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Miss Bindergarten Stays Home


Molly: Miss Bindergarten Stays Home. Does anyone know Miss Bindergarten? Has

anyone seen this character before? I chose this book because I know a teacher

of yours that had to stay home this week. Is that true?

Kids: Yeah.

Molly: Who missed a couple days of school? Tell me.

Kids: Mrs Rosado.

Molly: Mrs Rosado? You made a connection between you and Mrs Rosado.

Kid 1: Miss…

Molly: Oh my gosh all these teachers that miss school. This is about a teacher who misses school. Its called Miss Bindergarten Stays Home. And not only are you guys lucky to have Mrs Rosado as your teacher but you are lucky because in kindergarten you learn to read. And one of the things we know readers do is think while they're reading. So when I read this book to you I’m going to show you some of the thinking that I’m doing in my head. When you see me pointing to my head that means that I’m thinking about something that’s going on in the book. When you see my finger tapping my head (Molly taps her head), it means my brain is going and that I’m thinking all sorts of things.

Book: Miss Bindergarten Stays Home From Kindergarten. On Sunday morning, sad but true, Miss Bindergarten got the flu. “I’m aching and shaking right down to the bone. Tomorrow I fear I shall have to stay home.”

Molly: I am thinking (Molly taps her head) the basic idea here, is Miss Bindergarten is too sick. Even teachers have to miss school just like Miss Bindergarten.

Book: On Monday Miss Bindergarten stays home from kindergarden.

Molly: But she is in bed (Molly points to Miss Bindergarten) and her parrot is making he soup to help her feel better (Molly points to the parrot). And bringing it to her in bed.

Book: But at school - Adam hangs his jacket. Brenda stores her doll. Christopher asks, “where is Miss B.? I don’t see her here at all.”

Molly: Hmmm. I have a question (Molly taps her head). I wonder who might be the substitute for Miss Bindergarten is sick? We will find out.

Book:“Good morning kindergarten. I am sorry to have to say that Miss Bindergarten called in sick and won’t be here today.” “I will be her substitute. My name is Mr. Tusky. I hope you’ll help me through the day - I’m just a wee bit rusty.”

Molly: I am wondering (Molly taps her head) what he means by rusty. He is not covered in rust (Molly points to Mr. Tusky). Maybe he means that he hasn’t taught in a while so he’s going to need the kids to help out.

Book: Danny says, “I’ll take you round!” Emily shows off Lizzy. After lunch Franny moans, “My tummy hurts. I’m dizzy”

Molly: Hmmm (Molly taps her head). I am thinking that maybe Franny (Molly points to Franny) is getting the flu too.

Book: On Tuesday, Miss Bindergarten and Franny stayed home from Kindergarden.

Molly: Hmmm (Molly taps her head). At first I thought they were both sick in the same house. But then when I looked at the pictures (Molly points to the pictures) I saw, oh this is one house - This is Miss Bindergarten’s house. And then this is Franny’s house. Here she is with her mom, sick in bed.

Book: But at school Gwen fills in the Calendar. Henry names who’s who.

Molly: There he is helping Mr. Tusky and say who’s at school (Molly points to Henry).

Book: Ian cries, “without Miss B, I don’t know what we’ll do.”

Molly: I’m getting the sense that the class and Ian really miss ther teacher (Molly taps her head).

Book: “I know you may be feeling sad, but there’s not a thing to fear. Miss Bindergarten sent lesson plans. I have them all right here.” “We’ll sing a song, we’ll read a book - oh, here’s what we will do. Franny and Miss Bindergarten would love a card from you.”

Molly: Did you guys make a card for someone who got sick? Anyone ever do that? I might be a nice thing to do.

Book: Jessie paints a get-well card. Lenny’s card says, “I feel hot, but I hope you’re feeling better.”

Molly: Hmmm, I’m getting some new evidence (Molly taps her head). I’m getting the idea that Lenny might be getting sick too. He says I’m feeling hot. I’m thinking maybe he might be getting the flu too (Molly points to the pictures).

Book: On Wednesday - Miss Bindergarten, Franny, and Lenny stayed home from kindergarten.

Molly: I was right. Looks like Lenny’s got the flu too (Molly points to the pictures).

Book: But at school - Matty snacks on crackers. Ophelia shares her celery, carrot sticks, and dip. Patricia says, “It’s sharing time.” Quentin does a trick. Raffie’s yo-yo twirls and whirls. “Uh-oh,” he says. “I’m sick.”

Molly: I think (Molly taps her head) the author is telling me that the flu is contagious. The word contagious means that you could catch it from somebody. The teacher got sick and now it looks like there are three kids who are sick.

Book: On Thursday - Miss Bindergarten, Franny, Lenny, and Raffie stayed home from Kindergarden.

Molly: Sounds like a lot of that class is gone.

Book: But at school - Mr. Tusky strums and sings. Sara drums along. Tommy claps and Ursula taps to Mr. Tusky’s song. That afternoon - “It’s time to go,” says Mr. T. “I hate to say good-bye. But tomorrow, I’m advised, you’ll have a big surprise.”

Molly: Big surprise (Molly taps her head). Please turn to a neighbor and say what you think the surprise might be.

The kids are discussing in paris. They are raising their hands to share their thoughts.

Molly: I see some kids are ready to share their surprise. Let's hear. Tell me more. Make that into a whole sentence.

Kid 1: Miss Bindergarten is coming back.

Molly: The surprise might be Miss Bindergarten is coming back? Thumbs up if that was your surprise. Did anyone have another idea? Let me hear some more ideas.

Kid 2: Everyone is going to be back.

Molly: Everyone is going to be back. Not just Miss Bindergarten but all the sick kids? That might be an idea. Let’s hear more.

Kid 3: That something is going to come over and do something.

Molly: Wow. I will have to read on and see.

Book:Vicky pulls her parka on. She’s the first in line. “Mr. Tusky.” …. says. “We’ve had a real nice time.

Molly: And just like you, I am wondering what the surprise will be.

Book: On Friday- surprise! Franny, Lenny, Raffie, and Miss Bindergarten are back in kindergarten.

Molly: Was that what you said (points to the kids)? Good prediction. Good thinking. Readers are always thinking.

Book: Xavier says, “We missed you!” Ulanda shouts, “Hurray! “Mr. T. was fun,” said Zack. “But I‘m glad you’re back today.” “Thank you, kindergarten. I’m feeling so much better. I know we’re all excited to be once again together. I never will forget your lovely cards and wishes. “They made me feel that you were near, blowing get-well kisses. And I’m oh-so-very proud, as proud as I can be, that you worked like little troupers for our dear sub, Mr. T.”

Molly: Hmmm. In a nutshell, the big idea here is that everyone is glad to be back to the same old routines.

Book: On Saturday and Sunday, everybody stays home from kindergarten… Especially Mr. Tusky.

Molly: Take a look and see Mr.Tusky (Molly shows the books to the children). How do you think Mr. Tusky is feeling now?

Kid 4: Sick!

Molly: How do you think he got sick? What do you think?

Kid 5: Cause everyone had the flu.

Molly: Yes! Remember that the flu is contagious and all the kids got sick? Maybe he got it too. So, I am thinking (Molly taps her head) that it could be that Mr. Tusky caught the flu. That the germs were in the classroom.

Kid 5: Maybe because it was a little bit dirty everybody got sick.

Molly: That's why we always wash our hands in class. You guys are such good readers and thinkers and I am hoping to come back to your class more this year and do some more reading. What do you think?...

DMU Timestamp: January 27, 2017 00:44

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