When | Why |
Nov-02-16 | Lucas Blair's amazing "short course" on a beautiful platform, Mod Course |
Nov-02-16 | An image from Lucas Blair's Curriculum Process |
Nov-02-16 | An image from Lucas Blair's Badge Design Process |
Join @LucasBlair @slgrant on http://edtechtalk.com/ttt at 9pmET/6pmPT Wed 10.26 RE: A persona workshop. What oppty can badges give? #lrng #nwp
At an LRNG Summit meeting recently, +Sheryl Grant led (in her words https://goo.gl/Rbj07n):
a short persona exercise designed by +Lucas Blair of Little Bird Games that we hope to finish in the next month or so. Grantees [of Playlists for Learning https://www.hastac.org/competition/dml-competition-6-playlists-learning] were asked to conceptualize 3-6 personas for their learners, both in terms of local learners and digital (or national) learners, and to think of these personas in terms of before they engaged the playlist, and after. Who do you become as a result of doing this playlist?
This was part of a badging exercise that we will continue to work on with Lucas, to help think through the after persona perspective as it relates to the “now what?” aspect of badges. Meaning, now that they have earned a badge, now what? Does it unlock an internship? Does it guarantee a job interview? Can the learner use it to access other privileges or gain free admission, for example? And in what ways are these personas different depending on local and digital/national and even international contexts?
Join us at http://edtechtalk.com/ttt at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific on Wed Oct 26 as we continue these conversations about assessment and badges -- especially in light of our recent launch into "Sandboxes for Learning," in which 25 Youth Voices teachers are developing LRNG Playlists, XPs, and Badges https://www.lrng.org/o/youth%20voices.
Dr. +Lucas Blair co-founded Little Bird Games http://littlebirdgames.com , a serious game development company that specializes in educational and therapeutic games, in 2011. Prior to founding Little Bird Games, Lucas was lead game designer and co-manager of RETRO Lab at the University of Central Florida. He received a M.S. in Instructional Technology from Bloomsburg University and a PhD in Modeling and Simulation from the University of Central Florida. His doctoral research explored the use of video game achievements to enhance player performance, self-efficacy, and motivation.
+Sheryl Grant is Director of Social Networking for the Digital Media and Learning Competition (since 2008), and Director of Alternative, Micro-Credential, and Badging Research for HASTAC https://www.hastac.org (since 2013). She is a Phd candidate at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill's School of Information and Library Science, where her research focuses on value-driven design, digital badge and reputation systems, and technology-mediated social participation in learning contexts.
Being Director of Social Networking for the HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation Digital Media & Learning Competition means working with innovative, interdisciplinary, collaborative, visionary people. The Digital Media and Learning Competition is an initiative that is administered by HASTAC and supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
In 2011, HASTAC administered the Badges for Lifelong Learning Competition, which awarded over $4 million to 30 digital badge development projects in 2012, and the Digital Media and Learning Research Competition on Badging and Badge System Design in 2013. Her book What Counts as Learning: Open Badges for New Opportunities is a synthesis of lessons learned from the first year of badge system design across 30 projects.
What an opportunity, whether we get badges for coming or not! Please join us at http://edtechtalk.com/ttt at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific on Wednesday, October 26.
Added November 02, 2016 at 8:20am
by Paul Allison
Title: Lucas Blair's amazing "short course" on a beautiful platform, Mod Course
This short course is a condensed version of the badge design workshop created by Little Bird Games. Annotate with Hypothes.is.
Added November 02, 2016 at 1:30pm
by Paul Allison
Title: An image from Lucas Blair's Curriculum Process
Added November 02, 2016 at 1:31pm
by Paul Allison
Title: An image from Lucas Blair's Badge Design Process
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I have to admit that usually when planning I think more about the “what” of the curriculum (as in ‘what are we going to do this day/semester’ and ‘what content will we cover’) and not so much about the “who” – the before and after personas. Working on it…
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