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Before Hip Hop 2

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Close Reading Activity:

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You will want to read the text completely through for understanding first.

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On the second reading please do the following:

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1. Hightlight the claim and explain why you think it is the claim

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2. Highlight two sentences that support the central claim

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3. Highlight and explain one rhetorical device that the author uses to make their point.

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Before Hip-Hop Was Hip-Hop

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Way back then, in what today’s ninth graders might call the ancient eighties, there was no MTV or VH-1. We found out about music by listening to the radio, flipping through the stacks at the record store, or buying “mix tapes” from local deejays at two dollars apiece. Back then, we carried combs in our back pockets and clipped long strands of feathers to the belt loops of our designer jeans. We wore our names in cursive gold letters around our necks or in big brass letters on our belt buckles. We picked up words and inverted them, calling something that we thought was really cool, “hot,” and something that had a whole lot of life, “def.”

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Sep 26
Langston Geisinger Langston Geisinger (Sep 26 2016 1:19PM) : Support 1. more

I believe that this sentence could be used as support for his claim. He tells us how and what they did that lead to “one of America’s most significant cultural revolutions”. I know it’s before the claim but there aren’t any rules against giving evidence before, right? :)

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We didn’t know a whole new language was rolling off our tongues as we flipped English upside down and pulled some Spanish and even a few words from Africa into our parlance. We didn’t know that young people for years to come would recycle our fashions and sample the bass lines from our favorite tracks. We thought we were just being kids and expressing ourselves, showing the grown-ups we were different from them in a way that was safe and fun. In fact we were at the epicenter of one of America’s most significant cultural revolutions, making it happen. Who knew?

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Sep 20
Kaela Ritchie Kaela Ritchie (Sep 20 2016 10:03AM) : I think this is the claim because it talks about how they didn't know they were starting a significant cultural revolution.
Sep 20
Madison Asbury Madison Asbury (Sep 20 2016 10:26AM) : This is the claim since it says that they didn't know that people would continue using their style for years. [Edited]
Sep 20
Ms. Malinda Wadholm Ms. Malinda Wadholm (Sep 20 2016 12:41PM) : I think this is a claim because they didn't know what was a different fashion or different language they made up.
Sep 27
Marcus Pappas Marcus Pappas (Sep 27 2016 11:23AM) : I think this is the claim. He claims that they were the "epicenter of one of America's most significant cultural revolutions."
Sep 28
Miriam Codreanu Miriam Codreanu (Sep 28 2016 9:12PM) : This is the claim more

This is the claim because the author explains the situation and the ideas that were expressed in that time.

Oct 2
Breanna Greer Breanna Greer (Oct 02 2016 3:59PM) : I think this is the claim because the author tells what the situation is and what ideas were expressed at the time.
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Oct 2
Claudia Mouser Claudia Mouser (Oct 02 2016 12:23AM) : Rhetorical device. more

It is stating that our generation is greatly influenced by the ’80s. This supports my original claim.

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Oct 6
Marion (Molly) Courten Marion (Molly) Courten (Oct 06 2016 4:38PM) : Claim more

I think that this is the claim because it says that they where just expressing themselves and having fun and not knowing they where right in the middle of a huge cultural revolution.

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Sep 20
Marina Hergert Marina Hergert (Sep 20 2016 7:49PM) : Claim more

This is what I think is the claim. This is the claim because it shows the whole idea of the essay-that the author and his/her friends were part of a “cultural revolution,” as they found who they were through hip-hop.

Sep 26
Corbin Cockerill Corbin Cockerill (Sep 26 2016 11:45AM) : Claim more

I think that this sentence is the claim of the story because this sentence brought all of the thoughts that were stated before together. It also gives some foreshadowing of what will be in the rest of the story.

Sep 26
Langston Geisinger Langston Geisinger (Sep 26 2016 1:08PM) : Claim more

I believe the whole paragraph could be considered the claim but he consolidates it into this sentence. He is trying to tell us that kids at the time didn’t know they were starting a “cultural revolution” but, his claim is when he actually states that they were at the epicenter of it.

Sep 26
Time Traveller Sophia Janicki Time Traveller Sophia Janicki (Sep 26 2016 5:41PM) : I think that this is the claim because it states what the rest of the page will be based around.
Sep 26
Time Traveller Sophia Janicki Time Traveller Sophia Janicki (Sep 26 2016 5:51PM) : The "who knew" is what I am speaking of.
Sep 27
David K David K (Sep 27 2016 11:35AM) : This is the claim because the whole article supports this sentence.
Sep 28
Miriam Codreanu Miriam Codreanu (Sep 28 2016 9:13PM) : This sentence shows the claims main idea about being in the center of a revolution.
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Sep 20
Marina Hergert Marina Hergert (Sep 20 2016 7:57PM) : Rhetorical Device more

The author uses this question, “who knew?” as a rhetorical question. here is no real answer, he’s just getting you ready for what you will be hearing in the essay.

Sep 26
Corbin Cockerill Corbin Cockerill (Sep 26 2016 11:48AM) : Rhetorical Device more

This is a Rhetorical Device because there will be no answer to the question “Who knew”

Sep 26
Langston Geisinger Langston Geisinger (Sep 26 2016 1:26PM) : Rhetorical Device more

It’s rhetorical because he’s restating that they didn’t know they were starting the trends and the “cultural revolution”.

Sep 26
Time Traveller Sophia Janicki Time Traveller Sophia Janicki (Sep 26 2016 5:49PM) : This is the rhetorical base because it is an unanswered question that ties into the point.
Sep 27
David K David K (Sep 27 2016 11:40AM) : A rhetorical device is a way of saying things used by authors to enforce their point to the readers, and draw the reader in. more

Almost all the sentences start with “we didn’t know.” Then the author says it again at the end with “who knew?”

Sep 28
Alyson Chatterton Alyson Chatterton (Sep 28 2016 1:24PM) : Rhetorical device more

The rhetorical device used is the question “Who knew?” because it doesn’t have a specific answer. This question wasn’t meant to have an answer, it was meant to get you ready for the discussion that you were about to read.

Sep 30
Saucedog Jessica Jessica Kreiner Saucedog Jessica Jessica Kreiner (Sep 30 2016 1:00AM) : The kids were oblivious to how all these cultures and self-expressionism uniting allowed them to change America. But they didn't know at the time. They were just being unique, to be kids, and because of that they changed America. more

“Who knew?”

Who knew that that generation was going to be a major turning point for America? Who knew that all of these different cultures and languages they were tying into were a part of that change?

That is what the author is trying to get you to ponder in this entire document. Of course, those two words alone wouldn’t have been enough to be considered a claim, so I believe that the author used all of those other sentences in the first and second paragraphs to piece together a quick summary of those questions. But then he summarizes it even more by saying, “Who knew?” That was the biggest thing about this “cultural revolution”. The kids didn’t know that they were changing history, they were just being unique, to be kids, and because of that they changed America.

Oct 6
Marion (Molly) Courten Marion (Molly) Courten (Oct 06 2016 4:40PM) : Nice explanation!
Oct 6
Marion (Molly) Courten Marion (Molly) Courten (Oct 06 2016 4:43PM) : Rhetorical Device more

In this sentence the author is asking a question that has no real answer but is put there for narrative purposes.

Not me.

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When I moved from Washington DC to the Bronx the summer before seventh grade, I had one box of records, mostly albums I had ordered from the Columbia Record Club. In 1982, if you promised to buy a record a month for one whole year, the Club sent you eight records for a penny. I had Bruce Springsteen’s “The River,” REO Speedwagon’s “The Letter,” “Belladonna” by Stevie Nicks. I had “Stairway to Heaven,” by Led Zeppelin and the soundtrack from the movie Saturday Night Fever, which I played so many times I thought my mother would go crazy from listening to me belt out the lyrics with those lanky, swanky Bee Gees.

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Along with my albums I had loads of 45s, what today we would call singles, little records with just two songs on them, that I bought at the record store near my school for just a dollar a piece. I had Chaka Khan’s “I’m Every Woman,” and Luther Vandross’ “Never Too Much,” and Chuck Brown and Soul Searcher’s big hit, “Bustin’ Loose.” I had Michael Jackson’s “Rock with You” and even Aretha Franklin’s cover of “You Make me Feel Like a Natural Woman” which I sang along to in the mornings as I styled my hair.

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If you had asked me then about rap music I would have shrugged my shoulders and looked at you like you were crazy. Rap music? What’s that?

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But then I started seventh grade and my whole world turned upside down. At Public School 141, I went to classes with kids from all over the Bronx. There were kids whose families came from Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, and kids whose families came from Russian and China. There were kids who were African-American and kids who were Irish-American, kids who were Italian-American and kids who were Greek-American. There were kids whose families were poor, kids whose families were well off, and kids whose families were somewhere in between. Some were Jewish, and others devout Catholics. Some were Muslim. Some of the Asian kids were even Buddhist.

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Sep 27
Marcus Pappas Marcus Pappas (Sep 27 2016 11:25AM) : He uses repetition to make a point.
Sep 30
Saucedog Jessica Jessica Kreiner Saucedog Jessica Jessica Kreiner (Sep 30 2016 1:01AM) : "There were kids..." more

There’s so much to say in this paragraph. For starters, the author is using a pretty strong rhetorical device – repetition. To show how many different types of people there were in this school, the author begins each describing sentence with the words, “There were kids”, and then goes on to describe what types of kids there were.

This goes on to prove my next point, evidence. I would qualify this as sustainable evidence towards what I believe to be the authors claim (the kids were oblivious to how all these cultures and self-expressionism uniting allowed them to change America). It is a bit more entry-level, but there were so many different, unique, people in that school and that’s where the change took place. The author dramatizes this by starting out each sentence with “There were kids”.

Oct 6
Marion (Molly) Courten Marion (Molly) Courten (Oct 06 2016 4:44PM) : Wow.
Oct 10
English Teacher Tara Bastian English Teacher Tara Bastian (Oct 10 2016 2:34PM) : Good job justifying your answer Jessica
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Sep 20
Gabbi Mendoza Gabbi Mendoza (Sep 20 2016 8:30PM) : Rhetorical Device more

The author puts the same words(“kids who were…”) in front of every country to make it stick in your brain better.

Sep 21
Moira Haskett Moira Haskett (Sep 21 2016 4:12PM) : Rhetorical device. more

This shows the point that hip hop was created from a lot of diversity while using literary repetition.

Sep 26
Langston Geisinger Langston Geisinger (Sep 26 2016 1:32PM) : Rhetorical Device more

I’m agreeing here since I’m not sure I would have noticed without Gabbi saying it but yes it’s rhetorical.
He’s restating that there were many different kids of different ethnicity.

Sep 28
Miriam Codreanu Miriam Codreanu (Sep 28 2016 9:15PM) : Rhetorical Device more

The author repeats and adds detail to this idea to make it stick in your brain.

Oct 2
Breanna Greer Breanna Greer (Oct 02 2016 4:13PM) : This is rhetorical because he is saying that there are many kids from different ethnicity.
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The charge created by so many different elements coming together was palpable. The school crackled with energy, and as you can imagine, things weren’t always smooth. There were some pretty entrenched cliques, and a few vicious fights on the schoolyard. But there was also so much “flavor.” You could hear Spanish spoken with a thick “Nuyorican” accent to a kid wearing a “yamulke.” A seemingly reserved Asian-American girl would get out of her parents’ car, wait for them to drive off, and then unzip her coat to reveal a fire engine red Adidas sweatsuit. A guy in a preppy, button down shirt would “sport” gold chains with pendants of every denomination: the Jewish Star of David, the Arabic lettering for Allah, and a shiny gold cross. He was everything, that was his “steelo,” and everyone gave him “props” for it.

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Sep 20
Ms. Malinda Wadholm Ms. Malinda Wadholm (Sep 20 2016 12:40PM) : This supports my claim of how they made up different creativity arts using their clothes.
Oct 2
Breanna Greer Breanna Greer (Oct 02 2016 4:16PM) : This supports the claim because it describes how during their revolution they made these new things.
Oct 6
Marion (Molly) Courten Marion (Molly) Courten (Oct 06 2016 4:49PM) : Supporting Evidence more

This paragraph supports the theme that they where just having fun and being different from the world around them.

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Sep 20
Kaela Ritchie Kaela Ritchie (Sep 20 2016 10:10AM) : This is what supports the claim.
Sep 26
Corbin Cockerill Corbin Cockerill (Sep 26 2016 12:22PM) : Supports Claim more

This supports my claim because it is expressing how they had created all these new things during their revolution.

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When I got to 141, I felt like a blank canvas. Nothing had prepared me for the dynamism, the screaming self-_expression of the place and its students. For the first few weeks I secretly studied the habits of the seventh, eighth and ninth graders with whom I walked the halls and shared the cafeteria. I was transfixed by the way they infused their words with attitude and drama, moving their hands and heads as they spoke. I was captivated by the way many of them walked and ran and joked with each other with confidence and bravado. I noted what they wore and how they wore it: the razor sharp creases of their Jordache jeans, the spotless sneakers with the laces left loose and untied.

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Oct 6
Marion (Molly) Courten Marion (Molly) Courten (Oct 06 2016 4:51PM) : Supporting Evidence more

This supports the claim in that again they where just having fun and expressing themselves through clothing and music.

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Sep 21
Moira Haskett Moira Haskett (Sep 21 2016 4:09PM) : Claim support. more

I feel like this supports the statement that diversity was what hip hop was created from.

Sep 26
Time Traveller Sophia Janicki Time Traveller Sophia Janicki (Sep 26 2016 5:45PM) : This explains the just impact of the music, how it was its own form of self expression.
Sep 27
David K David K (Sep 27 2016 12:01PM) : This supports that they were at the epicenter of a cultural revolution. more

Dynamism is changing things and a revolution is changing things as well. The epicenter is that this is the place and the culture is made by the students.

Sep 28
Miriam Codreanu Miriam Codreanu (Sep 28 2016 9:19PM) : This supports the claim more

This supports the claim because it tells us that the school was very creative, filled with many different people, the starting of a new world.

Sep 30
Saucedog Jessica Jessica Kreiner Saucedog Jessica Jessica Kreiner (Sep 30 2016 1:02AM) : A smaller piece of evidence, but the author uses this to support the fact that these kids were seeking to express themselves, and in doing so the various cultures and peoples created intense dynamism.
Oct 2
Breanna Greer Breanna Greer (Oct 02 2016 4:17PM) : This supports the claim because it talks about how kids found ways to express themselves.
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Slowly, I began to add some of what I saw into my “look.” I convinced my grandmother to buy me a name chain to wear around my neck, and my stepmother to buy me dark dyed designer jeans. I bought my first pair of Nike sneakers, red, white and blue Air Cortezes, with money I saved from my allowance.

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One by one, I started to make friends --Diane, Loida, James, Jesus, Maya. When James and Jesus weren’t making fun of me for being so “square,” they took me to parties on the Grand Concourse, the big boulevard lined with old apartment buildings and department stores that ran through the Bronx. The parties were incredible, filled with young people who didn’t drink, smoke or fight, but who just wanted to dance and laugh and ooh and ahhh over the “scratching” sounds and funky beats the DJ’s coaxed out of their turntables.

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Sep 20
Marina Hergert Marina Hergert (Sep 20 2016 7:53PM) : Claim Evidence more

This supports the claim because it tells how the kids of the eighties made their own way, choosing to be themselves, and deciding what they wanted to be like. They were in fact creating their own lifestyle.

Oct 2
Claudia Mouser Claudia Mouser (Oct 02 2016 12:07AM) : Supporting sentence more

This generation was bringing new music to fame.

A lot of the kids at the parties were “breakers” or “poppers and lockers,” which meant they could breakdance, a style of movement that blends the Brazilian martial art of Capoeira with a dance called the Robot, and incorporates classical dance moves as well. The “breakers” moved in “crews” that competed against each other. Standing in a circle we watched as members of the different groups “moonwalked” into the center, and then hurled themselves to the floor, spinning on their heads, kicking their legs into the air, and making elaborate hand gestures, each more intricate and acrobatic than the last. Everyone at the party who wasn’t “breaking” was a judge by default, and we registered our scores by clapping and yelling.

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Sep 20
Ms. Malinda Wadholm Ms. Malinda Wadholm (Sep 20 2016 12:44PM) : They did different things and had different tastes of doing different moves and other places that they had with jobs. including paragraph 19 and 18
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Oct 2
Claudia Mouser Claudia Mouser (Oct 02 2016 12:08AM) : Supporting sentence more

These dance moves are a big part of hip-hop.

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When Loida and Diane weren’t “capping on” or making fun of my clothes, they were “hipping” me to Kiss 98.7 and WBLS, the radio stations that had started to slip some of the songs we liked into their rotation. Songs like Planet Rock by Soul Sonic Force and Take Me Home by Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jam. After school and on the weekends, they took me to the street vendors that sold the accessories we all coveted: the big knockoff Porsche sunglasses everybody wanted but not everybody could afford, and the heavy gold chains people collected around their necks like so many pieces of string. Loida and Diane also took me around the city on the bus, familiarizing me with the routes of the M1 and M3 and M7, showing me all the different neighborhoods like Little Italy and Chinatown, Bed-Stuy and Harlem.

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Sep 27
David K David K (Sep 27 2016 12:05PM) : This sentence shows that people were exploring to find different ways to express themselves using different cultures to make a new one. more

It was the epicenter of cultural revolution because of all the different cultures represented in one place.

I remember looking out the big sliding glass windows of the bus at the lines drawn in concrete and glass and thinking that while the world outside seemed so divided, inside, in my circle, amongst my friends, those lines didn’t seem to exist. Loida was Dominican and Diane was Puerto Rican. Our friend Mary was Irish-American, and Lisa was Italian-American. Maya’s family was from Haiti. Julius was Russian-American. We were different ages, with different likes and dislikes, but we were united in our love of hip-hop. We loved the “dope” beats, the ever changing and ever expanding lexicon, the outrageous dance moves, the cocky swagger, the feeling that we were part of something dynamic and “fresh” that was bigger than any one of us. That world, that other realm that we created on the streets and in our minds, that streamed from the radio in the privacy of our bedrooms and coursed between us as we talked on the phone, that was where we lived.

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Sep 20
Kaela Ritchie Kaela Ritchie (Sep 20 2016 10:14AM) : This sentence supports the claim.
Sep 30
Saucedog Jessica Jessica Kreiner Saucedog Jessica Jessica Kreiner (Sep 30 2016 1:03AM) : Hip-Hop Friendship. more

I really appreciated this paragraph. The author names off all these friends that they had made and states their heritage and lineage. They all came from different places, but there were uniting despite the divided outside world. And they were uniting for one sole purpose, hip-hop (I’m guessing that this hip-hop that the author is making out in the entire document is a sort of musical culture created by all of these different cultures connecting).

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Sep 19
Jesse Beers Jesse Beers (Sep 19 2016 9:25PM) : The sentence supports the claim because it talks about how even though they were very different, they were united through their love of music.
Sep 20
Marina Hergert Marina Hergert (Sep 20 2016 7:55PM) : Claim Evidence more

The kids of the eighties made their own type of culture, coming from everywhere, yet accepting everyone and their background.

Sep 26
Corbin Cockerill Corbin Cockerill (Sep 26 2016 12:30PM) : Supports Claim more

This supports the claim because they were all different, but all part of the cultural revolution.

Sep 26
Time Traveller Sophia Janicki Time Traveller Sophia Janicki (Sep 26 2016 5:47PM) : It shows how through hip hop, culture was blended from a mutual interest.
Sep 28
Miriam Codreanu Miriam Codreanu (Sep 28 2016 9:44PM) : Supporting Sentence of the claim more

This shows the new lifestyle that connected everyone to to Hip-hop.

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Sep 19
Jesse Beers Jesse Beers (Sep 19 2016 11:47PM) : The rhetorical device helps the author make his point by helping us acknowledge that hip-hop helped them create their own world inside their minds and on the streets.
Oct 10
English Teacher Tara Bastian English Teacher Tara Bastian (Oct 10 2016 2:30PM) : Okay, but what is the rhetorical device? There were options to choose from in the reading in the text book. Parallelism, Rhetorical question, repetition?

That was where we felt free.

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Looking back on it now, I can see that hip-hop was born of the diversity I found at 141. Unlike the hip-hop of today, it didn’t come pre-packaged from a marketing department with millions of dollars to spend. Our hip-hop was the product of a bunch of kids from a bunch of different places trying to talk to each other, trying to create a common language that could cut through the many languages people spoke at home. Intuitively, kids were making a community where there was none; we were affirming our sameness in a world that seemed to only emphasize our difference. That desire to come together irrespective of superficial differences and sometimes in celebration of them, was what gave hip-hop authenticity, that was what kept it honest and as crucial to our well being as food. It’s what kept it real.

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Sep 20
Gabbi Mendoza Gabbi Mendoza (Sep 20 2016 8:49PM) : Claim more

This is what the author brought to the life of hip-hop.

Sep 26
Langston Geisinger Langston Geisinger (Sep 26 2016 1:57PM) : Claim 2? more

I think that overall his (sorry, just realizing I’m saying he every time without knowing if the author is male or female) point is that the people at that time didn’t know they were setting an example for future generations on trends and things but, the story is called “Before Hip-Hop was Hip-Hop” so this is where the author claims what Hip-Hop came from the diversity of people. This is a second claim on Hip-Hop when the first was one their differences and what they did. Maybe it’s the same thing and this could be support? I’m just speculating but my main point was that I noticed this could be a claim also. :p

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Sep 21
Moira Haskett Moira Haskett (Sep 21 2016 4:08PM) : Claim. more

I think that this is the claim because it states how the author believes hip hop came about.

Sep 28
Alyson Chatterton Alyson Chatterton (Sep 28 2016 1:11PM) : Support 1 more

I think that this supports the claim that I chose because it talks about how different the people were. but that they all had something in common which was the music.

Oct 2
Claudia Mouser Claudia Mouser (Oct 02 2016 12:04AM) : Claim more

In this paper the writer mainly focused on the culture and how it formed hip-hop. I think this is the claim.

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Sep 19
Jesse Beers Jesse Beers (Sep 19 2016 9:19PM) : I believe that this is the claim because the person in the story is claiming that hip-hop brings people together.
Sep 20
Madison Asbury Madison Asbury (Sep 20 2016 10:29AM) : This supports the claim since it shows that the style of dance and music was created by kids who were trying to get along together when they all had very different backgrounds.
Sep 28
Alyson Chatterton Alyson Chatterton (Sep 28 2016 1:15PM) : Support 2 more

I think that this is the second support to the main claim that I chose because it talks about the fact that they used the music to find things in common.

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Sep 30
Saucedog Jessica Jessica Kreiner Saucedog Jessica Jessica Kreiner (Sep 30 2016 1:06AM) : Again, another awesome paragraph! The author's claim (my summary) fits in perfectly to it: the kids were oblivious to how all these cultures and self-expressionism uniting allowed them to change America. more

This culture that changed America was a by-product of “a bunch of kids from a bunch of different places trying to talk to each other, to create a common language.” These kids were trying to connect their cultures and uniqueness to gather a “sameness in a world that only seemed to emphasize [their] difference.”

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Sep 21
Moira Haskett Moira Haskett (Sep 21 2016 4:07PM) : Claim support. more

I think that this is supporting the claim because it’s stating that hip hop was a way to celebrate that while they are still diverse, they can find something in common.

Sep 28
Miriam Codreanu Miriam Codreanu (Sep 28 2016 9:46PM) : Supporting Sentence more

This shows that the new lifestyle was made by all different kids just trying to speak the same language, just trying to find their own way of connecting.

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I can’t say much about hip-hop today, but I can say that old hip-hop, original hip-hop, changed my life forever. I only lived in the “Boogie Down Bronx” for a year, but those twelve months gave me so much. I learned that art could bring people together and make them forget their differences. I learned how good it could feel to move with a “posse,” a group of friends who had my back no matter what. I learned that I could express myself and communicate with others through what I wore and how I walked and what music I liked. I learned that it doesn’t take money or a special degree to transform the grit and drive and hardness of the city into something beautiful.

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Sep 19
Jesse Beers Jesse Beers (Sep 19 2016 9:28PM) : This sentence supports the claim because it talks about how they forgot about their difference and become friends.
Sep 20
Gabbi Mendoza Gabbi Mendoza (Sep 20 2016 8:54PM) : Support 1.
Sep 21
BriPool Brianna Pool BriPool Brianna Pool (Sep 21 2016 3:44PM) : I think that this is the main point. The reason that I think that is because it was about what the author had learned and hopped that others would learn too.
Sep 28
Alyson Chatterton Alyson Chatterton (Sep 28 2016 1:09PM) : claim more

I think that this is the main claim because it shares how the author believes this type of music brought all types of people together.

Sep 28
Miriam Codreanu Miriam Codreanu (Sep 28 2016 9:48PM) : Supporting Sentence more

I love this sentence, it shows that during this time of creativity and connection, was just a way to connect everybody no matter how different they were from each other, it is a beautiful connection.

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Loyalty. Community. Self-confidence. Creativity. Hip-hop taught me more about real life than anything I learned that year in class.

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I hope when young people today look at shiny videos by their favorite hip-hop artists, they will see through the expensive cars and exotic locations, the women in skimpy outfits and the men trying to approximate a “gangsta” lean. I hope they will remember that hip-hop was born without a formula and without a lot of expensive props or violent undertones. I hope they will marvel at the fact that in the early days of hip-hop, young people were making it up as they went along, following their hearts, following what felt good. I hope they will think about what it takes to create culture that is unique and transcendent and honest, and I hope they will begin to dream about creating a new world for themselves.

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Sep 20
Kaela Ritchie Kaela Ritchie (Sep 20 2016 10:21AM) : I think this is the rhetorical device because it talks about how they want people to know how hip-hop started.
Sep 20
Madison Asbury Madison Asbury (Sep 20 2016 10:32AM) : This is a rhetorical device the author uses since it shows that even though the kids didn't have a lot of money they made their own culture in a way.
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Sep 20
Gabbi Mendoza Gabbi Mendoza (Sep 20 2016 8:55PM) : Support 2.
Sep 26
Langston Geisinger Langston Geisinger (Sep 26 2016 2:00PM) : Support 2 more

Agree, this is support for when he says Hip-hop was born from diversity.

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Sep 28
Miriam Codreanu Miriam Codreanu (Sep 28 2016 9:50PM) : Supporting Sentence and rhetorical device more

The author explains what he wants and gives details, he repeats certain things and explains that hip-hop was pure creativity and people having a good time and coming together.

I hope hip-hop inspires you to make your own revolution.

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DMU Timestamp: September 12, 2016 21:05

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