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Picture Prompts by The Learning Network at The New York Times

Author: The Learning Network at The New York Times

"Picture Prompts." The New York Times,


Boys and Cologne

Do the teen and tween boys you know love high-end fragrances?

A smiling young boy with braces holds two bottles of cologne up to his eyes and looks through them.
Credit: Evan Jenkins for The New York Times

By The Learning Network

May 21, 2024

According to a recent Times article, teen boys’ annual spending on fragrance rose 26 percent in the year ending in March. Axe, Old Spice and Bath & Body Works fell in its rankings of teens boys’ favorite fragrance brands, while luxury brands including Valentino and Jean Paul Gaultier climbed.

Do you know any tween or teen boys who covet — or use — high-end colognes? Do you use them yourself? What are your favorites? Why do you like them?

In general, what do you think is behind the trend of 11-to-15-year-olds — boys and girls — buying expensive cosmetics? How does this trend play out among the people you know?

Tell us in the comments, then read the related article to learn more.


Up, Up and Away!

Tell us a story, real or made up, that is inspired by this image.

A colorful house, a replica of the dwelling featured in the Pixar animated film rUp,r is attached to a large collection of balloons. The whole thing is suspended by a crane over a desert setting in New Mexico.
In this promotional image provided by Airbnb, a replica of the house from the Pixar film “Up” is lifted by a crane in New Mexico. Credit: Ryan Lowry/Airbnb

By The Learning Network

May 17, 2024

Use your imagination to write the opening of a short story or poem inspired by this photo, or write about a memory from your own life that this image makes you think of.

Tell us in the comments, then read the related article to learn more.


One Seat

What do you think this image is communicating?

An illustration showing a single seat in the middle of a classroom and a crowd of people scrambling to get to it.
Credit: Illustrations by Pete Gamlen

By The Learning Network

May 9, 2024

What do you think this image is saying? How does it relate to or comment on society or current events? Can you relate to it personally? What is your opinion of its message?

Tell us in the comments, then read the related guest essay to learn more.


Cicadas for Dinner

Would you eat a cicada — or any other type of bug? If so, how would you like it cooked?

A close photograph of a single red-eyed cicada holding onto a blade of grass.
Cicadas are noisy, but harmless, and can be foraged and cooked at any point in their life cycles. Credit: Sean Rayford/Getty Images

By The Learning Network

Published May 8, 2024Updated May 9, 2024

Over the next six weeks or so, a trillion cicadas will emerge across the Midwest and Southeast for a brief, raucous, once-in-a-lifetime bender.

Joseph Yoon is a chef who promotes an appreciation of edible insects through his business Brooklyn Bugs. Here is how a recent Times article describes some of the meals he makes with these creatures:

For his ramp and cicada kimchi, he leaves the insects whole and intact in their crackling shells so they’re slowly permeated with a spicy fermenting juice, and serves it with a wobble of soft tofu and warm rice. He fries cicadas to make tempura, folds sautéed cicadas into Spanish tortillas with potato and onion, and bakes cheesy casseroles with cicada-stuffed pasta shells.

Would you eat a cicada — or any other type of bug? According to the article, about two billion people around the world regularly do. If you were to eat a bug, which would you choose, and how might you like it cooked?

Tell us in the comments, then read the related article to learn more.


Public Selfies

Tell us a story, real or made up, that is inspired by this image.

A brightly colored, cartoonlike illustration of a crowd taking selfies, their cameras obscuring both their faces as well as the large painting behind them.
Credit: María Jesús Contreras

By The Learning Network

March 22, 2024

Use your imagination to write the opening of a short story or poem inspired by this illustration or, describe a memory from your own life that this image makes you think of.

Tell us in the comments, then read the related Opinion essay to learn more.

DMU Timestamp: May 09, 2024 04:21

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