Source: “Battling bacterial evolution: The work of Carl Bergstrom.” Understanding Evolution. University of California Museum of Paleontology, 7 November 2011. Reprinted with permission.
Dr. Carl Bergstrom manages evolution. From his laboratory at the University of Washington, Carl figures out how to control the evolutionary future of microbe populations, nudging them towards particular destinies and away from others. His laboratory does not look like a traditional biology lab; rather than test tubes or microscopes or petri dishes, the rooms are full of computers, whiteboards, books, and coffee machines.
Carl had always been interested in biology but got hooked on evolution after encountering Darwin’s basic idea of natural selection. The concept is simple, but incredibly powerful… Natural selection is simply the logical result of four features of living systems:
Reproduced with permission.
Source: “Battling bacterial evolution: The work of Carl Bergstrom.” Understanding Evolution. University of California Museum of Paleontology, 7 November 2011
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