When | Why |
Oct-31-16 | Julie Lindsay bio |
What is online global collaboration? Is it a pedagogy? A curriculum? Who is doing it and how? Explore collaboration ‘on the edge’ and learn from many online global educators and students across the world as they build collaborative learning communities and co-created outcomes. The narrative of educators working on the edge of collaborative learning is as revealing as it is entertaining - and this trilogy will inform, inspire and provide resources for all learners.
Part 1
Part 2
Part Three
Added October 31, 2016 at 8:09am
by Dan Doernberg
Title: Julie Lindsay bio
Julie 7 - 1.6mb
Julie Lindsay
Bio: Global collaboration consultant, global educator, innovator, leader and author. Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Certified Teacher, Adjunct Lecturer, in the School of Information Studies, Faculty of Education, Charles Sturt University.
Julie has led the way in global education and technology-infused connections and collaborations across six countries including Africa, Asia and the Middle East. As an IT Director in international schools, she implemented 1:1 learning and worked with teachers from K-12 on pedagogical applications for mobile and ubiquitous computing. She also developed a unique approach to global collaboration using Web 2.0 tools and connected learning approaches. She is currently Director of Learning Confluence Pty Ltd, Director and founder of Flat Connections. She is also Chair of the ISTE Global Collaboration PLN, a former ISTE International Representative on the Board of Directors, and a member of the Horizon Report Advisory Board 2008-2015.
Julie understands different global contexts and is able to bring opportunities to others through her passion for learning and ‘teacherpreneur’ approach. She is adept at designing and customizing learning experiences for all ages, including cutting edge events such as the groundbreaking Flat Connections Conference. Her first book, ‘Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds’ is acclaimed as the definitive text on how to embed global connections and collaborations for meaningful learning. Her new book, ‘The Global Educator’ will be available soon and shares many stories and resources for taking learning global.
Julie is recognized for her academic achievements, MA Music (La Trobe University in Melbourne), MA in Education and Human Development specializing in Educational Technology Leadership (George Washington University in Washington, DC) and is completing her Education Doctorate (EdD) with the University of Southern Queensland with a focus on facilitating positive social change through innovative pedagogy for online global collaboration.
To find out more about Julie: http://about.me/julielindsay and http://www.learningconfluence.com/
Connect with Julie on Twitter: http://twitter.com/julielindsay and Google+: https://plus.google.com/+JulieLindsay
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