Symptoms of Burnout
● What are 3 words/ideas that come to mind?
● What are 2 questions you have?
● What is 1 metaphor or simile?
● Trouble concentrating
● Absenteeism/Presenteeism
● Job dissatisfaction
● Frequent headaches
● A sense of incompetence and a lack of accomplishment
● Cynicism characterized by a lack of interest in work
● Both mental and physical exhaustion
● Irritable
● Disillusionment
"Burnout is not a badge of honor; it's a signal that we need to prioritize our well-being and seek balance in our lives." - Unknown
● Trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep
● Using food, alcohol, or drugs to feel better
● Increased heart rate
● Stomach and bowel pain
● Depression
● Type 2 diabetes
Once upon a time in a bustling city, there was a dedicated worker named Alex. Alex loved their job, but over time, the pressures and demands began to take a toll. Alex started feeling constantly tired, dragging themselves out of bed each morning, and the workday felt like an endless marathon. This exhaustion wasn't just physical; it seeped into their emotions, making them feel detached and cynical about their once-loved job.
As the days went by, Alex noticed more troubling signs. Sleep became elusive, headaches frequent, and concentrating on tasks felt like an uphill battle. In an attempt to cope, Alex turned to comfort foods and occasional drinks, but these only provided temporary relief. It wasn't until Alex realized that these were symptoms of burnout that they decided to seek help. By addressing the root causes and finding healthier ways to manage stress, Alex began to reclaim their sense of well-being and joy in their work.
Which of the following is a mental sign that could indicate burnout is approaching?
Which of the following is a physical symptom of burnout?
● What are 3 words/ideas that come to mind now?
● What are 2 questions you now have?
● What is 1 metaphor or simile?
● How do these responses compare to your first set of response?
Using your new knowledge of the symptoms of burnout, construct 3-5 days worth of dairy writings from the perspective of someone suffering from burnout.
A Diary Entry
Today, I woke up feeling completely drained, as if I had not slept at all. My thoughts wandered during meetings, making it difficult to focus on any task. The headaches are becoming increasingly frequent, and I find myself turning to comfort foods and drinks for relief. I am dissatisfied with my job, and the feeling of uselessness is overwhelming.
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