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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Jordan K(Mar 03 2021 7:23AM):
The Gold Key. This symbol is important to the text.
The Gold Key represents dying in the war, but after you die, you would be in paradise. Paradise was a place that gave you anything that you wanted. They compared it to heaven.
This symbol is important to the text because it explains what the reality of war is like. People are either forced to fight or persuaded to fight.
Ciahnee B(Mar 03 2021 9:15AM):
The people who gave the boys a key, should have been punish. The people giving the boys a key are basically saying " just throw your whole life and go to war die". I find that very disrespectful because what if that was your son,
Samiyah C(Mar 03 2021 10:48AM):
The object represents heaven. This symbol is important because if you go to war, die, and you're wearing the key you automatically go to heaven. The theme it connects to is facing realities of the adult world because heaven is something that people
understand more as they get older. This connects to Marji because her maid’s son was going through having to go to war.
Kwesi K(Mar 03 2021 10:41AM):
A key represents unlocking or opening something. This symbol is important to the text because the key is a soldiers way into heaven
Jiniah R(Mar 05 2021 7:58AM):
The women was upset because she was given a key that was her son's that represented dying in the war. They were told the key would lead them into heaven if they were lucky enough.
Tyairra G(Mar 03 2021 9:24AM):
A key usually presents freedom and security. These boy died having the opposite. They were lied to and were forced to join the military.
Jhamir B(Mar 03 2021 7:37AM):
This is a example of Marji being introduced to the hardships of the adult world. In this image Marji has to learn how to not die to gas and be taken away all at the age of 12. These are the things that the adults at that time went through everyday.
Jadon E(Mar 03 2021 9:24AM):
This image shows marji facing realities of the adult world. She has just witnessed a mother abandoning her child for her own well being. This has shown marji that at the end of the day everyone will put themselves before others.
Demetrius C(Mar 03 2021 7:19AM):
The cigarette shows a form of symbolism because smoking is one of the things that an adult can do. Since she smoked a cigarette, she would considered an adult.
Kendall T(Mar 03 2021 7:36AM):
The cigarette constitutes a form of symbolism because she smokes the cigarette to rebel against her mother but it seems she does to numb her pain of the violence happening all around her (This can show Innocence vs. Loss of Innocence)
Katerin L(Mar 03 2021 9:18AM):
this chapter shows how she is starting to lose her innocence, first, she is rebelling against her mom and she is now doing things adults do which show her loss of innocence
Nasira C(Mar 03 2021 7:24AM):
The cigarette represents a form of symbolism because smoking is something that only adults can do. Mari smoked a cigarette because she wanted to feel grown up.
Long H(Mar 03 2021 7:40AM):
The cigarette is the symbolism that represents that the thing that only adults do. And Marji smokes the cigarette because she thinks if she smoke it and then she will be a grown-up or an adult.
Jhamir B(Mar 03 2021 7:43AM):
This is a depiction of Marji’s loss of innocence because she has started smoking. This represents the trauma and mental abuse these situations have had on her at such a young age.
Hope I(Mar 03 2021 9:17AM):
Innocence Vs. Loss of Innocence
Context: In this panel, it shows Marji rebelling against her mom. She wants to prove to her mom that she is grown.
Composition: I notice that even though trying the cigarette for the first time was awful, she wasn’t going to give up.
Communication: The author is trying to say that Marji wants to prove o her mom that she is old enough to understand and be more like an adult.
Connection: I could connect to this because when I officially became a teenager I thought I was grown enough to handle more responsibilities, but it was just the opposite, and had to learn the hard way.
Adrian G(Mar 03 2021 10:59AM):
The Cigarette is a symbolic gesture against her Marji's mother's “dictatorship” and feels that she has reached adulthood.When Marji reaches her teenage years, she smokes a cigarette in order to rebel against her mother's strict rule
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the reason why I says this because they are trying to have a good time at school but the school don’t want to.
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The Gold Key represents dying in the war, but after you die, you would be in paradise. Paradise was a place that gave you anything that you wanted. They compared it to heaven.
This symbol is important to the text because it explains what the reality of war is like. People are either forced to fight or persuaded to fight.
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understand more as they get older. This connects to Marji because her maid’s son was going through having to go to war.
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This can also show a form of Loss of Innocence.
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Context: In this panel, it shows Marji rebelling against her mom. She wants to prove to her mom that she is grown.
Composition: I notice that even though trying the cigarette for the first time was awful, she wasn’t going to give up.
Communication: The author is trying to say that Marji wants to prove o her mom that she is old enough to understand and be more like an adult.
Connection: I could connect to this because when I officially became a teenager I thought I was grown enough to handle more responsibilities, but it was just the opposite, and had to learn the hard way.
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