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Egoscue Excercises

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18 changes, most recent over 2 years ago

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Egoscue Inc.

Paragraph 2 changes
Static Extension Position (2 minutes)

Static Extension Position (2 minutes)

How to Perform this E-cise™

  1. Start on your hands and knees (like cat/dog), ties under.
  2. Move your hands about 6 inches forward (a hand's length) and then move your upper body forward so that your shoulders are above your hands. Arms are shoulder width apart, feet about 6" apart.
    • Your hips are now forward of your knees about 6 inches.
  3. Keep your elbows straight and allow your shoulder blades to collapse together (pinch like trying to hold something) while your low back arches. Pelvis tips forward to create big sway. Put some pressure on thumb and index finger.
  4. Drop your head.
    • Your low back arches because your hips roll forward to allow this movement to occur.
  5. HOLD

What this E-cise™ does

This exercise promotes lumbar and thoracic extension through bilateral hip demand.

DMU Timestamp: September 28, 2016 13:52

Added September 28, 2016 at 3:16pm by Dan Doernberg
Title: more

Paragraph 16 changes
Static Back (5 minutes)

Static Back (5 minutes)

How to Perform this E-cise™

  1. Lie on your back with both legs up over your inflatable large block (at 90 degrees) or up over a chair/couch.
  2. Your arms are at 45 degrees and your palms up (shoulders relaxed).
  3. Try to relax your upper back and notice if your low back is flat evenly from left to right. Can have something under your head (1-2 inches). Also relax shoulder blades.
  4. HOLD

What this E-cise™ does

This exercise creates horizontal load between shoulder and pelvis, which contributes to thoracic extension by engaging the stabilizers and flexors of the hip. This position helps prevent compensation from occurring while performing other types of muscular work.

Paragraph 24 changes
Static Back Knee Pillow Squeezes (skip)

Static Back Knee Pillow Squeezes (skip)

How to Perform this E-cise™

  1. Lie on your back with your legs up over a block or chair.
  2. 29
    Paragraph 29 changes
    Place a pillow (something with some stiffness) between your knees (about 6 inches apart).
  3. Place a pillow (something with some stiffness) between your knees (about 6 inches apart).
  4. Place your arms out to the sides at 45 degrees from your body with palms up.
  5. 31
    Paragraph 31 changes
    Relax your upper back and shoulders.
  6. Relax your upper back and shoulders.
  7. 32
    Paragraph 32 changes
    Squeeze Gently squeeze your knees (inner thigh muscles) into the pillow, then release. Try not to contract your stomach/abdominal muscles while squeezing.
  8. Gently squeeze your knees (inner thigh muscles) into the pillow, then release.
    • Try not to contract your stomach/abdominal muscles while squeezing.
  9. Repeat as directed on your menu.

DMU Timestamp: September 28, 2016 13:52

Added September 28, 2016 at 5:01pm by Dan Doernberg
Title: more

Paragraph 35 changes
Standing Windmill (5 repetitions)

Standing Windmill (5 repetitions)

How to Perform this E-cise™

    Paragraph 38 changes
    1st position - stand with feet hip width with shoulders, hips and heels touching wall (feet point straight ahead).
  1. 1st position - stand with feet hip width with shoulders, hips and heels touching wall (feet point straight ahead).
  2. Place arms out to sides, with elbows locked straight and palms facing out (active hands, relaxed shoulders), and maintain 90-degree angle relative to body. Bend torso to one side slowly for 5 reps each direction. Be sure to keep shoulders (no shrugging) and hips (not shifting!) on wall and feet flat on ground (pointing straight ahead) as you bend.
  3. 2nd position - feet 1 yard apart and repeat 5 reps each direction.
  4. 3rd position - feet wider and repeat 5 each direction.
  5. 4th position - place feet at hip width as in 1st position and repeat 5 reps.

Paragraph 43 changes
Gravity Drop (3 minutes)

Gravity Drop (3 minutes)

How to Perform this E-cise™

1. Wearing rubber soled shoes for traction (tennis shoes, etc.) stand on a step or stairway as though you were climbing upward. Feet are parallel, and hip-width apart. 2. With one hand or both, hold onto railing or other object for support. 3. Edge your feet backward until the heels are off the stairs and your are hanging onto the stair with the balls of your feet. 4. Make sure feet remain pointed straight ahead (look down so you can see your tied shoe laces). Let the weight of your body drop your heels off the stair. 5. You will feel a great stretch in your low leg musculature. The key is to keep your hips over your heels and your shoulders in line with them also. Hold.

What this E-cise™ does
This exercise forces proper loading of all the load joints of the body by physically stacking them one atop the other.

Paragraph 47 changes
Wall Presses (10)

Wall Presses (10)

How to Perform this E-cise™

  1. Stand with your back against the wall, feet pointed straight and hip width apart with your head, shoulders and butt against the wall.
  2. Place your arms out straight at 45 degrees from your hips.
    • Palms facing out: first 2 sets.
    • Palms facing in (against wall) for the 3rd and 4th sets.
    • Head should be back against the wall for the 1st and 3rd sets.
    • Drop your head forward for the 2nd and 4th sets.
  3. Relax your stomach and upper body and do not allow your knees to bend.
  4. Push your arms/hands into the wall and release, be sure your shoulders don't shrug upwards.
  5. Repeat as directed on your menu.

DMU Timestamp: September 28, 2016 13:52

Added September 29, 2016 at 8:08am by Dan Doernberg
Title: more

Standing Windmill

Egoscue Inc.

Paragraph 63 changes
Standing Arm Circles (40)

Standing Arm Circles (40)

How to Perform this E-cise™

1. Stand facing mirror with your feet pointed straight ahead, hip width apart (big toes 5-6" apart). Place your finger tips into the pad of each hand and point your thumb straight out. 2. This hand position is imperative to the exercise being done correctly. It is called the "golfer's grip". 3. Squeeze your shoulder blades together backwards (no shrug up, no hip forward, no tilting back backwards) and bring your arms straight out (keep elbow locked!) to your sides at shoulder level. 4. With your palms facing downward, circle up and forward for the repetitions specified. Keep should blades pinched! With your palms facing upward, circle up and back for the desired repetitions. Go fast enough so lower back and abs have to work to keep body stable. 5. Remember to keep your feet straight and your shoulder blades squeezed together.

6. Now do it backwards (all above same except palm up and thumb points backwards).

What this E-cise™ does
This exercise promotes bilateral lumbar function through thoracic stabilization.

Egoscue Inc.

Paragraph 71 changes
Standing Wall Clock (1 minute)

Standing Wall Clock (1 minute)

How to Perform this E-cise™

  1. Stand facing a wall with toes touching wall and each other (pigeon-toed, heels at 45 degrees) and your forehead against the wall.
  2. Position A: Raise your arms directly overhead (arms straight, elbows locked).
    • Relax your stomach to allow your hips to tilt forward.
    • Make a golfer's grip with your hands (fingers curled toward the palm, press tight against palm?, thumbs out).
    • Rotate your thumbs/arms outward (from the shoulder, not wrist or elbow!) moving the back of your hand toward the wall).
    • Keep thigh muscles (quads) tight, stomach relaxed.
    • Hold for 1 minute (or as directed on your menu).
  3. Position B: Move your hands down to 45 degrees (10 and 2 o'clock).
    • Repeat the outward rotation with your arms from the shoulders.
    • Hold for 1 minute (or as directed on your menu).
  4. Position C: Move your arms down to 90 degrees (straight out in line with your shoulders, parallel to floor... 3 and 9 o'clock).
    • Repeat the outward rotation with your arms from the shoulders.
    • Hold for 1 minute (or as directed on your menu).
  5. Repeat the entire sequence as directed on your menu.

Egoscue Inc.

Paragraph 91 changes
Hip Crossover Stretch - Palms Down (1 minute)

Hip Crossover Stretch - Palms Down (1 minute)

How to Perform this E-cise™

1. Lie on your back with both knees bent and your feet flat on the floor pointed straight ahead. 2. Place your arms out to the side at shoulder level, with your palms down and flat on the floor. Spread fingers wide. 3. Cross your left ankle over your right knee and rotate the ankle/knee junction down toward the floor. Keep the other foot stationary (aligned with him, not moving toward midline). Press your knee away from your body with your ankle. 4. Your left foot should (and right shoulder) should now be flat on the floor, along with the outside of your right leg... keep it flat. If arm can't be kept flat at 90 degree angle, try adjusting angle at first until muscles relax and then try to move back to 90. 5. Look in the opposite direction and relax your shoulders. 6. Press the left knee away from your body using the left hip muscles. 7. Hold as directed on your menu

8. Come out of it by reversing steps (e.g. keep ankle on knee until end)

9. Switch sides and repeat.

What this E-cise™ does
This e-cise promotes hip and spinal rotation with scapular engagement.

Egoscue Inc.

Paragraph 99 changes
Cats & Dogs (10)

Cats & Dogs (10)

How to Perform this E-cise™

1. Get on your hands and knees. 2. CAT: Pull your hips under, pull your head under and push your upper back to the ceiling. 3. DOG: Roll your hips forward to put the arch in your back, collapse your shoulder blades together and look up. 4. This exercise promotes bilateral spine flexion and extension while loading the shoulder and hip joints.

What this E-cise™ does
This exercise promotes knee extension and spine rotation.

DMU Timestamp: September 28, 2016 13:52

Added September 30, 2016 at 10:01am by Dan Doernberg
Title: more

Egoscue Inc.

Paragraph 105 changes
Assisted Hip Lift (1 minute)

Assisted Hip Lift (1 minute)

1. Lie on your back with your feet on the wall, knees bent at about a 90 degree angle. 2. Keep the feet pointing straight up, in line with your knees and hips. 3. Cross the ankle of one foot to just above the other knee. Keep your buttocks on the floor; if it lifts your butt off of the floor then scoot farther away from the wall. 4. Press the crossed leg toward the wall using your hip muscles. Do not allow your hips to shift to the side. Keep the spine in alignment. 5. Hold this position as directed on your menu. 6. Switch sides and repeat.

Egoscue Inc.

Paragraph 110 changes
Airbench (2 minutes)

Airbench (2 minutes)

How to Perform this E-cise™

  1. Stand with your back against a wall with feet and knees hip width apart and feet pointed straight.
  2. Walk your feet away from the wall while sliding your body down at the same time.
    • You will be "seated" in an invisible chair, with your knees bent to 105 degrees.
    • Your hips are just slightly higher than your knees; your ankles are slightly ahead of your knees. Legs are hip width apart. Hips, knee, and feet (toes pointed out) are in alignment.
    • Your lower back should be completely flat against the wall.
    • Your arms can hang down to your sides, or rest your hands gently on your lap.
  3. Hold as directed on your menu.
    • Keep the weight in your heels, don't press forward on your toes.
  5. IF having knee discomfort, can put pillow between knees

DMU Timestamp: September 28, 2016 13:52

Added October 01, 2016 at 9:47am by Dan Doernberg
Title: more

Egoscue Inc.

Counter Stretch (1 minute)

  1. Stand facing a table or counter that is about waist high. The table/counter can be lower than your waist if you are more advanced, higher if you are just starting.
  2. Keep your feet pointed straight and place your hands on the table/counter you are facing.
  3. Walk your feet back so that your weight is in your toes. Keep the hips, knees and feet in alignment.
  4. Kick your buttocks/hips back to place an arch in your lower back. Keep your elbows locked out and tighten your quads.
  5. Hold as directed on your menu.

Egoscue Inc.

Static Wall (4 minutes)

  1. Lie on your back with your legs pointed straight up and against the wall, upper body relaxed with arms out to sides at about 45 degrees and palms facing up feet should be hip width apart.
  2. When getting into this position, get your hips as close as possible to the wall, so once you are in position your butt is also as close as possible to the wall.
  3. If your hips are lifting off the floor then scoot your butt back until you are able to place your hips flat. As you get more functional, your hips will sit closer to the wall and be flat on the floor at the same time.
  4. In this position tighten your thighs and pull ALL of your toes down and back evenly towards your face.
  5. 137
    Paragraph 137 changes
    Your feet must be pointed straight (parallel) for your hips to properly do the needed work to stabilize your spine.
  6. Your feet must be pointed straight (parallel) for your hips to properly do the needed work to stabilize your spine.
  7. Hold as directed on your menu.

DMU Timestamp: September 28, 2016 13:52

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