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SLG Literature v2 DRAFT

Student Learning Goals: Literature

Collaborating in a Community of Readers and Writers
Contributing to Our Community I contribute to maintaining a classroom community that feels safe, where everyone is able to take risks and grow.
Collaborating Effectively I work with partners and groups in ways that are both respectful and risk-taking.
Participating Thoughtfully I make my thinking count in discussions, as a speaker and a listener. I share my reading confusions and understandings to get and give help. I listen and learn from the reading confusions and understandings of others.
Building a Literacy Context I understand and use the shared literacy vocabulary of our classroom.
Being Open to New Ideas I appreciate and evaluate alternative viewpoints.
Developing a Literacy Agenda I read to understand how literacy opens and closes doors in people’s lives.
Sharing Books I talk about books I am reading to involve others in what the books have to offer.
Writing to Communicate I write to communicate my ideas to others.
Building Personal Engagement
Knowing My Reader Identity I am aware of my reading preferences, habits, strengths, weaknesses, and attitudes—my Reader Identity.
Practicing I put effort into practicing new reading strategies so that they become automatic.
Digging In I am increasing my confidence and persistence for digging into text that seems difficult or boring.
Building Silent Reading Fluency I read more smoothly and quickly, so I get more pages read.
Building Oral Reading Fluency I read aloud more fluently and expressively.
Increasing Stamina I set and meet stretch goals to read for longer and longer periods.
Increasing Range I set and meet stretch goals for extending the range of what I read.
Choosing Books (SSR+) I use tools I have learned for choosing a book that’s right for me.
Taking Power I read to understand how what I read applies to me and gives me power.
Reflecting on My Evolving Reader Identity I reflect in discussions and in writing on my growth as a reader—my evolving Reader Identity.
Writing to Reflect I use writing to step back and think about what I am learning.
Making Thinking Visible
Monitoring I monitor my reading processes and identify problems.
Repairing Comprehension I know what strategies to use to get back on track.
Talking to Understand Reading I talk about my reading processes to understand them better.
Writing to Understand Reading I write about my reading processes to understand them better.
Using Cognitive Strategies to Increase Comprehension: Literature
Setting a Reading Purpose I set a purpose for reading a text and keep it in mind while I read.
Choosing a Reading Process I vary my reading process to fit my reading purpose.
Previewing I preview text that is long or appears to be challenging, to mobilize strategies for dealing with it.
Identifying and Evaluating Roadblocks I identify specific reading roadblocks and decide what to do.
Tolerating Ambiguity I tolerate ambiguity or confusion in understanding a text while I work on making sense of it.
Clarifying I work to clear up a reading confusion‐whether it is a word, a sentence, an idea, or missing background information that I need to find.
Using Context I use context to clarify confusions by reading on and rereading.
Making Connections I make connections from texts to my experience and knowledge.
Chunking I break difficult text into smaller pieces to better understand the whole.
Visualizing I try to see in my mind what the author is describing.
Listening for Voice I listen for the author’s voice or the voices of characters to help me engage with a text.
Questioning I ask myself questions when I don’t understand. I ask myself questions about the author’s idea, story, or text, and I know where to find the answers—whether in my mind, the text, other texts, other people, or a combination of these. I ask inquiry questions when something I read makes me want to know more.
Predicting I use what I understand in the reading to predict what might come next.
Organizing Ideas and Information I use graphic organizers to sort out ideas or items of information to see how they are related.
Paraphrasing I restate a sentence or an idea from a text in my own words.
Getting the Gist I read and answer in my own words the question, “What do I know so far?”
Summarizing I boil down what I read to the key points.
Sequencing I order events in time to understand their relationships.
Comparing and Contrasting I make comparisons to identify similarities and differences.
Identifying Cause and Effect I find conditions or events that contribute to or cause particular outcomes.
Using Evidence I use evidence to build and support my understanding of texts and concepts.
Rereading I reread to build understanding and fluency.
Writing to Clarify Understanding I write about what I think I know to make it clearer to myself.
Building Knowledge: Literature
Mobilizing Schema I use my relevant networks of background knowledge, or schema, so that new information has something to connect to and is easier to understand.
Building and Revising Schema I add to and revise my schema as I learn more.
Synthesizing I look for relationships among my ideas, ideas from texts, and ideas from discussions.
Writing to Consolidate Knowledge I use writing to capture and lock in new knowledge.
Building Knowledge . . . About Text: Literature
Text Structure I use my knowledge of literary genres and subgenres to predict how ideas are organized.
Text Features I use my knowledge of text features such as chapter titles, stage directions, and dialogue to support my understanding.
Point of View I use my understanding that authors write with a purpose and for particular audiences to identify and evaluate the author’s point of view.
Building Knowledge . . . About Language: Literature
Word Analysis I use my knowledge of word roots, prefixes, and suffixes to figure out new words.
Referents I use my knowledge of pronouns and other referents to find and substitute the word that a pronoun or other word is standing for.
Signal Words and Punctuation (Text Signals) I use my knowledge of signal words and punctuation to predict a definition, results or conclusions, examples, sequence, comparison, contrast, a list, or an answer.
Contextual Redefinition I know that when familiar terms are used in unfamiliar ways, I can redefine them in context to clear up confusion.
Sentence Structure I use my knowledge of sentence structure to help me understand difficult text.
Word-Learning Strategies List I use strategies to learn new words in the texts I read.
Building Knowledge . . . About the Discipline of Literature
Literary Genres I can identify and use diverse literary genres and subgenres.
Literary Themes I recognize universal literary themes—such as good versus evil, ideal versus flawed behavior, and psychological growth and change—and I know how to trace their development.
Literary Structures I understand how different literary structures—such as plot, stanza, and act—organize and contribute to the meaning of a piece of literature.
Literary Commentary I recognize how literature may incorporate or promote social, historical, economic, political, and cultural commentary, either transparently or through figuration such as irony, allegory, and symbolism.
Literary Movements I can identify how a piece of literature is affected by literary movements such as transcendentalism, romanticism, realism, and feminism.
Narrative Voice I understand narrative voice (first-person, third-person, third-person omniscient, unreliable narrator) and authorial voice, including relationships between author and narrator.
Language Choices I can identify and use imagery, tone, dialogue, rhythm, and syntax to shape meaning.
Literary Inquiry I understand that literature invites inference and interpretation within and across texts and experiences. I offer and also consider others’ evidence-based inferences and interpretations.
Literary Identity I am aware of my evolving identity as a reader and writer of literary forms.
Scientific Identity I am aware of my evolving identity as a reader and consumer of science.

Reading for Understanding, pp.310-313

DMU Timestamp: April 25, 2016 20:41

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