 7:40PM) : Response more

Agreed, both governments and militant groups are in the wrong for how they went about both occurring situations. But I do believe there is so much anger built up between both sides that as of right now, they just want to conflict violence upon each other.

Nov 21
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 21 2023 12:49AM) : Response [Edited] more

this is true, both governments are in the wrong. This conflict really shows how much the regular people suffer when two political powers have disagreements. And while the cause may not be entirely governments fighting each other (people fighting for their land) this specific incident shows what can happen when civilians are the victims.

Nov 20
Rayana M Rayana M (Nov 20 2023 10:18AM) : What Happened more

Hamas sent rockets into Israel on October 7th which caused Israel to retaliate.

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Nov 15
Victor V Victor V (Nov 15 2023 1:59PM) : Reaction to Hamas’s attack on Israel and to Israel’s response? more

Hamas is literally setting up Palestinians so badly. Like they took people as hostages and then bombed Israel.

Nov 15
Sundus T Sundus T (Nov 15 2023 7:56PM) : What Happened during the Hamas attack more

on top of the attack, Hamas also took Israelis hostage. I think they want to use them for terms of negotiation but it will only further the conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

Nov 16
Jachym W Jachym W (Nov 16 2023 7:36AM) : Reaction to Hamas attack more

Hamas set up the people of palestine and specifcally gaza and took many hostages which is worsening the situation

Nov 16
Christopher C C Christopher C C (Nov 16 2023 8:17AM) : what happened during the Hamas attack more

During the Hamas attack on Oct 7, they open fired rockets at the the women and children of Israel. The rockets hit due to Israel’s Iron dome missile defense system failing, this attack killed many and is considered the deadliest day of Israels history.

Nov 16
Michelle T Michelle T (Nov 16 2023 9:58AM) : What is your reaction to Hamas’s attack on Israel? [Edited] more

My reaction to the attack is being shocked at the number of civilians that are being held hostage. I am wondering about what they plan to use their hostages for. For example, use them as negotiations to end the war or kill them to set an example that they do not care about lives as long as they achieve their goal.

Nov 20
Nya H Nya H (Nov 20 2023 9:02PM) : Response more

When I read about the hostages I wasn’t necessarily shocked but I do think that they disregard the importance of the civilians lives and they just want something to hold over their heads.I think that they might kill them since they’ve already killed so many civilians it would be nothing to them.

Nov 16
Anton H Anton H (Nov 16 2023 10:20AM) : Reaction to Hamas' attack (What happened?) [Edited] more

Why did they kill children and take people hostage?

Nov 16
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 16 2023 4:56PM) : Reaction to the Hamas attack more

The attacks on Israel were already bad and were able to kill many of the people, but taking people as hostages takes the situation to another level. Taking civilians that are innocent and just as negotiable objects can have just as much of an effect.

Dec 11
Ricaiya W Ricaiya W (Dec 11 2023 10:32AM) : reply more

I agree. You cant keep fighting evil with evil. They knew Isreal would respond 10 times harder but still went on with doing it anyway

Nov 16
Nya H Nya H (Nov 16 2023 6:44PM) : Reaction to Hamas attack more

Even though they have already killed a bunch of people, they are making things so much worse since they are holding hostages over Israel’s head.

Nov 16
Anaya C Anaya C (Nov 16 2023 8:13PM) : Hamas's Intentions- more

Hamas took hostages so what did they plan on doing? Usually hostages are used for negotiation.

Nov 20
Victor V Victor V (Nov 20 2023 12:58PM) : Add on to Anaya C more

I think they are using the hostage a bait but I also think that the hostage is dead at this point because of how they on released 4 people so far.

Nov 21
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 21 2023 12:53AM) : Hostage Situation more

I think that one possibility is to gain more attention, in taking hostages you also get more people involved and with that comes more attention to what you are doing.

Nov 16
Anya C Anya C (Nov 16 2023 8:14PM) : Other Armed Groups more

I hadn’t heard about any other armed groups being involved until now, but I guess it makes sense given the death count.

Dec 7
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 07 2023 11:22PM) : Response more

I agree. With this being said, I;m pretty sure more armed groups will join since people just started joining recently. I think this will make the war bigger than it already is

Nov 16
Synai H Synai H (Nov 16 2023 8:16PM) : Hamas' civilian count compared to Israel's civilian count more

I believe this article, while mostly objective, has an Israeli bias. They describe Hamas as terrorists, which is language frequently used by Israel. They also emphasize the October 7th attack and its effects without acknowledging why the attack happened.

Nov 16
Nyiem C Nyiem C (Nov 16 2023 8:41PM) : Hamas reaction more

What is the use of hostages in this situation when they are already at war

Nov 17
Osmarilyn L Osmarilyn L (Nov 17 2023 9:01PM) : Reaction to Hamas attack. more

Although it is still not okay I get why they would decide to keep soldiers hostage. What I find hard to believe is why they decided to also take regular citizens hostage. I think that was a very cruel move of Hamas.

Nov 21
Zhaki A Zhaki A (Nov 21 2023 8:00AM) : 2 more

Hamas also took hostage of at least 239 Israelites during and after this event

Dec 7
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 07 2023 10:04PM) : Is Israel's military still powerful? more

If Israel was able to allow over 239 civilians and soldiers to be captured, how much power do they have? Are they becoming weak?

Dec 17
Anaya C Anaya C (Dec 17 2023 9:22PM) : response more

what other armed groups was there??

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Nov 16
Jennifer V Jennifer V (Nov 16 2023 11:00AM) : Israeli Hostages more

These hostages will be used as hostages and will maybe deter Israeli retaliation in fear of harm being done to the hostages. Also, why were only four released? Did negotiations with Hamas already start?

Nov 20
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 20 2023 10:43AM) : This is a good question, it's quite suspicious that 4 were released and no information was given about these 4 and why they were released.
Nov 16
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 16 2023 1:27PM) : Hostages more

Why were 4 hostages released? Was there a deal made? Is there a hidden motive?

Nov 16
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 16 2023 6:39PM) : What happened after the conflict? [Edited] more

239 hostages, especially civilians that were taken, I feel like they were to be wrong to be taken. Taking the hostages, does not make it easier to negotiate a deal, it definitely makes it more difficult and brings the attention to people around the world who become infuriated by Hamas’s terrorist like unpredictable actions.

Nov 16
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 16 2023 6:42PM) : How did the civilians get released? more

How were hostages found if Hamas had them in custody? Who went and retrieved them?

Nov 16
Samir W Samir W (Nov 16 2023 7:42PM) : Hostages Question more

Why do they feel so entitled to display these ruthless acts?

Nov 20
Jaylin F Jaylin F (Nov 20 2023 8:44AM) : Response more

I believe that they think since they are weaker than Israel its okay for them to take hostages for some sort of advantage.

Nov 21
Naleyah W Naleyah W (Nov 21 2023 1:51PM) : What caused this? more

Why have hostages already start being released? What made them start letting people go? Did they just let them walk out?

Dec 8
Rayane N Rayane N (Dec 08 2023 9:32AM) : Hamas as realeased 4 and they were all unharmed which really says something about them.

How has Israel responded?

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Nov 15
Selena R Selena R (Nov 15 2023 5:23PM) : how has Isreal responded more

they responded by bombing the west Gaza strip, including hospitals residential areas, schools. they also made them leave their homes while zionist occupied them.

Nov 15
Selena R Selena R (Nov 15 2023 5:25PM) : how has Isreal resonded more

they recieved billions of dollars in aid by the United States to asist in bombing Gaza. claiming to be looking for Hamas.

Nov 16
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 16 2023 8:20AM) : How has Israel responded more

When Hamas attacked Israel, Israel responded with airstrikes and cutting off the import of food, water, and fuel. Additionally they came in with ground invasions.

Nov 16
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 16 2023 8:22AM) : How has Israel responded more

I think it’s important to take into account that we don’t know Israel’s full extend in Palestine. We only know what we’ve been able to see and there could be way worse things happening.

Nov 20
Anaya C Anaya C (Nov 20 2023 10:05AM) : Response- more

I agree, because the media is very one sided and Israel is controlling the media there really is no why to know if we are really getting the whole story. Israel has also cut Gaza off from the rest of the world so they really have the ability to paint any picture they want.

Nov 16
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 16 2023 9:58AM) : How has Israel responded more

Well quite obviously they have retaliated with military action. With an obscene amount of violence, which is said to be targeting specifically the Palestinian people.

Nov 20
Victor V Victor V (Nov 20 2023 1:03PM) : I agree more

I don’t think Israel had to kill that much Palestinian and based on the media it seem like Israel think all Palestinian is Hamas

Nov 16
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 16 2023 9:59AM) : How has Israel responded more

Israel has declared to wipe Hamas out in the name of security of the state.

Nov 16
Anton H Anton H (Nov 16 2023 11:29AM) : How has Israel responded? more

Israel responded by killing over 11,000 Palestinians and counting, men, women and children. Over 1.5 million people have been displaced.

Nov 16
Ronald D Ronald D (Nov 16 2023 9:28PM) : How has Israel responded? more

The hostages that Hamas had acquired from their raid on Isreal has proven useful since it has bought them more humanitarian relief and more time

Nov 16
Ronald D Ronald D (Nov 16 2023 9:42PM) : How has Israel responded? more

I wonder how much of a say the public had in how the government handled this situation?

Nov 16
Ramadhany J Ramadhany J (Nov 16 2023 10:48PM) : How has Israel responded? more

Israel did not take Hamas’s attacks lightly. They launched a multitude of airstrikes in response and restricted Gaza from incoming resources. They have further extended their ground operations.

Nov 17
Ramlah H Ramlah H (Nov 17 2023 3:54AM) : How has Israel responded? more

Israel has an advantage in weaponry and military. Amid the aftermath, they sent airstrikes and deprived them of basic needs such as food, water, and fuel. They have sent thousands of troops to invade Gaza and “demolish” it to the ground, including the people. Netanyahu has called Palestinians animals, dehumanizing them almost as if most aren’t children and haven’t even lived past a decade.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 6:53AM) : How has Israel responded? more

Hamas killed around 1400+ Israelis. On Israel, they responded with killing around 6000+ people in this war, alone. A lot of innocent people (children*, women, elderly) on both sides got caught in the crossfire and prejudiced people.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 7:02AM) : How has Israel responded? more

Numbers of death of the war are going rapidly. Israel also has blocked the borders of Egypt based in Israel-Palestine so Palestinians couldn’t get aid and food supplies from foreign countries since Israel cut everything by living and partially, government too out by blockage. The policing system even is attacking and harassing neighborhoods of Israel that doesn’t agree with their terms aka Zionism.

Nov 17
Naomi M Naomi M (Nov 17 2023 9:24AM) : How did Israel respond? more

Israel responded by assembling thousands of groups to invade Gaza, disconnected all phone and internet services, and was gifted Intel and help on how to help successfully invade Gaza by Biden administration

Nov 17
Naomi M Naomi M (Nov 17 2023 10:09AM) : how has Israel responded more

Israel troops took control of the northern part of gaza

Nov 17
Aniyah K Aniyah K (Nov 17 2023 10:12AM) : Retaliation more

In response to Hamas’ attack, Israel has bombed Gaza. Tens of thousands of troops are being deployed in Gaza with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s intent to “demolish” Hamas.

Nov 17
Ricaiya W Ricaiya W (Nov 17 2023 10:59AM) : How Israel responded. more

Isreal attacked more the just Hamas they attacked the innocent. The respones from Isreal is very inhumane taking things away basic needs from people who have no say on this war is cruel.

Nov 17
Annalise W Annalise W (Nov 17 2023 7:22PM) : Why take out years of conflict on innocent civilians? If anything this will give them reasons to feel strong negative emotions towards the situation.
Nov 20
Imani R Imani R (Nov 20 2023 8:13PM) : Response more

I’m not sure if you’re talking about Hamas or Israel, but if you’re talking about Hamas, I agree. Although Israel has been economically oppressing Gaza and their citizens for decades, the way Hamas went about the situation only caused more violence and strong negative emotions.

Nov 21
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 21 2023 9:37AM) : Response more

Like you stated, it gives the civilians strong negative emotions towards the situation. I absolutely agree, war is always going to be negative even if it’s digital or non-physical. Making the situation a continuation by more generations being a part of the violence and seeing the saddening history of disagreement between their homeland to close one, by another too.

Nov 18
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 18 2023 2:19PM) : How has Israel responded. more

They want their hostages back, but seem to be recklessly bombing any place where Hamas may be, so wouldn’t that put hostages at risk as well?

Nov 20
Anaya C Anaya C (Nov 20 2023 10:09AM) : Response- more

I think they would do something like this because they don’t care about the people. I feel like they are more concerned with showing that their in charge and have power than they are about protecting the people.

Dec 5
Idriese C Idriese C (Dec 05 2023 9:28AM) : Israel Response more

As a result of Hamas attacking Israel. Israel launched airstrikes on Gaza to lessen their food, water, and fuel

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 9:03AM) : How has israel responded? more

In retaliation, they bombed schools, homes, and hospitals in the western Gaza Strip. In addition, they forced them to abandon their houses while Zionists occupied them.

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 9:32AM) : How isareal responded. more

When Hamas attacked Israel, Israel responded with airstrikes and cutting off the import of food, water, and fuel. Additionally they came in with ground invasions.

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In the immediate aftermath of Oct. 7, the Israeli authorities started airstrikes against Gaza and announced a “complete siege” of the territory that would deprive it of incoming supplies of food, water and fuel.

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Nov 15
Daniel F Daniel F (Nov 15 2023 1:27PM) : This Gaza strip was already under control and now Israel is starving people in Gaza and not allowing the basic needs
Nov 15
Sundus T Sundus T (Nov 15 2023 8:01PM) : How has Israel responded more

in response to the event on October 7th, the government of Israel sent a mass attack on the Gaza strip as well as depriving it of living necessities. I personally have seen what has happened as a result of this, many innocent Palestinian people and children have died as a result and its very heart wrenching to watch. One scene that left an impression on me was the father carrying his children’s blown up body in plastic bags like groceries to some kind of room. i could see the arm sticking out of the bag and the look on the father’s face was difficult to look at. Very difficult to watch

Nov 15
Ahmed Al A Ahmed Al A (Nov 15 2023 10:29PM) : The Response more

Israel has a justifiable response but not a justifiable action in the response. They target densely populated areas with mostly children. They cut electricity and aid which leaves thousands of people in hospitals without anesthesia or incubators making hospitals places where people slowly die and not heal.

Nov 15
Ahmed Al A Ahmed Al A (Nov 15 2023 10:32PM) : The Response more

Adding on to my earlier comment, I do believe that Israelis have hatred for the Palestinian people which is no secret. A man who has access to weapons that can destroy entire countries calls the Palestinian people “Animals” you start to understand why the Pro-Palestinian people call this a genocide. In my eyes rightfully so.

Nov 16
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 16 2023 12:07AM) : Isreal's response more

Israel responded to the Hamas Attack with anger and war. They must have been really upset to this attack and didn’t want to be seen as a powerless nation

Nov 21
Jaden B Jaden B (Nov 21 2023 11:52AM) : I don't believe that they were worried about being seen as a powerless nation since they have strong allies.
Nov 16
Victor V Victor V (Nov 16 2023 7:34AM) : Israel response more

Israel said you go low I’ll go lower. Israel got bombed once and they decided to stop all resources and bomb them back.

Nov 16
Justus M Justus M (Nov 16 2023 10:06AM) : Questionable use of force more

Instead of using more discreet methods, Israel instead chose to bomb and cut off resources to Gaza. This is collective punishment, a war crime. I question how more people do not condemn the Israeli government for this behavior.

Nov 20
Daniel F Daniel F (Nov 20 2023 1:41PM) : I agree, why did Israel go all out despite the dispute already basically controlling the Gaza strip. The Israeli government basically started the war due to the magnitude of their attack on the Gaza strip.
Nov 20
Jala A Jala A (Nov 20 2023 7:45PM) : response more

I agree. This is why I have an issue with people who support Israel, it is the same as endorsing a war crime. The methods that the Israeli government has used against Gaza have been inhumane and horrible, and the world watches on in silence. I’m not particularly eager to look at things as black and white, but it is astounding to me how people cannot see that Israel is committing atrocities. Yes, we all know by now that Hamas killing those civilians was horrible, but that does not at all make the two equal. The amount of lives lost does matter, and all I can see is a larger force bullying an unprotected people.

Nov 16
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 16 2023 10:15AM) : Israels response more

Though the initial attack was made by Gaza, Israel response was only far worse. Because of Israels power and authority they’ve decided to not only put the citizens of Palestine in danger but have revoke any basic necessities they’ve provided to them. Restricting them from things like food, water, and fuel. Then there’s this idea that they’re advising them to go south to protect themselves from the bombing in the north but they should never have to flee their homes because of conflict created by a specific group.

Nov 16
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 16 2023 10:18AM) : Israel's Response more

Israel also took advantage of its control over the Gaza Strip by restricting access to food, water, and the Internet. This can be interpreted as inhumane as they also prevent Palestinians from receiving information for their own safety.

Nov 16
Jaden B Jaden B (Nov 16 2023 10:57AM) : The response? more

Israel sent bombs to Gaza.

Nov 16
Bidia G Bidia G (Nov 16 2023 11:05AM) : does Palestine have a leader/president of their own?
Nov 16
Jennifer V Jennifer V (Nov 16 2023 11:14AM) : Fueling the Fire more

Israel’s actions against the Palestinian people only fuels Hamas’ hate towards Israel. Israel is punishing all Palestinians for the actions of Hamas, that isn’t right in my opinion.

Nov 16
David A David A (Nov 16 2023 12:01PM) : Israel response more

Israel has an understandable response towards Hamas ,but I think the amount of damage and death towards the people in Gaza is quite overdoing it as their response outweighs the attack that Hamas did,but war is war

Nov 16
Jala A Jala A (Nov 16 2023 1:03PM) : Have you seen pictures, videos or social media posts documenting what life is like in Israel and Gaza right now? If so, what scenes or images have made an impression on you, and why? more

Seeing people online suffer under the attacks has been extremely disheartening.

Nov 20
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 20 2023 10:48AM) : I agree with this comment, also social media has been a really negative platform for this news. People(celebrities/influencers) have been forced to pick sides and talk about this situation even if they have no clue on what's going on
Nov 16
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 16 2023 1:35PM) : The response more

Why did Israel find it necessary to drop over 18,000 tons of bombs on all residents of Gaza? It has the right to defend itself, but cutting off supplies and indiscriminately bombing large areas of civilians, about half of which are children, is just torturing people who had nothing to do with it and already lived hard lives trapped in their territory. If anything, massacring thousands of citizens makes Hamas less likely to return hostages safely and puts their lives at risk too.

Nov 16
Savannah H Savannah H (Nov 16 2023 2:16PM) : How has Israel Responded? more

Israel assembled troops to invade Gaza and announced a complete siege of their territory

Nov 16
Savannah H Savannah H (Nov 16 2023 2:19PM) : How has Israel Responded? more

They have attacked to the point where there is no food or water for the citizens of Gaza. Holding hostages. Just went all in for for demolition

Nov 16
Bobbi T Bobbi T (Nov 16 2023 2:49PM) : How has Israel Responded? more

Israel’s response seems to be aiming for death through violence as well as physiological causes. The impression given is an attempt to “one up” on Palestine, not only attacking their people, but adding onto that by attacking their resources. It is an obvious abuse of power .

Nov 16
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 16 2023 5:15PM) : Response to Israel's actions more

Even though what happened in Israel was bad, their response was horrible. From what I’ve seen, they are acting out of rage instead of reasoning. Yes, fighting back is understandable, the fact that it had to take other country to tell you to wait until you can try and get the hostages back is just wrong.

Nov 16
Jason L Jason L (Nov 16 2023 6:41PM) : Israel's Response more

Israel retaliated by shutting off all sources of water, food, and fuel. This was done to deprive Palestinian people of their basic needs.

Nov 16
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 16 2023 7:07PM) : How has Israel responded? [Edited] more

These civilians, especially woman and children should not be called Hamas and killed without proper understanding. Israel attackers, already killed more than 8000 people by airstrikes. They have been taking the land from Palestinians and denying them basic human rights such as how far they could travel and how big their seaport can be, and so on. Over the years, the Israel attackers have destroyed both Palestinian’s seaport and airport and killed many innocent lives by these airstrikes while they have less and less resources that they depend on Israel for. These children are also being killed when they did nothing wrong, but under Israel their privileges are even less when they can’t even pray, travel, or study.

Nov 16
Arafat H Arafat H (Nov 16 2023 7:15PM) : Unreasonable. My thoughts. Israel's response. more

I don’t understand Israel’s response, I find it completely unreasonable. It’s reasonable TO respond due to what happened in Israel, but it isn’t reasonable with HOW they responded. They start air-striking Gaza because they think some of Hamas is there, but isn’t Hamas also keeping civilians hostage? If they are air-striking Hamas territory, aren’t they basically just bombing their own civilians? It doesn’t make sense to me, was there no prior thought for the repercussions before sending in life-ending missiles of destruction toward not just Hamas but innocent people as well?

Nov 16
Arafat H Arafat H (Nov 16 2023 7:20PM) : Israel's response. more

Israel’s response to the Hamas attack ended up with retaliation, Israel sent in air strikes while also limiting supplies such as food, water, and fuel. Even the electricity has gone out, internet services went down and now Israeli troops are advancing its ground operations inside Gaza.

Nov 16
Imani R Imani R (Nov 16 2023 7:28PM) : How has Israel responded? more

Israel has responded with the Hamas attack with a complete surge of violence. Israel already had a type of bias and/or hatred against Hamas and the Palestinians by already having full control of Gaza’s borders and their economy. Following the attack, Israel has bombed Gaza’s residential areas causing more than double the fatalities, half being children. Israel has also restricted Palestinians access to resources such as food, water, and power.

Nov 16
Imani R Imani R (Nov 16 2023 7:48PM) : How has Israel responded? more

Israel vowing to “demolish” Hamas doesn’t just threaten Hamas but all the Palestinian citizens that live in Gaza. Israel’s use force is unfair to Gaza residents and Israel is justifying their actions with Hamas started it. I think two wrongs don’t make it right and there should be a ceasefire to at least let the Palestinian residents evacuate.

Nov 16
Ade R Ade R (Nov 16 2023 7:49PM) : Isreal's response more

After the attack on October 7th Isreal began to attack the Gaza strip as well as deprive Palestinians of food, water, and fuel.

Nov 16
Anaya C Anaya C (Nov 16 2023 8:20PM) : How I view Israel response- more

I think it would have been one thing for them to go after Hamas but it is a whole other thing to deny the people living Gaza basic needs like food and water.

Nov 16
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 16 2023 9:31PM) : How has Israel responded? more

Israel is completely destrotying the Gaza strip. They have bombed refugee camps, hospitals, and other residential homes all with the same excuse that these places are “being used by Hamas.” However, I’m not sure how much damage Hamas could really do in apartment buildings full of children and families.

Nov 16
Sabrina P Sabrina P (Nov 16 2023 10:07PM) : How has Israel responded? more

In response to the attack from Hamas, Israel then began sending airstrikes against Gaza with the goal of laying siege on the territory, taking their resources. They also gathered tens of thousands of soldiers to invade Gaza, aiming to “demolish” Hamas.

Nov 16
Sabrina P Sabrina P (Nov 16 2023 10:11PM) : How has Israel responded? #2 more

From an outside perspective, it would probably be reasonable for Israel’s response of retaliating and attack on their land and people, but there’s a sort of moral consideration that should be considered, since they are opting to take their resources, as well as harming the citizens in the process.

Nov 16
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 16 2023 10:23PM) : How has Israel responded more

Israel reacted to that attack with massive airstrikes and cutting off resources

Nov 16
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 16 2023 11:40PM) : How has Israel responded [Edited] more

As much as I think Hamas’ end goal was to trigger Israel, I think that Israel saw this as an opportunity to launch a full scale attack on an area that has been a burden to them for years at this point. They are able to use the acts of Hamas to get away with actions close to if not war crimes.

Nov 17
Kaylin V Kaylin V (Nov 17 2023 8:59AM) : my thoughts more

I think Israel depriving Palestine of its resources is absurd. It’s a way to abuse their power over Palestine and make it harder for them to choose a response that doesn’t cause more damage to their territory already.

Nov 17
Jason L Jason L (Nov 17 2023 9:23AM) : Israel’s response? more

Israel has responded with countless attacks on Hamas, with the intent to kill. In the public press, they talk about exterminating these “animals”.

Nov 19
Ashiyah C Ashiyah C (Nov 19 2023 4:29PM) : Ho did isreal respond more

After the Hamas attack on Oct. 7, the Israeli military soon began to block food, water, and fuel from entering the territory, and they invaded .

Nov 19
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 19 2023 4:57PM) : israel response more

They announced a “complete siege” which meant cutting off all basic living necessities to those in Gaza and forcibly trying to get them to surrender.

Nov 20
Rayana M Rayana M (Nov 20 2023 10:34AM) : How Israel has Responded more

Israel has responded with a siege of carpet bombings towards Gaza to fight Hamas.

Nov 21
Zhaki A Zhaki A (Nov 21 2023 8:02AM) : Reactions more

Israelies reactions included sending air strikes to Gaza and its people while also seizing the territory as a whole

Nov 21
Rayana M Rayana M (Nov 21 2023 9:55PM) : Israel response more

They cut off water, gas, electricity, and food.

Nov 24
Javan E Javan E (Nov 24 2023 10:11PM) : Respond more

Isn’t that a bit too much, I get trying to weed out threats and whatnot, but why deprive essentials for innocent people?

Dec 5
Naleyah W Naleyah W (Dec 05 2023 1:38PM) : How has Israel responded more

Not only are they sending out airstrikes but they’re also taking away basic necessities that citizens of Gaza would need to survive..

Dec 7
Brianna S Brianna S (Dec 07 2023 8:24PM) : How has Israel responded? more

In response to Hamas’s attack on Israel, Israeli government basically strip the Gaza strip from daily life essentials.

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 8:29PM) : Response more

After the Hamas attack, Isreal retaliated with anger and decided to cut off all the basic necessities in Gaza and invaded

Dec 8
Rayane N Rayane N (Dec 08 2023 9:32AM) : Israel responded by killing more innocent people by trying to "get rid of" Hamas but instead they have taken hostages as well and killed thousands of innocent people.
Dec 8
Suhayla L Suhayla L (Dec 08 2023 8:34PM) : How has Israel responded more

Israel immediately began to send airstrikes after October 7th when Hamas sent rockets. Israeli authorities then began to deprive Gaza of food, water, and fuel.

Dec 17
Anaya C Anaya C (Dec 17 2023 9:26PM) : response more

what did they gain from driving them of basic supplies

Dec 17
Anaya C Anaya C (Dec 17 2023 9:28PM) : response more

if they knew they took hostages why would they start a airstrike were they not concerned with hurt their own people?

Dec 22
Nya H Nya H (Dec 22 2023 9:24AM) : Israel's response more

Trying to take land is one thing but depriving the people of the necessities of life is something that should never be done.

Jan 3
Sophia C Sophia C (Jan 03 2024 6:48PM) : . more

Israel has responded back by starting airstrikes against Gaza and to start also attacking their food supplies and any other sources.

Jan 26
Cashae M Cashae M (Jan 26 2024 9:24AM) : . more

Several Palestinians have been put in a situation where they have to leave their homes. They are going to refugee camps and shelters looking for a place of safety. Some are trapped in their homes due to the number of air strikes.

Jan 26
Andre P Andre P (Jan 26 2024 2:33PM) : Response more

Isreal completely took over Gaza and all of its materials the people need.

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Israel also assembled tens of thousands of troops to invade Gaza, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel vowing to “demolish” Hamas.

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Nov 16
Michelle T Michelle T (Nov 16 2023 10:10AM) : What is your reaction to Israel’s response? more

My thought is that Israel would not end the war unless everyone that is making up Hamas is killed. This makes me wonder if they will let the citizens of Palestine live in Israel or kill them.

Nov 16
Bidia G Bidia G (Nov 16 2023 11:08AM) : I was also thinking the same thing
Nov 24
Javan E Javan E (Nov 24 2023 10:15PM) : That's a very real question and we can only hope that the latter doesn't come true
Nov 16
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 16 2023 10:16AM) : Israel's Response more

Israel decided to respond to Hamas’ attack through military effort, sending both missiles and troops to fight Hamas.

Nov 16
Allisson M Allisson M (Nov 16 2023 11:31AM) : how has Israel responded? more

My reaction to this is surprised. Like yes israel lost a lot of people but killing more people wont solve the problem

Nov 16
Hannah T Hannah T (Nov 16 2023 12:10PM) : Army troops more

For a place with such little people they are “going big or going home”

Nov 16
Jala A Jala A (Nov 16 2023 1:04PM) : Although they say they want to demolish Hamas, the highest casualties have been civilians
Nov 16
Mariam B Mariam B (Nov 16 2023 1:37PM) : Reaction: How has Israel responded? more

A country that is backed up my a powerful country believes that they have their own power. Due to this, Israel will start any kind of war to anyone that attacks them.

Nov 16
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 16 2023 1:38PM) : How far will they go? more

Will Israel keep attacking Gaza until everyone inside is dead? Is that the only way they see to make sure Hamas is destroyed? It baffles me that people don’t see anything wrong with what Israel is doing.

Nov 16
Nya H Nya H (Nov 16 2023 6:48PM) : reaction to Israel's response more

I think that they tried to make it sound better when they said that they wants to demolish Hamas but the are still depriving things that will keep the citizens alive. They try to make it seem like they are not physically killing them but people can still die from starvation

Nov 16
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 16 2023 6:53PM) : How are Israeli soldiers not dying if they're also on the ground? Do they know where the missiles are going to land?
Nov 16
Samir W Samir W (Nov 16 2023 8:13PM) : How has Israel responded? more

After the attack on Oct.7 Israel sent troops to invade Gaza with the pure intent to destroy them as well as their territory.

Nov 16
Anya C Anya C (Nov 16 2023 8:22PM) : Language more

The language I’ve seen used by Israeli officials is very telling and concerning. Even though they’re talking about Hamas, this kind of language referring to them and the Palestinians has made it clear that the well-being of the civilians involved are not at all a concern of theirs.

Nov 16
Ade R Ade R (Nov 16 2023 9:14PM) : Isreal response more

Isreal has also sent troops to invade Gaza to attack/destroy Hamas

Nov 16
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 16 2023 11:29PM) : What happened more

Israel bolstered their military defense and then attacked the Gaza from the land and skies

Nov 17
Kaylin V Kaylin V (Nov 17 2023 9:34AM) : israel response more

I understand that Israel is upset that their people died but their response is just going to entice more violence in general, which could lead to a long lasting conflict.

Nov 17
Hakim W Hakim W (Nov 17 2023 9:35AM) : Israel response more

Killing more people won’t change anything, i understand the concept of defending against and attack Hamas, but they are killing innocent women, men, and children. I think Israel is masking them wanting to take over Gaza with " Demolishing Hamas"

Nov 17
Julieta Z Julieta Z (Nov 17 2023 1:21PM) : Israel's response more

Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he wants to “Demolish” Hamas, but he has also said they are animals. That shows the type of propaganda used to justify their wrong doings.

Nov 19
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 19 2023 4:35PM) : Israels response more

In this paragraph alone explains how the retaliation that Israel responded with. Their attempt was to overthrow Hamas but they failed to mention the lives in danger while this attack happened.

Nov 20
Ryan A Ryan A (Nov 20 2023 9:54AM) : Troops more

I dont feel tens of thousands of troops were needed to invade as small an area as gaza

Nov 24
Javan E Javan E (Nov 24 2023 10:17PM) : I full-heartedly agree
Nov 21
Zhaki A Zhaki A (Nov 21 2023 8:07AM) : 2nd reaction more

Israelites have also started preparations to a ground invasion which will as recently postponed by the advice of the Biden administration

Nov 21
Elijah A Elijah A (Nov 21 2023 8:52AM) : Israel's Response more

Israel responded by assembling tens of thousands of troops to invade Gaza.

Nov 24
Javan E Javan E (Nov 24 2023 10:16PM) : Response more

That is really extreme for a small group of people

Dec 7
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 07 2023 10:06PM) : Retaliation more

Israel chose war instead of peace

Dec 7
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 07 2023 11:05PM) : Israels response more

Does Israel actually care about ending the war or do they just want revenge?

Jan 25
Marcus R Marcus R (Jan 25 2024 10:17AM) : How Israel has responded? more

The war will only end if Hamas is defeated or killed. And how Israel is responding to their attacks.

Jan 26
Teodora H Teodora H (Jan 26 2024 9:04AM) : isreal response more

Why is eradication israels immediate response

Jan 26
Andre P Andre P (Jan 26 2024 2:34PM) : Response more

Promise to destroy Hamas and assembled large army

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Several U.S. officials have said the Biden administration had advised Israel to delay a ground invasion, at least in part to buy time for hostage negotiations and to allow more humanitarian aid to reach Palestinians.

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Nov 15
Ryan A Ryan A (Nov 15 2023 10:47AM) : USA more

Im glad the the US is starting to focus on israel. This means they will most likely start to ignore Ukraine which guarantees Moscow’s victory.

Nov 15
Jaylin F Jaylin F (Nov 15 2023 2:44PM) : Israel Response. more

In response to the attacks Israel used airstrikes against Gaza. Multiple groups of troops were assembled to take down and invade Gaza.

Nov 16
Victor V Victor V (Nov 16 2023 7:37AM) : USA COMMENT more

The US really said let’s just join in on this and decided to help Israel like Ukraine wasn’t at war. US tried to delay the attack to try to get Hamas to release the hostage but they only released a small amount.

Nov 16
Justus M Justus M (Nov 16 2023 10:16AM) : blockade [Edited] more

They say it allows more time for humanitarian aid to reach Palestinians as a factor. If only there weren’t blockades preventing aid from entering.

Nov 16
Allisson M Allisson M (Nov 16 2023 11:52AM) : How has israel responded more

I do not understand the USA’s involvemeant in this situation. How could The USA’s involvement affect the USA

Nov 20
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 20 2023 11:18PM) : Reply more

I think that the US is getting involved due to its interests in the Middle East, like oil.

Nov 16
David A David A (Nov 16 2023 12:15PM) : Israel response more

Its good to see that Biden is trying to possibly postpone or end the war so that blood doesn’t need to be spilled by doing this small act , but I doubt it helped at all .

Nov 16
Mariam B Mariam B (Nov 16 2023 1:42PM) : How has Israel responded?: USA more

The US always intervenes when no one asked for their help. They always help supporting countries, but don’t know how its own country will turnout in the end.

Nov 16
Synai H Synai H (Nov 16 2023 3:50PM) : The way the article describes the U.S.'s involvement more

The article paints the United States and President Biden in a humanitarian light when the U.S. is just looking out for its interests. The United States needs Israel. Therefore it wouldn’t call for a ceasefire or go against Israel—the U.S. is playing both sides of the field.

Dec 5
Naleyah W Naleyah W (Dec 05 2023 1:45PM) : reply more

I agree with you, Biden isn’t trying to mess up the U.S relations with Israel and is therefore trying to side with them while also making it seem like that he’s helping to “hold” them off

Nov 16
Anya C Anya C (Nov 16 2023 8:26PM) : Retrospect more

In retrospect, with Biden’s call for humanitarian aid to be given to the people of Gaza and Israel’s refusal of it since let’s us see how spineless the American government really is. Biden had a reasonable request, but even after the Israeli government has continued with the bombing and lack of aid, Biden is still standing beside them.

Nov 16
Nyiem C Nyiem C (Nov 16 2023 8:55PM) : US comment more

This is a very intense and destructive war. It mostly affects the innocent that live there and by slowing the process, it could be time for negotiation.

Nov 16
Anton H Anton H (Nov 16 2023 9:05PM) : Why is USA doing this? (Response) more

Why is Joe Biden not only siding with the far worst side in this war, but disregarding Ukraine?

Nov 20
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 20 2023 10:54AM) : I don't understand this comment because regarding this section, what does Ukraine have to do with this?? also, the U.S. sent humanitarian aid to Ukraine, and Ukraine isn't being disregarded
Nov 16
Daniel F Daniel F (Nov 16 2023 10:00PM) : How effective was this?
Nov 16
Ramadhany J Ramadhany J (Nov 16 2023 10:58PM) : USA question more

Why hasn’t the USA done more to protect the people of Gaza? While this is a respectable act for them, I have not read or seen anything else that they’ve done to help out Gaza besides lackluster comments.

Nov 16
Chimdiadi N Chimdiadi N (Nov 16 2023 11:08PM) : Israel more

Instead of preventing why not just intervene

Nov 16
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 16 2023 11:32PM) : What happened more

The U.S> tried persuade Israel from attacking on land to allow civilians safe passage from the violence

Nov 17
Jason L Jason L (Nov 17 2023 9:28AM) : Israel’s response? more

Israelian troops have also captured Hamas troops and held them hostage.

Nov 17
Hakim W Hakim W (Nov 17 2023 9:38AM) : Israels response [Edited] more

This legally counts as a genocide, so instead of trying to help Gaza America is giving them plans and ways to attack? and this is supposed to be for the sake of Gaza? why not reprimand instead of halting invasions

Nov 17
Ayden H Ayden H (Nov 17 2023 10:13AM) : My reaction more

Hostage negotiations shouldn’t be taking place in the first place, there is no way that the Israeli and Hamas militaries don’t feel any sort of way about taking innocent people completely irrelevant to the conflict hostage, away from their families, friends, everything.

Nov 20
Ryan A Ryan A (Nov 20 2023 9:56AM) : USA more

Sure theyre allies but the USA needs to mind their business in a conflict between an impoverished nation and a developed westernized country like israel

Nov 20
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 20 2023 11:08PM) : Israel response more

The US wants Israel to delay invasions for hostage negotiations in favor of Israel.

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 8:33PM) : USA more

Why is The U.S getting involved? I mean it appears to be for good as they want negotiations for hostages but Im just wondering why they’re getting involved

Dec 8
Rayane N Rayane N (Dec 08 2023 9:34AM) : The biden adminstation has helped Israel kill many many innocent kids and people and have not said anything to condem them for it.
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On Friday night, phone and internet service went down inside Gaza amid a massive aerial and artillery bombardment — and Israeli troops advanced into the northern part of the enclave. In the three days since, Israel has expanded its ground operations, though the extent of their activities inside Gaza remains unclear

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Nov 16
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 16 2023 12:10AM) : Israels response more

Isreal didn’t take this lightly, they were ready to end the lives of Palestinians

Nov 16
Hannah T Hannah T (Nov 16 2023 12:13PM) : Israel didn't care at all more

They were going to keep coming until they were wiped out Gaza because they lost a huge part in communication

Nov 16
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 16 2023 5:18PM) : How was Israel able to make such plans and attacks in such a short amount of time? Did they already have this planned out in case of anything or do they just have everything on stand by.
Nov 16
Jason L Jason L (Nov 16 2023 6:41PM) : Israel's Response more

Israel had also shut down all phone and internet services as troops stormed in the Gaza strip.

Nov 16
Bobbi T Bobbi T (Nov 16 2023 8:53PM) : How has Israel responded? more

Israel retaliated with destructiveness and used their advantage of advancement to launch attacks of bigger scales than Hamas could wish for. Along with their attacks, they have separated Gaza from the rest of the world and left them to be voiceless by taking away means of connection.

Nov 16
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 16 2023 10:32PM) : Israel's response more

Israel’s response to the attacks was immediate.

Nov 16
Chimdiadi N Chimdiadi N (Nov 16 2023 11:09PM) : Israel Response more

Israel seems to still act when the US advised them not relax

Nov 16
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 16 2023 11:36PM) : How has Israel responded? more

In today’s world, having the national internet services going down can greatly affect the country. The world we live in today is highly reliant on internet, and when a country’s main source of output (statistics and info on the state of the country) it leaves the country in a severe state.

Nov 17
Ramlah H Ramlah H (Nov 17 2023 3:59AM) : How has Israel responded? more

Seeing how fast they can cut off cell and internet service is crazy. That’s how much control they have over Gaza. After cutting them off completely, they bombarded them and bombed them. Israeli troops have expanded ground operations and it is unclear what they will do next. It’s very scary how strategic everything they’re doing is and to have to wait to see what their next plan is.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 9:19AM) : How closely have you been following the news? Where are you getting your information? How do you know that what you are seeing and hearing is accurate? more

I’ve been following the news of this, every other day, especially because there’s really nothing on TV at my house, and I get bored with the widget, YouTube, once in a while, in a day. Also what is happening should be heard, as I’m getting both sides of the conflict by doing research, the internet, itself and talking to family especially for being blessed; able to get unbiased sides and people from both countries or have ancestry from the countries.

Nov 17
Julieta Z Julieta Z (Nov 17 2023 1:22PM) : Israel's response more

Why did they cut the internet in Gaza? Is it to try and stop a lot of the media from Palestinians from reaching the rest of the world? since a lot of them are showing how much it affects the civilians, and not Hamas themselves.

Nov 20
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 20 2023 10:50AM) : I believe a part of the reason they cut the internet was to show they had control over this territory and maybe belittle the Palestinians
Nov 20
Jala A Jala A (Nov 20 2023 7:48PM) : I believe that it was to silence the voices of reporters who show the horrible conditions in Gaza. It also makes it harder for them to get news of the outside world or where bombs will be dropped, which makes killing easier.
Nov 21
Elijah A Elijah A (Nov 21 2023 9:02AM) : Israel's response more

Israel cut off phone and internet service inside Gaza during aerial and artillery bombardment.

Nov 21
Aniyah K Aniyah K (Nov 21 2023 9:08AM) : Israel's Intentions more

Israel has cut Gaza off from the world as they continue their ground invasion. Their activities inside Gaza are unknown to the world.

Dec 7
Brianna S Brianna S (Dec 07 2023 8:31PM) : How has Israel responded? more

The Israeli government didn’t only cut off daily necessities, they’ve also cut the internet preventing Palestinians from contacting any friends or family members.

Dec 8
Suhayla L Suhayla L (Dec 08 2023 8:40PM) : Israel's response more

While Hamas did start with the first attack. Israel’s response was far worse. They have cut off water, gas, and food supply for the Gaza Strip. The phone and internet service is also down. Israel has invaded Gaza, gathered hostages, and has vowed to demolish Hamas.

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Nov 15
Sundus T Sundus T (Nov 15 2023 8:04PM) : How has Israel responded more

i don’t understand what they gain from shutting down phone and internet services, the only thing they really prevent is families over seas from seeing their family possibly for the last time. What does the government of Israel gain from cutting these two services down. If it stops communication of Hamas, wouldn’t they just find another way of communicating?

Nov 16
Michelle T Michelle T (Nov 16 2023 10:24AM) : Reaction to Israel’s response more

My thoughts are that those who are Palestinians will not be able to say their last words to their friends and families. If any of the families were to be separated, they wouldn’t know if they survived or died. They wouldn’t be able to say goodbye to each other.

Nov 16
Jaden B Jaden B (Nov 16 2023 11:01AM) : The response? more

Israel cut off supplies from going to Gaza.

Nov 20
Nya H Nya H (Nov 20 2023 9:26PM) : Response more

It doesn’t matter how Israel does it, they want everybody dead in Gaza. Whether they kill them with weapons or they cut off their supplies from getting to them. There is really no way out, the civilians are trapped and its not much that they can do.

Nov 26
Javan E Javan E (Nov 26 2023 10:28PM) : And by cutting off Phones and internet, Israel can make the death count smaller than it acutally is because people don't have a way to communitcate with the outer world

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Dec 30
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War (Dec 30 2023 4:33PM) : How accurate is this claim? more
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War with Paul A's edits:
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War
Checks claims against an article in Wikipedia.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War.

1) What is accurate:
- The claim that phone and internet service went down inside Gaza amid heavy bombardment aligns with the reported actions during the conflict. In the provided text, it states that “Israel cut off power to the area,” which would likely affect communication services including phone and internet.
- Israeli troops advancing into northern parts of Gaza is also consistent with what occurred according to the text, which mentions a large-scale ground invasion by Israel.

2) What is not accurate:
- The claim that cutting off phones and internet was done specifically to make the death count smaller cannot be substantiated without evidence of intent. While communication blackouts can result in delays or difficulties in reporting casualties, attributing this as an intentional act by Israel for manipulating casualty figures requires concrete proof.

3) Related facts from Wikipedia might be added for more understanding and context:

“The IDF declared a ‘state of readiness for war’, mobilized tens of thousands of army reservists, and declared a state of emergency for areas within 80 kilometers (50 mi) of Gaza.”

“Residents near Gaza were asked to stay inside, while civilians in southern and central Israel were ‘required to stay next to shelters’.”

“The southern region of Israel was closed to civilian movement, and roads were closed around Gaza and Tel Aviv.”

“Following the surprise attack [by Hamas], the Israeli Air Force conducted airstrikes that they said targeted Hamas compounds, command centers, tunnels, and other targets.”

These additional details provide context on how both sides prepared for conflict escalation. They also explain some reasons behind infrastructure disruptions such as power cuts due to military activities rather than solely attributing them directly as methods used by one side or another without clear evidence.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War, which we copied on December 28, 2023. You can see an up-to-date version of this article here:

Nov 16
Jennifer V Jennifer V (Nov 16 2023 6:02PM) : The Response more

Gaza already resembled an open air prison, the cutting of phone and internet service only adds to this. Why was cutting Gaza off from the rest of the world necessary? This might be connected to the massive bombings Gaza faced while the internet and phones were down.

Nov 16
Nya H Nya H (Nov 16 2023 6:54PM) : Israel's response more

Them shutting their internet down only stopped a few things one being important phone calls. If they were aiming to make more damage they would have tried to shut all power off.

Nov 16
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 16 2023 7:17PM) : How has Israel Responded? more

All due to the choice of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hundreds of innocent children are dying while he plans to continue his “Hitler like” invasion before any peace pact could be settled or resources would arrive. Israel’s Prime Minister’s actions are very inhumane and show no kind of fairness towards the majority of nonmilitary forces of Palestinians.

Nov 16
Anaya C Anaya C (Nov 16 2023 8:30PM) : Iarael response- more

What did they gain from cutting the phone and internet service. Gaza has lost all connection with the outside world. Is this what Israel wanted?

Nov 16
Nyiem C Nyiem C (Nov 16 2023 8:50PM) : Isreal reactions more

My thoughts on this are that Palestinians and others living there won’t be able to survive and be able to access help. They are being cutoff

Nov 17
Ayden H Ayden H (Nov 17 2023 10:10AM) : Phone and Internet Going Down more

Palestinians will not be able to call or text their families and friends. They will die and likely nobody would know about it because the witnesses would also be dead.

Nov 19
Samir W Samir W (Nov 19 2023 6:22PM) : Israel Response [Edited] more

A response that Israel had was to cut off access to the internet and phone service inside Gaza.

Nov 26
Javan E Javan E (Nov 26 2023 8:54PM) : And I feel Like cutting off the internet and phones is like really bad since it's basically planning to remove the victims from existance
Dec 7
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 07 2023 10:10PM) : Another issue more

This creates limitations regarding keep the rest of the world updated on whats going on since the internet went down

Jan 26
Teodora H Teodora H (Jan 26 2024 9:01AM) : israels response more

They cut off the internet and phone service down for what? to not allow palestinians to contact family members? or to not actively show whats going on in their own country?

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Nov 16
Gabriela L Gabriela L (Nov 16 2023 10:13AM) : How has Israel responded? more

Israel immediately attacked back with airstrikes against Gaza, sent thousands of troops there, deprived Gaza from resources and supplies, and then troops had attacked Gaza.

Nov 16
Gabriela L Gabriela L (Nov 16 2023 10:17AM) : Opinion more

I think it was sensible on Biden’s part to stop a ground invasion, have hostage negotiations and having more humanitarian aid reach Palestinians. If there were to be a ground invasion immediately I think that would have created more chaos, violence, and more losses.

Nov 16
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 16 2023 6:57PM) : Does Israel plan to continue their siege after Hamas is defeated?
Nov 16
Synai H Synai H (Nov 16 2023 8:35PM) : The article's bias more

This sentence calls into question the bias of the article because we know the history of how Israel has treated Gaza for the last 70 years. It’s safe to assume Israel’s intent is not just defense, but also destruction.

What is the situation in Gaza?

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Nov 15
Selena R Selena R (Nov 15 2023 5:29PM) : what is the situation is gaza more

At this point Isreal has killed over 4,000 children. Now more and more leaders are joining together to ask for a cease-fire, people have been protesting sround the world.

Nov 20
Anaya C Anaya C (Nov 20 2023 10:20AM) : Response- more

To me this shows that Israel has no intention to protect they people from what I have been seeing it looks like Israel is just tryna took out everyone living in the Gaza Strip.

Nov 15
Selena R Selena R (Nov 15 2023 5:32PM) : what is the situation in gaza more

At this point there is no more schools, the Palestinians are gaining more and more support each day collectively begging for a cease-fire.

Nov 16
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 16 2023 8:25AM) : What is happening in Gaza? more

Israel has shut down the income of food, water, and supplies. The people in Gaza have been begging for a cease fire as well.

Nov 16
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 16 2023 8:27AM) : What is happening in Gaza? more

Israel has killed over 4000 children and more and more countries are telling Israel to cease fire.

Nov 16
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 16 2023 10:02AM) : What is the situation in Gaza more

The conditions are horrible, majority of Palestinians have now been displaced and looking to move south and possibly into Egypt. Israel has sent a warning to evacuate the north however it doesn’t seem to be very plausible to evacuate anywhere other than the south as they have been blockaded.

Nov 16
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 16 2023 10:03AM) : What is the situation in Gaza more

With the Israeli blockade, many of the essential needs for human survival have been denied and resources have become scarce. Even with Medicine in the hospitals having such a high demand with quite low of a supply at this point.

Nov 16
Anton H Anton H (Nov 16 2023 9:38PM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

Over 11,000 Palestinians and counting have been killed. They have cut off gas, electricity, water and more.

Nov 20
Victor V Victor V (Nov 20 2023 1:15PM) : Add on more

Once again, Hamas has messed up again. Hamas knows that Israel rules Gaza but still chooses to bomb Israel and then Israel takes action which takes the innocent lives of Palestinians who didn’t do anything

Nov 20
Jala A Jala A (Nov 20 2023 7:50PM) : response more

Personally, I believe that this further cements the point that Israel is in the wrong. They are not getting back at Hamas but killing civilians. For what purpose?

Nov 16
Ronald D Ronald D (Nov 16 2023 10:09PM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

Palestine have came to their breaking point and have requested a cease-fire due to how many casualties they’ve suffered and how many building have been turned to ruble

Nov 16
Ronald D Ronald D (Nov 16 2023 10:14PM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

Leaders have started to band together and make the cry for a cease-fire even louder this all happened due to Israel having killed over 4,000 children

Nov 20
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 20 2023 10:03AM) : Response more

Considering the disproportionate retribution of the IDF, it is no surprise that several countries are already calling for a ceasefire. Israel justified their attacks and restrictions done on Gaza as a way to stop Hamas, yet the 4000 children killed towards what is already a significantly weaker enemy would cause global outrage under different circumstances.

Nov 16
Sabrina P Sabrina P (Nov 16 2023 10:19PM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

In the aftermath of Israel’s retaliation, there were many casualties especially involving the deaths of Palestinian citizens and destruction of neighborhoods. Roughly more than 8,000 people were killed, many of them being children.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 7:05AM) : What is situation in Gaza? more

The situation in the capital city of Palestine is hectic and disturbing as governments around the world just watch. Gaza right now is being bombed, especially important buildings, one by one as we’re typing + talking. Gaza now, in some area are just debris and gray ashes.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 7:08AM) : What is happening is Gaza? more

The local men are currently with some international aid, looking for their children; families and just others in general especially children and females then also elders. While all are grieving and hoping for a great outcome at least towards their lives, their livelihoods.

Nov 17
Naomi M Naomi M (Nov 17 2023 9:33AM) : What is the situation in Gaza more

In Gaza Israel gas launched thousands of airstrikes in a single day. Causes so many innocent civilian casualties. There is no where for them to run, Israel told them to move from north to south but there is no part of Gaza that is safe. There has been more than 8000 deaths in Gaza

Nov 17
Naomi M Naomi M (Nov 17 2023 10:12AM) : What is the situation in Gaza more

because of the situation in Gaza so many neighborhoods have worsened in this humanitarian disaster

Nov 17
Savier T Savier T (Nov 17 2023 10:22AM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

The situation in Gaza is that Israel has been bombarding the north and south with bombs in mostly densely populated areas. There is also a blockade on first aid and important needs.

Nov 17
Savier T Savier T (Nov 17 2023 10:26AM) : Thoughts more

I think this is very unnecessary and should not be happening.

Dec 8
Payton D Payton D (Dec 08 2023 10:04AM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

They are in really bad condition, and many essentials for survival are not accessible. Resources are limited.

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 9:35AM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

There are currently no schools left, and the Palestinians, who are pleading for a cease-fire on a daily basis, are garnering more and more support.

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 9:37AM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

Over 4000 children have been killed by Israel, and an increasing number of nations are calling on Israel to stop firing.

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People walking on and working in the rubble of Gaza.
People carrying a body that was pulled from the rubble of a building in Khan Younis, Gaza. Credit: Yousef Masoud for The New York Times
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Dec 8
Rayane N Rayane N (Dec 08 2023 9:35AM) : Innocent people are dying every day they do not have food or water. They are starving they have no electicity or anything they are stranded from the outside world.
Dec 17
Anaya C Anaya C (Dec 17 2023 9:32PM) : response more

I think its sad how innocent people lives are being affected by something they had no say in

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Nov 16
Anton H Anton H (Nov 16 2023 9:43PM) : Why (Situation in Gaza) more

Why are the New York Times doing more than the government.

Nov 17
Ayden H Ayden H (Nov 17 2023 10:16AM) : My reaction to the photo more

The sheer amount of people in this photo fleeing the scene is insane to me. So many people who don’t know when life is gonna go back to normal, if they’re even gonna actually flee, if they’re gonna live another day, or if they can see their (taken hostage) family ever again. And this is even worse as cellular power has been turned off so there is no long-distance communication at all.

Dec 7
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 07 2023 10:12PM) : Health more

It shows hows much they’re sticking together because even though the dust/smoke is deadly, they’re still taking the risk just to help get a body from underneath

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Nov 16
Allisson M Allisson M (Nov 16 2023 11:55AM) : What is the Situation in gaza more

Its really upsetting to see innocent people suffer for the actions of the government. On both sides the civillians are just trying to get through the disasters and cant really do anything but try to survive or escape

Nov 20
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 20 2023 5:56PM) : I agree with you completely. Civilians of both cities should not be getting the backfire of the government's faults. People are losing their lives for this when it could have been protected
Nov 20
Nya H Nya H (Nov 20 2023 9:30PM) : Response more

They think the citizens are so deserving of these punishments Which is why they kept on killing them. It’s very hard for them to escape either way because they make it so difficult. Some people just except their fate simply because they know that there is no way out.

Nov 27
Ashiyah C Ashiyah C (Nov 27 2023 4:49PM) : agree [Edited] more

I agree these acts are very inhumane and devilish if you ask me. I wonder what Israel’s end result is.I understand they no longer want to share a home with Palestinians but at what lengths will they go to ? They’re okay with just killing a whole race of people with no remorse? When will these acts stop?

Nov 16
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 16 2023 5:27PM) : Seeing innocent people having to carry the bodies of their loved ones is truly heartbreaking. The attack in Israel was bad, but not to the point as here were people have to dig through rubble to find people who got caught in the attack.
Nov 16
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 16 2023 9:17PM) : The situation in Gaza. more

It is very sad to see so many innocent lives being taken due to an attack that most Palestinian civilians had no role or even knowledge of. We see these people suffer the consequences of someone else’s actions. My own Palestinian friends with family in Gaza have said that they don’t care about Hamas, as Hamas leaders are not even in the country. Palestinian people just want to get safety for the civilians including women and children being bombarded by Israel.


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Dec 30
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War (Dec 30 2023 1:45PM) : Does this sound accurate? more
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War with Paul A's edits:
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War
Checks claims against an article in Wikipedia.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War.

1) What is accurate:
- The statement captures the humanitarian impact of the conflict on Palestinian civilians, which aligns with reports of civilian casualties and suffering due to military actions in such conflicts.
- It reflects sentiments that may be expressed by Palestinians who are critical of Hamas and concerned primarily with civilian safety.

2) What is not accurate:
- Without specific reference to an event or date, it’s difficult to verify the exact incident mentioned (people carrying a body from rubble in Khan Younis).
- The claim about Hamas leaders not being in the country cannot be verified without additional context. Typically, leadership locations during conflicts can be secretive for security reasons.

3) What else might be added to provide more understanding and context:
- Information about efforts made by various parties (including international organizations) towards achieving ceasefires or providing humanitarian aid could add depth.
- Contextualizing this personal account within broader public opinion among Palestinians regarding Hamas’ governance and their stance on its military strategies would offer more insight into internal Palestinian perspectives.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War, which we copied on December 28, 2023. You can see an up-to-date version of this article here:

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Israel, which says Hamas hides in civilian areas for protection, has launched thousands of airstrikes on Gaza, sometimes hundreds in a single day. These have caused widespread civilian casualties, devastated neighborhoods and worsened a humanitarian disaster in the enclave, which has been under a 16-year blockade.

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Nov 16
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 16 2023 12:13AM) : Situation in Gaza more

Isreal is continuing to attack civilians, leaving them with no options but to leave their homes in search of safety

Nov 16
Jachym W Jachym W (Nov 16 2023 8:22AM) : situation more

The isreali defense forces have been targeting civillians and hosptials and schools

Nov 16
Ahmed Al A Ahmed Al A (Nov 16 2023 8:31AM) : Situation in Gaza more

The situation in Gaza is a sheep fence for the Palestinian people. Israel has 2 claims 1 ignorant one and a false one. The first claim is that Hamas hides within the civilian population. I find that to be an excuse to paint the image that civilian death is collateral and there is not a conscious decision to bomb densely populated areas. The second claim is that the Palestinian people are safe in the south this is a false claim because Israel is still bombing the south of Gaza trapping the Palestinian citizens and not having a serious impact on Hamas.


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Dec 30
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War (Dec 30 2023 4:49PM) : What are the facts that are worth sorting through here? more
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War with Paul A's edits:
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War
Checks claims against an article in Wikipedia.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War.

1) What is accurate:
- Israel has launched thousands of airstrikes on Gaza, which have caused widespread civilian casualties and devastated neighborhoods.
- The humanitarian disaster in Gaza has been exacerbated by these attacks.
- There is an ongoing blockade that affects the Gaza Strip.

2) What is not accurate:
- The specific motivations behind Israeli military tactics are not detailed in the provided text, so it’s unclear whether the claim about Hamas hiding within civilian populations as an excuse for collateral damage can be substantiated or refuted based on this source alone.
- The assertion that Palestinian people are trapped in the south of Gaza due to continued bombing by Israel oversimplifies a complex situation and does not account for all strategic considerations reported in conflict situations.

3) Related facts from the article that might provide more understanding and context:

“The war began when Hamas-led Palestinian militant groups targeted Israel with a barrage of rockets… After clearing Hamas militants, the Israeli military retaliated by conducting an extensive aerial bombardment campaign on Hamas targets…”

“Israel also imposed a total blockade of the Gaza Strip, leading to accusations that Israel was using starvation as a weapon…”

“As part of its counter-offensive following initial surprise attacks by Hamas militants, ‘Israel dropped over 6,000 bombs on targets in Gaza’.”

“Experts blame ‘the widespread use of heavy munitions…’ for increasing casualties in densely populated areas.”

“Widespread civilian deaths have led to both Israel and Hamas being accused of war crimes.”

“The health system [in Gaza] is in a state of partial collapse… there are acute shortages of drinking water, food, fuel and medical supplies.”

These quotes illustrate some aspects related to your points about airstrikes causing civilian casualties and exacerbating humanitarian crises. However, they do not directly address your assertions regarding Israeli claims or their validity.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War, which we copied on December 28, 2023. You can see an up-to-date version of this article here:

Nov 16
Ahmed Al A Ahmed Al A (Nov 16 2023 8:42AM) : Situation in Gaza more

There is also a blockade on Humanitarian aid. So hospital life is a slow death and infrastructure is gone as well.

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 10:05PM) : Reply more

Is it illegal it block humanitarian aid? It seem wrong to do

Nov 16
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 16 2023 10:23AM) : Situation in Gaza more

The Israeli government has responded to the Hamas with tactics similar to those in Dresden during WW2, they decided to destroy several parts of Gaza’s infrastructure.

Nov 16
David A David A (Nov 16 2023 12:33PM) : Gaza situation more

It seems like Israel is still bombarding Gaza with hundreds of airstrikes making hundreds of thousands of people feeling their homes in search of safety .

Nov 16
Savannah H Savannah H (Nov 16 2023 2:22PM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

Gaza is being wiped up, hundreds of bombs in a single day, dealth in all ages and they are struggling on finding ways to flee

Nov 16
Jala A Jala A (Nov 16 2023 6:10PM) : There is no evidence from israel to prove this, and I feel as though they are using this as an excuse to harm more civilians. No matter if Hamas is there or not, bombing innocents is never okay.
Nov 20
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 20 2023 10:08AM) : Response more

I think a reason as to why nations and people are still supporting Israel stems from the fact that several countries justify bombings this way, including the United States. Israel’s killings and destruction of infrastructure is similar to the Kunduz hospital strike, where the one medical facility in the area was destroyed under the assumption that it was holding terrorists inside.

Nov 16
Anaya C Anaya C (Nov 16 2023 8:36PM) : Situation In Gaza- more

Why didn’t Israel try to lure Hamas out of these areas and why continue to fire knowing that these are areas filled with civilians .

Nov 16
Imani R Imani R (Nov 16 2023 8:57PM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

The Gaza Strip is nearly completely destroyed including the destruction of houses, schools, and hospitals. Leaving an aftermath of scattered rubble and mass graves.

Nov 16
Imani R Imani R (Nov 16 2023 9:21PM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

Over 8,000 people have been killed in Gaza and many of them were children. It’s a little disingenuous for President Biden to say he has “no confidence” in Hamas casualty figures when the number of casualties rise everyday in Gaza and has been shown by many sources and health officials that more than 8,000 people, more like 11,200 people have been killed and almost half, 4,600 children have been killed.

Nov 16
Hannah T Hannah T (Nov 16 2023 9:45PM) : situation more

What are these people supposed to do because it does not look like they have any hope to getting any real help?

Nov 16
Chimdiadi N Chimdiadi N (Nov 16 2023 11:10PM) : Situation in Gaza more

Just because your enemies are being housed by some civilians does it justify all of them being attacked for that

Nov 20
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 20 2023 5:48PM) : Response more

I agree to an extent, just because the enemy is hiding in civil areas doesn’t mean they have to attack those areas. At the same time if Hamas is hiding in hospitals it isn’t a war crime but just morally incorrect.

Nov 20
Jala A Jala A (Nov 20 2023 7:52PM) : But also, with no proof that Hamas is really there, it is not justified and they are just committing crimes. There is a difference between civilians getting caught in the middle and actively bombing hospitals.
Nov 17
Ramlah H Ramlah H (Nov 17 2023 4:07AM) : Situation in Gaza more

Israel has bombed many civilian areas on the claim that “Hamas hides in civilian areas for protection”. Because of all the casualties, Palestinian civilians need humanitarian aid, yet there is a crisis. There’s not enough and although some trucks have finally been allowed in, that’s not enough. There needs to be much more, hundreds maybe even thousands to help aid the many wounded, and the ones who’ll be hurt even more in the future, unfortunately.

Nov 17
Jaden B Jaden B (Nov 17 2023 8:06AM) : Situation in Gaza? more

Because of all the airstrikes, there are widespread casualties.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 9:04AM) : What questions do you have about what is happening now and about its larger context? This is a complex and quickly moving news story-- more

The other question is, Why is Hamas not coming out to fight on the ground? Based on my question, I feel they have something larger planned for Israel’s side on their underground system.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 9:23AM) : How closely have you been following the news? Where are you getting your information? How do you know that what you are seeing and hearing is accurate? more

I’ll state, expect with visual [or/and verbal] evidence that honestly, no one as of right now knows if the reports and speeches are true; factual because it is on-going, history is being told, this second.

Nov 17
Jason L Jason L (Nov 17 2023 9:30AM) : How closely have you been following the news? (Gaza Situation) more

I’ve constantly seen multiple tragedies in the news, from children and mothers being crushed from rubble, or being struck directly by a rocket. It’s seriously horrific.

Nov 17
Ade R Ade R (Nov 17 2023 5:13PM) : Situation in Gaza more

Due to Isreal’s airstrikes many innocent civilians in Gaza have been killed many of whom were children.

Nov 19
Ashiyah C Ashiyah C (Nov 19 2023 4:36PM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

An astound number of palestinians have fled there homes. Many have gone to sheltered and facilities as well trying to find a source of safety within this madness.

Nov 21
Aniyah K Aniyah K (Nov 21 2023 9:29AM) : 16 year old blockade more

Palestinians have been trapped in their own home for as long as I’ve been alive. What compels someone to treat humans like animals? They are caged and trapped with the death toll rising every day.

Dec 5
Naleyah W Naleyah W (Dec 05 2023 1:47PM) : What is the situation in Gaza more

There is a lot of excessive force being pushed from Israel, hundreds of airstrikes in a single day?? It’s highly unnecessary and shows just how much control they’re trying to induce over Hamas.

Dec 8
Suhayla L Suhayla L (Dec 08 2023 11:02PM) : The situation in Gaza more

Several Palestinians have been put in a situation where they have to leave their homes. They are going to refugee camps and shelters looking for a place of safety. Some are trapped in their homes due to the number of air strikes.

Jan 26
Cashae M Cashae M (Jan 26 2024 9:26AM) : . more

Several Palestinians have been put in a situation where they have to leave their homes. They are going to refugee camps and shelters looking for a place of safety. Some are trapped in their homes due to the number of air strikes.

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Nov 16
Justus M Justus M (Nov 16 2023 10:20AM) : Excessive force more

Again, I don’t think it makes any sense to use this much force. While I don’t know where they got these numbers from, but there is no reason for anyone to say “Screw it, if theyre using civilians as shields then lets just kill the civilians anyway”.

Nov 20
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 20 2023 11:26PM) : Reply more

I think that this is part of Israel’s plan to push Palestinians out forcefully, regardless of what it takes.

Nov 16
Anya C Anya C (Nov 16 2023 8:33PM) : Irony(?) more

Israel has managed to get away with defending their actions but explaining why they made the worst decision. If it were a one on one situation with a person holding a hostage at gun point, the last thing anyone would think to do would be to toss a grenade and hope for the best.

Nov 17
Ramlah H Ramlah H (Nov 17 2023 4:13AM) : Situation in Gaza - What questions do you have about what is happening now and about its larger context? more

Because Israel’s military is so advanced in its weaponry and troops, why haven’t they sent them in to personally find Hamas or at least take some time to think about how to lure them out? It doesn’t make sense to harm innocent civilians who’ve played absolutely no role in the situation whatsoever.

Nov 17
Osmarilyn L Osmarilyn L (Nov 17 2023 9:34PM) : Situation in Gaza more

In response to Hamas surprise attack on Israel, they have responded by launching thousands of airstrikes on Gaza, about hundreds a day. Israel is launching these airstrikes on civilian areas because according to them Hamas hides here for protection. But how are they sure of this?

Nov 20
Jachym W Jachym W (Nov 20 2023 8:13AM) : Responce more

They’re not sure Isreal wanted revenge on the gaza strip so they’re attempting to find justifications to their attacks on civillians

Nov 18
Ade R Ade R (Nov 18 2023 3:49PM) : Situation in Gaza more

This amount of force is incredibly unnecessary to use against a country that has no military under any circumstance

Nov 27
Javan E Javan E (Nov 27 2023 3:47PM) : Situation more

So if you think that Hamas is using civilian areas for protection, Why send airstrikes to those civilian areas if the number of civilians outnumbers the group? Why not just send Military men to the areas so that they can weed out the group? Governments truly just don’t think

Dec 4
Rayana M Rayana M (Dec 04 2023 10:54PM) : situation in gaza more

The Israeli military declared “a state of war alert,” and began striking targets in the Gaza Strip, including residential buildings and health care facilities.

Dec 4
Rayana M Rayana M (Dec 04 2023 10:54PM) : situation in gaza more

thousands of people have been killed and more than one million have been displaced, as parts of Gaza have been reduced to rubble.

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 8:38PM) : Use of force more

If the Isreal government’s goal is to harm Hamas, why send thousands of missiles to a place where there are innocent people


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Dec 7
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Research Teammate (Dec 07 2023 9:54PM) : Is it true that Hamas hides in civilian areas? more
Research Teammate with Paul A's edits:
Research Teammate
You will help me with brainstorming research questions, simplifying com...

Yes, numerous reports, including from the United Nations and human rights organizations, indicate that Hamas has used civilian areas for military purposes. This tactic, known as “human shielding,” aims to deter enemy attacks and exploit the potential harm to civilians to garner international sympathy. Israel argues that its use of airstrikes is aimed at eliminating threats posed by Hamas and often states that it takes steps to minimize civilian casualties, such as giving advance warnings of attacks.

Regarding the question of why Israel would launch airstrikes in areas with civilians, this is a complex aspect of modern asymmetrical warfare. Israel contends that it targets Hamas infrastructure and operatives, who are embedded within civilian areas. The ethical and tactical challenges are significant, as military operations in densely populated areas increase the risk of civilian casualties. Yet, the state often asserts that such actions are necessary to protect its own citizens from threats like rocket fire originating from Gaza.

Would you like to delve into the principles of international humanitarian law that underpin these actions? Or explore the strategic implications of urban warfare further? Perhaps unpacking the psychological impact on civilians living under such conditions could be illuminating. Let me know what direction appeals to you, or if there’s another related topic you’d like to explore. Let’s elevate this to a comprehensive analysis that captures the intricacies of this conflict!

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Nov 15
Sundus T Sundus T (Nov 15 2023 8:12PM) : What Is the situation in Gaza more

Because of the actions taken out by Israel’s government, the Palestinian people have been suffering. There’s been a mass death toll increase within just a month and without internet being accessible there the death toll is now unknown from what we last knew. i feel sad for the Palestinians who have nothing to do with Hamas, They’re watching everything they knew get destroyed before their very eyes. I also feel sad for the innocent Israelis who were killed in Hamas’s attack. Overall, this is really bad and sad.

Nov 16
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 16 2023 7:39PM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

There are now widespread casualties and people under the rubble that aren’t even given enough time and humanitarian aid to be gathered yet. If the bombs didn’t kill them, their own living situation could.

Nov 16
Nyiem C Nyiem C (Nov 16 2023 9:02PM) : The situation in Gaza. more

The people in Gaza day by day are getting trapped by Isreal and getting killed because of this like shootings, environment destruction, and the lack of resources.

Jan 26
Teodora H Teodora H (Jan 26 2024 9:20AM) : situation in gaza more

the situation in gaza stems back to the mid 1900s which a lot of people dont know about and only know and have seen things that have happened on oct 7th

Hundreds of thousands of people have fled their homes in search of safety. Israel has repeatedly warned civilians to move from the north to the south of the territory — though many Gazans say doing so is not an option and that no part of the enclave is safe.

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Nov 16
Victor V Victor V (Nov 16 2023 7:39AM) : GAZA SITUATION more

Gaza is being forced to go down to the south but later on, Israel bombed the south too which led to innocent people being killed and helpless in Gaza

Nov 16
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 16 2023 11:45PM) : situation in Gaza more

This is true, it talks about the people who say leaving is not an option, but it does not talk about the innocent people fleeing and being attacked by Israel in places they were told were safe, essentially being lead into a trap.

Nov 16
Bidia G Bidia G (Nov 16 2023 11:12AM) : is it ensured that the civilians of Gaza will be safe when they move south?
Nov 20
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 20 2023 10:13AM) : Response more

Realistically, the Palestinians will not be safe in the southern region of the Gaza Strip. It has already been confirmed that the IDF has been bombing parts of the south as they were telling Palestinians to go there. If the majority of the surviving citizens of Gaza manage to reach that region, chances are the south will still be bombed, or they will be left with little support and damaged infrastructure.


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Dec 30
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War (Dec 30 2023 4:21PM) : Is this true? more
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War with Paul A's edits:
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War
Checks claims against an article in Wikipedia.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War.

1) What is accurate:
- The Israeli military did issue evacuation warnings for communities in northern Gaza, instructing residents to move south. This aligns with the statement that Israel has repeatedly warned civilians to move from the north to the south of the territory.
- There are reports and indications within your provided text that suggest parts of southern Gaza were also targeted by bombings, which would corroborate concerns about safety even after relocating as instructed by Israeli warnings.

2) What is not accurate:
- Your text does not provide specific evidence confirming that “the IDF has been bombing parts of the south as they were telling Palestinians to go there.” While it mentions widespread destruction and accusations against both sides for potential war crimes, without direct reference or citation, this claim remains unverified based on our current source.

3) Related facts from Wikipedia article might be added:
- “Israel ordered Gazans to evacuate from northern to southern Gaza but also bombed locations to which it told Palestinians to evacuate.”
- “It was widely reported that there was ‘no safe place in Gaza’.”
These quotes support claims made in your text regarding evacuations and bombings affecting areas where civilians were directed for safety.

“The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War, which we copied on December 28, 2023. You can see an up-to-date version of this article here:

Nov 16
Allisson M Allisson M (Nov 16 2023 11:59AM) : What is the situation in gaza more

I had a conversation with my friend about how the people being told to escape does not help because no matter where the people go they cannot go there because it is blocked by what was already bombed- its almost impossible to escape

Nov 16
Julian P Julian P (Nov 16 2023 1:45PM) : Gaza Situation more

The Gaza strip is losing citizens everyday and you have to wonder how life will be on the Gaza strip when this is all said and done.

Nov 20
Jaylin F Jaylin F (Nov 20 2023 8:55AM) : Response more

I believe the Gaza strip will be completely empty of people and possibly uninhabitable for a while.

Nov 16
Jala A Jala A (Nov 16 2023 6:11PM) : It is disheartening to see that the Palestinian people have nowhere to go in these desperate times, and the world demonizes them for the actions perpetrated by Hamas.
Nov 16
Jason L Jason L (Nov 16 2023 6:43PM) : Situation in Gaza more

People in Gaza have had to flee their homes due to the unsafe and harsh conditions due to bombings.

Nov 16
Nya H Nya H (Nov 16 2023 6:57PM) : situation in Gaza more

They told them to move from the North to the South since they will bomb and take over the North but eventually they take over the South and bomb that too so its really no way out.

Nov 20
Jachym W Jachym W (Nov 20 2023 8:16AM) : Responce more

Your prediction is correct as Isreal is now saying that Hamas headquarters is in the south of the country instead of gaza city

Nov 16
Bobbi T Bobbi T (Nov 16 2023 9:04PM) : Situation in Gaza [Edited] more

Palestinians are being given deceiving advice by the Israeli government, instilling a false hope only for people to be met with the same destruction and gruesome scenes they wished to escape from. This direction fails to follow its motive as it is not keeping anyone safe. What is shown is a falsity of “consideration” for the innocent civilians, guiding them to a supposed safe-haven just to continue bombing them.

Nov 16
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 16 2023 10:57PM) : Gaza situation more

Israel is attacking from all sides, which means nowhere in Gaza is safe.

Nov 20
Jaylin F Jaylin F (Nov 20 2023 9:00AM) : Response more

Gaza should have properly prepared for a response attack after Hamas attacked Israel.

Nov 17
Kaylin V Kaylin V (Nov 17 2023 9:02AM) : Gaza situation more

I feel as though even though Israel is telling them to move from north to south to make it seem like they are trying to help, even though they know that civilians are unable to make that move due to the circumstances happening in the south as well.

Nov 17
Julieta Z Julieta Z (Nov 17 2023 1:25PM) : Situation in Gaza more

The government of Israel has told the Palestinian civilians that they should flee to the South, yet they have controlled the borders so much that the people can only “move out of the way” essentially, and can’t leave and guarantee safety for themselves.

Nov 20
Jachym W Jachym W (Nov 20 2023 8:18AM) : Responce more

As if yesterday Isreal is also telling people to evacuate south towards the coast

Nov 21
Elijah A Elijah A (Nov 21 2023 9:09AM) : Situation in Gaza more

Many in Gaza have been forced to leave their homes for safety

Dec 7
Brianna S Brianna S (Dec 07 2023 8:41PM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

Palestinians are being warned to move South but Israel is also bombing the South. It doesn’t seem like there is any safe place for them to go.

Jan 26
Andre P Andre P (Jan 26 2024 2:38PM) : Situation more

People are fleeing Gaza to try safer places, this has happened before

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Nov 15
Jaylin F Jaylin F (Nov 15 2023 5:53PM) : Gaza's situation. more

While the Gaza death toll is rising, many people are running and fleeing their home to find safety. Widespread civilian casualties have been caused due to airstrikes.

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 8:53PM) : Reply more

This is genuinely scary. To have to run away from home in fear of your life is something I wouldn’t wish on any body

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Nov 16
Justus M Justus M (Nov 16 2023 10:22AM) : Connection, or lack thereof. more

How can you make announcements saying to move out when they can’t see the announcements. And the people who do move are forced to go to a place just as dangerous as north.

Nov 20
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 20 2023 11:16PM) : Reply more

I think Israel is doing this to pressure Palestine and Hamas into surrendering, unless they want to suffer a large amount of civilian casualties.

Nov 16
Michelle T Michelle T (Nov 16 2023 10:30AM) : Situation in Gaza [Edited] more

The government of Israel is basically saying that if Palestinians are not moving South, then them being killed in the bombing will be their fault for not listening. If they were to give a warning, then they should have let the Palestinians who are not participating in the war have a safe area to reside so they won’t get in the crossfire.

Nov 20
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 20 2023 10:17AM) : Response more

I think the wording Israel’s government gave is proof they don’t truly care for the safety of Palestinians. They consistently try to blame Palestinians for their own predicament, such as the relentless bombings on the taken hostages when many more people in Gaza are killed or displaced. Another example is trying to depict the IDF as merciful by saying the south is safe despite being bombed, or by sending boxes saying “medical supplies” in English, which is something for the Western media than the citizens of Gaza, since Gaza is a majority Arabic-speaking territory.

Nov 16
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 16 2023 1:43PM) : Why did they say this? more

Israel warned civilians to move South and then bombed them there too. Why? What is the point of telling civilians to move if you’re trying to weed out specific people? Would they not just go with them? Gazans are quite literally trapped in a warzone, what’s the point of making them move around if you’re going to attack everywhere?

Nov 20
Daniel F Daniel F (Nov 20 2023 1:47PM) : I agree, I believe the Israeli was trying to trick Hamas into moving south as well this is why I believe the Israeli government did this.
Nov 20
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 20 2023 6:55PM) : Reply. more

I agree. Whatever plan Israel may have had with this strategy did not go as planned, as many families were killed during this move. Israel is to blame because they may have tried to trick Hamas, but they ended up bombing civilians anyway.


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Dec 30
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War (Dec 30 2023 5:01PM) : Did Israel do this? more
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War with Paul A's edits:
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War
Checks claims against an article in Wikipedia.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War.

1) What is accurate:
- Israel did issue warnings for civilians to evacuate from northern Gaza to the south. The article states, “On 13 October, the IDF issued an evacuation warning for communities north of the Wadi Gaza.”
- There are indications that areas where civilians were told to evacuate were subsequently affected by military action. For example, “An explosion at 5:30 p.m. along one of the safe routes killed 70 people.”

2) What is not accurate:
- The provided text does not explicitly state that Israel bombed specifically those locations in southern Gaza where it had directed civilians to move; however, it implies this occurred.

3) Related facts from the article that might be added for more understanding and context include:

- Evacuation orders can sometimes lead to confusion or may be impossible due to various constraints: “The statement by Israel faced widespread backlash; with numerous agencies… condemning the order as ‘outrageous’ and ‘impossible’ while calling for an immediate reversal of the order.”

- Despite warnings, there are reports suggesting difficulties in finding safety within Gaza: “Experts said they had not seen significant changes in Israeli prosecution of war due to its warnings to civilians appearing ineffective and it being unclear if anywhere in Gaza is safe.”

- Criticism regarding actions taken during conflict: “Amnesty found no evidence of military targets at sites of strikes… prompting group [Amnesty International] request airstrikes investigated as possible war crimes.”

It’s important when discussing such sensitive topics involving armed conflict and civilian casualties that we rely on verified sources and understand that situations can rapidly evolve on the ground. The motives behind specific military tactics used by any party involved would require detailed analysis beyond what’s available in open-source reporting.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War, which we copied on December 28, 2023. You can see an up-to-date version of this article here:

Nov 16
Mariam B Mariam B (Nov 16 2023 6:35PM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

Gazans have nowhere to turn, other than to the place where they’re directed. However, even than Gazans aren’t guarantied safety.

Nov 20
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 20 2023 6:04PM) : This is true, whether it was people from either side. Trying to run for safety in times like this can be hard, especially when you don't know who is on your side to help.
Nov 16
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 16 2023 7:00PM) : Maybe there is a lack of communication between Israel's government and the army.
Nov 16
Synai H Synai H (Nov 16 2023 8:39PM) : Israel doesn't care about civilian casualties. more

Even though Israel claims to only care about taking down Hamas, they don’t care about the innocent people they kill along the way. They’ve been treated Gaza terribly even before Hamas was established.

Nov 20
Anya C Anya C (Nov 20 2023 8:49PM) : Reply more

I agree, the negligence here is honestly depressing and it’s strange that people will find a way to defend the Israeli government’s actions when they’ve done nothing but make bad decisions.

Nov 16
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 16 2023 9:28PM) : Situation in Gaza. more

Israel has cut off all resources for Gaza and is bombing any place that civilians can go. Since a “genocide” hasn’t been declared, other countries can’t get involved. So due to the legality of the term, we and the media cannot call it that. However, it is an ethnic cleansing which is basically the same thing without the legal aspects.

Nov 17
Hakim W Hakim W (Nov 17 2023 9:47AM) : The situation in Gaza more

Israel has told civilians to flee to the south but, bomb places that can get them to the south and bomb the south? is this a way of them insuring Hamas’s demolish?

Nov 19
Samir W Samir W (Nov 19 2023 6:25PM) : situation in Gaza more

The government in Israel is forcing people to flee south of the territory. Though no part is safe at this time.

Nov 20
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 20 2023 10:16AM) : The situation in gaza more

Israel is requesting civilians of an already overpopulated region to flee to the south to be “safe” from the danger they themselves are inflicting, knowing that it is not just the north being bombed

Dec 17
Anaya C Anaya C (Dec 17 2023 9:35PM) : response more

they are already trapped inside this tight space and now they focused in even tighter spaces because of these attacks

The Palestinian death toll in Gaza is contested.

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Nov 16
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 16 2023 5:33PM) : Situation in Gaza more

Israel is continuing to attack Gaza and the death toll of the people goes up buy the hundreds everyday.Children are dying the most since their bodies are not strong enough to handle this. Even though they are trying to leave for their safety, with everything happening, its just as dangerous.

Nov 16
Jennifer V Jennifer V (Nov 16 2023 6:17PM) : Palestinian Death Toll more

Biden has “no confidence” in the figure given by Gaza’s health ministry because it is run by Hamas. To me this is somewhat understandable because this organization clearly has a bias against Israel, they will want Israel to look bad in the public eye. But, people are still losing their lives. Israel is not protecting their civilians by killing regular Palestinian people.

Nov 17
Hakim W Hakim W (Nov 17 2023 10:27AM) : Death Poll more

2/3 of the deaths in Gaza have been mostly women and children, Most if not all of these Women and children aren’t even associated with Hamas so these are innocent civilians dying over a dumb decision by a militant group

Nov 27
Javan E Javan E (Nov 27 2023 3:57PM) : Situation more

Even If one of the most incompetent presidents in recent U.S. History Does not trust the death toll, (there shouldn’t even be a death toll, but because of Israel’s past actions, there is), there’s no reason why you shouldn’t trust it. And Moreover, a recorded death toll is usually way less than the amount of people who acutally died.

Dec 7
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 07 2023 10:16PM) : Death toll more

People are dying for no reason so it’s hard to keep count. The death toll is going to be high because theyre killing to prove a point.

Dec 8
Rayane N Rayane N (Dec 08 2023 9:36AM) : They are being sufficated by the isrealiets and there is nothing they can do about it they have nothing to do but just watch as their worship places and houses are being bombed and their family being killed.
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No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Gaza’s health ministry, which is run by Hamas, has said that more than 8,000 people have been killed, many of them children. That figure could not be verified independently, and President Biden has said he had “no confidence” in the Hamas casualty figures. He did not explain the assertion, but on Sunday reiterated support for Israel’s right to protect itself while underscoring “the need to do so in a manner consistent with international humanitarian law that prioritizes the protection of civilians.”

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Nov 16
Savannah H Savannah H (Nov 16 2023 2:24PM) : What is the Situation in Gaza? more

The need for humanitarian care is immense, Biden thinks theres no confidence in the Hamas casualty figures

Nov 16
Jason L Jason L (Nov 16 2023 6:44PM) : Situation in Gaza more

A bunch of people in Gaza has also been weak due to the shutoff of water, and supplies. People trapped under rubble, or being completely crushed by buildings

Nov 20
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 20 2023 6:11PM) : Having the shutoff to me was unnecessary. It's hurting more of the innocent than the people who are causing the problem.
Nov 16
Arafat H Arafat H (Nov 16 2023 7:46PM) : What I've seen on the internet. Situation in Gaza. [Edited] more

Whenever I hear or see “Israel has the right to protect itself” I always think back to videos/images(un-edited) portraying what was going on on both sides. I know these videos and images aren’t fake because there are just too many to even consider it being fake. Whenever I go on social media I see the aftermath of Israel’s bombing of Gaza, several bodies, people crying and most of all the surroundings. Buildings resorted to nothing but rubble, people fending for their own, the surroundings looking like something out of a movie. Now when I try to see the aftermath in Israel, I see no destroyed buildings nor do I see people cowering from constant bombings. I see people living normal lives, even near the border, the soldiers look like they are having a field day. Maybe I just haven’t seen all of it, the aftermath of what actually happened in Israel, but there’s one thing I know for sure. The fact that no one in the government is saying that “Palestine has the right to protect themselves as well.” it’s Hamas vs Israel, so why is Palestine in the equation? Why can’t America send support to the Palestinians instead of Hamas, it’s not like Palestine is Israel’s “enemy” right now RIGHT? While writing this, I got a bit heated, I might’ve said some things that could probably be answered but I can’t think right now to even realize it. I’m just gonna cool my head.


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Nov 20
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Maram Simulator, a Palestinian-American who grew up in Gaza (Nov 20 2023 2:34PM) : Could America send in troops to defend Palestinians, and not Hamas? more
Maram Simulator, a Palestinian-American who grew up in Gaza with Paul A's edits:
Maram Simulator, a Palestinian-American who grew up in Gaza
Practice reading this text through the eyes of a Palestinian-American r...

Reflecting on whether America could send troops to defend Palestinians, and not Hamas, it’s essential to recognize the complexities surrounding the idea of military intervention focused on protecting civilians amidst an ongoing conflict. The notion itself is multifaceted, considering political ties, international laws, and the underlying currents of regional politics.

You’re asking me to focus on the possibility of U.S. military action directed at safeguarding Palestinian civilians, distinct from the political entity of Hamas. The challenge in such a proposition lies in separating humanitarian aid from political support in a conflict where distinctions between combatants and civilians often blur. To be factual and transparent, while the U.S. has historically backed Israel, direct military intervention on behalf of Palestinians, especially in a manner that excludes engagement with Hamas which controls Gaza, seems implausible under current geopolitical dynamics.

You’re highlighting the stark contrast between the destruction in Gaza and the relative calm in Israel. It’s a portrayal of disparity that speaks volumes, one where Gazans endure the harsh aftermath of conflict. In this struggle, the right to self-defense is indeed a universally recognized principle, but so often it is viewed through a prism that does not seem to consider both sides equally. Your sentiment here reflects a yearning for balance, for a recognition that both Israelis and Palestinians have rights to safety and self-preservation.

And to your point about America supporting Palestinians at a humanitarian level, yes, efforts could be steered more explicitly toward safeguarding civilian lives, independent from any political factions. This could manifest through enhanced diplomatic channels that prioritize civilian welfare or increasing support for nonpartisan humanitarian organizations operating in the region.

Please share which direction you’d like to delve into—is it the political feasibility of U.S. intervention, the equitable application of the right to self-defense, or exploring non-military avenues of civilian protection?

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

I invite you to think critically about the complex tapestry of conflict and defense and consider my actual views in the interview "Inside A Gaza Village: ‘All Of Us Will Die, But We Don’t Know When’”.

Nov 16
Arafat H Arafat H (Nov 16 2023 7:53PM) : The situation in Gaza. more

The situation in Gaza has led to people fleeing their homes in seek for shelter/safety. A claim of 8,000 people have been killed in Gaza, many being children. The United Nations has called for an urgent humanitarian cease-fire to allow aid into Gaza, even though this aid has been carried into Gaza. Officials say a lot more is needed.

Nov 16
Bobbi T Bobbi T (Nov 16 2023 9:26PM) : Situation in gaza [Edited] more

referring to Israels actions as exercising their “right to defend themselves” is manipulative and doesn’t truly capture what they are doing. They are not doing things such as stationing troops in their cities to prevent further invasions and attacks from Hamas , they are infiltrating Palestinian cities, bombing their most densely populated areas and taking away their resources.

Nov 16
Synai H Synai H (Nov 16 2023 9:40PM) : Biden's views are skewed more

Biden’s words go completely against what Israel is doing too. Biden is still supporting them even though what Israel is doing is inhumane.

Nov 20
Anya C Anya C (Nov 20 2023 8:52PM) : Biden more

I feel like the U.S. endless support of the Israeli government really highlights how buddy-buddy terrible people can be when they have a shared agenda of some kind.

Nov 16
Sabrina P Sabrina P (Nov 16 2023 10:28PM) : What is the situation in Gaza? #2 more

All this violence may have been for Israel and Palestine to avenge the people that were lost, but what is there really to gain by inciting more deaths? I imagine it would come to a point of it just becoming this cycle that might not broken for who knows how long. I think that instead of adding fuel to the fire, something should be done to not further involve innocent citizens who often always get caught in their country’s political affairs and warfare especially.

Nov 16
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 16 2023 11:35PM) : What happened more

Israel attempts to choke Gaza by cutting off water, supplies, and electricity

Nov 17
Jason L Jason L (Nov 17 2023 9:32AM) : Have you seen pictures, videos or social media posts documenting what life is like in Israel and Gaza right now? (Gaza Situation) more

I have seen a bunch of terrifying images on the internet that show innocent people having to live under extremely harsh conditions as Israel shuts down all sources of water, food, and supplies. I really hope Israel comes to a compromise.

Nov 20
Anya C Anya C (Nov 20 2023 8:56PM) : Videos more

I’ve been avoiding the more graphic videos so far, because I just know that I’ll just become more angry and exhausted at the fact that such things are happening IN OUR FACES and somehow people will stand by and not support the people being killed.

Nov 17
Ayden H Ayden H (Nov 17 2023 10:19AM) : Children more

Yes, children definently shouldn’t be getting killed in a war of territories, but it is disgusting that for people to care they have to specify that out of 8,000 killed people, some of them are under the age of 18.

Nov 17
Julieta Z Julieta Z (Nov 17 2023 1:28PM) : Situation in Gaza more

I think that he only said he had no confidence to negate what the Israeli military has done, as he didn’t state why he doesn’t trust the casualty figures.

Nov 19
Carlentz P Carlentz P (Nov 19 2023 6:31PM) : . more

The situation is destruction and death so they had to evacuate as best as they could

Dec 8
Suhayla L Suhayla L (Dec 08 2023 11:16PM) : Situation in Gaza more

The number of deaths keeps rising in Gaza. Biden thinks there is no confidence in the Hamas casualties. Due to the shutoff of water, and supplies many in Gaza are weak. Many are trapped under rubble and being crushed by buildings.

Dec 11
Ricaiya W Ricaiya W (Dec 11 2023 10:22AM) : commet more

This is crazy considering the death toll compared to isreal is far from equal. Yes both sides have killed but we can all agree isreal is over doing it.

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Nov 16
Victor V Victor V (Nov 16 2023 7:52AM) : MY THOUGHTS more

This is bs. Those innocent kids’ lives being taken because of Hamas decided to pull one stupid move which led to an outbreak of violence to both the Israel & Gaza citizens. This isn’t on the citizens but the government cause they’re bs and can’t manage peace.

Nov 16
Bidia G Bidia G (Nov 16 2023 11:18AM) : I agree with this 100%
Nov 16
Mariam B Mariam B (Nov 16 2023 6:39PM) : Reply to Victor V more

I agree with you, innocent kids are dying, and that the outbreak has become extreme. However, you can view Hamas’ decision as a stupid move, or as a resistance against their oppressors.

Nov 20
Anaya C Anaya C (Nov 20 2023 10:27AM) : Response- more

I agree, the government is fully responsible for all the civilians. The kill of innocent people is wrong and I think that Israel make it seem okay because Gaza did it first but it’s not. To continue to kill innocent people because of actions of one group of people is wrong.

Nov 16
Nya H Nya H (Nov 16 2023 7:00PM) : Situation in Gaza more

I think that they could prove their point in so many different ways. When it comes to children, you should draw the line. They disregard innocent people’s lives and its sick because who would want to kill innocent children who don’t even know what’s going on.

Nov 16
Daniel F Daniel F (Nov 16 2023 10:10PM) : many of whom are children?
Nov 16
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 16 2023 11:02PM) : Situation in Gaza more

Because the US is biased towards Israel, it’s natural to assume that the Hamas aligned source will misrepresent the amount of deaths

Nov 16
Chimdiadi N Chimdiadi N (Nov 16 2023 11:11PM) : Gaza Health Ministry more

Out of more than 8,000 people being killed many of them being children is really heartbreaking, do they feel any guilt?

Nov 20
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 20 2023 6:17PM) : I believe at this time they aren't feeling the guilt because they are still in rage. They are at a state were they don't care and they just wanna hurt as much people as possible, not caring if they are children or not.
Nov 19
Samir W Samir W (Nov 19 2023 6:29PM) : Situation in Gaza more

The health ministry in Gaza stated that more than 8,000 people were killed majority including children instead of them choosing to shed blood they can resort to other ways to not involve the harm they are causing to children.

Nov 20
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 20 2023 6:34PM) : Reply more

I agree, they are proving that they are not just targeting Hamas, and are completely okay with any sort of civilian casualties. No matter if it is a child, an old person, or women.

Nov 21
Zhaki A Zhaki A (Nov 21 2023 8:11AM) : Situation in Gaza more

As of right now the situation in Gaza in that the Israelites continue to siege the city restricting all of the necessary supplies such as water electricity and food

Nov 21
Zhaki A Zhaki A (Nov 21 2023 8:13AM) : Situation pt2n more

Including the death toll of casualties in Gaza are up to 8,000 most of which are the deaths of children

Dec 5
Naleyah W Naleyah W (Dec 05 2023 1:51PM) : What is the situation in Gaza more

A lot of the people that are dying are innocent civilians, CHILDREN at that. Israel doesn’t care about this, they just want to get rid of the Palestinians.

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Nov 16
Anya C Anya C (Nov 16 2023 9:14PM) : Death Toll more

Technically, if Hamas is the ruling political party, of course they’re in charge of things like health facilities. It’s ridiculous that Biden can see the destruction happening and think that thousands of people dying is unreasonable.

Nov 17
Kaylin V Kaylin V (Nov 17 2023 9:39AM) : situation in Gaza more

I feel like this is a just a way for Biden to avoid talking about the huge casualties going on in Palestine. Knowing what Israel is doing and giving them to weapons and such to do it, the casualties will be severe.

Nov 21
Aniyah K Aniyah K (Nov 21 2023 9:33AM) : Biden's denial more

President denies the death toll in Gaza and says he has “no confidence” in Hamas’ casualty figures. He continues to support Israel on its journey to “demolish” Hamas while it destroys Palestine and its people in the process.

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 8:42PM) : Biden more

Why is there a need for Biden’s opinion? Are there other major world powers that are so invested in this conflict

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Nov 16
Michelle T Michelle T (Nov 16 2023 11:35AM) : Situation in Gaza more

The government of Israel is not making any precautions for the civilians in Palestine, meaning that the civilians have nowhere safe to go and can be killed anywhere they go. With Biden underscoring the violation of the humanitarian law by the government of Israel, he probably wouldn’t try to evacuate the civilians to a safe place.

Nov 20
Arafat H Arafat H (Nov 20 2023 5:10PM) : Response to Michelle T more

I don’t think it’s mainly Biden underscoring the humanitarian law, but it’s also the people who control the government. I believe that Isreal could’ve definitely handled this situation better since their excuses for bombing many places were based on whether Hamas was even there in the first place. Regardless if they had captives of Israel or just innocent Palestinians staying with Hamas.

Nov 16
David A David A (Nov 16 2023 12:51PM) : Gaza situation more

Over 8,000 children has been killed so far stated by the health ministry ran by Hamas.It seems that president biden is losing all hope as he has no confidence in the Hamas casualty figures .

Nov 20
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 20 2023 6:51PM) : Reply. more

The only statistic is not run by Hamas, there are other helpers and other Palestinian organizations who are in Gaza right now, they have detailed that 4,000-8,000 children have died.

Nov 16
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 16 2023 7:46PM) : What is the situation in Gaza? [Edited] more

Gaza is in ruins with buildings blown and collapsed. It was apparent that the Hamas terrorists lived alongside civilians and well protected areas before relocating from Gaza. I find it strange how the terrorists were able to use hospital basements as an armory and how the hospital staff had “no knowledge” of it when asked by Israelites. Were they somehow forced to do this under the terrorists hands? The Biden adminstration might have chosen not to speak about this clearly, but did they know that the terrorists also had chairs and ropes down there that could have once held hostages?

Nov 16
Daniel F Daniel F (Nov 16 2023 10:17PM) : The Israeli government doesn't care about innocent victims, they see it as a necessary sacrifice. [Edited]
Nov 20
Nya H Nya H (Nov 20 2023 9:06PM) : Response more

I agree. They might think that since they want to make a point, they have to kill the civilians. From my point of view, Israel thinks that the random innocent people deserve to die for their country like you said a necessary sacrifice.

Nov 16
Ramadhany J Ramadhany J (Nov 16 2023 11:18PM) : Biden more

I find this comment in Biden to be particularly frustrating. I feel like if this was almost any other country Biden would be heavily condemning them. But due to his own interests and selfish intentions, he only reminds Israel to try their best to protect innocent civilians, which is hardly any sort of punishment or accountability for their actions. He also says he has “no confidence” in Hamas’s reports of casualties, instead of showing remorse to the people who have actually died. He undermines the amount of people who have sadly passed away, instead of expressing emotion for the casualties lost, which I find to be very distasteful and cold of him.

Nov 20
Arafat H Arafat H (Nov 20 2023 5:26PM) : Response to Ramadhany more

I agree, it doesn’t feel like Biden has any intention to show any signs of remorse for Palestine. More so it feels like he is using this as a chance to better the United States’ relationship with Israel.

Nov 19
Ashiyah C Ashiyah C (Nov 19 2023 4:38PM) : hat is the situation in Gaza? more

Although Israel continues to bomb thousand of Palestinians . In hospitiles and in sheltering facilities leaving them with nowhere to go.

Nov 20
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 20 2023 2:12PM) : the situation more

Gaza civilians are suffering from just as many casualties if not more than civilians in Israel. Simply because Israel’s military force is a lot stronger than Hamas causing one to look like more of an aggressor but it’s not a competition lives are still being lost at the hands of this war.

Nov 20
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 20 2023 6:32PM) : Reply. more

I agree, however, Israel has been oppressing Palestine for a while now, I agree that is not a competition, but Israel has been the aggressor for a while now.

The United Nations has called for an urgent humanitarian cease-fire to allow aid into Gaza as the humanitarian crisis spirals. While some trucks carrying aid have been allowed to cross from Egypt, officials say far more is needed.

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Nov 16
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 16 2023 12:15AM) : Situation in Gaza more

Few countries have provided humanitarian aid to Gaza and more is still needed because of the war’s daily expansion

Nov 16
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 16 2023 10:25AM) : Gaza's Situation more

With several parts of Gaza being bombed, both in the north and south, and large amounts of children being killed in the conflict,several countries and organizations have called for a ceasefire and for aid to be given to the Palestinians.

Nov 16
Julian P Julian P (Nov 16 2023 1:48PM) : Gaza Situation more

The situation in Gaza is getting so bad it is being labeled as a inhumane place to live in and depending on how long the situation will continue how will it affect life on the Gaza strip in the long run.

Nov 16
Jennifer V Jennifer V (Nov 16 2023 6:21PM) : Ceasefire more

This is the option that I support the most. It won’t solve the years of oppression or the hatred between Hamas and Israel, but I will stop the loss of innocent lives. I know that a vote was present to the United Nation about the cease fire. I heard that the U.S. voted against it.

Nov 16
Anaya C Anaya C (Nov 16 2023 8:45PM) : Cease-fire- more

I think that a cease fire is smart both sides have already lost a lot including the lives of many people young and old. Allow this to go on will only make matters worse and I think it will reach a point will there will be so much damage that the conflict will be unable to be resolved.

Nov 20
Victor V Victor V (Nov 20 2023 1:19PM) : Add on more

I think a cease-fire is a smart move since both sides is very damaged and it would probably be helpful on both ends

Nov 20
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 20 2023 5:32PM) : Reply. more

I agree, a ceasefire would be the best thing to happen right now. Israel doesn’t seem to come to any sort of compromise, so the best form to bring a peace treaty.

Nov 16
Hannah T Hannah T (Nov 16 2023 9:20PM) : the people of Gaza more

There is a blood bath happening and Israel is just taking it to the citizens and wiping out a lot of children in the process people are sending help but it’s not enough to keep up.

Nov 16
Ramadhany J Ramadhany J (Nov 16 2023 11:09PM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

The situation in Gaza is very dire, as many people are dying but there is unable to be much aid from outside the strip until there is a ceasefire.

Nov 16
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 16 2023 11:59PM) : situation in Gaza more

Israel had already restricted the amount of resources allowed into Gaza, such as: food, water and medical equipment, it’s interesting how long it is taking for Israel to let the resources waiting at the Egyptian border in.

Nov 17
Jaden B Jaden B (Nov 17 2023 8:09AM) : Situation in Gaza? more

The people of Gaza are being trapped in with their supplies being limited.

Nov 20
Arafat H Arafat H (Nov 20 2023 5:33PM) : Reply to Jaden Brown more

You would think even after Israel told the citizens of Palestine to evacuate, they would manage to escape. But no, they really have nowhere to go besides going into a constant bombing zone or going into Israel militant waters where Palestinians will be shot down even if they try to escape through the waters.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 9:27AM) : What kind of conversations have you had with friends and family members on this subject? Have you and the others in your life had similar reactions to the attacks or different ones? Why do you think that is? more

The people I talk to have similar feelings and reactions to this, which I typed/said that it wasn’t a surprise based on the context of the war and why it even started, again. The keyword is again. Even in ancient times, the two nations of people has conflict about the land and laws within, to state, modernly.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 9:32AM) : What kind of conversations have you had with friends and family members on this subject? Have you and the others in your life had similar reactions to the attacks or different ones? Why do you think that is? more

Conversations I had recently was mainly how the U.S government is handling the foreign situation in Gaza; Palestine by Israel. Then people I talked to compared all these efforts towards foreign countries to what the government as whole then the president and Surpreme court is doing for the U.S citizens in the last 3 years.

Nov 17
Hakim W Hakim W (Nov 17 2023 9:51AM) : The situation in Gaza more

A cease-fire rejection should be against the law, Israel has rejected the cease-fire to induce more violence in Gaza, instead of The United Nations calling for a cease-fire they should aid Gaza, but thinking politically it make sense for no interference, with society being in shambles and Our federal goverment shutting down soon, we would be easy targets for countries to attack us

Dec 22
Nya H Nya H (Dec 22 2023 9:22AM) : Gaza situation more

Why would you want to hurt all of these innocent people just to prove yourself as a country? And after that you only let SOME people get help.

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Nov 16
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 16 2023 1:46PM) : Aid more

“To allow aid into Gaza.” From whom? Doesn’t Israel already control what gets into and out of Gaza? Hasn’t there historically been a lack of sufficient aid for them? Why would they let aid through if they’re planning to continue their attacks?

Nov 16
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 16 2023 7:04PM) : WHere is Gaza getting this aid from? Gaza seems to still be in trouble.
Nov 17
Osmarilyn L Osmarilyn L (Nov 17 2023 9:37PM) : What will happen? more

We know that The United Nations has called an urgent humanitarian cease-fire in order to get aid into Gaza but what will happen if things continue to escalate? What will they do in order to at least help provide some aid to the innocent people who are being injured to this conflict?

Jan 26
Andre P Andre P (Jan 26 2024 2:39PM) : Situation more

United Nations called for a pause in the war to help injuries in Gaza

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Nov 15
Sundus T Sundus T (Nov 15 2023 8:14PM) : What is the situation in Gaza more

i heard that Russia had sent some humanitarian aid and that Palestinian people who needed to be or were hospitalized were sent to Egypt because there wasn’t any more space or equipment in Gaza for them.

Nov 16
Gabriela L Gabriela L (Nov 16 2023 10:24AM) : What is the situation in Gaza? more

The people of Gaza are suffering many casualties; neighborhoods destroyed, many people killed, and a lack of aid.

Nov 16
Gabriela L Gabriela L (Nov 16 2023 10:29AM) : Opinion more

Based on many images I have seen around social media, Gaza is suffering a lot. There are many images of buildings being nothing but rubble, people dead unidentifiable due to the attacks being carried out of the rubble, and many innocent people suffering from the loss of loved ones. These images have made a strong impression on me because it is horrific what Palestines are suffering, most are innocent civilians.

Nov 16
Nyiem C Nyiem C (Nov 16 2023 9:05PM) : Situation in Gaza more

It is such a massacre that other nations have called a humanitarian cease-fire to help them recover.

Nov 16
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 16 2023 11:36PM) : What Happened more

The death toll in Gaza has increased dramatically

What have Palestinians said about the attack?

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Nov 15
Selena R Selena R (Nov 15 2023 5:35PM) : what have Palestinians said about the attack more
They feel like they are being oppressed on their own land, they have accepted their fate and leave it in the hands of their Lord.
Nov 15
Selena R Selena R (Nov 15 2023 5:38PM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

they are morning loosing their land, homes, and family. They would like to see relief from other middle eastern leaders.

Nov 20
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 20 2023 9:58AM) : response more

I understand the fact that they are mourning over what has happened but I strongly object to the last statement in which they “would like to see relief from other middle eastern leaders”, this would almost make it seem like they’re relying and depending on people. In that sense, I despise this comment. I believe that it should have been more rather worded something like they are calling for help from the international community such as forcing a cease fire in Gaza.

Nov 16
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 16 2023 8:31AM) : What have Palistinians said about the attack? more

The Palestinians are saying the attack was long coming after the oppression of the Palestine people for years.

Nov 16
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 16 2023 8:36AM) : What have Palestines said about the attack? more

Though Palestinians are saying that this is long coming, it just seems pretty inevitable that something like this would be in retaliation. Israel already doesn’t like them and ofcourse they’re gonna start killing palestinians.

Nov 20
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 20 2023 10:01AM) : response more

It likely was coming, it was almost destined since the expulsion of Palestinians since half a century ago. When they first took action, the dominos had started to fall leading to this very incident.

Nov 16
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 16 2023 10:06AM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack more

Most Palestinians who speak up are against this attack and believe it is a cruel action.

Nov 16
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 16 2023 10:08AM) : What have the Palestinians said about the attack more

80% of the Palestinians also are registered refugees who have been displaced back in 1948. This attack may have rooted since the displacement half a century ago.

Nov 16
Anton H Anton H (Nov 16 2023 9:54PM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

They said they’ve been expected an attack

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 7:09AM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

Most of the people were warned beforehand about a new generation of war to obtain more freedom to their land.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 7:12AM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

Now after it’s started, generally. They’re stating they are under attack by forces from Israel. And it’s truly inhumane that other countries don’t pay their respects and lives, anything.

Nov 17
Naomi M Naomi M (Nov 17 2023 9:37AM) : What have Palestine's said about the attack more

“the enemy will understand that the time of their rampaging without accountability has ended

Nov 17
Jaden B Jaden B (Nov 17 2023 10:07AM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

The war was unavoidable

Nov 20
Nya H Nya H (Nov 20 2023 9:10PM) : Response more

Palestine’s want them to know that they won’t get away with what they are doing anymore without a punishment. They should be held accountable for what they have done so far. This is understandable because everyone should always be held accountable but the worst way to go about it is fighting fire with fire.

Nov 17
Naomi M Naomi M (Nov 17 2023 9:38AM) : what has palestinians said about the attack more

they have said that anger has driven violence in Gaza for decades

Nov 17
Ronald D Ronald D (Nov 17 2023 7:48PM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

It seems that the Hamas organization didn’t envision how much wrath the Israeli would respond with.

Nov 17
Ronald D Ronald D (Nov 17 2023 8:18PM) : What have Palestinians said about thee attack? more

I find intresting that the U.S has remained silent about the allegations that they are indifferent to the death of the Palestinians and that they would even have and implicationg thay are instigating this clash with the fanatial and military aid that has been given to Isreal.

Nov 17
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 17 2023 11:30PM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

Many families and children are begging for their homes back and for the bombing to stop.

Nov 20
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 20 2023 11:13PM) : Palestinian reaction more

From the palestinian point of view, they are the ones who are oppressed.

Dec 4
Rayana M Rayana M (Dec 04 2023 11:15PM) : what palestinians said about attack? more

They fled their homes in search of safety.

Dec 8
Payton D Payton D (Dec 08 2023 8:27AM) : what Palestinians have said about the attack more

They say that the violence was driven by decades of anger

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 9:39AM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

They have accepted their fate and given it to their Lord, even though they feel oppressed in their own country.

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 9:41AM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

The Palestinian people have been oppressed for years, so according to them, the attack was long overdue.

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No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

Muhammad Deif, the leader of the military wing of Hamas, said in a recorded message that the group launched its Oct. 7 attack so that “the enemy will understand that the time of their rampaging without accountability has ended.”

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Nov 16
Victor V Victor V (Nov 16 2023 7:57AM) : THOUGHTS [Edited] more

I find this so stupid (X>X). "The enemy will understand that the time of their rampaging without accountability has ended.” You shouldn’t have fired those rockets in the first knowing Israel has all power over them and could end them.

Nov 16
Ahmed Al A Ahmed Al A (Nov 16 2023 8:52AM) : Palestinian Opinion more

The Palestinians understand that the attack was wrong to target civilians but the Palestinians do understand that there was action that needed to be taken in order to resist the settler colonialism.

Nov 20
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 20 2023 8:17AM) : Responding more

Though I agree that Palestine had to take action to overcome the oppression imposed via Israel, Palestine was wrong for doing it in a way that they did. It’s easy to say “Oh they HAD to do something” but then you really think about what it is they did and what it is that Israel is doing in return.

Nov 16
Ahmed Al A Ahmed Al A (Nov 16 2023 8:58AM) : Palestinian Opinion more

Some Palestinian people condemn the attack because of the numbers. significantly more Palestinians have died in this struggle over the past 80 years than Israelis have.

Nov 20
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 20 2023 8:18AM) : Response more

This is a good point. It’s easy to look at the current deaths but in reality the deaths have been occurring for so long.

Nov 16
Justus M Justus M (Nov 16 2023 10:25AM) : Hamas Response more

It’s interesting to me how their Military leader uses his words. His message is one that is perfectly valid and makes sense, but when you look at the event that happened it makes you question his motives. You shouldn’t fight fire with fire.

Nov 16
David A David A (Nov 16 2023 1:11PM) : Palestinian opinion more

I feel like what Muhammad Deif was an absolute idiot for doing this because even though he stated this ,its not going to change the outcome or consequence of what Israel is going to do to them

Nov 20
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 20 2023 8:21AM) : Response more

Honestly, it was either let it happen or do something about it, I really don’t think it’s going to end well for Israel, they can’t win this war. Especially when other countries get involved.

Nov 16
Savannah H Savannah H (Nov 16 2023 2:37PM) : What have the Palestinians said about the attack? more

They aren’t all for it but they aren’t against it. They realize it is just a fight back but that fight back could backfire on them since they did so much to the Gaza people.

Nov 16
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 16 2023 5:43PM) : Palestinian's Opinion more

It was very bold for the Palestinian military leader to speak out about the problem, but thats not gonna change Israel’s mind on the matter. Yes, taking accountability for their actions and admitting that they were wrong for the first attack, but it is too late now.

Nov 16
Jason L Jason L (Nov 16 2023 6:47PM) : Palestinians Response more

Leaders of Palestine have responded stating that the attack launched on Oct 7 was a message that there is going to be fights because of the situation

Nov 16
Nya H Nya H (Nov 16 2023 7:11PM) : Palestinians response more

I think that his reasoning can be valid because people should be held accountable but at the same time violence is a never ending cycle. Fighting back is understandable but everyone should know when enough is enough

Dec 5
Naleyah W Naleyah W (Dec 05 2023 2:03PM) : reply more

I agree with you, and since the violence between the two sides isn’t something new it proves your point even further. They need to know that enough is enough.

Nov 16
Anaya C Anaya C (Nov 16 2023 8:51PM) : Palestinian Opinion- more

I think its sad they Palestinians thought the only way they could get their point across was by inflicting violence.

Nov 16
Nyiem C Nyiem C (Nov 16 2023 9:09PM) : Palestinians thoughts more

They did this not knowing the heavy repercussions they would face eventually. They sought to resist settler colonialism but ended it a worse case.

Nov 16
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 16 2023 9:33PM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

Muhammad Deif, one labeled as the “mastermind of the massacre” is very elusive. He should have raised the flag and surrendered letting go all the Israel hostages from Palestine. The crazy thing about him is that he is very intelligent and used a radio, of which was not modern technology. He did this since modern technology could easily be tracked so he avoids Israel people and his army was completely hidden in Gaza’s tunnels. He evaded 7 assassination attempts including an airstrike which took one of his arms and legs off. He is one of the biggest threats to the Israel people since his plan had not been decoded yet.

Nov 16
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 16 2023 10:20PM) : Palestinians response more

The way the leader of the Hamas wing phrased his words is interesting, he is clearly against Isreal and is justifying the attack made

Nov 16
Daniel F Daniel F (Nov 16 2023 10:27PM) : This first hand account of why Hamas stacked Israel from a Hamas soldier and not what the Palestinian people think is or was the write move [Edited]
Nov 16
Sabrina P Sabrina P (Nov 16 2023 10:34PM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

Summarizing the thoughts of Palestinians, many believe that with the sacrifice of all the deaths that occurred, the “enemy”, or Israel, with understand that their violence won’t go un-checked. While others want the violence to stop,

Nov 16
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 16 2023 11:37PM) : What Happened more

Hamas announces they are going to fight back against Israel stating " “the enemy will understand that the time of their rampaging without accountability has ended.”

Nov 17
Kaylin V Kaylin V (Nov 17 2023 9:23AM) : Palestinians opinion more

Palestinians know that the attack was a dangerous move, but they wanted to prove that Israel couldn’t rule over them forever without any consequences. Although it could’ve been a bad idea, they wanted to prove a point.

Nov 20
Arafat H Arafat H (Nov 20 2023 5:40PM) : Response to Kaylin more

I was replying to Masaki earlier, I realize that just proving to Israel wasn’t just them retaliating. I think it was an effort to shed light on the world on Palestine’s situation. The situation being an apartheid. As before Hamas attacked Israel, not many people knew about Palestine’s situation with Israel.

Nov 17
Michelle T Michelle T (Nov 17 2023 9:35AM) : Palestine's Response more

Hamas should have known that the military of Israel is much more powerful than Hamas. The missile that Hamas had launched had killed many civilians in Israel. Even if they want to bring attention to the killing and treatment of Palestinians, they shouldn’t have responded to launching bombs towards an area with civilians who are not actively participating in the war.

Nov 17
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 17 2023 9:51AM) : Palestinian Thoughts more

Officially, the militant wing of Hamas believes the war came after the IDF destroyed and oppressed the people of Gaza with little consequence.

Nov 17
Imani R Imani R (Nov 17 2023 10:04AM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

Most Palestinians condemn this attack and this is the result of anger which has driven violence and displacement in their community for decades.

Nov 19
Ahmed Al A Ahmed Al A (Nov 19 2023 8:35PM) : Response more

This is a very great summarization of this on-going conflict.

Nov 17
Hakim W Hakim W (Nov 17 2023 10:08AM) : What have Palestinians said about the attacks more

Some Palestinian’s say that this attack was a dumb decisions because the militant group didn’t think of the repercussions of this attack

Nov 17
Sundus T Sundus T (Nov 17 2023 10:16AM) : what have Palestinians said about the attack? more

this section was about why Hamas staged their attack and how Palestinians feel about it. the reason they attacked was because hamas believed that israel was doing whatever it liked without responsibility being accounted for and it upset them. Palestinians have said they understood the anger but still condemnded the attack. I feel like Hamas’s attack on Israel was bad, innocent people didn’t deserve to die because of their government- but i also don’t think Israel’s response was appropriate

Nov 17
Imani R Imani R (Nov 17 2023 10:19AM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

I think Hamas has built up anger and emotions about the decades of displacement and violence the Palestinians have faced as a result of Israel. Stating how Israel never took accountability, which Israel hasn’t. I feel as though the American government isn’t helping this situation by being closed-minded either. Obviously this situation stretches farther back than October 7th when Hamas conflicted that attack on Israel and the US government has to realize that. And Palestinians still lived under Israeli control.

Nov 17
Savier T Savier T (Nov 17 2023 10:31AM) : Palestinian Response more

The majority of the Palestinian population in Gaza agree that the attack on October 7th was not the correct way to find peace.

Nov 17
Savier T Savier T (Nov 17 2023 10:32AM) : Thoughts more

I agree with what they said because bombing civilians is not the correct way to try to make peace with another country.

Nov 17
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 17 2023 1:25PM) : Hamas [Edited] more

I don’t understand why Hamas actually carried out this attack knowing Israel is so much more powerful and also controls them. They must have anticipated a larger counterattack, as it’s a pattern in their history. But although I think Hamas’s attack was a terrible thing to do (as any human killing is), I can sort of understand why, after so long of being trapped in an area with little control, they had a violent outburst. It’s very common for any living thing who feels helpless to attack what makes them feel that way. That doesn’t excuse it at all, but I think it’s possible they knew what would happen in response but felt they needed to attack and draw attention and believed that it was the only thing they could do other than continue living how they were.

Nov 19
Ahmed Al A Ahmed Al A (Nov 19 2023 8:41PM) : Response more

There are 2 points I can make to help you understand this part.

1. Just because you are weaker than your occupier does not mean you should not fight back.
2. The reason why Palestinians say they should not have attacked Israel is because Israel is losing to Hamas and they are targeting Hospitals and densely populated areas in order to instill fear hoping Hamas will stop.

Nov 17
Allisson M Allisson M (Nov 17 2023 1:27PM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

Palastine was only returning the damage done to them- Honstestly even though israel has treated palestine really badly – its just upsetting how killing and war ends up being a result of conflict. because it just ends up with more killing and war and its just sad

Nov 17
Jennifer V Jennifer V (Nov 17 2023 9:28PM) : Difference in Perspective more

Israel’s government justified their attack by saying it was meant to show their enemies (Hamas) that they cannot attack Israeli citizens without consequence. I would agree with this if only they didn’t attack innocent people as well. The people living their lives in Gaza did not deserve to be bombed. Accountability does not mean killing more innocent people.

Nov 20
Sabrina P Sabrina P (Nov 20 2023 9:56AM) : Response more

I agree with this observation, the conflict is what I would describe as a back and forth, a "you attack us, we attack you back (even or just as worse), this conflict is showing to be a cycle that will be difficult to break and mend afterward, however far that is in the future

Nov 17
Osmarilyn L Osmarilyn L (Nov 17 2023 9:52PM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

Palestinians have had enough of being controlled by Israel for years, and they have decided to fight back and gain their freedom.

Nov 18
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 18 2023 2:16PM) : What have Palestinians said more

Many civilians are being harmed based on an attack by Hamas. Many Hamas leaders are out of the country so what Israel is doing doesn’t have much reason.

Nov 19
Ashiyah C Ashiyah C (Nov 19 2023 4:42PM) : what have palestinians said about the attack? more

Palestinians understand here they went wrong but they don understand why they have to overkill. This has been an ongoing going conflict between the two but they think Israels behavior is just savage.

Nov 19
Ashiyah C Ashiyah C (Nov 19 2023 4:45PM) : What do palestinians have to say? more

They also feel like what Israel is doing is inhumane and rong because the amount of israelis that have been killed by Palestine compared to the number of Palestinians who have been killed by Israel in decades is less by a huge amount

Nov 19
Carlentz P Carlentz P (Nov 19 2023 6:29PM) : . more

Hamas believes that the only way to respond is with violence

Nov 19
Samir W Samir W (Nov 19 2023 6:36PM) : Their response more

From what Muhammad Deif, the leader of the military wing of Hamas stated it seems as if they understand their actions are wrong but still stand that it followed from a cause.

Nov 20
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 20 2023 2:22PM) : Palestinian opinion more

The Palestinian opinion ranges from remorse and empathy for the Israelis and some believe that it was necessary for this to happen in order to achieve the goal of a free Palestinian State.

Nov 20
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 20 2023 2:27PM) : Palestinian Opinion more

I also feel like they are losing remorse or emotional connection to lost lives in Israel because of the intensity of the civilian deaths in Palestine.

Nov 21
Zhaki A Zhaki A (Nov 21 2023 8:17AM) : Palestinian responses more

Muhammad Deif, the leader of the military wing of Hamas, said in a recorded message that the group launched its Oct. 7 attack so that “the enemy will understand that the time of their rampaging without accountability has ended.”

Nov 21
Zhaki A Zhaki A (Nov 21 2023 8:19AM) : Pt2 more

Other Palestinians, while condemning the attack, say that the anger that has driven violence in Gaza for decades is rooted in part in displacement.

Nov 21
Aniyah K Aniyah K (Nov 21 2023 9:38AM) : Hamas' Message more

Muhammad is saying that Israel’s reign is over and they will no longer be able to get away with the injustices that have been inflicted upon Palestine and its people. Their message was clear, they will no longer live in silence and suffer. They want the world to hear them and recognize their struggles.

Nov 27
Javan E Javan E (Nov 27 2023 4:02PM) : Palestinians more

All I got to say to that is… LET.HIM.COOK!!!!!!!!!

Nov 27
Javan E Javan E (Nov 27 2023 4:07PM) : Palestinians more

But in All honesty, Attacking Israel with such a small group, it wasn’t gonna turn out the best. I’m actually surprised that they made international news. Overall, Message and Idea was good, execution was not and is backfiring heavy rn.

Dec 4
Rayana M Rayana M (Dec 04 2023 11:19PM) : what palestinians said more

“the enemy will understand that the time of their rampaging without accountability has ended.”

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 8:49PM) : Question more

What has Israel not been accounted for? I don’t know much about the conflict between them so It is probably deeply rooted.

Dec 7
Brianna S Brianna S (Dec 07 2023 8:52PM) : Palestinians view more

Even though Palesintians admit that Hamas was wrong for how they went about the attack, they also think that it needed to happen and that they needed to fight back.

Dec 7
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 07 2023 10:25PM) : Thoughts more

I feel like all of this is immature because it seems like they’re just going tik for tak which isn’t going to make anything better

Dec 8
Payton D Payton D (Dec 08 2023 8:45AM) : Palestinian response more

80% of Palestinians are refugees who were displaced about half a century ago.

Dec 8
Ade R Ade R (Dec 08 2023 11:12PM) : Palestinian response more

Military leader of Hamas states they attacked Israel essentially because of the negative history between Israel and Palestine where Israel has controlled the lives of Palestinians and killed Palestinians when they opposed them

Dec 8
Suhayla L Suhayla L (Dec 08 2023 11:21PM) : Palestine opinion more

The Palestinians have taken accountability for the attack on Israel. They aren’t all for it but they aren’t exactly against it. They understand that every action has a reaction.

Dec 17
Anaya C Anaya C (Dec 17 2023 9:37PM) : response more

I think that Hamas was wrong and they reasoning can not be justified

Jan 26
Cashae M Cashae M (Jan 26 2024 9:28AM) : . more

Several Palestinians have been put in a situation where they have to leave their homes. They are going to refugee camps and shelters looking for a place of safety. Some are trapped in their homes due to the number of air strikes.

Jan 26
Cashae M Cashae M (Jan 26 2024 9:30AM) : . more

The number of deaths keeps rising in Gaza. Biden thinks there is no confidence in the Hamas casualties. Due to the shutoff of water, and supplies many in Gaza are weak. Many are trapped under rubble and being crushed by buildings.

Jan 26
Andre P Andre P (Jan 26 2024 2:42PM) : Palestinians more

Military leader of Hamas sends a message to Iseral and says they will take accountability

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He cited Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, which it captured during the Arab-Israeli war of 1967, recent Israeli police raids on the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and the detention of thousands of Palestinians in Israeli jails. The Aqsa Mosque compound, known to Jews as the Temple Mount, is among the most deeply contested sites in the Holy Land.

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Nov 16
Jachym W Jachym W (Nov 16 2023 8:16AM) : Thoughts more

Frankly i find this to be stupid because while there is bad blood and bad history going to war every few years only makes things worse

Nov 16
Mariam B Mariam B (Nov 16 2023 6:49PM) : What have the Palestinians said about the attack? more

War has always been a means of violence when it comes to land or property, like what Hamas and Israel are battling for. However, I believe Muhammad Deif made it more personal when attacking a holy site.

Nov 16
Sabrina P Sabrina P (Nov 16 2023 10:38PM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? #2 more

Honestly not surprised that the U.S. would receive backlash, for the indifference to the situation, given that America is pretty much known for violence that happens internally and how it responds to them.

Nov 17
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 17 2023 1:38PM) : Palestinians Response more

although not all Palestinians agree with the actions or code of Hamas, Hamas is definitely an example of Palestinians who are retaliating Israels actions.

Nov 20
Ryan A Ryan A (Nov 20 2023 9:58AM) : Land more

Holy lands between the 2 Countries should be left alone

Dec 22
Nya H Nya H (Dec 22 2023 9:18AM) : Palestinians response more

I just think that if they came to an agreement when it comes to taking land than the would be better off than how they are right now.

Jan 26
Andre P Andre P (Jan 26 2024 2:44PM) : Palestinians more

The injustice has been happening for many years and abuse of the Iserals started long ago

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Nov 16
Victor V Victor V (Nov 16 2023 8:00AM) : THOUGHTS more

Israel said you had our citizen hostages it is our turn to hold your citizen hostage. If both sides come to an agreement it wouldn’t kill over 10K+ people.

Nov 16
Anya C Anya C (Nov 16 2023 9:37PM) : Agreement more

A lot of people’s comments are about how the two sides should just come to an agreement and I agree, but I feel like it’s a little complicated. Of course people who have been oppressed will fight back in some way. Of course the civilians in Israel shouldn’t have been targeted, but the Palestinian people have made their complaints known in plenty of ways over the years, including things like peaceful protest. But in response, people have been killed and arrested. I feel like the people with the most power have the most responsibility to fix things, and here those people are the Israeli government and the governments that support them. Hamas wouldn’t exist if this kind of oppression wasn’t taking place. Or, at least if they are just intent on erasing Jewish people, they wouldn’t have much power in Gaza. Since the liberation of the people wouldn’t be able to be used as a cover.

Nov 20
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 20 2023 6:38PM) : Response to Israel/Palestine more

The land of Jerusalem is central to peace. There has been so much fighting ever since the embassy of the US and a few other countries. The President decided to make it the capital of Jerusalem causing many deaths. The US. government involvement does not make it a neutral state but comparable to an arsonist.

Nov 20
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 20 2023 6:33PM) : Response to Israel/Palestine more

The land of Jerusalem is central to peace. There has been so much fighting ever since the embassy of the US and a few other countries. The President decided to make it the capital of Jerusalem causing many deaths. The US. government involvement does not make it a neutral state but comparable to an arsonist.

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Nov 16
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 16 2023 8:16PM) : Paragrah "What have the Palestinians said about the attack?An explanation of Masjid Aqsa also known as Masjid Al Haram to Palestinians. more

From the Palestinians point of view, the mosque had belonged to them and they were furious that there was underground passage created to enter the mosque and there had been a clash where 70 people died. Christians are not allowed to pray inside but allowed to visit. And Muslims have heard about the origin from the Quran in Surah Al Isra (the Night Journey), “Glory be to Him who carried His servant by night from Al Masjid Al Haram to Al Masjid Al Aqsa; the environs of which We have blessed, that We might show him some of Our signs. Indeed He is the Hearing, the Seeing.” This specific verse is telling us about the ascending of Prophet Muhammad from the dome of rock. The belief of Jews and Muslims is that the area is “blessed” where there are physical and spiritual boundaries where anyone can profit from.

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 8:56PM) : why more

Why can’t either side just come to an agreement? Yes they have conflicting religious view but that doesn’t mran they can’t get along

Dec 8
Rayane N Rayane N (Dec 08 2023 9:38AM) : What have muslims done to them for them to want to replace such a holy land for no reason it just makes no sense and isn't talked about whatsoever.

Other Palestinians, while condemning the attack, say that the anger that has driven violence in Gaza for decades is rooted in part in displacement. About 80 percent of Gaza’s 2.1 million inhabitants are registered refugees — Palestinians forced out of present-day Israel in 1948, or their descendants.

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Nov 16
Jala A Jala A (Nov 16 2023 6:16PM) : I believe a quote by Malcom X captures the essence of this situation well: "If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."
Nov 16
Jason L Jason L (Nov 16 2023 6:48PM) : Palestinian's Response more

Palestinian citizens simply just want this war to end, with death counts over 1,000 people on both sides, some people just want the violence to be over.

Nov 16
Anaya C Anaya C (Nov 16 2023 8:55PM) : Palestinians- more

I think because the history is so deep and because the problem is ongoing it makes it hard to say weather one side was wrong or right because I think both can be true for either side.

Nov 17
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 17 2023 1:31PM) : I agree. more

This situation is a lot more complicated than simply, “One side is totally right, and one side is totally wrong.” There are many sides you could consider. It’s not really as simple as Israel vs Palestine. It’s the Israelian government vs Hamas and the citizens of Palestine, and then there are the hostages, and the other governments involved, and on and on. It’s an extremely complicated issue that cannot be broken down to right vs wrong.

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 8:58PM) : Reply more

I agree with this. I personally feel both sides have done wrong so there is no true right or wrong side

Dec 7
Brianna S Brianna S (Dec 07 2023 9:04PM) : Response to Anaya more

I agree with you because both sides have killed thousands of innocent people, so it makes it kind of hard to pick a side.

Nov 16
Bobbi T Bobbi T (Nov 16 2023 9:36PM) : Palestinian Response more

I was ignorant in thinking this was a new issue, but the truth is that this has been an ongoing issue for a while. With majority of the population having backgrounds of being forced out of Israel, it sets the stage for tension between palestinians and israel, though not justifying the acts of violence against either side.

Dec 7
Brianna S Brianna S (Dec 07 2023 8:59PM) : Response to Bobbi more

I agree with you, and in addition the civilians are really the only ones suffering from this mess.

Nov 16
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 16 2023 11:23PM) : Palestinian more

The Palestinians simply want the conflict to end, as the collateral damage is too much.

Nov 20
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 20 2023 6:48PM) : Response more

When the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan was put into effect, there it caused a great war. Many Palestinians had to flee from their homes when they were face to face with Israel Zionist militias during which the process of Israel becoming a state.

Nov 16
Ramadhany J Ramadhany J (Nov 16 2023 11:33PM) : Palestine's Response more

I feel this is common within many of the conflicts in recent history. Most of them come from the displacement of a peoples or border disputes. When people drew up the lines of the borders of most of these nations, they did not have in mind the people who actually lived in these places, as it was usually people from a foreign nation who decided who owned what land. Because of this, they did not care for the nation much and carelessly displaced millions of people. This led to many of the conflicts we’ve had in recent memory (Thanks Britain).

Nov 17
Jason L Jason L (Nov 17 2023 9:38AM) : What has Palestine said more

While most Palestinians are in complete disapproval of the attacks, they want to talk about the bigger picture here, trying to explain to people that this fight goes way back in 1948 when Israel had kicked out Palestine from their own home.

Nov 17
Kaylin V Kaylin V (Nov 17 2023 9:42AM) : Palestinian response more

Palestinians have dealt with so much that they wanted to combat the people that had power over them. This is a good reason but they went about it in a way that caused them to be a worse situation.

Dec 7
Brianna S Brianna S (Dec 07 2023 9:09PM) : Response to Kaylin more

I definitely think a different approach to the situation would have prevented all this, because retaliating and killing more and more innocent women and children won’t help the situation.

Nov 17
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 17 2023 9:53AM) : Palestinian Response more

Some Palestinians not directly connected to Hamas do not think the attack was worth the consequences they currently face, but understand that it stems from decades of oppression, especially by being forced into the Gaza Strip with little to no alternatives.

Nov 17
Bidia G Bidia G (Nov 17 2023 10:27AM) : why did the Palestinians decide to attack now instead of back then? did they not have enough resources back then?
Nov 17
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 17 2023 1:35PM) : Palestinians Response to the Attack more

80% of Gaza’s population are refugees, who have been displaced. This shows how much the past is affecting right now. The people have been victims for years,and Hamas shows the response to this abuse.

Nov 17
Julieta Z Julieta Z (Nov 17 2023 1:46PM) : Palestinian thoughts more

although I do not agree with Hamas went about attacking Israel on Oct. 7, I do think that they should be allowed to retaliate, and be protected in their rights to fight for their rights as a people and have sovereignty.

Nov 19
Carlentz P Carlentz P (Nov 19 2023 6:35PM) : . more

The people have nothing to do with this but end up getting dragged into it, a lot do not like these attacks while some think it is a way for them to know to stop. At the end of the day it will be a cycle

Nov 19
Ramlah H Ramlah H (Nov 19 2023 8:06PM) : Palestinians Response more

Many want their land back which is justifiable. Though, the way Hamas went about it was wrong of course because many innocent lives were taken and/or held hostage. As Palestinians agreed, the anger that has driven violence in Gaza for decades is rooted in displacement. There is a difference between Hamas and Palestinians. Hamas initiated the attack, not the Palestinian civilians, and yet they are receiving the punishment for it.

Nov 20
Ryan A Ryan A (Nov 20 2023 10:00AM) : Refuges more

The fact that israel is the cause of almost 2 million refugees alone shows something

Dec 7
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 07 2023 10:18PM) : Reason being violence more

People are being attatcked out of anger. Its hard to help that because you cannot control how someone else feels.

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Nov 16
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 16 2023 5:38PM) : They feel as though the anger that is directed towards them should be going towards something else. The violence they are receiving should be aimed at at another target and that they don't deserve it.
Nov 20
Ryan A Ryan A (Nov 20 2023 10:03AM) : Agree more

I agree they dont deserve it. If israel is trying to annex gaza they should do it in a more indirect way that doesnt involve the killing of palestinians

Nov 16
Mariam B Mariam B (Nov 16 2023 6:52PM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

The Palestinians have been bottling up their anger throughout they years of their battles with Israel, not they have a chance to let it out, but it doesn’t really go their way.

Nov 20
Ryan A Ryan A (Nov 20 2023 10:05AM) : The attack more

I feel like things will never go their way. When you have a powerful nation being backed by arguably the most powerful nation on the planet, a weak nation simply wont stand a chance

Nov 16
Nya H Nya H (Nov 16 2023 7:05PM) : Palestinians response more

They say that Israel is land hungry since they kicked so many Palestinians out because the Jews wanted their own land. They say that this is where it all started and that even though they have what they want, they want more of it.

Nov 20
Anaya C Anaya C (Nov 20 2023 10:30AM) : Response- more

Honestly the actions of Israel has made it clear that what they really land is land and they are willing to take the lives of as many innocent people that it takes until they get what they want.

Nov 16
Nyiem C Nyiem C (Nov 16 2023 9:13PM) : Palestinians thoughts more

I would feel the same anger being kicked out of my home, but the plan of attack was not entirely thought through. Especially when dealing with a country that controls the imports to yours.

Nov 17
Bidia G Bidia G (Nov 17 2023 10:29AM) : I agree with this
Nov 20
Ryan A Ryan A (Nov 20 2023 10:06AM) : Agree more

It makes sense because they havnt just been kicked out but are still being treated bad even after being kicked out

Nov 20
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 20 2023 7:09PM) : Response [Edited] more
There are other Hamas leaders that are billionaires living in Qatar, with private jets and a careless luxury lifestyle while instead of intervening, they avoid dont try helping the conflict.
Dec 7
Brianna S Brianna S (Dec 07 2023 9:13PM) : Response to Nyiem more

Hamas definitely didn’t think this attack through. I think they just wanted to show that they aren’t weak/scared and they will fight back.

Nov 16
Chimdiadi N Chimdiadi N (Nov 16 2023 11:16PM) : Palestinians reponse more

The response of anger towards their mistreatment is completely understanding to me, but as dumb as it was I don’t think it justifies the ratio of deaths that Israel is doing

Nov 20
Ryan A Ryan A (Nov 20 2023 10:07AM) : Agree more

I agree but it goes both ways. While israel is in the wrong so it Palestine with Hamas, Neither side should have to kill innocents to get their point across

Nov 17
Sundus T Sundus T (Nov 17 2023 10:19AM) : what have palestinians said about the attack more

2 million peopled lived in Gaza, it was a heavily packed city. where are they all now now that they’ve been so severely displaced?

Nov 21
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 21 2023 3:50PM) : Still there. more

The vast majority of Gazans can not and will not be able to leave. Gaza is blocked on all sides and all entrances/exits are controlled by Israel. Now that so much of Gaza is devastated, it’s probably a lot more packed due to people trying to get away from the worst of it. Though a very distressing thought, the number of deaths and injuries probably lessens that by a small amount. I’m replying to your comment because I know some people may be unaware of how Gazans are quite literally trapped in their territory.

Nov 19
Synai H Synai H (Nov 19 2023 2:52PM) : Palestinian response more

If you repeatedly oppress a group of people, there will eventually be push back. Israel is playing the victim for destroying millions of lives.

Nov 19
Hannah T Hannah T (Nov 19 2023 5:43PM) : The holy land more

If they know what it feels like to be kicked out of somewhere and see your people manslaughter then why are they do the same thing?

Dec 8
Ade R Ade R (Dec 08 2023 11:30PM) : Palestinian response more

Some Palestinians condemn the October 7th attack but at the same time understand why the anger of Hamas exists

Jan 26
Teodora H Teodora H (Jan 26 2024 9:36AM) : palestinians response more

its understandable that palestinians are fed up with the treatment of israel due to the blockades, restrictions in travel etc.

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Nov 16
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 16 2023 7:07PM) : These Palestinians have nowhere to go and Israel doesn't seem to care one bit. I feel like that is a bit cruel even if they are in a war.
Nov 16
Daniel F Daniel F (Nov 16 2023 10:23PM) : The number of Gaza's inhabitants who say they are refuges is about 1.68 million.
Nov 17
Jaden B Jaden B (Nov 17 2023 10:01AM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

Israel does care about the innocent people of Gaza

Nov 20
Ryan A Ryan A (Nov 20 2023 10:09AM) : Conflict more

Yes they say they care but words dont always show the truth, it could easily be the opposite

Nov 17
Hakim W Hakim W (Nov 17 2023 10:20AM) : other Palenstian views more

on the other side of people condemning Hamas, some Palenstnians are saying that Hamas was right to attack due to Israel’s constant attacks on Palensine

Nov 17
Ayden H Ayden H (Nov 17 2023 10:25AM) : Thoughts more

Palestinians are stuck in a territory mostly owned by Israel, but they are still a nation in their own right. These Palestinians can’t go anywhere and Israel just doesn’t care because they just want the land.

Nov 17
Allisson M Allisson M (Nov 17 2023 1:23PM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

Palastine is basically saying that they had a reason for the attack on israel- they were defending themselves

Nov 21
Aniyah K Aniyah K (Nov 21 2023 9:41AM) : Displacement more

There are more than 2 million Palestinians who are registered refugees in their own land. Some elders are older than the state of Israel but they are still called refugees. Their land was stolen from them and now they are the outsiders fighting to get back what is theirs.

More broadly, many Arabs say the American government is not only indifferent to the agony of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation or control, but complicit in it.

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Nov 16
Justus M Justus M (Nov 16 2023 10:30AM) : The people's response. more

The outrage is justified. How can America, a place itself built upon bloodshed and resistance, support a country that is oppressing another. The war on terrorism pushed by the US only makes it worse.

Nov 16
Jala A Jala A (Nov 16 2023 6:15PM) : I agree. I think that people often forget that the solution to colonization is not always a peaceful one, and that the pressed will eventually have to fight against their oppressors. E.G slave revolts.
Nov 16
Gabriela L Gabriela L (Nov 16 2023 11:12AM) : What have Palestines said about the attack? more

Palestines have criticized the attack but understand why it is happening and can understand the anger coming from Gaza’s inhabitants. They also disagree with what the American government is doing supporting Israel.

Nov 16
Gabriela L Gabriela L (Nov 16 2023 11:23AM) : Opinion more

I understand that the U.S is helping Israel mainly because they have alliance and the U.S had previous conflict with Palestine and other Arab countries in the past. However, I believe that it is still a wrong move from the U.S morally and ethically however, it makes sense as to why they are taking this position against Palestine politically.

Nov 16
David A David A (Nov 16 2023 1:36PM) : Palestinian opinion more

Looks like we have gotten some past animosity going on as the palestinians said that the anger has driven violence in Gaza for decades .

Nov 16
Savannah H Savannah H (Nov 16 2023 2:39PM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack more

The attack has affected Gaza comppletely. Lost homes, became refugees and started wars within themselves and are now under israelian control

Nov 16
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 16 2023 7:09PM) : I've noticed a lot of people upset at Biden and America But personally, I don't understand why.
Nov 17
Ramlah H Ramlah H (Nov 17 2023 1:44PM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? - Response more

I could understand why they are upset at Biden and America’s support for Israel. The U.S has been funding billions and millions of dollars to Israel, most of which go to aid Israel’s army, which in return gives Israel the advantage in advanced military and weapons. While for Palestine, the U.S has delivered a 20-truck convoy carrying much needed humanitarian assistance to the people in Gaza, 20 is not NEARLY enough to aid about 2.1 million of Gaza’s population.

Nov 19
Hannah T Hannah T (Nov 19 2023 5:56PM) : The U.S part more

The US always seems to be such a peaceful place and “helps everyone” but at the end of the day sad to say but it’s politics and just really care about the money.

Nov 16
Anya C Anya C (Nov 16 2023 9:43PM) : Dumb [Edited] more

The leading of our country has made me increasingly more disillusioned over the years. Our whole system is controlled by money. We support Israel because it’s one huge “investment”. The US helped it come to be at the expense of the people already living there. We continue to support it because it’s our Middle East helpline that we only need because we have conflicts with so many countries down there. It’s all so stupid and I hate all of it.

Nov 16
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 16 2023 10:28PM) : Palestinians response more

This sentence is reasonable because the American government is supporting Isreal which makes the situation worse especially since Isreal is a strong military nation and America also has its own, however, Palestine isn’t as strong as any of them which puts them at a high disadvantage but this makes me question why Hamas made the decision to attack Isreal

Nov 20
Jennifer V Jennifer V (Nov 20 2023 6:38PM) : Response more

I think that Hamas attacked Israel because of the oppression Palestinians faced under the hands of Israel. It was an attack to show how fed up they were with this treat of their people. It was a way for them to try to gain control again. I think this is the reason they took hostages in the first place. Not only to negotiate with later, but to try to protect themselves with. Israel would have to be more cautious with how they attacked knowing there were Israeli citizens in Gaza.

Nov 16
Anton H Anton H (Nov 16 2023 10:35PM) : I agree (Palestinian response) more

The US government does not care for them at all

Nov 16
Chimdiadi N Chimdiadi N (Nov 16 2023 11:17PM) : Palestinian opinon more

It seems many Arabs say the American government is not only indifferent to the agony of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation or control, but complicit in it.

Nov 16
Ramadhany J Ramadhany J (Nov 16 2023 11:25PM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack? more

I agree with this sentiment. I believe that most of the American government does not care for the lives of Palestinian citizens. Rather, they care more about the insurance of Israel’s control of Palestine.

Nov 16
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 16 2023 11:39PM) : What happened more

The U.S. is being accused of complicity in the “agony of Palestinians”

Nov 16
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 16 2023 11:54PM) : Palestines more

The Palestinians are angry because the US is taking sides with Israel.

Nov 17
Michelle T Michelle T (Nov 17 2023 9:40AM) : Palestine's Response more

The response of Arabs saying that the US government is indifferent to the agony of Palestinians is justified since the US had played a part in displacing Palestinians during the time Israel was created. The US also has a reason to side with Israel, the reason being that they do not want to lose soldiers due to Israel’s strong military.

Nov 17
Jason L Jason L (Nov 17 2023 9:40AM) : What has Palestine said more

Arabs inside Palestine and outside have shown a dislike towards the American government for supporting this genocide by Israel.

Nov 17
Ayden H Ayden H (Nov 17 2023 10:29AM) : The people's response more

You know what, I can agree with this. I honestly belive America needs to stay out of it because it’ not helping positively.

Nov 17
Savier T Savier T (Nov 17 2023 12:12PM) : How have other leaders responded? [Edited] more

The U.S president Joe Biden is helping Israel by giving them 14.3 billion dollars.

Nov 17
Savier T Savier T (Nov 17 2023 12:15PM) : How have other leaders responded? Thoughts. more

I think this is very wrong because what Israel is doing to palestine is already wrong so I think by giving them more money it’ll make things worst.

Nov 17
Julieta Z Julieta Z (Nov 17 2023 1:32PM) : Palestinian's thoughts [Edited] more

Palestinians think that the U.S is showing complicit behavior to the humanitarian violations happening in Palestine. I think the U.S has no business meddling in other countries, especially when the situation is already crappy here in the U.S. I understand that they should help, but they should be helping the civilians who are suffering, and not the military of Israel which is the largest in the area surrounding it, they don’t need the U.S’s help for attacking Palestine.

Nov 17
Jennifer V Jennifer V (Nov 17 2023 9:33PM) : American Involvement more

I think I agree with this statement. The President voiced his support for Israel and so have many American government officials. Obviously maintaining good relations with Israel is very important in the American agenda. Turning a bling eye, or even supporting Israel, does make them complicit in what the Palestinians are going through.

Nov 20
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 20 2023 10:59AM) : I agree, this comment shows that the U.S.A. support the actions of Isreal
Nov 17
Bobbi T Bobbi T (Nov 17 2023 11:59PM) : Palestinian response more

Our government is definitely complicit in Israel’s oppression of Palestinians by supporting Israel in the manner they do. By supplying Israel with weapons, claiming “no confidence” in death figures of Palestinians and overall showing bias, we are involved in a way that does not benefit the Palestinians at all.


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Dec 30
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War (Dec 30 2023 5:08PM) : What are the facts here? more
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War with Paul A's edits:
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War
Checks claims against an article in Wikipedia.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War.

1) What is accurate:
- The assertion that many Arabs believe the American government is complicit in the suffering of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation or control reflects general sentiments often expressed by critics of U.S. foreign policy towards Israel.
- The claim that the U.S. supplies Israel with weapons is factual, as it’s well-documented that the United States provides military aid to Israel.
- The suggestion of bias on part of the U.S. government aligns with widespread perceptions among some groups regarding America’s Middle East policies favoring Israel over Palestine.

2) What is not accurate:
- There are no specific references within this text about “claiming ‘no confidence’ in death figures of Palestinians,” which makes it difficult to verify without additional context or source material.

3) Related facts from Wikipedia for more understanding and context:

“The United States has sided with Israel in rejecting calls for a ceasefire, vetoing multiple UN Security Council resolutions calling for a humanitarian ceasefire to send aid to Gaza…”

“Pentagon announced on 9 December that the Biden administration had authorized the sale of around 14,000 rounds of tank ammunition to Israel without congressional authorization by using an emergency power.”

“US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin warned against replacing ‘a tactical victory with a strategic defeat’ if Israel does not work towards protecting Palestinian civilians.”

These quotes illustrate aspects related to US involvement and its position during conflicts between Hamas and Israel, supporting claims made about US complicity through military support and political actions at international forums such as vetoing UN resolutions aimed at establishing ceasefires.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War, which we copied on December 28, 2023. You can see an up-to-date version of this article here:

Nov 19
Synai H Synai H (Nov 19 2023 2:54PM) : America is complict with Israel's brutal attacks and methods. more

The U.S. is just looking out for its own interest, regardless of how many deaths come with it.

Nov 19
Samir W Samir W (Nov 19 2023 6:41PM) : response more

They feel as though the american government complicit the circumstances as of right now.

Dec 5
Naleyah W Naleyah W (Dec 05 2023 2:08PM) : What have Palestinians said about the attack more

I don’t blame the Arabs for calling out the American government because at the end of the day, The U.S is only looking out for themselves. Israel is valuable to our government so of course they are going to side with them.

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 9:57PM) : reply more

It true and like you can’t really blame them. Political relations matter .

Dec 8
Rayane N Rayane N (Dec 08 2023 9:40AM) : Israel says that they only treats palestine that why because they deserve it but what can one do to deserve the death of their entire family. What can one do to deserve the death of all of their friends. What does one do to lose their food and water.
Dec 8
Suhayla L Suhayla L (Dec 08 2023 11:25PM) : Palestine opinion more

Palestinians understand here they went wrong but they don’t understand why they have to overkill. This has been an ongoing conflict between the two but they think Israel’s behavior is just savage.

Dec 17
Anaya C Anaya C (Dec 17 2023 9:39PM) : response more

The media has a large impact in how people around the world view this issues

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How have other leaders reacted?

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Nov 16
Selena R Selena R (Nov 16 2023 6:41AM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

The United stated has supported and donated billions of dollars and equiped them with over 300 missiles and is planning to send them even more.

Nov 16
Selena R Selena R (Nov 16 2023 6:45AM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

Some countrys such as Turkey, Iran,Morocco,and others are against the Isrealian war against Palistine.

Nov 16
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 16 2023 9:43PM) : How have other leaders responded? more

Joe Biden is in support of Israel and given them billions of dollars and equipped them with hundreds of missiles and weapons.

Nov 16
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 16 2023 9:44PM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

Other countries are backing Palestine. More so against the war.

Nov 16
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 16 2023 11:10PM) : How have other leaders reacted more

Like usual, the United States continues to be embroiled in interventionism. Sending weapons, missiles and support to Israel

Nov 16
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 16 2023 11:12PM) : How have other leaders reacted more

Most nations of the world prefer a deescalation. Saudi Arabia a nation the US has been slightly more friendly with, has responded with a call for deescalation. However specifically not blaming Hamas as they called for a cease-fire.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 8:13PM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

The U.S President, Biden have gave billions of dollars to help Israel in this war battle and recently had a speech in public on Washington how he doesn’t regret his decisions.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 8:16PM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

He also gave weapons then met with the Prime Minister of Israel and made a handshake, afterwards. Other countries mainly in the continent, Africa also Eastern Europe have protested against Israel’s actions to Palestine.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 10:58PM) : What do you know about how countries around the world are responding? What else, if anything, do you think the United States and other countries should do? more

Some are supporting Israel, like the U.S and others are approving Hamas’ attack and are stating they have a right to stand up to their oppressor for liberation.

Nov 17
Naomi M Naomi M (Nov 17 2023 11:14PM) : How has other leaders reacted more

United States supports Israel and has planned to donate over 300 missiles and over billions of dollars

Nov 17
Naomi M Naomi M (Nov 17 2023 11:16PM) : How have other leaders reacted more

Saudi Arabia has called for a de-escalation and avoids blaming Hamas for the start of this war.

Nov 18
Julieta Z Julieta Z (Nov 18 2023 2:48AM) : Other leader's reactions more

I do think that the leaders of other countries are definitely basing their stances on what benefits them most politically and such, because I don’t believe that the people of those countries really think what their big governments think, and I think the people understand that this issue is long going, and not as simple as black and white.

Nov 18
Ronald D Ronald D (Nov 18 2023 9:27AM) : How have other leaders reacted more

I find it intresting that the major power houses in the world such as britain and the U.S have sided with Isreal and smaller countries like the arab nations are on the side of Palestine alomost as the opressor vs the opressed depending on how you see it

Nov 18
Ronald D Ronald D (Nov 18 2023 9:42AM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

I tought it was intresting how the president of Ukraine found something in common with the situation in Gaza because I also had that thought when I had first heard of what happened in Palestine.

Nov 18
Jennifer V Jennifer V (Nov 18 2023 11:28AM) : Range of Responses more

It’s very interesting to see the wide range of responses from different countries’ leaders. It goes from full support for Israel to being supportive of Palestinians but condemning Hamas to being in full support of Hamas and its actions. I wonder what influences them to react like this?

Nov 20
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 20 2023 11:05PM) : response more

In my opinion, it likely ranges from the political situation of their country, their personal interests and the interests of the people. Politics is complicated as usual as it cannot be understated ever that people are different and will have converging interests and unfortunately in this world there rarely are things that can be seen as black and white but rather many shades of gray.

Nov 21
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 21 2023 12:22PM) : Reply more

I think that it’s the country’s relationship with more powerful countries that dictate what their response to this conflict is. Countries allied to the US and the West support Israel. Those allied to the Middle East support Palestine and Hamas. The countries that have relationships with both sides, like Saudi Arabia, call for deescalation

Nov 19
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 19 2023 10:44AM) : How have leaders reacted. more

The United States have given full support and backing to Israels relentless bombing of Palestinian civilians.

Nov 19
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 19 2023 10:58AM) : How have leaders reacted? more

In south Asia, my country Pakistan was the only country to speak out against Israel, and everyone else actually worked with Israel. Including India, which has been a long time supporter of Palestine due to the high population of Muslims. However the new government changed that norm.

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 10:43PM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

The United States has provided them with over 300 missiles, supported them with billions of dollars in donations, and plans to send them even more.

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 10:45PM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

Most nations of the world prefer a deescalation. Saudi Arabia a nation the US has been slightly more friendly with, has responded with a call for deescalation. However specifically not blaming Hamas as they called for a cease-fire.

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President Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel sit in chairs with the flags of both countries behind them
President Biden met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in Tel Aviv this month. Credit: Kenny Holston/The New York Times
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Leaders of many nations have expressed horror at the attack on Israel and affirmed their support for the country and its right of self-defense. The United States has delivered weapons to Israel, and President Biden visited to show solidarity. Other visitors have included the leaders of Britain, France and Germany.

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Nov 15
Jaylin F Jaylin F (Nov 15 2023 7:44PM) : Leaders Reaction more

Many different world leaders sided with Israel and have been supporting them since the October 7th attack. Many of these countries have provided aid in forms of weapons.

Nov 19
Hannah T Hannah T (Nov 19 2023 6:04PM) : Leaders Reaction more

Yes I agree and they say that this is horrid but still aid with guns to keep this going

Nov 16
Ahmed Al A Ahmed Al A (Nov 16 2023 10:03AM) : How Countries have responded more

The United States of course is in full support of the Israeli government as they have been supplying them with weapons and defense systems worth billions. The Israeli Minister of Defense himself is extremely anti-Palestinian and wants to remove every Palestinian from this land. He has made remarks by calling them “animals”. It is no secret they have an extreme anti Palestinian agenda.

Nov 16
Ahmed Al A Ahmed Al A (Nov 16 2023 10:05AM) : Arab/Muslim Countries response. more

Saudia Arabia supplies the United States with oil and the United States uses that oil to supply Israel and Saudia with weapons. Saudia Arabia has a recent history of creating relations with the enemies of their Muslim countries. I also believe that Mohammed Bin Salman does not want to support Palestine for fear of losing relations with the United States.

Nov 16
Justus M Justus M (Nov 16 2023 12:20PM) : leader responses more

I find it interesting how despite the leaders of Britain and America being pro israel, there’s a lot of pro palestine activity in both areas from the people.

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 9:41PM) : Reply more

You can’t ignore injustices and be 100 percent for a side when the problem is not so black and white

Nov 16
Justus M Justus M (Nov 16 2023 12:33PM) : Self defense? more

“its right to self defense” is an interesting line. While I do not disagree with the sentiment, can you really call the things Israel has done so far self defense? If they were concerned about the hostages Hamas has, they wouldn’t be bombing civilian areas as heavily as they have. The intent to destroy is clear, both in action and words, literally calling Palestinians animals.
To me, this does not feel like self defense.

Nov 16
Toni-Kae A Toni-Kae A (Nov 16 2023 1:52PM) : I agree [Edited] more

If this was self-defense Isreal would be trying to protect and let the civilians in Gaza leave to get somewhere safer. self-defense isn’t attacking homes, schools, and hospitals

Nov 16
Jala A Jala A (Nov 16 2023 6:20PM) : I agree more

I believe that self defense would no included displacing millions and murdering thousands, unlawfully imprisoning citizens, killing children including babies, and raping Palestinian women.

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 9:50PM) : reply more

Self defense isn’t what this is. Self defense would be them protecting their territory but invading someone else is an attack

Nov 16
David A David A (Nov 16 2023 1:39PM) : Leader reaction more

Although it is not exactly bad I feel as though the supporting between Israel and Gaza is one sided , and so is the war.Israel has been decimating Gaza and Hamas ever since the surprise attack from Hamas .Seeing them get a lot of support as well is bad for palestinians .

Nov 16
Savannah H Savannah H (Nov 16 2023 2:42PM) : How have other leaders reacted more

They commend them and fully understand the reasoning behind the attack because they were attacked first

Nov 16
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 16 2023 5:49PM) : Leaders Responses more

I believe that the leaders are going about this in a wrong way. Being able to defend their country is important but full on attacking and purposely going out of their way to cause irreversible harm is not reasonable. Leaders are giving weapons to a country that has already inflicted enough damage to cause more damage.

Nov 16
Jala A Jala A (Nov 16 2023 6:18PM) : Response more

I find their response quite hypocritical, considering that they can experience such horror at the events of oct 7th, which I am not saying is wrong of them to do, but can ignore 75 years of colonization and displacement. There is no reason to show such support to a country that has the most developed military in the middle east and that continues to create extreme humanitarian crises in Gaza.

Nov 16
Jason L Jason L (Nov 16 2023 6:49PM) : Other Leaders Responses more

The US has been supporting Israel due to its political ties, supplying Israel with weapons to fight Palestine.

Nov 16
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 16 2023 7:12PM) : I wonder if these countries and leaders actually care about Israel or just want to keep power?
Nov 16
Bobbi T Bobbi T (Nov 16 2023 9:43PM) : Leader's reactions more

The united states is threatening being on the wrong side of history in efforts of showing loyalty to Israel. There is an obvious bias, and though opinions on the situation may differ, subjectively looking at it would tell you not to supply weapons to further strengthen the country who is already having the upper hand . In my eyes, supplying weapons makes us contributors to what is going on in gaza.

Nov 19
Ahmed Al A Ahmed Al A (Nov 19 2023 8:46PM) : Response more

I do agree with this point but it is also important to understand it is many other countries that play a larger role than the USA. Countries that are deemed to have a Pro-Palestine standpoint are actually normalizing ties with Israel and even supplying the USA with oil.

Nov 16
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 16 2023 10:33PM) : Leaders response more

Leaders have shown support towards Isreal and state that their action is self-defense which isn’t wrong, however, the civilians’ opinions are overlooked and unfortunately, they have to be included in something they probably never supported

Nov 16
Sabrina P Sabrina P (Nov 16 2023 10:43PM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

With ow the U.S. is allied with Israel and are on good terms, I don’t think I can really blame them for going to aid Israel. The one thing that’s bothering me though is how America is assisting in the violence portion of helping, again, there isn’t really a valid reasoning against the assistance.

Nov 16
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 16 2023 11:33PM) : Leaders' reactions more

Western countries made it clear that they want Israel to win, they are even trying to dehumanize Palestinians

Nov 16
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 16 2023 11:41PM) : What Happened more

Leaders of nations have expressed their stance on the conflict in Gaza

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 9:40AM) : Have you seen pictures, videos or social media posts documenting what life is like in Israel and Gaza right now? If so, what scenes or images have made an impression on you, and why? more

I did see images and videos of Israel and Gaza, recently, of course as I watch the news, about 3-4 times a week, throughout my life. The scenes made me feel saddened for the citizens of the countries involved because they are being tortured and/or praying; grieving all at the same time.

Nov 17
Jason L Jason L (Nov 17 2023 9:43AM) : Other Leader's Reactions more

From an outside prespective, it would seem that Joe Biden is supporting this genocide but in reality, they can only support Israel as the US has a positive relationship with Israel.

Nov 20
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 20 2023 6:01PM) : I agree more

I believe Joe Biden isn’t siding with Israel and killing but he has to support Israel as the leader of the USA. As much as he has supported Israel it isn’t exactly his choice because he isn’t the only person that makes deicisions.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 9:49AM) : Have you seen pictures, videos or social media posts documenting what life is like in Israel and Gaza right now? If so, what scenes or images have made an impression on you, and why? more

Then have to worry about the biases of others, globally and just a few miles even feet away from themselves. Hypocrites are showing out more, recently especially governments.

Nov 17
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 17 2023 9:58AM) : Other Leaders Reaction more

Some Western countries such as the United States and Britain, have openly shown support for Israel in the conflict with the former going as far as to send weapons. This is not surprising considering the US’ past with other Middle Eastern countries.

Nov 17
Bidia G Bidia G (Nov 17 2023 11:05AM) : is there any nations that are delivering weapons to Gaza?
Nov 17
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 17 2023 1:37PM) : Reactions [Edited] more

I am honestly baffled by the way leaders have responded to this situation. I understand that Israel is a strong ally and that a larger conflict could evolve from going against them, but there’s also the choice to stay uninvolved if there’s a huge risk of conflict. But sending unfathomable amounts of money and weapons to an already very strong military? I just don’t understand how you could help doom millions of people just to keep a country on your good side. I know it’s not as simple as that, but it’s still horrifying to me how willing leaders are to help seal the fate of so many human beings.

Nov 17
Imani R Imani R (Nov 17 2023 1:55PM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

Many leaders are in solidarity with Israel while neighboring Arab countries plead for a ceasefire in support of the Palestinians.

Nov 17
Imani R Imani R (Nov 17 2023 2:03PM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

I’m not quite sure why the US would deliver weapons to Israel when they already have a strong military force on their own. I understand their allies but I just don’t see the need.

Nov 17
Arafat H Arafat H (Nov 17 2023 7:15PM) : Leader's responses. more

The leaders of many nations are currently split when it comes to Israel and Hamas. Some of these leaders visited Tel Aviv showing solidarity for Israel. Other leaders of these Nations are calling for cease-fires in Palestine.

Nov 19
Synai H Synai H (Nov 19 2023 2:45PM) : Other countries reaction more

The countries that aren’t in the Middle East, specifically countries that this doesn’t concern, have expressed their support for Israel. However, the countries in the Middle East are looking out for the interest of the civilians, calling for a ceasefire. Countries that have nothing to do with this conflict insist on involving themselves, and they’re the ones with the strongest votes. It’s ridiculous.

Nov 19
Ramlah H Ramlah H (Nov 19 2023 9:02PM) : Leader's reaction more

Many leaders will say that Israel has the right to “defend themselves” as if the ones they are defending themselves against aren’t innocent Palestinian civilians who took no part in anything.

Nov 20
Jason L Jason L (Nov 20 2023 8:49AM) : Reply to Ramlah H more

I don’t think that it was right for Hamas to attack Israel but it was also wrong for BOTH sides to bring in civilian casualties. I completely agree that this could have been solved in a more proper manner.

Nov 19
Ramlah H Ramlah H (Nov 19 2023 9:07PM) : Leaders Reaction more

The US in particular has aided Israel with military weapons and funding the army as a way to show solidarity. Other countries stand with Palestine and it’s hope for freedom. I wonder why the US has chosen to stand with Israel and go as far as to initiate a transfer of billions of dollars.

Dec 3
Zhaki A Zhaki A (Dec 03 2023 1:48PM) : leaders response more

The United States have given full support and backing to Israels relentless bombing of Palestinian civilians.

Dec 4
Rayana M Rayana M (Dec 04 2023 11:22PM) : leader reaction more

many nation leaders are siding with israel, giving them aid.

Dec 4
Rayana M Rayana M (Dec 04 2023 11:23PM) : leader reactions more

Arab nations side with Palestine and do not blame Hamas for this altercation.

Dec 5
Idriese C Idriese C (Dec 05 2023 9:33AM) : Leaders Reaction more

Leaders from around the world helped Israel with self-defense, such as, The United States delivering weapons to Israel or Arab nations calling for a cease-fire.

Dec 8
Ade R Ade R (Dec 08 2023 11:35PM) : Leaders reaction more

Many nations have shown support to Israel many of them being Western nations. Of the the nations that support Israel the United States is the only one I’ve heard of that has sent weapons to Israel


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Dec 9
Paul A's Question

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Paul A and/or Research Teammate (Dec 09 2023 8:47AM) : Do other countries other than the United States send Israel weapons? more
Research Teammate with Paul A's edits:
Research Teammate
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Yes, other countries aside from the United States do send weapons to Israel. Among them the most notable are Germany, which has provided Dolphin-class submarines, and the United Kingdom, which has been known to issue arms export licenses to Israel. Additionally, Israel has engaged in arms deals with various countries and has received military technology and equipment from them.

Here’s a concise reflection: Israel benefits from a diverse array of international arms deals, extending beyond U.S. military aid. Germany’s submarine provision and UK’s export licenses exemplify the multiplicity of sources for Israel’s military acquisitions. Would you like to hear more about the historical context of these deals, the types of weapons Israel has procured, or perhaps the political implications surrounding international arms trade with Israel? Or is there another angle that piques your interest? Let’s delve deeper and discover the intricacies of this topic!


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Dec 9
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Research Teammate (Dec 09 2023 8:55AM) : Would Israel be able to fight against Hamas without this support from other countries? more
Research Teammate with Paul A's edits:
Research Teammate
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To directly address your question, Israel has developed a robust domestic military industry and thus could potentially manage a confrontation with Hamas without external support. However, the backing it receives from other countries enhances its military capabilities and strategic position. The international support also serves as a political signal reinforcing Israel’s right to self-defense.

Reflecting on this, Israel’s domestic military industry could be a self-sufficient deterrent against Hamas independently. Yet, international arms deals and diplomacy bolster its operations and political standing. Curious about Israel’s homegrown defense technology, diplomatic dynamics of international military support, or the implications of external aid on regional stability? Your guidance can steer this conversation towards the heart of the matter. Let’s navigate the depths of this complex issue together and uncover the broader geopolitical canvas!


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Dec 9
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Research Teammate (Dec 09 2023 9:01AM) : So there is no incentive for Israel to listen to the US or other countries if they are self-sufficient militarily, right? more
Research Teammate with Paul A's edits:
Research Teammate
You will help me with brainstorming research questions, simplifying com...

Indeed, international support provides strategic and diplomatic advantages to Israel beyond mere military self-sufficiency. For instance, collaborations enhance technological advancements and intelligence capabilities. They further leverage geopolitics, such as alignment with major powers and blocs that may deter adversaries due to the risks of broader conflict escalation. Moreover, the international affirmation of Israel’s right to self-defense extends political legitimacy and can influence global opinion.

Would you like to delve deeper into the nuances of Israel’s military technology advancements and how they impact self-sufficiency? Perhaps explore how international support might shape regional geopolitics, or scrutinize the role of global public opinion in conflicts like these? Your curiosities will point us toward the fertile grounds for academic exploration. Together, we can craft a compelling narrative that intersects defense, diplomacy, and global politics – a tapestry threaded with the intricacies of modern statecraft. Shall we proceed?

Dec 8
Suhayla L Suhayla L (Dec 08 2023 11:48PM) : Other leader reactions more

They commend them and fully understand the reasoning behind the attack because they were attacked first.

Dec 11
Mark C Mark C (Dec 11 2023 12:13PM) : . more

stack was rand mael is innocent in ll this and as the

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Nov 16
Mariam B Mariam B (Nov 16 2023 6:55PM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

It isn’t false that what Israel was doing at first was self-defense, but bombing hospitals, and schools where Hamas clearly isn’t there, does not support that claim anymore.

Nov 16
Nyiem C Nyiem C (Nov 16 2023 9:43PM) : How leaders reacted more

Leaders saw the horror from the many videos, photos, and reports given about the issue making them want to support

Nov 16
Daniel F Daniel F (Nov 16 2023 10:40PM) : Yes Israel has the right to self-defense the fence but now it has escalated to much more then just self-defense
Nov 21
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 21 2023 3:44PM) : I agree. more

Self-defense would be solely going after Hamas, but Israel is indiscriminately harming Palestinians as a whole, going as far as referring to them as “animals.” Thousands upon thousands of Palestinians have been killed, necessary buildings have been destroyed, and so many innocent people have been injured, displaced, and traumatized. Self-defense would be destroying Hamas, not the civilians you already have trapped and controlled the lives of. It’s collective punishment. I’m replying to your comment because I am absolutely baffled at how so many people cannot see that this goes way beyond self-defense.

Nov 16
Ramadhany J Ramadhany J (Nov 16 2023 11:38PM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

While I agree that Israel has the right to self-defense, what they’ve done goes much further than self-defense. They’ve full-on attacked Gaza. They’ve done much more than necessary for self-defense, and I believe they’re now using the Hamas attack as an excuse to do what they’ve always wanted to do for a long time.

Nov 17
Annalise W Annalise W (Nov 17 2023 10:00AM) : Biased supporters more

The media is always easily influenced by what they see on the internet and only hears out one side of the story. This proves just how dangerous global ignorance is.

Nov 20
Anya C Anya C (Nov 20 2023 9:00PM) : "I don't know enough." more

I know we can’t force people, especially celebrities or influencers to speak their minds on this situation. A lot of people say they “don’t know enough” and refrain from speaking, and I understand that the media is very biased nowadays, but there are always opportunities in place for people to educate themselves!

Nov 17
Jaden B Jaden B (Nov 17 2023 10:09AM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

Most of the leaders are sending their support to Israel.

Nov 19
Ashiyah C Ashiyah C (Nov 19 2023 4:49PM) : What do other leaders have to say? more

The president of the U.S. has turned there backs on palestine which I think is ridiculous. Using our money to fund Israelś war tactics is outrageous being as though Palestine is already at a devistating disadvantage.

Nov 19
Ashiyah C Ashiyah C (Nov 19 2023 4:53PM) : What do other leaders have to say? more

Many other leaders are sending there support their for Israel. Though some supporting Palestine. If majority of other leaders are supporting Israel hat should the future hold? Do they support the fact that a hole race of people could be iped out at this rate?

Nov 20
Samir W Samir W (Nov 20 2023 1:45PM) : how the leaders reacted more

Leaders felt as though the attack was horror and affirmed support and voiced their opinion as self defense.

Nov 20
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 20 2023 2:31PM) : Leaders Response more

The United States and the European countries have sided with Israel supplying them with either weapons or money. The Arab/Muslim Countries however, have sided with Palestine.

Dec 3
Zhaki A Zhaki A (Dec 03 2023 1:38PM) : other leaders respones more

Many different world leaders sided with Israel and have been supporting them since the October 7th attack. Many of these countries have provided aid in forms of weapons.

Dec 7
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 07 2023 10:29PM) : Leader reacting? more

Why react instead of take action? It seems like weak leaders

Dec 22
Nya H Nya H (Dec 22 2023 9:11AM) : Leaders reaction more

Since they can see from he media and word of mouth, they know how horrible it has been so they want to show their support.

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Nov 16
Anya C Anya C (Nov 16 2023 9:49PM) : Weapons and Money more

It’s absolutely ridiculous that our tax dollars are being used to fund one of the worst “war tactics” I’ve been alive to witness, Israel is already a heavily militarized state and we’re giving them more just so that they can kill more people. There are so many issues in the US that could use all of this effort, but we only use it for war and the deaths of innocent people.

Nov 16
Michael M Michael M (Nov 16 2023 11:04PM) : wat. more

I feel like this is comepletely unpresedented on the US’part. its unacceptable that the tax dollars that we pay are basically funding this war. this should not be the case, as the US has way more to worry abt that this of all things.

Nov 20
Anya C Anya C (Nov 20 2023 9:03PM) : Reply more

I agree! All of that money could’ve been used to fix so many problems here that people have already been criticizing for years.

Dec 5
Naleyah W Naleyah W (Dec 05 2023 2:10PM) : reply more

So true! The U.S sends out billions of dollars (that comes from our taxes) to other countries each year to help aid them when we should be using some of that money to help aid ourselves.

Nov 17
Sundus T Sundus T (Nov 17 2023 10:22AM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

this portion was about how different leaders from around the world have responded to the situation in Gaza and Israel. Some have shown solidarity while others are condemning the situation on both ends. War crimes were mentioned and that personally raises some questions for me. If Israel is convicted of the war crimes it has committed, what will happen? how will they go about convicting them if they are ever held accountable?

Nov 17
Allisson M Allisson M (Nov 17 2023 1:30PM) : How have other leaders reacted more

I dont think it is necessary for the US to get invloved. This could end up in more conflict and more bloodshed

Dec 7
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 07 2023 10:30PM) : Support more

At least other countries are willing to help because theyre not able to sustain by themselves

Dec 17
Anaya C Anaya C (Dec 17 2023 9:42PM) : response more

I think its wrong for us to be supplying them with weapons

Jan 26
Teodora H Teodora H (Jan 26 2024 9:23AM) : leaders response more

evenn though many leaders side with palestine, so do other countries and israel which can cause more casualties as israel gain more weapons due to the support of bigger and more powerful countries

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Arab nations, including Saudi Arabia, have called for de-escalation, and have avoided blaming Hamas. They have recently called for a cease-fire.

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Nov 17
Nya H Nya H (Nov 17 2023 8:14AM) : Reaction of other leaders more

Arab nations have called to cease-fire but when it came to Israel, Biden only told them to delay what they were doing not to stop it. Biden supports Israel but if he wanted peace he would tell them that the best option would be to cease-fire.

Dec 6
Naleyah W Naleyah W (Dec 06 2023 3:14AM) : reply more

Biden sees Israel as a very valuable country, therefore he wouldn’t tell them to cease-fire since this would cause conflict between our country and Israel as well. Biden is only worried about keeping our relations with them strong.

Nov 17
Sabrina P Sabrina P (Nov 17 2023 11:45AM) : How have other leaders reacted? #2 more

It makes sense for how different countries side and react to the conflict, like how many Arab nations are on the Palestine side

Nov 17
Chimdiadi N Chimdiadi N (Nov 17 2023 12:19PM) : Other Leaders reaction more

I feel like Saudi Arabia lack of acknowledgement towards Hamas attacks will make Israel see more reason to attack Arabs because they feel that they are more right

Nov 17
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 17 2023 12:35PM) : Leaders' reactions more

The rest of the countries in the middle east want Hamas to win

Nov 17
Ramadhany J Ramadhany J (Nov 17 2023 12:41PM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

This shows me how most leaders and nations are scared to openly criticize Israel. They are to condemn due to the US, as they don’t want to ruin their relationship with the US, as it is the most powerful country in the world.

Nov 17
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 17 2023 12:43PM) : What happened more

Other Arab nation wish for the conflict to be subdue and haven’t blamed Hamas

Nov 17
Kaylin V Kaylin V (Nov 17 2023 10:14PM) : reaction of other leaders more

Since so many other world leaders stand with Israel, it’s hard to imagine where this conflict will go. De-escalation should be shown from many other leaders but it doesn’t seem to be that way.

Nov 17
Michelle T Michelle T (Nov 17 2023 11:00PM) : Other leaders' reaction more

Arab nations have more of a reason to call for a cease-fire than leaders in the US and UN because the US and UN would be as affected as Arab nations. They want a cease-fire because if Israel were to win the war, the surviving Palestinians would have to take a try and take refuge in the Arab countries.

Nov 17
Jaden B Jaden B (Nov 17 2023 11:11PM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

The Arab nations are trying to stop the war by calling for a cease-fire

Nov 18
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 18 2023 2:43AM) : How Leaders Have Reacted more

when you look at the countries who support Israel, and those that avoid condemning Hamas, the geography and past of these countries really seem to play a role. Leaders do not respond based on sympathy and what is morally right, but what politically benefits them.

Nov 18
Arafat H Arafat H (Nov 18 2023 9:03AM) : Two-sided Saudi Arabia, Leader's reactions. more

Saudi Arabia called for a cease-fire while also avoiding blaming Israel. Here it seems they are supporting Palestine. Though from what I’ve seen or heard, they haven’t done much to show support for Palestine other than calling for a cease-fire. Arab countries could do a lot to interfere with this situation, such as blocking trade ports, threatening the use of oil in Muslim countries as a means of leverage, or even denying airspace for Israeli flights. So far, all they’ve done was make threats and haven’t done anything to support Palestine other than calling for a permanent cease-fire.

Dec 10
Ade R Ade R (Dec 10 2023 8:08AM) : Leader's response more

Other Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia have called for a peaceful de-escalation instead of blaming one side or the other

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Nov 17
Mariam B Mariam B (Nov 17 2023 8:03AM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

Majority of the Arab nations dislike Israel, it doesn’t mean that they agree with the attack that Hamas committed, nor what Israel is doing now.

Nov 17
Daniel F Daniel F (Nov 17 2023 11:35AM) : Arab nations want a distillation of and even a cease-fire.
Nov 17
Hakim W Hakim W (Nov 17 2023 11:11PM) : cease- fire more

why are countries calling for cease-fire’s knowing Israel is going to reject it?

Nov 17
Annalise W Annalise W (Nov 17 2023 11:41PM) : Palestine's response more
Palestone has called for a ceasefire. Many Palestinian civilians have been forced to evacuate to the south despite it being bombed in the South as well. Many resources were cut offsuch as medical care, water, power etc
Nov 18
Ayden H Ayden H (Nov 18 2023 2:17AM) : My reaction more

This is an actual good gesture on Saudi Arabia’s behalf.

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Nov 17
Anton H Anton H (Nov 17 2023 11:38AM) : Leaders more

How does calling for ceasefires work? How many group have to call for it for it to happen?

Nov 20
Ahmed Al A Ahmed Al A (Nov 20 2023 9:50AM) : Response more

Hamas and Israel must sign a peace treaty which is overseen by the UN.

Jan 26
Teodora H Teodora H (Jan 26 2024 10:10PM) : other leaders response more

a lot of other countries and mainly arab countries have sided with calling for a ceasefire

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey scrapped plans for a trip to Israel. He said that Hamas — which the United States, the European Union and other countries consider a terrorist organization — stood for liberation rather than terror, though added that he did not excuse acts against civilians. He also condemned what he called Israel’s brutality against Palestinians.

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Nov 16
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 16 2023 5:55PM) : Leaders Response more

To me, the President of Turkey’s response is pretty logical. He is not trying to blame anyone, he is avoiding the area, and he realizes that what Israel is doing is brutal. He is letting people say what they want about the matter and is saying his own without getting on the bad side of other countries.

Nov 20
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 20 2023 8:23AM) : Response more

This is how other countries need to react. If we get other countries involved we could be looking at a world war. Everyone needs to stay out of it and let everything happen.

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 9:01PM) : Reply more

So true. I like that he is not picking any sides and saying the wrongs that both are doing

Nov 16
Anaya C Anaya C (Nov 16 2023 9:03PM) : How its viewed- more

I think that people should know the history before blaming either side because a person who lacks knowledge on the situation could easily Hamas started this conflict so they are the ones to blame but someone who knows the history could factor in everything that has happened and form a understanding of both parties

Nov 26
Javan E Javan E (Nov 26 2023 10:45PM) : Yeah, I agree, With no history knowledge and you would think that a terrorist group just attack a country that didn't expect it. But with some history, then you could see why Hamas did what they did but it doesn't justify their actions.
Nov 26
Aniyah K Aniyah K (Nov 26 2023 12:00PM) : Agreement more

I think President Erdogan is a logical man. He believes what Hamas did was wrong, attacking innocent Israeli civilians, but he doesn’t support Israel in its brutality against Palestinians.

Jan 3
Christopher U U Christopher U U (Jan 03 2024 12:53PM) : Leader reaction more

President of Turkey’s response is pretty logical. He is not trying to blame anyone, he is avoiding the area, and he realizes that what Israel is doing is brutal. He is letting people say what they want about the matter and is saying his own without getting on the bad side of other countries.

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Nov 16
Victor V Victor V (Nov 16 2023 8:06AM) : THOUGHTS [Edited] more

I think it’s kind of dumb because you’re traveling to a country that is at war so you could make a “good” image for yourself for other people to see.

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Nov 16
Victor V Victor V (Nov 16 2023 8:12AM) : What do you know about how countries around the world are responding? more

This is showing us how they view this situation. First of all, Hamas is the one who started it but the other countries think Hamas and innocent Palestinian are the same group of people who started it.

Nov 16
Michael M Michael M (Nov 16 2023 11:10PM) : outsiders view. more

this goes to show what the other countrys’views on this war are. I feel like they are unjust to attack out of nowhere, especially a densely poplulated area as they did.

Nov 16
Chimdiadi N Chimdiadi N (Nov 16 2023 11:21PM) : Other leaders response more

I agree that Hamas most likely stood for freedom over causing terror this doesn’t justify the attack but understanding where they are coming from Is quite impressing for a leader

Nov 17
Allisson M Allisson M (Nov 17 2023 1:35PM) : How have other leaders responded more

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey basically is saying that israel is in the wrong and palestine is who shoulf be supported- he thinks that israel actions should not be accepted-

Nov 17
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 17 2023 1:47PM) : Thoughts [Edited] more

There seems to be a big problem when discussing this issue where if you say you stand against the killing of Palestinian citizens, some assume you support what Hamas has done. Some people seem to have an inability to mentally separate the two and instead see them as one group. This grouping behavior is bad for everyone on both sides and is seen in a lot of other debates. I don’t think it is ever justified to murder or harm people for the actions of someone else in which they are not involved. This includes civilians from both places.

Nov 19
Hannah T Hannah T (Nov 19 2023 6:09PM) : Turkey's President more

I respect the way he brought it to the United Nations Security Council so that they could see a different POV of it.

Nov 20
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 20 2023 6:26PM) : I agree, I believe he went about it in a way to not get himself in trouble with his words to get what he is saying across.
Nov 27
Javan E Javan E (Nov 27 2023 5:03PM) : Leaders more

We always stan for a contrarian. Always looking at the other side. Going against the norm. Someone who isn’t just following the crowd. We need more people like that

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Dec 22
Nya H Nya H (Dec 22 2023 9:15AM) : Leaders response more

I think that they just want to make a good image for themselves because I haven’t heard them say anything about donating. They want to go travel to places just to look around and not help.

António Guterres, secretary general of the United Nations, has added his voice to growing calls for a humanitarian cease-fire. He told the United Nations Security Council that the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify Hamas’ attacks and those attacks “cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.” His remarks drew sharp criticism from some Israeli officials.

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Nov 17
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 17 2023 8:14AM) : Antonio Guterres seems to share his actual opinion without being biased to either side. [Edited]
Nov 17
Bobbi T Bobbi T (Nov 17 2023 10:50AM) : Leaders reactions more

These statements receiving “sharp criticism” just shows a lack of equilibrium between morals and bias when it comes to this matter. What could you criticize about someone saying that the innocent public should not have to live in constant destruction for the actions of an organized group?

Nov 17
Jason L Jason L (Nov 17 2023 10:47PM) : Other Leaders Reactions more

Antonio Guterres speaks from a non-bias point of view. He says that what Israel is doing to Palestine is obviously bad, but that Palestine is also not completely in the right, with their own attacks on Israel.

Nov 17
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 17 2023 11:01PM) : Other Leaders' Response more

Countries or global organizations have shown different opinions from the United States or the European Union, but have not shown explicit support for Hamas and instead opt for a ceasefire. Israel has taken offense to stances like these as it seems they want as much leeway as possible when it comes to a conflict with Palestine.

Nov 18
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 18 2023 2:49AM) : Leaders' Response more

the conflict has grown so large, controversial and violent that we see many leaders from all over now getting involved. Although some may have been involved before, it has gotten to a point where countries can’t turn a blind eye.

Dec 8
Samir H Samir H (Dec 08 2023 10:05AM) : thank you more

Even though America is a very pro- Israel and him saying that the palestinian people shouldn’t be punished is good

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Nov 17
Michelle T Michelle T (Nov 17 2023 10:52PM) : Other leaders' reactions more

Even if a humanitarian cease-fire were to happen, the start of another war can still happen because the effects of this war are already devastating, on both Israel and Palestine. The way both countries view each other will never allow them to live peacefully with each other.

Nov 22
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 22 2023 4:36AM) : I agree. more

I too believe that even if a cease-fire were established, the repercussions of this conflict would still be disastrous for both sides, especially for the civilians living in either region. It’s very likely that Israel would become increasingly strict on Palestine, harming Palestinian civilians, which in turn can cause more uprisings from them, harming Israelian civilians. I think it’s extremely unfair that innocent people are getting caught up in this and punished for what their governments/militant groups are doing. It’s especially unfair for Gazans, who don’t even have the option to leave. I’m responding to this because I haven’t seen many others addressing the problems this will cause after the main conflict is over.

Jan 26
Teodora H Teodora H (Jan 26 2024 10:38PM) : leaders response more

Even though the president of the US sides with israel its shown that other parts of the goverment disagree with his choice and also demand for a ceasefire.

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Nov 17
Nya H Nya H (Nov 17 2023 8:17AM) : Leaders reactions more

I like the way he worded this. He shows sympathy for the ones who didn’t deserve being killed or attacked. He knows that Hamas’s actions shouldn’t dictate life or death for all of the Palestinian people.

Nov 17
Anya C Anya C (Nov 17 2023 10:51AM) : Me more

I agree!

Nov 17
Nyiem C Nyiem C (Nov 17 2023 10:50AM) : Leaders reactions more

I agree with this because even if Palestinians wanted their independence not all of them would agree with the method taken. Especially knowing the consequences.

Nov 17
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 17 2023 11:55AM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

I can tell how tough collective punishment over the past years of air, land, and sea has been for them since the Palestinian civilians suffered at the hands of the Israel government. All because they didn’t release hostages? The civilians are innocent and they cannot control Hamas but yet even before Hamas launched its attack, the Gaza strip was unlawfully attacked which was recorded by the Amnesty International declaring it an apartheid. This could signify that race relations between Arabs and Jew countries haven’t been so great and remain that way.


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Dec 31
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Paul A and/or Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War (Dec 31 2023 6:14AM) : What are we getting wrong here, if anything? more
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War with Paul A's edits:
Wikipedia Fact Checker 2023 Israel-Hamas War
Checks claims against an article in Wikipedia.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War.

1) What is accurate:
- The notion that Palestinian civilians have suffered due to policies and actions by the Israeli government.
- Amnesty International has likened aspects of Israeli policy towards Palestinians as akin to apartheid, reflecting ongoing tensions in race relations between Arabs and Jews.

2) What is not accurate:
- There’s no specific mention in the provided text about “collective punishment” being solely because hostages were not released. Collective punishment refers more broadly to measures like blockades and restrictions on movement.
- The claim that “even before Hamas launched its attack, the Gaza strip was unlawfully attacked” cannot be verified without additional context or specific incidents referenced. It should be noted that hostilities between Israel and Hamas are part of an ongoing conflict with intermittent escalations rather than isolated unlawful attacks.

3) Related facts from the article for more understanding and context:

“The United Nations and several human rights organizations continue to classify Gaza as held under Israeli occupation, due to its effective military control over the territory.”

“In 1987, the First Intifada began… The conflict lasted five years…”

“Hamas… won the 2006 Palestinian legislative election… further escalating tensions with Israel.”

“Israel relied on Iron Dome rocket defense system for defense, and responded with targeted strikes into Gaza…”

“The health system [in Gaza] is in a state of partial collapse…”

“Throughout the duration of the war, there have been widespread global protests primarily calling for a ceasefire.”

These excerpts provide background on why Amnesty International might describe certain conditions as apartheid-like due to long-standing issues such as occupation status determined by international bodies, historical conflicts leading up to current events (First Intifada), political dynamics within Palestinian territories (Hamas winning elections), military responses from both sides (Iron Dome usage by Israel), humanitarian crises within Gaza (health system collapse), and global reactions including protests against continued hostilities.

The information I’m using to check the facts comes from a Wikipedia article called 2023 Israel-Hamas War, which we copied on December 28, 2023. You can see an up-to-date version of this article here:

Nov 17
Sundus T Sundus T (Nov 17 2023 11:25PM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

on the mention of collective punishment-

i know Israel has said they have been attacking to try and kill Hamas, but if so why are they attacking areas of heavily packed people seeking either medical care or refuge? can the governments justify killing infant children that Hamas is using as human shields to kill Hamas?

Nov 20
Synai H Synai H (Nov 20 2023 3:47AM) : Israel is punishing the people of Palestine for Hamas defending them. more

This is what most countries are failing to realize. Is capturing Hamas worth all the death and destruction Israel is causing?

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Elsewhere, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine equated the attack by Hamas with Russia’s invasion of his own country. President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has offered a muted response to the attack on Israel.

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Nov 17
Jason L Jason L (Nov 17 2023 7:50AM) : The Leaders Response more

Even though politically, the US and Britain have supported Israel with funding, and etc, the communities in those countries have been pro-palestine.

Nov 17
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 17 2023 11:39AM) : Ukraine's president's response more

This is quite a fair response, however, the history between Ukraine – Russia and Isreal – Palestine is different, and the motives between these two attacks are different too but they were both attacked unknowingly. In addition to their differences, Isreal has a very powerful military group that can not be compared to other countries

Nov 17
Kaylin V Kaylin V (Nov 17 2023 10:48PM) : other leaders reactions more

I understand how they think they can’t justify Hamas’ attack but they also cannot justify what Israel is doing to Palestine.

Nov 18
Bidia G Bidia G (Nov 18 2023 12:44AM) : why is it so important that other countries respond to the attacks?
Nov 18
Julieta Z Julieta Z (Nov 18 2023 2:41AM) : Other leader reactions more

I find it interesting that the President of Ukraine says what he did, because the war in his country is also being helped by the U.S, so I wonder if those are his actual opinions or if he is saying what wouldn’t upset the U.S, and the other countries which are helping him directly.

Nov 18
Ayden H Ayden H (Nov 18 2023 2:47AM) : Ukraine's president's response more

This is a fair comparison.

Nov 27
Aniyah K Aniyah K (Nov 27 2023 1:15AM) : Compassion more

President Zelensky can relate to the Palestine situation because he has experienced the same thing. His sympathy is needed at this time.

Dec 9
Suhayla L Suhayla L (Dec 09 2023 12:49PM) : Other leaders response more

Why do so many other countries feel the need to chime into situations that have nothing to do with them?

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Nov 28
Javan E Javan E (Nov 28 2023 6:06AM) : Leaders more

I get it but not really since the Ukraine situation is more of the big dog going for the little dog and Hamas is vice versa.

Dec 8
Rayane N Rayane N (Dec 08 2023 10:41PM) : It is very ironic how ukraine is saying this as if the same thing happening to them israel isn't doing ton palestine.
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Nov 17
Gabriela L Gabriela L (Nov 17 2023 12:55AM) : How have other leaders reacted? more

Most leaders of different countries have supported Israel while mostly Arab nations support Palestine and are calling for a cease-fire.

Nov 17
Gabriela L Gabriela L (Nov 17 2023 12:56AM) : Opinion more

I think that other countries should also call for a cease-fire rather than support the massacre that is happening in both Gaza and Israel against their people.

Nov 21
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 21 2023 4:06AM) : opinion more

I second that, instead of the influence of indulging in the massacre there should be advocates for a cease fire and resolutions.

Nov 17
David A David A (Nov 17 2023 3:04AM) : Leader opinion more

Seems as though some leaders see Hamas as a terrorist organization which lead to them and Gaza having lack of support.

Nov 21
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 21 2023 4:08AM) : opinion more

I believe that either military forces could be labeled as a terrorist group depending the perspectives of the person. In my opinion both have their reasons.

Nov 17
Savannah H Savannah H (Nov 17 2023 3:43AM) : How have other leaders reacted more

On the other side, they feel the horror and terror that citizens had to experience and are criticising the attack.

Nov 17
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 17 2023 10:54AM) : How have the other leaders reacted more

I agree with Putin’s “muted response” that Palestine should create a new independent state of Palestine in Jerusalem. It seems like in terms of economic and social relations many close tied or Western allied countries chose to support Israel but Arabs stand by Palestine and call for a ceasefire.

Nov 17
Anton H Anton H (Nov 17 2023 11:42AM) : Leaders more

I think Putin is extremely self-centered and doesn’t care about anything other than his reign

Nov 18
Jennifer V Jennifer V (Nov 18 2023 12:26PM) : Russia's Involvement more

Russia has openly expressed their support and sympathy for Hamas. Does Russia’s support extend beyond the verbal sense or have they done more to support Hamas behind the scenes.

Dec 8
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 08 2023 12:23PM) : Response more

They probably did more behind closed doors that just isn’t public yet because action means more than words.

Is a broader conflict coming?

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Nov 15
Selena R Selena R (Nov 15 2023 5:48PM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

There is a posibility that World War III will break out.

Nov 15
Selena R Selena R (Nov 15 2023 5:50PM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

As the days go on the world gets more and more spit into two sides, at this rate there is a high potential of an World War III.

Nov 16
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 16 2023 8:47AM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

I think it’s quite possible for there to be a larger conflict and many countries are on edge.

Nov 16
Dutch B Dutch B (Nov 16 2023 8:49AM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

It looks as though the United States is preparing for such measures. If a larger war were to break out, there would be many causalities.

Nov 16
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 16 2023 10:17AM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

In my opinion, I believe that no one wants such an escalation. In a world governed by democracies, international trade and the internet, everyone would only lose. Thinking back to what happened in Afghanistan, Iran and Ukraine, the US has never directly intervened by committing military personnel to fight against the enemy. I doubt that the US would even be able to intervene so directly beyond sending mass amounts of lend lease. The public will rarely ever stand for this.

Nov 16
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 16 2023 10:21AM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

The world had generally remained peaceful for the last few decades. It usually never escalated that far and most conflicts were ended with a compromise. It may be possible for many of these separate conflicts to become interconnected unlike before. Where the United States stands against these so called warmongers, they may choose to stand by each other as they say that an enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Nov 21
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 21 2023 6:08PM) : response more

It’s not something I can confidently say but using common sense plus the reference you used where an enemy of an enemy is a friend is I do believe that with the involvement of other countries it is more likely that enemies of these countries may clique up to side with Israelis.

Nov 16
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 16 2023 6:00PM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

I believe that since other countries are starting to get involved more now, the problem is for sure going to turn into something much worse.

Nov 21
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 21 2023 6:05PM) : response more

I agree I made this same claim, its only like fuel to a fire for neighboring countries to indulge in the fight will only worsen the conditions

Nov 16
Mariam B Mariam B (Nov 16 2023 7:40PM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

The world already enough conflict among itself, humans are just adding to the surface. If this conflict escalates to other countries, than we will soon see a war worldwide.

Nov 16
Anton H Anton H (Nov 16 2023 10:45PM) : Is there a broader conflict coming? more

Definetly. I can see another Hamas attack and other groups joining

Nov 16
Ramadhany J Ramadhany J (Nov 16 2023 11:49PM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

I doubt there will be a world war or a big Middle Eastern conflict will happen. That doesn’t eliminate the possibility that it will happen though. One wrong step could lead to everything going to turmoil.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 7:17AM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

I believe that we might be the generation that sees WIII. Even if it’s not now, this century or next.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 7:18AM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

Based on how many countries including the U.S is ice-thin on commence, things could flip at any point of modern time.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 8:42AM) : What is your reaction to Hamas’s attack on Israel and to Israel’s response? What emotions, feelings and thoughts are you experiencing? more

My reaction to the on-going conflict between Israel and Hamas, specifically is that it wasn’t a surprise to me based on the context of why the war even started. The relationship of the nations hasn’t started 2 months ago, nor about 70-75 years ago. Both of their governments know this.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 8:43AM) : What is your reaction to Hamas’s attack on Israel and to Israel’s response? What emotions, feelings and thoughts are you experiencing? more

The part that makes me feel upset is the citizens a part of the crossfire because that’s the main way to win the meaning of war. This new war just shows me once again how governments exist to make agreement with the people or the complete opposite.

Nov 17
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 17 2023 10:04AM) : Chances of a Broader Conflict more

I believe the conflict will extend beyond simply Israel and Palestine, especially if several major countries end up directly involved.

Nov 20
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 20 2023 10:11AM) : response more

I find this comment to be extremely dull and empty. No reasons were stated for this belief that the conflict will broaden its horizons. It is understandable to be somewhat speechless however that is not what we are here for, we should contemplate over each tiny piece of information given to us. That is what we should be doing instead of saying such general and vague comments.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 10:05AM) : What do you know about how countries around the world are responding? What else, if anything, do you think the United States and other countries should do? more

The U.S should either, based on most citizens’ wording, step out of the conflict and not get involved with any war and help the nation, itself as the nation in most aspects is getting worse. Then the other one for the U.S, alone is to help the ceasefire to start so at least, Palestinians can get aid from international support of individuals to countries.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 10:05AM) : What do you know about how countries around the world are responding? What else, if anything, do you think the United States and other countries should do? more

Other countries I believe are thinking the same options or similar, I’ll state that countries might be thinking if they’re not apart currently, they should be, eventually.

Nov 17
Naomi M Naomi M (Nov 17 2023 10:19AM) : is a broader conflict coming more

It’s no way to know exactly what will happen next but I feel like this is a never ending war with Palestine and Israel. Their history is so long and there’s a lot of built up anger on both sides. So yes conflict can be coming

Nov 17
Naomi M Naomi M (Nov 17 2023 10:21AM) : is a broader coming more

If there is any stop to this war I feel like it will take a lot of energy, time and communication from both sides. At the moment a stop to this doesn’t seem like it’s coming to an end. So I think there will continue to be animosity against both country’s which will lead to more fighting generations to come

Nov 17
Sundus T Sundus T (Nov 17 2023 10:28AM) : is a broader conflict coming? more

this section is about how the conflict is beginning to effect the other boarding countries and how it has caused an uprising of protests and jeopardized Saudi Arabia to normalize relations with Israel.The mention of a different group was brought up so my question is, what do they have to do with it? i know Lebanon boarders the area but why is Israel clashing with them? Have they attacked? or is Israel attacking first to prevent them from joining the war?

Nov 17
Ricaiya W Ricaiya W (Nov 17 2023 11:17AM) : Is a border conflict coming. more

A border conflict is bond to happen no matter if “peace” is made. Government vs government never ends with a fair trade.

Nov 17
Savier T Savier T (Nov 17 2023 2:27PM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

I think that there will be an incoming conflict due to the fact that other countries will try to join and side with either Israel or Palestine. For instance United States is already helping Israel therefore it will cause other countries to help Palestine.

Nov 17
Savier T Savier T (Nov 17 2023 2:30PM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

Also most of Asia will probably join to help palestine due to them being allies.

Nov 17
Ronald D Ronald D (Nov 17 2023 8:46PM) : Is a border conflict coming? more

In my opinion it very similar to how world war 1 starter with 2 smaller countries having a disagreement and the major power house countries picking sides and starting a major conflick.

Nov 17
Ronald D Ronald D (Nov 17 2023 8:50PM) : Is a borderconflict coming? more

Not only is this conflict creating a major divide in the world but so did Ukriane and Russia so if one more conflict hits then it may spark something really big.

Nov 18
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 18 2023 10:03PM) : Is there a broader conflict coming. more

With so many countries coming out against or in support for Israel, it is just intensifying already built conflicts between countries. So that could mean more problems coming, however it has been a month and little reaction has happened.

Nov 20
Hilson L Hilson L (Nov 20 2023 10:14AM) : response more

Perhaps many countries will send aid to Palestine but I think the majority of these nations will not want to be involved in a total war. I don’t find it to be in the interests of anyone to want to be involved in a war.

Nov 20
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 20 2023 2:43PM) : agreed more

Neighboring countries chiming in to aid Israel in their attacks will only make casualties far worse, Gaza is already at a disadvantage.

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 9:53AM) : Response more

I believe that most of these countries will not want to be involved in a full-scale conflict, even though it is possible that many will send aid to Palestine. It does not seem like anyone would want to be involved in a war.

Nov 18
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 18 2023 10:07PM) : Broader conflict. more

Previously we have seen neighboring countries get involved and help out Palestine, however during the past month the only fighting that I know of is just Hezbollah and IDF clashes on the boarder. Also countries are sending lots of medical support to Palestine, that could count as getting involved.

Nov 19
Ramlah H Ramlah H (Nov 19 2023 9:15PM) : Is broader conflict coming? more

I believe it is quite possible because of how many important countries are backing Hamas and Israel. Israel definitely has bigger countries and more support yet I think Palestine also gets support from Middle Eastern countries because Hamas is said to be backed by some.

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 9:47AM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

The world is splitting more and more into two sides as the days pass; at this rate, World War III looks very likely.

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 9:48AM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

I believe that since other countries are starting to get involved more now, the problem is for sure going to turn into something much worse.

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The war in Gaza jeopardizes months of diplomacy by Mr. Biden and his top aides to push Saudi Arabia to normalize relations with Israel, two countries that have been adversaries.

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Nov 17
Jason L Jason L (Nov 17 2023 7:51AM) : Broader Conflict more

There have already been broader conflicts because of this fight between Israel and Palestine. College students in the US rioting against the government and rallies.

Nov 17
Nyiem C Nyiem C (Nov 17 2023 10:56AM) : Broader conflict more

This can make the US involved even further trying to save its relations or trying to protect itself from potential war.

Nov 17
Jason L Jason L (Nov 17 2023 10:51PM) : The Broader Conflict more

This situation is only the beginning, with tensions rising in the US, who knows who else from other countries may start speaking out next.

Nov 18
Ayden H Ayden H (Nov 18 2023 2:53AM) : Biden more

Joe Biden is always staying in drama that isn’t his and tries to take over.

Nov 18
Julieta Z Julieta Z (Nov 18 2023 2:54AM) : Broader conflict more

What’s with the U.S. trying to better the relations between the two countries? Maybe to get a leg up in it’s own relations with Saudi Arabia?

Nov 18
Arafat H Arafat H (Nov 18 2023 9:24AM) : The broader conflict. more

President Biden pushes aides to normalize the relations between Saudi and Israel. Since Oct. 7, the Israeli army has engaged with the Lebanese militant group(Hezbollah) that is allied with Hamas and backed by Iran.

Nov 18
Arafat H Arafat H (Nov 18 2023 9:45AM) : Broader Conflict. My opinion. more

Personally, the fact that other countries are getting involved shows how terrified they are for the outcome of the ongoing situation between Israel and Palestine. To the point where outside militant groups are engaging with Israel’s army. As more and more countries are getting involved, these countries could very well also be a part of the collateral. I’m honestly very unsure about the consequences of this conflict. In my opinion, this whole conflict needs to be resolved quickly, or else the repercussions could be catastrophic.

Nov 20
Synai H Synai H (Nov 20 2023 3:40AM) : Biden more

This questions Biden’s motives and broader goal in this situation overseas. When his presidency comes to an end, he will have created tensions that another president is going to have to mend.

Nov 21
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 21 2023 3:33AM) : Border Conflict more

I do belive that there is a border conflict coming because both parties want the Gaza strip as well as the entirety of that reigon.

Nov 21
Kelly-Ann B Kelly-Ann B (Nov 21 2023 3:34AM) : Border Conflict more

I also think this struggle was already a border conflict because of the heavy emphasis on the borders of Gaza.

Nov 28
Javan E Javan E (Nov 28 2023 6:23AM) : Conflict [Edited] more

I wonder how Biden is gonna fix this

Dec 8
Samir H Samir H (Dec 08 2023 10:12AM) : Question more

What benefits besides preventing war does normalizing the relation to Israel do for America

Dec 8
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 08 2023 11:32AM) : Boarder Conflict more

Does Biden not care about how this may negatively effect us?

Dec 22
Nya H Nya H (Dec 22 2023 9:13PM) : Boarder conflict more

Why is he so pressed to try to get them to get along when he isn’t in the middle of the attack. I think he’s just trying to make a good image for himself.


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Dec 22
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Mosab Simulator, a Palestinian poet from Gaza (Dec 22 2023 10:49PM) : What do you think Biden really wants? more
Mosab Simulator, a Palestinian poet from Gaza with Paul A's edits:
Mosab Simulator, a Palestinian poet from Gaza
Practice reading this text through the eyes of a Palestinian poet from ...

In considering President Biden’s motivations, one must look beyond the surface. The question at hand is why he strives to foster harmony between Saudi Arabia and Israel, despite not being directly under fire. The essence of this inquiry lies in the complexities of international relations. As a Palestinian poet, I understand the intricate web of diplomacy. The war in Gaza indeed challenges Mr. Biden’s diplomatic efforts – this I acknowledge. He may seek a harmonious Middle East for myriad reasons: stability in the region benefits global security, aligns with American foreign policy goals, and indeed, may burnish his own image as a peacemaker.

Let us delve deeper into the fabric of this issue. Biden, like many leaders, craves the legacy of a diplomat, a cultivator of peace amidst chronic conflicts. It’s also about strategic alliances, where a cordial bond between Saudi Arabia and Israel can reshape Middle Eastern geopolitics, potentially ushering in an era of new alignments and buffering against shared threats.

Furthermore, consider how his actions might fit into the broader aspiration for regional stability and the benefits it can bring, not just image-wise but for economic and security interests, both for the United States and globally. We are dealing with a multifaceted aim here, where diplomacy intertwines with strategic self-interest and the pursuit of peace.

What would you like to explore further? The potential strategic benefits of regional harmony, the humanitarian angle often overshadowed by geopolitics, or how such diplomacy affects us Palestinians? Or perhaps there is another thread you would wish to pull in understanding the intricacies behind Mr. Biden’s efforts? Let’s elevate the discourse together.

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

I beckon you to join me in a deeper reflection on life amidst turmoil and the search for peace in my New Yorker essay, “The View from My Window in Gaza” [here](

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It also has led to protests across the Middle East and beyond and stoked fears of a broader regional conflict.

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Nov 16
Nya H Nya H (Nov 16 2023 7:22PM) : broader conflict more

Some people are scared because they don’t know if they will be in the middle of the gunfire next. They think that maybe since the opposing place is so vicious than they might come for them too.

Nov 16
Anaya C Anaya C (Nov 16 2023 9:06PM) : Is a broader conflict coming- more

I think that this has already begin to cause a broader conflict and as more information is shared I only see this conflict growing.

Nov 16
Chimdiadi N Chimdiadi N (Nov 16 2023 11:22PM) : Broader conflict more

This indeed can lead to more chaos since its not only between two countries but it is amongst multiple people surrounding or allied with them

Nov 16
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 16 2023 11:44PM) : What Happened more

Protest have begun to arise all over the Middle East

Nov 17
Kaylin V Kaylin V (Nov 17 2023 9:55AM) : broader conflict more

I understand why many people would be scared due to this conflict. It’s becoming larger and larger and it’s getting a lot of spotlight worldwide. If this issue continues to get larger, who knows how it will pan out.

Nov 17
Michelle T Michelle T (Nov 17 2023 10:14AM) : Broader conflict more

If the war were to be spread out to other countries, many civilians will need to seek refuge in countries that are not close to the war. This means that the countries that are providing refuge may not have enough space to house the incoming civilians so they would have to keep searching for a place to stay.

Nov 17
Hakim W Hakim W (Nov 17 2023 10:18AM) : is the broader conflict coming? more

These protests are everywhere and not all protests are non-violent, people are harming others based on their views without knowing if they come from Israel, or Palenstine or where their family is or if they are jewish or muslim

Nov 17
Bidia G Bidia G (Nov 17 2023 12:04PM) : the fact that people are protesting in the middle east is very breave of them because some people get killed if they speak on the situation or have a bias upon the situation
Nov 17
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 17 2023 1:54PM) : Broader Conflict? more

The situation has become so tense that no matter what you say, or don’t say, you are bound to have people shame you. The situation is so broad and so many are affected in some way, and when so many different people have different opinions it’s bound to lead to conflict.

Nov 20
Jason L Jason L (Nov 20 2023 9:02AM) : Reply to Masaski D more

I agree with you Masaki, this war has caused so much hate towards everyone in the community. If you are pro-Israel, you are hated. If you are pro-Palestine, you are hated. If you are neutral, you are also hated for staying silent. I personally don’t believe there is a right or wrong since both sides have their rights and wrongs but the genocide on Palestine is definitely wrong and needs to stop.

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 10:09AM) : Response more

Masaki, I concur that there is a great deal of hatred in the community toward everyone because of this war. You are hated if you support Israel. You are despised if you support Palestine. Being silent when you are neutral makes you despised as well. Since everyone has rights and wrongs, I personally do not think there is such a thing as right or wrong, but the genocide in Palestine must end.


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Dec 15
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles (Dec 15 2023 10:37AM) : What would you say to a young person who feels this way? more
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles with Paul A's edits:
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles
See this text through the eyes of the senior and founding rabbi of IKAR...

To a young person feeling torn by the complexities of supporting Israel, Palestine, or remaining neutral in a deeply divisive conflict, I say this: Your struggle with these issues reflects a deeply empathetic heart. It’s true that blind allegiance does not pave the way to peace. Both sides have narratives of suffering and aspirations for security and dignity. To seek an end to violence and the suffering of civilians, including the humanitarian crisis in Palestine, requires moral courage. Genocide, the deliberate destruction of a people, is abhorrent and must cease. Yet, the path to resolution is paved by acknowledging the human rights and historical pains of all involved.

Supporting peace does not mean you must choose between two sides; it means advocating for a future where all can live with dignity. It’s crucial to seek nuanced understanding, to resist binary thinking, and to engage in dialogue that upholds the value of every human life. Join or create movements that promote coexistence and mutual understanding. Let your voice be one that insists on humanity over hatred.

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

I warmly invite you to delve into three of my sermons and listen to my conversation with Ezra Klein. Engage with these narratives at this curated collection of documents: Your reflections and discourse are most welcome.

Nov 17
Jennifer V Jennifer V (Nov 17 2023 11:36PM) : Incoming Conflict more

I can definitely see this escalating into a regional conflict. There is a lot of fear surrounding this situation. Some of those fears have been proven to be right by either Israel or Hamas. The pressure to pick a side and choose a side is felt by leaders internationally.

Nov 19
Synai H Synai H (Nov 19 2023 2:42PM) : Broader conflict more

This conflict has spilled into other countries, which will cause even more civilian casualties.

Dec 4
Rayana M Rayana M (Dec 04 2023 11:43PM) : conflict more

I believe that because of how much damage was done by now that it is a conflict.

Dec 5
Naleyah W Naleyah W (Dec 05 2023 2:18PM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

I do believe a broader conflict is going to happen since there is more information being spread, and this is scaring people because they don’t want to become next. Especially since the violence itself is beyond excessive.

Dec 9
Ade R Ade R (Dec 09 2023 7:13PM) : Broader conflict more

This could potentially lead to more conflicts within the area if too many people in surround countries feel the need to fight for Palestine it could led to a larger war with Israel

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President Biden and his aides have sought to prevent the war between Israel and Hamas from spilling over into a regional conflict with Iran and its proxies in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. The Pentagon has rushed two aircraft carriers and dozens of extra warplanes to the region to make this point.

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Nov 16
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 16 2023 10:43PM) : President Biden's actions more

President Biden is trying to prevent this war from spilling over to conflict with Iran and its proxies which is quite unfair given that he supported and sent more weapons to Israel.

Nov 27
Ashiyah C Ashiyah C (Nov 27 2023 4:59PM) : agree more

I agree, it seems like Biden is trying to make it seem like he is trying to “diffuse the situation” and prevent a war to citizens but in reality hes not. Someone who felt actual remorse for Palestinians wouldn’t supply the opressors (Israel) with more ammo/weapons.

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 11:24AM) : Response more

I agree. Biden appears to be attempting to portray himself as someone who is working to “diffuse the situation” and keep citizens from going to war, but this is not the case. A true repentant person would not arm and munition the oppressors (Israel) with more weapons.


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Dec 15
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Tishby Simulator, an Israeli actress, speaker, author, and ardent supporter of Israel (Dec 15 2023 6:26PM) : Do you worry that this war could spread? What can be done to limit it? more
Tishby Simulator, an Israeli actress, speaker, author, and ardent supporter of Israel with Paul A's edits:
Tishby Simulator, an Israeli actress, speaker, author, and ardent supporter of Israel
Practice reading this text through the eyes of an Israeli who strongly ...

When I consider the potential for regional conflict, it’s crucial to remember the question at hand: Do I worry that this war could spread, and what can be done to limit it? Yes, I am deeply concerned about the potential for escalation. It’s not just an issue between Israel and Hamas; there are other powerful factors at play, including Iran and its allies such as Hezbollah. The actions of the United States, particularly President Biden’s administration, are pivotal. The U.S. has sent a strong message by deploying additional military assets to the region; they aim to deter others from joining the conflict, to show that the U.S. is committed to maintaining stability.

The question that we keep circling back to is about how to prevent this war from widening, and Biden is indeed making a show of force with the deployment of carriers and warplanes. Yet, from my perspective, as someone who stands with Israel, these actions can be seen as a demonstration of support for our right to defend ourselves against aggressors.

To summarize, to contain the conflict, diplomatic efforts must accompany military preparedness. The international community must recognize and address the broader network of terror that threatens peace. Addressing the radical ideologies fueling this conflict is also crucial. So, considering all this, what would you want to learn more about? The role of international diplomacy, the ideology driving conflicts, or the importance of Israel’s self-defense? Or perhaps something else entirely?

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

If you’re captivated by these critical issues, I urge you to explore further. The full scope of my address at the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces is teeming with passion and insight. I warmly invite you to delve into the text and share your thoughts on the stirring discourse delivered on October 17, 2023 in NYC here

Nov 16
Anton H Anton H (Nov 16 2023 10:47PM) : That's odd (Conflict) more

It seems like US is just helping Israel, not trying to stop conflict.

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 11:33AM) : Response more

I agree every time I hear that the U.S. is sending military resources every few days.

Nov 16
Sabrina P Sabrina P (Nov 16 2023 10:51PM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

President Biden has been trying stop this conflict between Hamas and Israel from leading into the reginal conflict with other countries

Nov 16
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 16 2023 11:42PM) : Broader conflict more

I think that the US conducting a show of force could lead to more tensions than necessary.

Nov 16
Ramadhany J Ramadhany J (Nov 16 2023 11:52PM) : Is a Broader conflict coming? more

This just shows how important it is that the Israel-Palestine conflict does not spill-over. The US will do everything in its power to make sure other Middle Eastern nations get involved, otherwise, a much bigger war could happen, as the whole world is running on a very tight thread right now.

Nov 20
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 20 2023 6:17PM) : I agree more

If things go south it could threaten a world war or something of that caliber. On top of that countries neighboring Palestine already seem to have a hatred towards the US.

Dec 15
Kimanie L Kimanie L (Dec 15 2023 11:32AM) : Response more

Should events deteriorate, there is a possibility of a global conflict or a similar situation. Furthermore, Palestine, a neighboring country, already appears to despise the United States.

Nov 17
Kaylin V Kaylin V (Nov 17 2023 9:12AM) : broader conflict more

Although Biden is said to be trying to prevent further conflict, it seems like he is doing things that could help Israel maintain power over Palestine.

Nov 17
Jason L Jason L (Nov 17 2023 9:52AM) : The Broader Conflict more

I like how Biden wants to keep this war from spilling out into other wars. Although it seems inevitable as eventually people from nearby countries will start helping, and this may cause more complications.

Nov 17
Rashad B Rashad B (Nov 17 2023 10:08AM) : Broader Conflict more

I think it is still vague if the contrasting support between the US, Lebanon, Syria, and other countries will lead to World War 3 as others are saying. I think there is a huge difference in power between Israel and Palestine’s allies that would stop anything outside of a proxy war. In addition, the Russo-Ukrainian War that has been going on for a decade before the invasion has not caused a larger war to break out, so I fail to see how this will.

Nov 17
Allisson M Allisson M (Nov 17 2023 1:42PM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

I feel like the united states invlovemnt might cause more tension-No one wants a war to break but if it does it is possible that it will be disaterous given the amount of advanced tech and weapons are being developed

Nov 17
Julieta Z Julieta Z (Nov 17 2023 1:52PM) : Broader conflict more

If Biden is trying to stop the conflict, then why is he adding more fuel to Israel’s government? or at least intimidating the surrounding areas with the warplanes? is it to discourage the other countries from helping Palestine?

Nov 17
Masaki D Masaki D (Nov 17 2023 1:58PM) : Broader Conflict more

Going back to my claim on world war, I still stand by that. Just like Europe, this area of the world is condensed of many different countries, and I feel that with conflict like this, it is bound to spill beyond the borders.

Nov 17
Imani R Imani R (Nov 17 2023 6:56PM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

I think a broader conflict could arise. I don’t think President Biden is doing enough to prevent this war between Israel and Hamas from becoming a regional conflict. He’s too focused on Israel. Yes, there are Israeli hostages, but supplying Israel with more weaponry only causes more violence.

Nov 21
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 21 2023 3:25PM) : I agree. more

I’m with you on the statement that supplying more weaponry will only result in more violence. I think the US is very focused on Israel because they are a powerful military ally, but if in the future other countries go against Israel, the US will face consequences. It’s a very complicated situation because if the US does or does not support Israel, if broader conflict comes there will be repercussions either way. Personally, I heavily dislike the fact that government relations are honored over human lives, but I understand why it has to be that way because inevitably there will be violence in the world, even if peace is agreed upon. It’s dangerous not to have allies, but I don’t like that it has to be that way. I went off on a bit of a tangent, but I responded to this comment because I find the whole government/political/militant layer of this conflict to be very frustrating.


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Dec 15
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles (Dec 15 2023 7:20PM) : Can you help youth who feel this frustration with governments? more
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles with Paul A's edits:
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles
See this text through the eyes of the senior and founding rabbi of IKAR...

Your concerns reflect a profound moral struggle that many grapple with, especially the youth—how to reconcile our desire for peace with the harsh realities of geopolitics and military alliances. The frustration with governments prioritizing strategic interests over human lives is not misplaced, but understanding the complexities is crucial. As a rabbi deeply committed to ethics and peace, I believe we must navigate these difficult waters by advocating for strategies that prioritize human dignity while recognizing the intricacies of international relations.

We are called to be “Ivrim,” Hebrews—people who cross over existing lines of division and seek solutions that honor life above all. To the youth feeling this frustration: channel it into productive activism, education, and bridge-building. Engage with organizations that support human rights and the development of peaceful solutions. Encourage dialogue that moves beyond the surface of politics into the realm of shared human values.

To dive deeper, would you like to explore strategies for nonviolent activism, examine how we might influence foreign policy towards ethical outcomes, or discuss ways to educate and mobilize communities for peace? Please note: everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

I invite you to engage further with these complex subjects by examining my sermons and interview with Ezra Klein. These can be found in the linked collection of documents. Your reflections and comments on these resources are welcome. [Access materials here](


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Dec 15
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles (Dec 15 2023 7:23PM) : How can we have any impact on America’s foreign policy? more
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles with Paul A's edits:
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles
See this text through the eyes of the senior and founding rabbi of IKAR...

To impact America’s foreign policy, especially regarding conflict areas like the Israel-Hamas situation, we should harness our collective moral voice to advocate for policies that uphold peace and dignity. Your question speaks to a heart-wrenching tension felt globally. As a rabbi, I draw upon our shared heritage of seeking justice to empower advocacy. We can engage with elected representatives, support peace-oriented organizations, and raise awareness through communal education. Our journey must involve activism that emphasizes ethical international relations, while understanding that these issues are often mired in complicated geopolitical webs that can challenge our ideals. Which aspect of affecting foreign policy would you like to examine next – the power of grassroots movements, engaging diplomatically, or amplifying our communal values within the political system?

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

For a deeper engagement, I invite you to delve into my sermons and my conversation with Ezra Klein, which tackle similar complexities and moral urgencies. Share your thoughts and join the discourse in this curated document compilation.

Nov 17
Imani R Imani R (Nov 17 2023 7:11PM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

Other counties forces are getting involved in this war. This could escalate horribly. Having all these world leaders picking sides isn’t ideal. If this continues, it may lead to a World War III. There’s so much and too much going on in the world right now for our society to all combat another World War.

Nov 19
Carlentz P Carlentz P (Nov 19 2023 6:24PM) : . more

Biden is attempting to stop the war from biting the United States because of other enemy nations surrounding

Nov 26
Aniyah K Aniyah K (Nov 26 2023 12:46PM) : Irony more

It’s odd how Biden is trying to “prevent the war between Israel and Hamas” but is funding Israel by giving them weapons to attack Hamas.

Dec 7
Samir H Samir H (Dec 07 2023 9:09PM) : Biden more

Its good that Biden is trying to de-escalate the war as it can lead to numerous other problems

Dec 9
Suhayla L Suhayla L (Dec 09 2023 12:01AM) : Boarder conflict more

It seems like the US is just offering to help Israel, not trying to stop the conflict. President Biden has been attempting to stop this conflict between Hamas and Israel from leading to the regional conflict with other countries

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Nov 15
Jaylin F Jaylin F (Nov 15 2023 7:49PM) : Broader Conflict. more

A broader conflict may come from this war due to America aiding Israel. Protest have already started in the Middle East.

Nov 16
Victor V Victor V (Nov 16 2023 8:17AM) : What might happen next more

I think there will be a broader conflict since America is on Israel side and there are still other middle eastern countries protesting

Nov 16
David A David A (Nov 16 2023 2:06PM) : Broader conflict more

I think with all that is happening between Israel and Palestine the war could possibly spread out too other countries leading to a bigger problem and possibly WW3 if it gets bad enough .

Nov 20
Rumi S Rumi S (Nov 20 2023 6:39PM) : Reply. more

Although this is one of the possibilities, so far based on the one month so far, only groups from Lebanon, and more recently today groups from Yemen have done something.

Nov 16
David A David A (Nov 16 2023 2:08PM) : Broader conflict more

I like that Biden is doing his very best to prevent the spread of the war to other regions.

Nov 16
Savannah H Savannah H (Nov 16 2023 2:46PM) : Is a boarder conflict coming more

I feel in the middle about this because they are traumatized over the first situation so why do it again and war is trying to be prevented, but everyone ends up standing their ground.

Nov 16
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 16 2023 7:16PM) : I think this was the right move by the US and they are preventing further problems in the middle east.
Nov 21
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 21 2023 3:16PM) : I disagree. more

Although I agree with the sentiment of wanting to prevent further problems, in my opinion, the US is not carrying this out well at all. “The Pentagon has rushed two aircraft carriers and dozens of extra warplanes to the region to make this point.” How does that make the point of wanting to avoid more conflict or actually work towards that? Does the US intend to provide Israel with supplies to significantly damage the Palestinian population so that the conflict ends that way? I just don’t see how sending weapons helps to prevent further problems unless the intent is to end the conflict by helping Israel “win.” Even then, what worldwide repercussions may result if Israel does accomplish this? I’m responding to your comment because I believe it goes a little deeper than what you implied. Intentions and consequences should be considered in this too.


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Dec 15
Paul A's Question

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Paul A and/or Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles (Dec 15 2023 7:52PM) : How do you feel about American support for Israel’s war on Hamas? more
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles with Paul A's edits:
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles
See this text through the eyes of the senior and founding rabbi of IKAR...

As a rabbi deeply committed to Jewish values and ideals, my response to American support for Israel’s war against Hamas is complicated. I understand the urgency in wanting to prevent the war from escalating and spilling over into a larger regional conflict. But the shipment of warplanes and military might seems to contribute to the cycle of violence rather than leading toward peace and reconciliation. As a nation that holds significant sway in world affairs, including in the Middle East, the United States has a moral imperative to use its influence to foster conditions conducive to peace, rather than escalating tensions with shows of military force.

Diagnosing the core issues is crucial to healing and reconciliation. Like the story of Jami’s abdominal pain revealing a deeper, life-threatening issue, the surface-level conflicts between Israel and Hamas must be understood in the context of deeper systemic problems. This includes the enduring Palestinian suffering under occupation and the struggles within Israeli society.

I believe in the power of courageous and imaginative leadership to navigate such moral complexities. We must assess our actions critically, fully aware of their potential to harm others—rooted in the teaching that we cannot truly be free until all are free. It is imperative we seek diplomatic and humane solutions that affirm the sacredness of every human life and the shared hope for a peaceful future.

What else would you like to explore? The role of faith communities in conflict resolution? The importance of leveraging American influence for peace-building? Or the moral responsibilities of political leaders in times of war? You can also guide our conversation toward another theme that speaks to you.

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

Peruse and share your thoughts on my body of work presented through sermons and an insightful dialogue with Ezra Klein. Engage in a discourse on these profound matters. Access this treasure trove [here](


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Dec 15
Paul A's Question

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Paul A and/or Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles (Dec 15 2023 7:58PM) : I don’t know much about Jami, but I would like to hear more about how that story relates to the situation in Gaza. more
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles with Paul A's edits:
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles
See this text through the eyes of the senior and founding rabbi of IKAR...

As Rabbi Brous, I am deeply invested in the well-being of all peoples and the pursuit of peace. The story of Jami, which I often refer to, illustrates a profound truth about recognition and mindfulness in the face of pain—both individual and collective. Jami’s hidden ailment which caused her tremendous discomfort was only the symptom of a much larger, life-threatening problem. Similarly, we must look at the suffering and violence in Gaza and Israel not just as isolated incidents of aggression but as manifestations of a deeper, systemic issue that requires our full attention and compassion to address.

In the aftermath of any conflict, like that between Israel and Hamas, our response should not be limited to military aid or tactical support—which may unintentionally prolong or deepen the conflict—but should also encompass a serious engagement with the underlying causes of the discord. The complexities of political leadership, the influence of powerful nations like the United States, and the indispensable role faith communities can play in peace-building are all threads of a larger tapestry we ought to consider when discussing such matters.

To delve deeper, would you like to explore the potential for interfaith dialogue as a peace-building tool? Or perhaps the ethical quandaries around military aid? Maybe dissecting the balance of power and diplomacy in the Middle East is where your interest lies? Let me know how we can expand this conversation, or suggest another path that calls to your heart.

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

Your insights are invaluable; I invite you to engage with my teachings and perspectives through the written word and conversations that capture the essence of my sermons and my dialogue with Ezra Klein. Access the collection [here]( and contribute to the discussion.

Nov 16
Bobbi T Bobbi T (Nov 16 2023 9:56PM) : Broader conflict? more

There is chance for a broader conflict as efforts are having to be put in to stop other regions from engaging into the conflict as well. It is shown that other places are wanting to involve themselves, a broader conflict will be if or when they do.

Nov 17
Hakim W Hakim W (Nov 17 2023 10:15AM) : is the broader conflict coming? more

This situation is going to have to spread to other countries based on the fact that what Israel is doing is a genocide and the united nations are required to interfere with, but with the goverment shutting down and people not getting paid for how much and long they worked America isn’t in position to be attacking countires with strong militant power

Nov 17
Jaden B Jaden B (Nov 17 2023 10:16AM) : Broader conflict more

Joe Biden is trying to stop the war.

Nov 17
Annalise W Annalise W (Nov 17 2023 7:14PM) : The U.S's involvement more

It seems that the U.S offers money and aid to allied countries that are known for military power. This could be because the U.S cannot afford to be in a war,and no intention of getting into a physical war, much saying that they tend to share opinions over a screen.

Nov 19
Hannah T Hannah T (Nov 19 2023 6:26PM) : The U.S more

I agree I feel as though they are just a bank for the war and are “staying out of it”

Nov 19
Ashiyah C Ashiyah C (Nov 19 2023 4:55PM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

It could. Showing support for israel and then so called trying to diffuse the war is odd. I think its best for the U.S. to stay out of it.

Nov 19
Ramlah H Ramlah H (Nov 19 2023 9:21PM) : Is broader conflict coming? more

Moreover, because opposing countries are in support of opposite countries, it may cause even greater conflict. Such as the US and Iran. They are known to have conflicts over the many years and they sought to prevent the war into spilling into a conflict between its proxies as well. And has rushed aircraft carriers and dozens of extra warplanes to the region just to show that they are ready just in case.

Dec 7
Brandon B Brandon B (Dec 07 2023 10:36PM) : Escalation more

Hopefully other countries don’t get involved if this blows out of proportion and the war becomes bigger than what it already is

Jan 26
Teodora H Teodora H (Jan 26 2024 9:16AM) : broader conflict more

I do believe that as more countries get involved the conflict will become more broader

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Nov 16
Justus M Justus M (Nov 16 2023 12:44PM) : How does this help? more

I genuinely do not understand how this would prevent the conflict from spilling over to nearby regions. How does giving more warplanes and weapons help anything.

Dec 5
Naleyah W Naleyah W (Dec 05 2023 2:20PM) : reply more

I agree with you, if anything I believe this would add more fuel to the fire and cause more conflict rather than prevent it.


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Dec 5
Paul A's Question

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Paul A and/or Tishby Simulator, an Israeli actress, speaker, author, and ardent supporter of Israel (Dec 05 2023 8:23PM) : What do you think? do you think the two aircraft carriers and dozens of extra warplanes from America will prevent the war between Israel and Hamas from spilling over into a regional conflict? more
Tishby Simulator, an Israeli actress, speaker, author, and ardent supporter of Israel with Paul A's edits:
Tishby Simulator, an Israeli actress, speaker, author, and ardent supporter of Israel
Practice reading this text through the eyes of an Israeli who strongly ...

The question you’re asking is whether the presence of American aircraft carriers and additional warplanes could prevent the conflict between Israel and Hamas from escalating into a regional one. From my perspective, the military reinforcement serves as a significant deterrent. It sends a clear message that the United States stands by its commitment to Israel’s security and is prepared to show force to maintain stability. Such a show of strength can dissuade nearby states from getting involved, fearing a direct confrontation with American forces. This could create a buffer that contains the conflict.

Moreover, in my speech at the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces event, I emphasized the dangers we face and the need for resilience. “We warned against it,” I said, highlighting the predictable nature of the threats at our borders. I spoke of the radical Islamic Nazism that threatens not only Israel but the world. The presence of U.S. military might in the region, thus, is not merely about more weapons; it’s about a strategic posture that can help curb the aggression and support our pursuit of peace.

Could the aircraft carriers and warplanes truly deter? It’s possible. They can showcase solidarity and readiness. Still, true prevention lies beyond military might; it’s in robust alliances, dialogue, and persistent pursuit of peace. Do these points resonate with you, or is there something more you’d like to explore? We could talk about military strategy, regional diplomacy, or the historical context of U.S.-Israel relations. Which direction would you like to go, or is there another angle you’re curious about?

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

I urge you to engage with the heartfelt message I delivered at the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces on October 17, 2023, in NYC. Tune into the passion and the clear call to action shared that night. Access it here and lend your thoughts:


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Dec 5
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles (Dec 05 2023 8:25PM) : What do you think? do you think the two aircraft carriers and dozens of extra warplanes from America will prevent the war between Israel and Hamas from spilling over into a regional conflict? more
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles with Paul A's edits:
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles
See this text through the eyes of the senior and founding rabbi of IKAR...

The question you’re raising is an important and complex one: Will the presence of additional American military assets prevent the conflict between Israel and Hamas from expanding into a broader regional conflict?

On one hand, the deployment of such formidable military might can serve as a clear signal of deterrence—a demonstration that the U.S. is committed to maintaining regional stability and willing to protect its interests and allies, notably Israel. This show of force might indeed dissuade other regional actors from getting involved, thereby containing the conflict.

However, as you suggest, increasing the amount of weaponry in an already volatile situation can sometimes have the opposite effect, heightening tensions and potentially provoking further escalation. Moreover, military solutions do not address the underlying political, social, and humanitarian issues that fuel the conflict.

What’s crucial here, and what I would urge, is a pursuit of diplomatic engagement and support for conflict resolution mechanisms that prioritize peace and justice. As a Jewish leader, I uphold the values of peace, compassion, and human dignity. The emphasis should be on protecting lives, advocating for dialogue, and working towards sustainable solutions that honor the humanity of all involved.

Would you be interested in exploring more about the role of diplomacy, the power of non-violent resistance, or the ethical ramifications of such military moves?

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

Dive deeper into these ideas and exchange views with me by engaging with my sermons and my conversation with Ezra Klein. Find these resources and more for your enrichment at this collection of documents:


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Dec 5
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Maram Simulator, a Palestinian-American who grew up in Gaza (Dec 05 2023 8:31PM) : What do you think? do you think the two aircraft carriers and dozens of extra warplanes from America will prevent the war between Israel and Hamas from spilling over into a regional conflict? more
Maram Simulator, a Palestinian-American who grew up in Gaza with Paul A's edits:
Maram Simulator, a Palestinian-American who grew up in Gaza
Practice reading this text through the eyes of a Palestinian-American r...

Reflecting on the influx of military power by the United States into the region, I have to admit, I feel skeptical about the notion that two aircraft carriers and dozens of extra warplanes could prevent the conflict between Israel and Hamas from spiraling into a broader regional war. It’s actually quite the opposite; such a display of military might could exacerbate tensions, rather than defuse them. Adding more weapons and warplanes to an already volatile situation may lead opposing sides to boost their defenses, potentially leading to an arms race in the region. This could provoke neighboring countries into a heightened state of alert, increasing the risk of misunderstanding and miscalculation.

The question at hand, whether the U.S. reinforcement will prevent a larger conflict, is one that hits close to home for me. We Palestinians have seen time and again how military escalations don’t bring peace, but rather breed more violence and suffering. The presence of more war machinery doesn’t guarantee safety but rather makes the nightmares of war even more tangible – this is common sense.

Now, considering your curiosity about the situation, I could delve deeper into the impact that foreign military aid has on regional politics, share personal stories about how militarization has affected daily life back in Gaza, or speculate on the broader geopolitical implications of U.S. military involvement in the Middle East. Which one resonates with you, or is there another angle you’re looking to explore?

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

If your interest has been piqued and you are seeking a richer understanding of the Palestinian experience and the complexities involved, I invite you to engage with the content of my actual words. Listen to, read, and comment on my interview “Inside A Gaza Village: ‘All Of Us Will Die, But We Don’t Know When’” on this link: Let’s take this conversation to the next level.

Nov 16
Mariam B Mariam B (Nov 16 2023 7:43PM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

I believe that most of us understand that the USA must support Israel, however, sending weapons to “help” Israeli support is not the way to go.

Nov 16
Anya C Anya C (Nov 16 2023 9:54PM) : Jesus Christ [Edited] more

Ah, of course! The best way to avoid war is to fly warplanes over the countries you don’t want war with!
This is seriously parody levels of stupid.

Nov 16
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 16 2023 10:12PM) : Is a broader conflict coming? [Edited] more

The rush of support by more war planes will not exactly “help” but more like interfere in some way either positive or negative depending on how people view it. Since Iran primarily funds and supports Hamas, it is understandable that they want to fight Israel forces together.

Nov 17
Michelle T Michelle T (Nov 17 2023 10:08AM) : Broader conflict more

What would the aircraft carriers and warplanes be used for? Where would the soldiers in the aircraft carriers stay? Also wouldn’t the people in the region feel threatened by the war planes?

Nov 17
Sundus T Sundus T (Nov 17 2023 10:30AM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

the Pentagon has sent out two aircraft carriers and warplanes to the region. Why? i know they are allies with Israel but hypothetically if Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon were to join the war would that mean America would immediately jump in? this reminds me of the USSR Maine which sprung the Spanish-American war.

Nov 17
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 17 2023 1:55PM) : What's the point? more

What is the point of sending aircraft carriers and warplanes to Israel if you’re trying to avoid war? Does the US just want to provide Israel with more power so they can wipe out all Palestinians and therefore end the conflict? Are these not war crimes?

Nov 19
Hannah T Hannah T (Nov 19 2023 6:27PM) : The pentagon more

How does flying warplanes help contain a war?

Since the Oct. 7 attacks, the Israeli army has engaged in almost daily clashes with Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group allied with Hamas and backed by Iran. Israel’s military also has responded to fire from Syria.

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Nov 17
Emmanuel W Emmanuel W (Nov 17 2023 8:17AM) : Could these attacks result in a world war or a bigger problem?
Nov 17
Bobbi T Bobbi T (Nov 17 2023 11:03AM) : Broader conflict more

Israel’s control over gaza allows them to attack the region at the extent they do. This probes the question of how they would retaliate if other nations got involved. Israel would likely not be able to do half the things they did to Gaza, which circles back to the point of their excessive attacks being an abuse of power.

Nov 17
Demilade O Demilade O (Nov 17 2023 11:46AM) : Isreal response more

This shows that the Israeli army is trying to eradicate any Palestinian and their supporters. They are really angry at the actions of Hamas and are taking it out on anyone involved with them

Nov 21
Ramlah H Ramlah H (Nov 21 2023 10:50AM) : Response more

Yes, I agree. In Israel’s eyes, it seems anyone and country who shows alliance or support for Palestine is “against” Israel and “supports” Hamas as well. When this is not the case. If you support Palestine, it doesn’t automatically mean you support Hamas, are antisemitic, or hate Israelis.

Nov 17
Sabrina P Sabrina P (Nov 17 2023 11:54AM) : Is a broader conflict coming? #2 more

I do think that at this rate, with how big the whole conflict has gotten and how much this is known to many parts of the world, it might be inevitable that this would lead into the conflict becoming a regional problem, creating a domino effect

Nov 21
Justus M Justus M (Nov 21 2023 10:34AM) : response more

I agree. Someone else is going to snap if Gaza is taken entirely, and if Israel is attacked further someone else will snap. With how valued the middle east is by other countries, a broader conflict within the next couple years (if not fewer) whilst it is something I dread it is something i expect.

Nov 17
Stanley C Stanley C (Nov 17 2023 12:50PM) : Broader conflict more

Israel is now also engaged in a broader conflict, because it’s fighting skirmishes against neighboring countries

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 9:48PM) : What questions do you have about what is happening now and about its larger context? This is a complex and quickly moving news story-- more

The questions I have are, Will this really lead into more wars, globally? I state this because a trend of wars starting has become, again more prevalent to the general public then also the victims too, of course, within the countries themselves.

Nov 17
Jaden B Jaden B (Nov 17 2023 11:18PM) : Broader conflict more

Israel has been killing more people every day.

Nov 18
Allisson M Allisson M (Nov 18 2023 2:39AM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

I think as long as more people and government get involved the more this is going to expand and more war and bloodshed will happen- it is only going to get worse

Nov 18
Maxine M Maxine M (Nov 18 2023 2:58AM) : Broader conflict more

If Israel is receiving fire from multiple other regions, why do they keep attacking Palestinians without stopping to think? It really makes you consider their intentions. Do they not care? Is it maybe fair to say they want to wipe out all Palestinians?

Nov 18
Jennifer V Jennifer V (Nov 18 2023 12:30PM) : Conflict more

With Israel’s very aggressive response to Hamas attack,it seems like a border conflict is inevitable. Especially since Israel has engaged in combat with Iranian and Syrian forces.

Nov 27
Aniyah K Aniyah K (Nov 27 2023 3:03AM) : Will the Middle East start the next World War? more

With Israels continuation of their attack on Palestine, tensions are high as other countries begin to become involved in the fight between Hamas and Israel.

Dec 8
Brianna S Brianna S (Dec 08 2023 10:26AM) : Broader Conflict more

A lot of the surrounding regions like Saudi Arabia and Iran etc support Palestine, so I think that the conflict could possibly expand to those regions.

Dec 12
Mark C Mark C (Dec 12 2023 1:12AM) : . more

I think that she is speaking without knowing the whole story. She only knows what she see’s in the media.
She is also speaking like everything that is happening is all Palestine’s fault.

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Nov 17
Nyiem C Nyiem C (Nov 17 2023 10:54AM) : Broader conflict more

If this is the case it could start an all-out war between the countries making the conditions worse for countries like Gaza receiving heavy fire.

Nov 18
Ayden H Ayden H (Nov 18 2023 2:51AM) : Broader Conflict more

Almost deadly clashes is insane to me. This rivalry has gone beyond overboard.

Nov 21
Samir W Samir W (Nov 21 2023 11:20AM) : broader conflict more

There has been multiple clashes between militant groups causing more tension and problems raise.

Nov 28
Javan E Javan E (Nov 28 2023 6:27AM) : Conflict more

That is actually kinda funny and sad. Funny because of how my imagination has severely toned it down, and sad because violence isn’t the answer.

Dec 5
Rayana M Rayana M (Dec 05 2023 12:37PM) : conflict more

I think it is a broader conflict by now and other countries getting involved proves it.

Dec 10
Ade R Ade R (Dec 10 2023 9:20AM) : Broader conflict more

I wonder if Hezbollah being allied with Hamas and backed by Iran could lead to Iran being completely involved and fighting Israel

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No sentence-level conversations. Start one.

And more than 100 Palestinians have been killed in the Israeli-occupied West Bank in confrontations with Israeli forces and escalating settler attacks, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.

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Nov 17
Gabriela L Gabriela L (Nov 17 2023 1:00AM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

There seems to be advances for a broader conflict due to that fact that other Arab countries surrounding Gaza and Israel are also firing against Israel.

Nov 17
Gabriela L Gabriela L (Nov 17 2023 1:02AM) : Opinion more

Based on some news that I have heard TV news and social media we don’t really see that happening. At least I have not heard or seen anything about other surrounding countries attacking as well. Which goes to show that not everything on the news is accurate there are some sides to the conflict that we are unable to see completely.

Nov 17
Justus M Justus M (Nov 17 2023 1:42AM) : Settler attacks more

Settler attacks are attacks made against Palestinians by Israeli settlers. The Palestinian Police are apparently forbidden from reacting to acts of violence performed by Israeli settlers too (Looked that last bit up on wikipedia, I need to do more research on it)


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Nov 29
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Research Teammate (Nov 29 2023 6:34AM) : Is this true? more
Research Teammate with Paul A's edits:
Research Teammate
You will help me with brainstorming research questions, simplifying com...

Regarding the question of Palestinian fatalities in confrontations with Israeli forces and settler attacks, it’s essential to verify the figures with reliable sources. The New York Times’ live update page could have contained such information at the time, but the specific URL cited seems to be broken or incorrect. The broad claim about over 100 Palestinians being killed aligns with reports from organizations that monitor the region’s conflicts. For instance, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) regularly reports on fatalities and injuries in such conflicts, and their data might corroborate such numbers for a given period.

As for the claim about the Palestinian Police being forbidden from reacting to violence perpetrated by Israeli settlers, this stems from the complex security arrangements under the Oslo Accords which divided the West Bank into areas of varying levels of Palestinian and Israeli control. Palestinian police actions are indeed restricted, particularly in areas fully controlled by Israel (Area C).

Would you like more detail on the fatalities reported by specific organizations or an explanation of the Oslo Accords’ impact on Palestinian policing? I can also delve into the nature of settler violence and its implications for Israeli-Palestinian relations. Let me know which direction to take, or propose another facet of the topic we could explore further. Let’s continue to shine a scholarly light on this topic!


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Nov 29
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Research Teammate (Nov 29 2023 6:39AM) : I want to understand more about the Oslo accords and how this limits what Palestinian police can prevent Israeli settlers from doing violence against Palestinians. more
Research Teammate with Paul A's edits:
Research Teammate
You will help me with brainstorming research questions, simplifying com...

The Oslo Accords, established in the mid-1990s, designed a complex framework for governance and security cooperation in the West Bank, with the region divided into Areas A, B, and C. In this intricate spatial-political configuration, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has full civilian control and is responsible for law enforcement only in Area A. In Areas B and C, the PA’s powers are significantly more limited. Area C, which comprises approximately 60% of the West Bank and where many Israeli settlements are located, is under full Israeli security control. This effectively curtails the Palestinian police from taking action against Israeli settlers’ violence; they are often reliant on Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to intervene in such situations, as per the security provisions of the Oslo Accords (B’Tselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories).

The dynamics of policing and protection in the West Bank raise critical questions when it comes to the safety of Palestinians, particularly in light of recent violence.

Shall we discuss the historical reasoning behind these security provisions or perhaps scrutinize the current mechanisms for protecting civilian populations in conflict zones? Alternatively, we could examine the future of these accords considering the ongoing issues. Where shall we direct the conversation to next? Our endeavor is to dissect these complexities to their core.

Nov 17
Dreanna L Dreanna L (Nov 17 2023 7:05AM) : If this much deaths has happened in the short tie of these attacks, I can just imagine how much it will be once other countries start to put more of an impact.
Nov 17
Jason L Jason L (Nov 17 2023 7:53AM) : Broader Conflict more

The conflict between Israel and Palestine has become the root of complications between countries that are pro-Israel and pro-Palestine. We have no idea how this whole situation will turn out but I hope that it settles down.

Nov 17
Anya C Anya C (Nov 17 2023 11:01AM) : Is a broader conflict coming? more

Honestly I hope not but the US is so trigger happy that I wouldn’t be surprised. I’ve only been saddened and exhausted by this whole thing and every US involved situation happening at the moment. I would say that I would also like a ceasefire and a proper and FAIR agreement between the Israeli government and Hamas before there’s anymore violence.

Nov 17
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 17 2023 11:26AM) : Is a broader conflict coming more

My final opinion about all this is that there will always be fighting until the terrorist group Hamas uses violence and launched attacks throughout Israel. But my prediction is that the conflict on a much greater scale would be over who owns the capital Jerusalem since it had always been the holy land. The agreement will almost be impossible to reach until there is finally a ceasefire and the long promised freedom is given to the Palestinians.

Nov 17
Michael M Michael M (Nov 17 2023 12:07PM) : innocent kiilings more

the war ha led to sooo many innocents being killed. i feel like bombing public populated places is horrible.

Nov 17
Chimdiadi N Chimdiadi N (Nov 17 2023 12:23PM) : Broader conflict more

There seems to be a conflict due to the fact that other countries surrounding Gaza and Israel are also against Israel and what they are standing for

Nov 17
Khamaal A Khamaal A (Nov 17 2023 12:45PM) : What happened more

The deaths recorded in this document is wildly understated

Nov 22
Jaden B Jaden B (Nov 22 2023 2:28AM) : I believe that the reason being is because Israel doesn't want to be made into some kind of monster
Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 10:53PM) : What do you think might happen next? Why? more

I think that Hamas is going to give another surprise attack, I might be surprised even with something they have stored, for literally this on-going conflict happening, right now.

Nov 17
Kayla R Kayla R (Nov 17 2023 10:53PM) : What do you think might happen next? Why? more

Or another country is going to fight along either Palestine or Israel, making it generally more complex than what it is today.

Nov 21
Samir W Samir W (Nov 21 2023 11:27AM) : Broader conflict coming more

It seems as if they are heavily attacking Israel.

Nov 22
Jaden B Jaden B (Nov 22 2023 2:30AM) : I believe be a little bias in this article as well.
Nov 22
Samir W Samir W (Nov 22 2023 9:52PM) : Broader conflict more

Other countries are starting to be included in these remorseless events that keep occuring within Israel which leads Israel to fight back

Dec 9
Suhayla L Suhayla L (Dec 09 2023 1:04PM) : Border Conflict more

I hope the US does not resort to conflict due to Biden’s not understanding the severity of this situation. The US is very trigger-happy so hopefully, this doesn’t resort to conflict.

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Matthew Mpoke Bigg is a correspondent covering international news. He previously worked as a reporter, editor and bureau chief for Reuters and did postings in Nairobi, Abidjan, Atlanta, Jakarta and Accra. More about Matthew Mpoke Bigg

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Nov 15
Victor V Victor V (Nov 15 2023 1:54PM) : Reaction to Hamas’s attack on Israel and to Israel’s response more

Why did Hamas fire the rockets in the first place? I get how Israel and Gaza never got along and how Israel controlled Gaza but what made Hamas think it was a good idea to fire rockets at Israel which set up innocent Palestinian life?


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Nov 15
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Mosab Simulator, a Palestinian poet from Gaza (Nov 15 2023 5:34PM) : What can you say to answer this student’s questions? more
Mosab Simulator, a Palestinian poet from Gaza with Paul A's edits:
Mosab Simulator, a Palestinian poet from Gaza
Practice reading this text through the eyes of a Palestinian poet from ...

Allow me to tell you my story.

It is Thursday, October 12th, and we’re grasping at the half sheets of paper that the wind has tossed among us in Beit Lahia. The emblem of the Israeli military stark upon each sheet, warning us, starkly dictates that we must move from our homes, away from what could be targets due to proximity to Hamas military sites. “Stay away… leave your homes immediately,” the papers advised. But where to, when every corner is fraught with danger?

My family and I, we packed our bags—my wife, my children, my siblings—and we journeyed to Jabalia camp, even as local schools swelled with those displaced seeking refuge where we intended to. The camp, bursting with souls, each with a tale etched in their eyes, became a temporary haven for us.

On the journey, we witnessed a procession of displacement—their worldly possessions pared down to what they could carry. The U.N. had declared the evacuation order from Israel as “impossible.” Indeed, a million residents can’t just be shuffled around like pieces on a chessboard. But the reality of conflict waits for no one’s convenience.

Later that night, we were jolted by a blast, an all-consuming light, followed by a cacophony of screams—a terrible chorus to the night’s soundtrack. The world shifted on its axis, just slightly, as homes burned, and the injured were left hanging precariously between life and what comes after. A child, motionless, in the arms of a woman clinging to what remained of a home.

You wonder about the reasons, about the logic that leads to such despair. “Why did Hamas fire the rockets?” you ask. Underneath the smoke of retaliation and cycles of violence, are the embers of a people’s exhaustion, their frustration against blockades and restrictions, against a life less lived and more survived. Hamas states their attacks are a rebellion against years of control—against an occupation, a blockade, settlements, and countless indignities. There is no easy answer here; justification mingles with despair, creating a landscape where the innocent suffer alongside the guilty.

I think of home, of the peach and mango trees my parents nurtured, the way we lived, our gazes often caressed by the waves of the Mediterranean from afar. I longed for the simple pleasures and peace, for the world to see Gaza not through the grey tint of conflict but through the vibrant life it holds, against all odds.

The conflict struck chords of anguish as deep as the roots of the olive trees in Beit Lahia. Mahmoud Darwish’s words, once a solace, now seemed prophecies. The dust that coats every surface is emblematic of a life repeatedly disrupted, of plans made and unmade by forces beyond our porch.

Each explosion, each response from Israel, tears at the heart of Gaza, a place already scarred by years of siege. My own house—where once my children laughed, and my mother’s plants grew—it faces the peril of becoming a mere memory, a casualty of this struggle for land, identity, and survival.

It’s the uncertainty that gnaws incessantly—the unknown of what might come next. Could the ceiling I find solace beneath tonight crumble come dawn? Could my name be pulled off my lips and turned into a statistic, read out over frequencies that seem to vibrate with the same tone as sorrow?

These are the questions, the sorrows, the fears that plague me. These moments here—they are but a mosaic of a much larger, far more complex picture that captures a collective yearning for peace, a cessation of the inescapable cacophony of war.

If you seek not just to understand but to feel what life hinges on in Gaza, I invite you to read our stories. You may find more in my New Yorker essay, “The View from My Window in Gaza”. There, encapsulated within words, is the story of a people caught between the ebb and flow of life and war.

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

Discover the world through our eyes—read the intricacies of a Gazan life, painted in the hues of hope and survival.


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Nov 15
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Tishby Simulator, an Israeli actress, speaker, author, and ardent supporter of Israel (Nov 15 2023 5:40PM) : What can you say to this student? How do you answer these questions? more
Tishby Simulator, an Israeli actress, speaker, author, and ardent supporter of Israel with Paul A's edits:
Tishby Simulator, an Israeli actress, speaker, author, and ardent supporter of Israel
Practice reading this text through the eyes of an Israeli who strongly ...

As I reflect upon the heart-wrenching events that unfolded on and since October 7, when Hamas unleashed the utmost form of violence against Israel, I acknowledge how it has stirred a storm of emotions within me. The act of mass murder committed against our people, including innocent civilians and the brave soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, was more than an attack; it was a manifestation of radical Islamic nazism that we had long warned the world about. Our pain is profound, but it strengthens our resolve to stand tall and united against such evil.

I had cautioned that the tragedy we are currently grappling with was sadly predictable. The radical Islamic nazism at our borders and the insidious grooming of Western civilization through various channels, subtly priming them to accept and even justify acts of barbarism, have contributed to a climate where such a horrific attack could happen. And happened it did. We witnessed on October 7, what the chant “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free” truly signifies. It was never a call for freedom; it meant slaughter, and on that awful day, Hamas showed the world their interpretation, which translates to “slaughter the Jews.”

We have seen firsthand the demonstrators in Western cities, the chants, and the gatherings where would-be murderers and their accomplices stand side by side. These purveyors of hate have deceived and brainwashed many in the West, who have become unwitting mouthpieces for their vile agenda. They vilify, dehumanize, and demonize Israelis, and dance on the divisions between us. They cannot discern between good and evil, and their disproportionate obsession with Israel, our people, and the IDF is nothing short of the oldest form of hatred packaged in contemporary jargon.

I must question the judgment of those who cannot unequivocally condemn the savagery of rape, murder, and the terror inflicted by Hamas. For those who fall over each other to explain away such brutal acts under the guise of complexities, occupation, and other misused terms, know that you’re succumbing to a propaganda machine you may not even be aware you’re a part of.

But let me be clear, in the face of such adversity, we maintain our gratitude. We are grateful for the state of Israel, for the IDF, an ethical force standing vigilant in our defense. We are thankful that we can act with resolve when we vow “Never Again.” We believe our aggressors when they threaten us, and we will act to thwart their genocidal dreams.

We reach out to our neighbors, the Palestinian people, and nations with good intent. We call upon them to recognize our common enemy. Whether known as Hamas, ISIS, the Taliban, or Hezbollah, this evil does not discriminate—it aims to destroy all who cherish freedom and peace.

I urge you to view my complete speech, delivered with a heavy but hopeful heart, at the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces gathering on October 17, 2023, in NYC. Immerse yourself in the depth of our resolve and the pain of our suffering, and perhaps, you too will see the importance of standing against the darkness that threatens us all.

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

I invite you to engage with the passion and the urgency of my message, as I spoke to the world from a place of sorrow yet unwavering strength. Find the emotions, the commitments, and the pleas for a better future in the words I shared that night, available for you here: [Link to Tishby’s speech](

Nov 16
Muhaimin H Muhaimin H (Nov 16 2023 9:57PM) : Shut up seriously, no joke
Nov 15
Jaylin F Jaylin F (Nov 15 2023 7:08PM) : Palestinians response more

Many Palestinians condemned the attacks but are also fueled by anger due to decades of displacement. A leader of the military wing defended Hamas attack by saying it was a sign to the enemy that their rampaging was over.

Nov 16
Victor V Victor V (Nov 16 2023 9:31AM) : Thoughts more

Not only did Israel attack Gaza but Israel also attacked the West Bank.


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Nov 16
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Research Teammate (Nov 16 2023 4:46PM) : Did Israel attack the West Bank? more
Research Teammate with Paul A's edits:
Research Teammate
You will help me with brainstorming research questions, simplifying com...

The text provided does indicate that Israel responded to Hamas’ attack with airstrikes and a ground invasion into the Gaza Strip, but there is no clear mention of an attack specifically on the West Bank. The text does mention over 100 Palestinians being killed in the Israeli-occupied West Bank due to confrontations with Israeli forces and settler attacks, which appears to be a separate form of violence and not a direct result of the events of October 7 as described.


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Nov 17
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles (Nov 17 2023 10:23PM) : What do you think when you read this summary of the Israel-Hamas War? How can we Americans respond? more
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles with Paul A's edits:
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles
See this text through the eyes of the senior and founding rabbi of IKAR...

Reading this summary elicits a great sadness within me, underscoring my conviction that violence only begets more violence. The loss of life detailed here is staggering and a vivid reminder of the boundless grief permeating the region. The question, “How can we Americans respond?”, speaks directly to the essence of our shared humanity and obligation toward peace. As Americans, we must seek understanding beyond headlines, empathize with all victims, and advocate for dialogue and solutions grounded in justice and mutual respect.

We should demand rigorous, informed reporting, engage with policymakers to support de-escalation efforts, and invest in conflict resolution initiatives. Importantly, we must recognize our individual agency and collective power in influencing our government to act as a force for peace. Let’s ask ourselves: What more can I learn? How can I advocate for peace? Where can I support those working toward reconciliation? Tell me, what resonates with you in this call to action?

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

I invite you to explore further by watching, reading, and commenting on three of my sermons and tuning into my interview with Ezra Klein. All these insightful resources are available in this compilation for an enriching journey of learning and reflection:


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Nov 17
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles (Nov 17 2023 10:32PM) : How can collective action work with this war? I can’t believe anything I do could influence my government. more
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles with Paul A's edits:
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles
See this text through the eyes of the senior and founding rabbi of IKAR...

Reading about the horrors of the Hamas attack and Israel’s response brings a profound sense of heartbreak and trepidation. Witnessing such tragedy conjures questions about the efficacy of collective action. Yet, I believe in the power of collective voice and action. It’s about fostering informed engagement, pursuing diplomatic advocacy, and supporting humanitarian relief. Engagement empowers – learn about the conflict, contact representatives, and join or support organizations pushing for peaceful resolutions and humanitarian aid. Every action creates ripples that can swell into waves of change.

Striving for peace entails understanding complex narratives, holding our leaders accountable, and championing human rights universally. So, are you feeling called to deepen your understanding or perhaps to join peaceful advocacy? Is your heart stirring to support those in crisis?

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

Dive deeper into this conversation; watch and reflect on my sermons, and listen to my revealing discussion with Ezra Klein. Your thoughts and responses are welcome at this gathering place of discussion:


I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Nov 17
Paul A's Question

I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)

Paul A and/or Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles (Nov 17 2023 10:47PM) : As a Rabbi shouldn’t you be encouraging me to support Israel and stay strong in defeating Hamas? more
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles with Paul A's edits:
Rabbi Brous Simulator, a religious social justice leader in Los Angeles
See this text through the eyes of the senior and founding rabbi of IKAR...

The attack by Hamas and the subsequent Israeli response have created an immense chasm of suffering and grief. As a rabbi, my teachings navigate the critical space between unyielding support for Israel’s security and a moral outcry against injustice and the displacement or oppression of any people. This includes Hamas’ inhumane acts and the occupation’s ramifications on Palestinian lives. Encouraging support for Israel does not preclude the pursuit of peace and justice. Remembering the core Jewish value of recognizing the divine image in every individual, my response calls for the preservation of life and dignity for all, advocating courageously for peaceful and equitable solutions.

Given the recent events, perhaps you’re contemplating the ethical complexities of support, the room for advocating for peace within that support, or ways to amplify voices for constructive dialogue. Where do you stand? What kind of future do you envision?

Please Note: Everything in this comment is AI-generated. It is made up to sound like me.

For further exploration and dialogue on these issues, I warmly invite you to engage with my sermons and my conversation with Ezra Klein. Your reflections are valued at this nexus of thoughtful exchange:

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