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Jul-30-20 | Transcript of the chat during our conversation |
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Lisa Kay Solomon will share with us the story of how she and her colleagues at the Stanford developed the resource Vote by Design, “a non-partisan learning experience designed to promote civic engagement and agency among all voters.” Filmmaker Sam Ball is one of the founders of Citizen Film. Sam’s film American Creed (2018) features a “range of citizen-activists striving to realize their own visions of America’s promise across deep divides.”
Given the uncertainties surrounding going back to school this fall, we’re also curious how Lisa and Sam envision teachers using their resources. Join us as they help us think of ways to design their learning experiences to work in face-to-face, hybrid, and/or completely online settings.
Note the time change for this week. TTT will be Wednesday, 7/29, at 3pm PT/4pm MT/5pm Central/6pm ET.
Added July 30, 2020 at 4:50am
by Paul Allison
Title: Transcript of the chat during our conversation
From Chris Sloan :
From Chris Sloan :
From Janet Ilko : Hi team, I am here, but the computer is acting up for some reason and so I have my video off.
From Paul Allison : Hi Janet.
From Janet Ilko : I think they have the potential to make a much better president than we currently have in office friends.
From Chris Sloan : VbD educator resource:
From Chris Sloan : Presidential podcast:
From Chris Sloan : Link to podcasts on iTunes:
From Janet Ilko : I think setting up a time to play around with this as a group might be a great opportunity.
From Chris Sloan : @Janet agreed
From emilywilkinson : I like that idea, @Janet!
From Tanya Baker : +1@Janet
From emilywilkinson : I have been on the Nearpod site and it’s a bit difficult to navigate.
From Janet Ilko : That family component is important, as many kids will be working from home, and this would inspire working together in something that directly applies to life at the moment.
From Janet Ilko : But those lived experiences and the discussion around them is what makes this so great.
From Janet Ilko : Chris I agree. I think the empowerment aspect of the futures thing. Especially, looking at what is instead of what could and should be.
From Chris Sloan : @Janet so true
From Janelle Bence : Speculative Fiction Reading List for 9th graders, please. I’m @Janelle on Twitter
From Tanya Baker : +1 again, @Janet :-)
From Janet Ilko : I saw Hamiliton for the first time, thank you Disney. I can't stop thinking about the parody, "I wasn't in the zoom where it happened, the zoom where it happened, the zoom where it happened."
From Ah-Young Song : Ha!
From jane.higgins : I agree that the discussions are invaluable to share those lived experiences, but we may need to consider where those discussions go when that story is yours
From Tanya Baker : Ha! @Janet
From Tanya Baker : @Jane. I appreciate your keeping this concern on the table. And helping teachers be prepared to help kids with that….
From Harriet Fayne To Paul Allison(privately) : Thanks for inviting me. Makes me want to go back in time and teach high school social studies again.
From emilywilkinson : Especially considering our undocumented students
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
What’s getting in the way of the group that Janelle refers to here from making their students’ work easily accessible to the students in the Youth Voices/NowCoomment community? What resources art they looking for? I want to know more about what they have tried that has been successful and what would make Youth Voices and NowComment more useful to them. I feel like we have many of the resources that Janelle is looking for, and I wonder what she and her group find lacking. What else do they see a need for and can we build that together?
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They could, however, think and write about their own ideas related to what it takes to lead a whole country, what leadership (positive or negative) have they experienced in their home country… etc. I appreciate that this curriculum, like the work of the Writing Project, asks students to enter from where they are and move towards the bigger ideas from that point.
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
We have some of the answers to this question. To use Sam Ball’s “American Creed” as an example, we could do something like this for Vote by Design:
Staying with “American Creed” this is how we could build responses to the videos in the Vote by Design curriculum:
And here’s how we can use Youth Voices to amplify youth writing and media and their conversations:
Here’s a prototype of what we could do on NowComment with one set of materials from Vote by Design:
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Great point here – students will need to be familiar with safe and respectful ways to respond to each other. So this should come after some community building has already happened in the remote/in person classrooms.
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Great point Paul – how can we incorporate an understanding of the importance of being an informed voter for elected officials in general.
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I am interested in how teachers of recently arrived ELLs in a high school setting can preface this work so their students have the scaffolds needed to engage with these important ideas.
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