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Day 2 Mod by Natural Selection, Text 4 of MRSA Text Set

MRSA Text Set

Text 4

Modification by Natural Selection

Darwin proposed that the environment may affect individual organisms in a population in different ways because individuals in a species are not identical. Some organisms have traits that make them better able to cope with their environment. Organisms that have a greater number of these favorable traits tend to leave more offspring than organisms with fewer beneficial traits. Darwin called the different degrees of successful reproduction among organisms in a population natural selection.

If a trait both increases the reproductive success of an organism and is inherited, then that trait will tend to be passed on to many offspring. A population of organisms adapt to their environment as their proportion of genes for favorable traits increases. The resulting change in the genetic makeup of a population is evolution. In an evolving population, a single organism’s genetic contribution to the next generation is termed fitness. Thus, an individual with high fitness is well adapted to its environment and reproduces more successfully than an individual with low fitness.

Bear in mind that natural selection is not an active process. Organisms do not purposefully acquire traits that they need, although it may seem that this is true. The environment “selects” the traits that will increase in a population. The kinds of traits that are favorable depend on the demands of the environment. An organism may be able to run fast, or it may be strong or have coloring that acts as camouflage from predators. Traits that are favorable for some organisms in some environments are not necessarily favorable for all organisms or all environments. For example, the large body size of large mammals such as the elephant would not be beneficial to a species of flying birds if size prevented flight. A favorable trait is said to give the organism that has it an adaptive advantage.

Selection conditions change as the demands of the environment change. For example, a significant change in climate or available food can cause rapid evolutionary change as populations adapt to the change. If the environmental change is too extreme, however, populations cannot adapt quickly enough and they become extinct.

From Modern Biology, Student Edition, Copyright 2002 by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission of the publisher, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

DMU Timestamp: February 21, 2017 15:38

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