We invite you to join us this Wednesday evening, January 27th at 9E/8C/7M/6P on to learn more about Habits of Mind and to see how your students can start using them to recognize each others' achievements at this critical time.
From Harry B : Hey Jennifer!
From Jennifer M Bartsch : Hey Harry!
From Emily Wilkinson : Hi Niki, it’s been a while! Nice to see you :)
From sreed : A critical mass
From sreed : it’s a my birthday today :)
From Bena Kallick : HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
From Paul W. Hankins : Harry: It's been nice to follow your comments and ideas at NowComment.
From Harry B : I smelled a birthday Happy Birthday sreed!
From Anna Maine : Happy Birthday Sam :D
From sreed : thanks y’all…
From Harry B : Thanks Paul ! I try to make comments in the middle of the school day to get a first reaction to the posts !
From Jennifer M Bartsch : Happy Birthday!
From Anna Maine : Natalia! Hey!!!
From Paul W. Hankins : This sounds like the very subtle shift from QUALITY to QUALITATIVE. This is what it is. This is what it looks like in action.
From Paul W. Hankins : Grit has that real "puritan" kind of feel. Like you might have it or you don't have it.
From Reed ( He, His, Him) : Great insight ….
From Paul W. Hankins : Not having grit or being seen as one who may not have grit could be a point of scrutiny and lacking. Am I demonstrating gril when I want to find humor in something? Or when I express empathy?
From Tanya Baker : I think putting grit at the center of the teaching-learning relationship puts all responsibility on the student, it doesn’t ask the teacher to reflect on the value of the task to the student. This question, “Is this work worth the investment of my time and energy?” Is a fair and good question for students to ask.
From NICHOLAS HERNANDEZ : I agree,'s almost like we're asking, "how much adversity can you take?"
From Tanya Baker : One project we did at NWP involved a student “shark tank.” Teachers could submit tasks to the shark tank and the sharks would tell teachers whether they would invest their time and energy in it, and explained their thinking. It was really a beautiful process and everyone learned a lot from listening to students answer these questions.
From Paul W. Hankins : Tanya: Absolutely. If these are habits, they are habits of the room, lead learner included. I've been reading about Social Cognitive Theory and Media Effects this week. Grit seems to speak to motivation and yet SCT posits modeling before motivation.
From Reed ( He, His, Him) : Hey Tanya… I didn’t see you earlier
From Harry B : Tanya, I like that idea!
From NICHOLAS HERNANDEZ : (I'm Jessica, says Nicholas because I've coopted my son's computer)
From Tanya Baker : HI Sam! Happy New Year. I arrived a few minutes late —
From Reed ( He, His, Him) : Good seeing you…
From Paul W. Hankins : I find it interesting that METACOGNITION is often seen as a single quality. Here, the authors have integrated it with the other fifteen.
From Tanya Baker : Jessica, nice to meet you. I’ll definitely try not to call you Nicholas —
From Peggy George : @Tanya I love your “shark tank” project! What a super idea!
From Paul W. Hankins : We tap into #10 by utilizing Sondra Perl's FELT SENSE to get into writing. Does anyone else use this book?
From Harry B : Tanya, I wonder if students could do the same thing with a choice of projects and see what peers feel fits their style best - and in turn understanding the WHY of what they are doing
From Tanya Baker : Paul H. I like the idea of the “habits of the room, lead learner included” that’s got a nice sense of being in it all together.
From Tanya Baker : Harry, I love this way of giving students a voice in what their learning looks like. It’s super elastic. I’d love to hear from anyone who tries it and adapts it :-)
From Reed ( He, His, Him) : I am going to share this with my advisory students for sure, take one-two habits a day
From Harry B : The key is a NEW way of learning new material in an age - an age now, where they often feel numb and one assignment seems the same as the next - is what I am encountering now - and many students are experiencing now
From Reed ( He, His, Him) : Generally students that can managing more of these habits, are having more success inside and outside of school.
From Tanya Baker : which, in my opinion, feels more nuanced and more interesting to work on than the single idea of “grit”
From Reed ( He, His, Him) : @Paul..H do you have a humor unit that you have developed
From Tanya Baker : Students have so little opportunity to use humor at school. Think about the literature curriculum :-(
From Paul W. Hankins : We should create one.
From Paul W. Hankins : When I think about Jim Carrey's story. His teacher would give him the last few minutes of class to do whatever he wanted to break up his classmates so long as he was attentive for the rest of the period.
From Janet Ilko : That is so true! It is so hard to get them to work together. I have more success in small groups outside of class… I’m with ya girl!
From Reed ( He, His, Him) : We will be reading Born a Crime , I love Trevor Noah Humor moves… in his novel.
From Tanya Baker : You are not the first person who’s told me they are teaching this, Sam. I’m so excited. He’s so smart and funny and there’s so much to learn in “Born a Crime” he deals with some heavy subjects, and he’s very funny, both — that makes me really happy :-)
From Paul W. Hankins : I have a student, Karis, who watches our meetings each week from the live feed. That's a forward-thinking young woman who is taking in everything we are discussing tonight. Think about that kind of impact we are having on one life. Tonight, she is watching with her little sister. Her little sister suggested, "This could be teachers teaching teachers who teach students who teach teachers."
From Harry B : This is great - "This could be teachers teaching teachers who teach students who teach teachers."
From Tanya Baker : Ha! That’s awesome. And a mouthful!
From Jennifer M Bartsch : I love that!
From Tanya Baker : What would it look like, sound like, and feel like is such a nice set of questions to ask kids.
From Emily Wilkinson : I’ve somehow created reading and writing groups. I started them around student reading interests, but—with their help—we’ve reconfigured the groups based on their input. Of course, we created norms at the beginning (and I think this really helped). After the first session we held, I complemented each group on one of the norms that students were demonstrating. Each meeting we start by discussing a reading focus and go into breakout rooms. Then they read their work and give feedback based on the focus. We then come back together. In 9/10 groups almost all of the students have their cameras on. I, of course, enter in from time to time.
From Tanya Baker : Emily, so many teachers would love to pick your brain about this! congratulations. I particularly love the idea of complimenting the groups on meeting the norms. I’m going to try to use something like that in a class I’m teaching next week.
From Emily Wilkinson : Last week we tried an aesthetic reading response exercise from Novak and Wilhelm, “writing in the dark,” where each student listed to the reading author, wrote down words that spoke to them and then created poems
From Christina Cantrill : Anna, I wonder if you might share what was successful in the collaboration you are excited about. What do you think worked in that case?
From Emily Wilkinson : I’d love to offer any “insight.” Maybe my class and I can create a little video talking about what works why and what doesn’t with the groups
From Reed ( He, His, Him) : Hey Christina…. howdi
From Tanya Baker : Emily, that’s so cool. I”m putting together some things now to share with the NWP network about poetry for a National Poetry Month push in April. I’d love to interview you, or have you write something about this with some student examples…. If you’d be interested?
From Anna Maine : Christina: Well I'm sort of comparing apples and oranges. My English Learners love to collaborate, and these two were really passionate about the topic
From Paul W. Hankins : When I think about 3rd grade, I think about Wonderopolis and #12: Responding with Wonderment and Awe. The Wonders of the Day are a good model for starting with a question.
From Emily Wilkinson : Tayna: Sure! I’d be happy to.
From Tanya Baker : I love wonderopolis…
From Christina Cantrill : Anna: What mechanism did they use to collaborate? What did they make?
From Christina Cantrill : Hi @Sam!
From Tanya Baker : Emily: I just tried to private message you, but I think that’s shut off. My email is [email protected]. Could you ping me so I have your email address?
From Anna Maine : Christina: I struggled with my mainstream English students who didn't really have an opportunity to build community first. But they were discussing books that they all really liked, so I couldn't figure out why those groups were such a struggle... I had to take a step back and put them in pairs and gave them a list of "getting to know you" questions, sort of like what Bena described.
From Bena Kallick :
From Anna Maine : My ELD students wrote an article about their reaction to violence on Capitol Hill!! They each interviewed a classmate and sorta co-wrote an 800 word article
From Christina Cantrill : Anna: interesting. That makes sense.
From Tanya Baker : @Anna. That’s awesome!
From Tanya Baker : @Anna, what did you/they do with that article?
From Christina Cantrill : Anna: Oh nice! … I was wondering about Tanya’s question too.
From Bena Kallick : Habits of Mind in other languages
From Anna Maine : It's getting published in the school newspaper (online)
From Tanya Baker : That’s fantastic!
From Christina Cantrill : Nice sets of language.
From Peggy George : Thank you for those links Bena! Can’t wait to explore them further! (especially the examples!)
From Anna Maine : @Bena the multilingual versions are so great! Thanks for sharing
From Paul W. Hankins : The Institute for Habits of Mind has a resources tab. In that tab, you'll find quotes associated with each of the HOM.
From Reed ( He, His, Him) : Habits of Success
From Paul W. Hankins : It would be interesting to see Hattie's Effect Sizes of the HOM.
From Christina Cantrill : Anna: Not that you need this, but I was thinking about these community building activities that colleagues gathered in one place. They teach at the University level but some are good for lots of ages:
From Anna Maine : I'm ALWAYS looking for more community building stuff
From Anna Maine : thanks!!
From Christina Cantrill : Check out the drawing tiny demons one :)
From Paul W. Hankins : Did anyone else notice there are two screens of viewer/participants this week? Wow.
From Harry B : "Did anyone else notice there are two screens of viewer/participants this week? Wow." -
From Anna Maine : lol
From NICHOLAS HERNANDEZ : Thank you, Arthur and Bena. I have a lot of ideas for the semester to come.
From Christina Cantrill : I need a control impulsivity badge!
From Harry B : Thanks for these ideas - I like the possibilities!
From Tanya Baker : @Christina😂
From Janet Ilko : The framework for this has so much potential.
From Anna Maine : I won't be able to sleep tonight... so many ideas!!! THANK YOU
From Paul W. Hankins : Great meeting tonight! Is it really after 10?
From Tanya Baker : @Anna… that happens to you too?!?!?
From Anna Maine : @Tanya.... way too often
From Tanya Baker : Me too!
From Bena Kallick : Thank you for inviting us! We appreciate your dedication to this work.
From Paul W. Hankins : I went there last week. I was a little lonely.
From Jennifer M Bartsch : Definitely a lot to think about! Great ideas! Thank You!
From Janet Ilko : I have never heard of this before!
From Christina Cantrill : This paul?
From Harry B : that is it -
From Christina Cantrill : “break free from breakout rooms” the website says!
From Paul W. Hankins : Paul sent an invite last week with the Inauguration Activities.
From Harry B : that was when the reactions to the inaugural speech when you had an intro to it - it was neat
From Anna Maine : @Bena, I think I found the TED Talk you mentioned
From Tanya Baker : out of your tiny box! It makes me feel a little nervous… I’ve been in here so long now...
From Harry B : it reminded me of weeble wobbles for some reason, lol
From Paul W. Hankins : Wait. . .what if this doesn't work?
From Bena Kallick : You got it! That is the right TED talk
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