3 Created by Dr. Liz Kolb, University of Michigan
4 http://www.tripleeframework.com/
6 What is the Triple E? 7 The Triple E Framework attempts to define what it should look like, sound like and feel like to integrate technology tools into teaching in order to meet and exceed learning goals. 8 The framework is based on three levels, Engagement in learning goals, Enhancementof learning goals, and Extension of learning goals. 9 While these terms are often used interchangeably, they are distinct and different. 10 The Triple E Framework defines each term and show examples of what makes each one unique and measurable.
11 The Triple E Framework is based on a considerable amount of research about what works and does not work when it comes to technology in learning. 12 In particular it emphasizes...
23 Read more about the research and links here
24 The Triple E Framework was developed in 2011 by Professor Liz Kolb at the University of Michigan, School of Education. The Triple E was created to fill a gap that has been pervasive in educational technologies---How to effectively integrate technology tools in K-12 learning so they have a positive impact on student achievement and learning outcomes.
25 WHY Triple E? The research on technology and learning over the past decade is fairly clear, technology should be integrated based on what we already know about good teaching and pedagogical practices. Dating back to the late 19th century, the foundation of current teaching practices is based on the work of pragmatism. Pragmatists like John Dewey (1897) pushed for learning to be embedded in the student's authentic everyday lives, socially constructed knowledge, active/hands-on learning and full of choice. Since the early 1990s Research has found that educational technology with a "drill and practice" approach often has no effects on learning or cognition. Yet, most technology tools created for education are still drill and practice and in the lower-order of Blooms Taxonomy.
26 Despite media often claiming a new piece of technology as a way to "revolutionize" learning, that is almost never the case. The Triple E framework takes this fallacy of technology as the magic bullet learning into account, and allows teachers to become critical consumers of making mindful choices around technology tools in their teaching. It is a simple framework, based on research, that helps educators create lessons that allow students to use technology to meet and add value to learning goals as active, social, creative learners, in authentic ways.
How Triple E is Different than other Tech Integration Models
28 Triple E Level 1: Engaged Learning
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I agree Cedric, I know a lot educators who incorporate tech, and realize it was more work and less useful than they realized. Do you think we can blame marketers?
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The assumption here is that students learn only socially, not in isolation.
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This assumes that teachers know how to measure each of these engagement indicators.
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Good point, Cedric. It reminds me of the video where Dr. Puentedura explains the SAMR model, and whether we are merely replicating traditional methods with technology or really working to modify and redefine.
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This statement assumes students are only or highly motivated by authenticity. I think this is powerful, but it is only one of many motivational strategies.
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Developing grit in the classroom seems like a newer idea. Many teachers do this inherently or indirectly, but specifically adressing qualities associated with grit, can’t be that widespread yet. I think this is the first assumption.
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Good point, Ben. I would think that constructivists would really work to develop grit in students so that they could become more active and self-regulated learners. However, I think ideas such as this are not as widespread, particularly in K-12 where the expectation is that teachers and the environment are responsible for what the student learns, not the student and his or her grit, if you will.
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For this week, please look for a segment in each text where you can reply to the following:
What does this framework for using technology in education assume about teachers and teaching?
What does this framework for using technology in education assume about students and learning?
Please offer at least one comment related to the assumptions about teaching, as well as at least one comment on each document related to the assumptions about learning (2 initial comments). Then, please reply to at least two different classmates on one of their comments (2 responses).
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Hi Troy, I am confused by what you mean “each text.”
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Dr. Troy,
I may be thinking to simply but….What I see as the two big assumptions so far in my reading with the Triple-E Framework is the assumptions that:
1. The teachers have have been trained properly in the use of the new technologies as a teaching tool.
2. The students have a good understanding and are comfortable using the new technology tools.
This may be short and simple but these are two very important aspects of using any tool. Understanding what a tool is used for is one thing but knowing how and when to use it properly is a mark of a really skilled craftsmen or craftswomen in any industry.
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I see a lot of questions to help determine what will work best within the constraints framework structure and even a 3 point rubric but I see another assumption. Were the students assessed or evaluated in a way that calibrates with the rating & scaling assessment design of the framework? This would be important that the teachers evaluation rating coinsides with the framework’s evaluation for assessments because they are used to determine what methods, skills and tools work with others.
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Good eye George, the entire article assumes teachers are good and excited about technology. It only speaks to those who would be willing to use it. I would like to see an article give those who don’t use or utilize tech reasons and strategies to integrate tech.
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As I see it, teaching frame works could use a living breathing rubric or definition or examples of technology tools and how to best use them and with what other technologies or teaching methods. This could take the form a of a real time wiki of algorithms or match-ups of tools, learning styles and methods to fulfill teaching frameworks like the Tripe-E. Enhancements, corrections and additions could be added as time progresses. It would be a live feedback loop for teachers for existing implementations of frameworks and teaching methods and better use of old tools and the implementation of new tools. Could be another dissertation idea for me???
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That was my thought, George. To really understand these concepts, I would think that teachers would need specific examples that would illustrate each point.
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