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Job Is Tested

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Job 1King James Version (KJV)

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Feb 2
Bryn McCarthy Bryn McCarthy (Feb 02 2018 3:11PM) : So I'm not clear on the setting for this one either... could someone tell me what has happened?
Mar 14
Aidan Young Aidan Young (Mar 14 2018 3:29PM) : They're in the land of UZ and we meet a god fearing man named Job.
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1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.

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Nov 7
Jane White Jane White (Nov 07 2017 1:33PM) : I wonder why his name is Job. I've never heard that as a name before, only in the Bible.
Nov 9
Brenda Paull Brenda Paull (Nov 09 2017 3:04PM) : My only guess is that maybe Job had or has a meaning in some language. [Edited] more


Nov 9
Florence Paull Florence Paull (Nov 09 2017 4:49PM) : Job in Hebrew means "persecuted, hated." more


Jan 13
Elijah McMillin Elijah McMillin (Jan 13 2018 4:21PM) : That makes sense now because it seemed weird that his name was "job".
Jan 17
Dylan Perkins Dylan Perkins (Jan 17 2018 3:09PM) : Back then it was no unusual to have weird unusual names
Nov 17
Andrew Bailey Andrew Bailey (Nov 17 2017 9:39AM) : In the land of Uz.
Dec 12
Mark Padgett Mark Padgett (Dec 12 2017 11:17PM) : Where is the land of Uz? A
Jan 23
Damien NEZAR Damien NEZAR (Jan 23 2018 7:27AM) : Here you go more

“According to the Dead Sea document, The War Scroll, the land of Uz is mentioned as existing somewhere beyond the Euphrates possibly in relation to Aram.”-Wikipedia thats where it was back int he day when the names were different but today it’s located in " roughly in the area of modern-day southwestern Jordan and southern Israel." according to Wikipedia ©

Nov 27
student Tycho Collins student Tycho Collins (Nov 27 2017 6:06AM) : Whats the land of Uz?
Nov 29
Student Kate Nelson Student Kate Nelson (Nov 29 2017 12:09PM) : Eschewed means to deliberately avoid something. (L)
Dec 13
Yerin Yang Yerin Yang (Dec 13 2017 10:58PM) : If I remember correctly, Job was an ideal follower of God, and was rich in everything. I think God let Satan take away all of Job's belongings to see if he still remained faithful to God. P
Dec 21
Olivia McNaughton Olivia McNaughton (Dec 21 2017 2:59PM) : Where and what is the land of Uz? A
Jan 9
Karsyn Bierbaum Karsyn Bierbaum (Jan 09 2018 6:47PM) : Job seems like a good, decent, and faithful person so far.
Jan 12
Isabel Arroyo Isabel Arroyo (Jan 12 2018 2:00PM) : I think it is important that in the bible when they say someone "feared God" It was actually a healthy fear that meant respect, as in you fear your father because you know not to break his authority and trust but you still love him.
Jun 6
Chia Chi Hsiao Chia Chi Hsiao (Jun 06 2018 9:38PM) : Thanks for the clarification. I didn't understand at first why fearing God was a good thing.
Jan 23
Damien NEZAR Damien NEZAR (Jan 23 2018 7:24AM) : Name more

There were a lot of weird names back in those days because every name had a meaning and I’m wondering why they call him job because what it means?(A)

Feb 2
Bryn McCarthy Bryn McCarthy (Feb 02 2018 3:11PM) : I thought it said Land of Oz.
Feb 5
Lauren Grover Lauren Grover (Feb 05 2018 3:39AM) : I think that based on the context, eschewed means to deliberately avoid something. P
Feb 15
Kate Southerland Kate Southerland (Feb 15 2018 2:45PM) : The land of Uz. [Edited] more

I looked up “the land of Uz” to find out if it has an actual location, and found out that this topic has been debated over the centuries. According to Bible Reading Archeology:

“All the clues point to the land of Uz being to the south and east of the promised land of Israel. During the lifetime of Job, Uz seems to have initially occupied the north-western part of Arabia, probably near the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba. Over the years, the expression, “land of Uz” was applied to a broader area of land to the south and east of Israel including Edom, Moab, and Ammon.”


Jun 5
Jaden Klebba Jaden Klebba (Jun 05 2018 9:43PM) : "Eschewed" means to refrain from or steer clear from. Job seems like a good man so far. I wonder why he feared god. L
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2 And there were born unto him seven sons and three daughters.

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Nov 17
Andrew Bailey Andrew Bailey (Nov 17 2017 9:40AM) : 10 children is a lot to take care of.
Nov 27
student Tycho Collins student Tycho Collins (Nov 27 2017 6:07AM) : Why would jobs give the burnt offerings? [Edited]
Nov 27
student Tycho Collins student Tycho Collins (Nov 27 2017 6:09AM) : That is a lot of animals to take care of.
Jan 19
Asiyah Herrera Asiyah Herrera (Jan 19 2018 2:30PM) : How did he take care of the kids and the animals!?

Tennis Player – God Lover – Instagram : Hayden__A

Dec 6
Hayden Anderson

Tennis Player – God Lover – Instagram : Hayden__A

Hayden Anderson (Dec 06 2017 11:10AM) : 10 Kids is alot to handle... Im a Child of 3 and my parents are Stressed enough as it is haha.
Jan 17
Dylan Perkins Dylan Perkins (Jan 17 2018 3:11PM) : Back When Jesus was on the earth people would have multiple children because that was what women would think fame was so women with more children were more popular.
Feb 2
Bryn McCarthy Bryn McCarthy (Feb 02 2018 3:10PM) : Lol, same but my family has 5.
Dec 21
Olivia McNaughton Olivia McNaughton (Dec 21 2017 3:02PM) : I wonder how this guy balanced taking care of 10 kids and all his animals.
Jan 9
Karsyn Bierbaum Karsyn Bierbaum (Jan 09 2018 6:48PM) : He must have gathered a lot of wealth in order to take care of his children. Maybe God helped him provide for his children because of his faithfulness.
Jan 19
Asiyah Herrera Asiyah Herrera (Jan 19 2018 2:29PM) : Sounds plausible
Jan 13
Elijah McMillin Elijah McMillin (Jan 13 2018 4:20PM) : I've seen it a lot when people have big families that most of the kids are boys. I don't know why it seems kind of weird and why boys?
Jan 19
Asiyah Herrera Asiyah Herrera (Jan 19 2018 2:29PM) : That a lot of kids! O.o
Mar 14
Aidan Young Aidan Young (Mar 14 2018 3:30PM) : I wonder why if he was happy with more sons than daughters?
Jan 23
Damien NEZAR Damien NEZAR (Jan 23 2018 7:29AM) : A lot of children more

Usually in the bible they usually mention the husband and wife, this is a lot of children to take care of and maybe his wife past away, divorced or they weren’t married at that time or maybe they didn’t know who the mother was. Can anyone confirm ? (A)

Jan 30
Luke Ingermann Luke Ingermann (Jan 30 2018 12:51PM) : He had 10 children?
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3 His substance also was seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she asses, and a very great household; so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east.

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Nov 7
Jane White Jane White (Nov 07 2017 1:34PM) : That's a whole lot on animals. It would be really hard to keep these animals in check.
Nov 9
Brenda Paull Brenda Paull (Nov 09 2017 3:59PM) : This shows that he was extremely rich to be able to afford all these animals and to keep them housed. I assume he also used them to make a profit, like setting meat or renting out animals for labor. [Edited] more


Nov 17
Andrew Bailey Andrew Bailey (Nov 17 2017 9:40AM) : I also think he hired other people to take care of the animals.
Mar 14
Aidan Young Aidan Young (Mar 14 2018 3:31PM) : He must of had a whole lot of money and time to accomplish all this.
Dec 13
Yerin Yang Yerin Yang (Dec 13 2017 11:00PM) : This is basically showing how rich he is - back then, he probably would have been one of the richest people. S
Dec 12
Mark Padgett Mark Padgett (Dec 12 2017 11:19PM) : He had to take care of a lot of animals and he still had 10 children to take care of. C
Dec 29
Jack Naglick Jack Naglick (Dec 29 2017 3:53PM) : Job must be very influential because he is so wealthy. (P)
Jan 27
Lilla Carroll Lilla Carroll (Jan 27 2018 4:37PM) : What is a yoke of Oxen?

I enjoy meteorology, hiking , and studying my Bible. :-)

Feb 2
Mason Kimball

I enjoy meteorology, hiking , and studying my Bible. :-)

Mason Kimball (Feb 02 2018 1:16PM) : A yoke of oxen is two oxen. A yoke was the bar they used to have two oxen pull something. So in this case it's 1,000 oxen.
Feb 5
Lauren Grover Lauren Grover (Feb 05 2018 3:40AM) : Job might own this many animals because he is rich and he wants people to know that he is rich or because this is magical realism, where there are unlimited possibilities.
Feb 23
Aly Getty Aly Getty (Feb 23 2018 3:54PM) : I assume Job is a wealthy man because that it a lot of animals to take care of plus ten children.
Jun 4
Chia Chi Hsiao Chia Chi Hsiao (Jun 04 2018 11:43PM) : Does this mean if you have a lot of animals and a large family you have a higher social status in that time?
Jun 5
Jaden Klebba Jaden Klebba (Jun 05 2018 9:44PM) : Is he the greatest for all he has or for what he has done to get what he has? A
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4 And his sons went and feasted in their houses, every one his day; and sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.

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5 And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.

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Nov 17
Andrew Bailey Andrew Bailey (Nov 17 2017 9:39AM) : I think that the Lord does not want us to use burnt offerings.
Nov 27
student Tycho Collins student Tycho Collins (Nov 27 2017 6:05AM) : I agree.
Jan 17
Dylan Perkins Dylan Perkins (Jan 17 2018 3:14PM) : Now a days we do not give burnt offerings because Jesus died to wipe us from our sins but back when Jesus was on earth they gave burnt offerings to show that they are giving to God
Nov 29
Student Kate Nelson Student Kate Nelson (Nov 29 2017 12:11PM) : Sanctified means to declare holy. (L)
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6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.

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Nov 29
Student Kate Nelson Student Kate Nelson (Nov 29 2017 12:13PM) : Is this figurative or literal? (A)

I enjoy meteorology, hiking , and studying my Bible. :-)

Feb 2
Mason Kimball

I enjoy meteorology, hiking , and studying my Bible. :-)

Mason Kimball (Feb 02 2018 1:17PM) : It depends on who you ask. I would say literal though.
Jan 11
Michael Simutis Michael Simutis (Jan 11 2018 5:57PM) : Satan appears to do this to tempt Jesus away from Job. C
Jan 30
Luke Ingermann Luke Ingermann (Jan 30 2018 12:53PM) : How many sons and daughters did God have?

I enjoy meteorology, hiking , and studying my Bible. :-)

Feb 2
Mason Kimball

I enjoy meteorology, hiking , and studying my Bible. :-)

Mason Kimball (Feb 02 2018 1:18PM) : One son, Jesus, but if you believe in Jesus you're God's adopted son or daughter, and an heir to the throne of God, and a coheir of Christ.
Mar 9
Erin Coleman Erin Coleman (Mar 09 2018 3:23PM) : God's spirit sons. more

This event took place in heaven, so this verse is referring to spirit sons of God, or angels. The Bible says that there are “myriads of myriads of angels.” (Revelation 5:11) A myriad is 10,000, so one myriad times one myriad is 100,000,000. This means that there are hundreds of millions, maybe even billions of spirit sons of God.

Jun 4
Chia Chi Hsiao Chia Chi Hsiao (Jun 04 2018 11:47PM) : Who are the sons of God? Are they angels?
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7 And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

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Dec 29
Jack Naglick Jack Naglick (Dec 29 2017 3:54PM) : Whence: From what place? (L)
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8 And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?

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Jan 5
Tyler Bickham Tyler Bickham (Jan 05 2018 2:48PM) : If he was a good man why did lose everything?
Mar 9
Erin Coleman Erin Coleman (Mar 09 2018 3:43PM) : Why Job lost everything. more

Satan accused of Job of only serving God because God protected him and blessed him with many children, livestock, and wealth. In order to prove Satan wrong, God allowed Satan to test Job. This gave Job the opportunity to prove himself loyal to God and to prove Satan a liar. Even today, bad things happen to good people, but when it does, it gives us the chance to prove our loyalty to God no matter what.

Jan 12
Isabel Arroyo Isabel Arroyo (Jan 12 2018 2:53PM) : I think that no one is perfect, and although Job seemed perfect on the outside he had some evil inside of him that God could see, so he decided to test him.
Feb 23
Aly Getty Aly Getty (Feb 23 2018 3:57PM) : what is the meaning of escheweth?
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9 Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought?

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Jan 30
Luke Ingermann Luke Ingermann (Jan 30 2018 12:53PM) : I like reading the NIV version better. It is easier to understand. [Edited]
Jun 5
Jaden Klebba Jaden Klebba (Jun 05 2018 9:51PM) : Nought means for nothing.
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10 Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.

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11 But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face.

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Nov 9
Brenda Paull Brenda Paull (Nov 09 2017 4:04PM) : This Sa- is saying that Job seems really righteous because he has a lot to be thankful for and if that was taken away from him, he would not be as righteous anymore and that he would even go as far as to curse G-D. more


Dec 12
Mark Padgett Mark Padgett (Dec 12 2017 11:21PM) : The LORD and Satan are making a deal it seems like. C
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12 And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord.

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Dec 5
Asher Merchent Asher Merchent (Dec 05 2017 12:44PM) : From this, we can say that God cares deeply about his followers, as we can tell from the dialogue. He is telling Satan that he can take away everything from this man, but do not actually hurt the man, himself.
Feb 5
Lauren Grover Lauren Grover (Feb 05 2018 3:42AM) : I think that this is also showing that it is one thing to take everything a man owns, but it is another thing to take his life. However for Job, everything he owns is his life, because he is so rich and successful.

Tennis Player – God Lover – Instagram : Hayden__A

Dec 6
Hayden Anderson

Tennis Player – God Lover – Instagram : Hayden__A

Hayden Anderson (Dec 06 2017 11:13AM) : God is amazing time and time again he shows his love for everyone on earth... But he allows satan to take all of Job's possessions as a temptation to show whether Job was Truly Faithful
Jan 27
Lilla Carroll Lilla Carroll (Jan 27 2018 4:44PM) : God is allowing satan to touch all that Job has, but not Job, himself.
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13 And there was a day when his sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house:

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14 And there came a messenger unto Job, and said, The oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding beside them:

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15 And the Sabeans fell upon them, and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.

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Nov 9
Florence Paull Florence Paull (Nov 09 2017 4:52PM) : "The Sabaeans or Sabeans were an ancient people speaking an Old South Arabian language who lived in the southern Arabian Peninsula. The kingdom of Saba' has been identified with the biblical land of Sheba." (Wikipedia) more


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16 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.

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Jan 27
Lilla Carroll Lilla Carroll (Jan 27 2018 4:42PM) : I think that God is testing Job. more

He is trying to see if Job will remain faithful even in the face of destruction and loss.

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17 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yea, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.

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Feb 15
Kate Southerland Kate Southerland (Feb 15 2018 2:44PM) : I am able to connect this section of the text to my History course, as the Chaldeans are covered in the first semester. more


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18 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, Thy sons and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house:

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19 And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.

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Jan 5
Tyler Bickham Tyler Bickham (Jan 05 2018 2:55PM) : Why did everyone all die at once and not slowly.
Feb 15
Kate Southerland Kate Southerland (Feb 15 2018 2:47PM) : If the great wind fell upon the young men, were Job's daughters spared? more


Mar 9
Erin Coleman Erin Coleman (Mar 09 2018 3:57PM) : In the King James Version, it says "young men," but in many other Bible translations, it says "young people", meaning that all Job's children were killed.
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20 Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped,

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Jan 5
Tyler Bickham Tyler Bickham (Jan 05 2018 3:13PM) : Shaving your head before you worship means that a family member died.
Jan 11
Michael Simutis Michael Simutis (Jan 11 2018 5:53PM) : This was all a test for Job. God did it to test his faith. S
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21 And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

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Nov 9
Florence Paull Florence Paull (Nov 09 2017 4:39PM) : I think that this was a test from the Lord to see if Job would remain faithful to him. Abraham too was tested in a similar way in "The Binding of Isaac" where Abraham had to sacrifice his only son. more


Dec 5
Asher Merchent Asher Merchent (Dec 05 2017 12:35PM) : I definitely agree. Where as most people would get angry with the Lord, Job stayed faithful and did not blame this on the lord. He is very accepting of how everything he had owned came from the lord, and that it was okay he took it back.
Dec 13
Yerin Yang Yerin Yang (Dec 13 2017 11:08PM) : It amazes me how dedicated and faithful is to God. I don't know if I could take such a loss like he did. C
Jun 4
Chia Chi Hsiao Chia Chi Hsiao (Jun 04 2018 11:57PM) : Job didn't waver even after all this tragedy happened to him.
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22 In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.

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Nov 7
Jane White Jane White (Nov 07 2017 1:36PM) : This is a very interesting passage from the Bible.
Nov 9
Brenda Paull Brenda Paull (Nov 09 2017 4:15PM) : Job goes on to go through much more suffering before he finally despairs. G-D then returns him to his past state with even more than he started with for staying faithful to him. more


Nov 27
student Tycho Collins student Tycho Collins (Nov 27 2017 6:08AM) : I think Jobs became a better person.

Tennis Player – God Lover – Instagram : Hayden__A

Dec 6
Hayden Anderson

Tennis Player – God Lover – Instagram : Hayden__A

Hayden Anderson (Dec 06 2017 11:14AM) : Job Held to his faith and did not waiver... Very inspirational
Dec 29
Jack Naglick Jack Naglick (Dec 29 2017 3:56PM) : Why does God take the word of Satan? Why does he need to kill Job's sons even though Job has done nothing wrong? And why is Job still worshiping God even though he killed Job's sons for no apparent reason?(A) [Edited]
Jan 9
Karsyn Bierbaum Karsyn Bierbaum (Jan 09 2018 6:46PM) : I think this was a test to see if Job was worthy. I think even though he was hurt terribly, the fact that he stayed faithful is what really counts. Sometimes you have to keep your beliefs even when it gets hard. Bad things can happen to good people.
Feb 23
Aly Getty Aly Getty (Feb 23 2018 4:06PM) : I agree, Job staying loyal showed God how faithful he can be
Jan 11
Michael Simutis Michael Simutis (Jan 11 2018 5:55PM) : Was God the one responsible for these losses or was Satan. A
Sep 3
Dominik Vamos Dominik Vamos (Sep 03 2024 8:43PM) : Satan was responsible, yet God takes the blame. more

Clearly Satan was responsible for Job’s losses, as it is Satan who brings death and destruction and not God. Yet God takes the blame as we read in Chapter 2 verse 3: Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil? And still he holds fast to his integrity, although you incited Me against him, to destroy him without cause.”

I think that we can learn here something about the character of God. He often takes the blame, just as he took the blame for my sins. God himself decided to leave heaven, to become fully human, to take my sins and to die on the cross for me. But Jesus did not only take my sins, he became my sin.
2 Corinthians 5:21
For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Jan 12
Isabel Arroyo Isabel Arroyo (Jan 12 2018 2:55PM) : I think this shows how much Job worshiped and trusted God, even when things were horrible he still had faith in Gods plan
Jan 13
Elijah McMillin Elijah McMillin (Jan 13 2018 4:31PM) : I have never heard of this Bible story and it was a great story which is why I'm surprised I've not heard of it.
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DMU Timestamp: May 12, 2017 15:53

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Dec 5
Asher Merchent Asher Merchent (Dec 05 2017 1:18PM) : I find it hard to call this story, "magical realism," because if you take out all the parts about God and Satan, it would just seem like a regular story with an unlucky main character.
Dec 21
Olivia McNaughton Olivia McNaughton (Dec 21 2017 3:26PM) : I agree, but even with the parts about God and Satan it's not really magic it's more about belief and religion.
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