A Youth Voices Doc about a place in your community that is important to you.
When you are done with this activity, you will have the first draft of a text that you can revise later.
In another activity in this Invitation, you can add your stories and descriptions to a discussion post that you will publish on Youth Voices that will also include many photos of this important place.
Be sure to write about a place where you can go and take pictures.
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Click here to open a new Doc on Youth Voices and make a list of important places in your community–places where you would be able to visit in the next couple of days. Choose one of these places near you and:
When you finish writing about a place in your community that is important to you, write a status update where you reflect on how you used two or three Habits of Mind to complete this work. How is your work evidence of your ability to use these Habits of Mind?
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I have lived near the East River for about 9-10 years. Depending on what building and window you are looking out of ,you can see how beautiful the view is. In the fall and winter it does become extremely cold because of living o close to the river. Although in the summer it can be very refreshing when you are walking near bay. It can also be a good place for a picnic, date, and even some where you can go when you need to be by yourself and think about life.
A good memory that i have walking near the East River is when i went with my friends and we just talked and jumped around. It was very fun and exciting to be near the water. The view is very beautiful and crossing the bridge to go to randall’s island was also very fun. Randall’s island is a park that has many activities like mini golfing , horseback riding , and playing on baseball fields etc. i have been to Randall’s island several times through programs and friends. Although the East River has the word river in it , it’s not actually a river. It is a salt water tidal. It doesn’t always smell good around there but the smell isn’t that distracting because the only distraction would be the water and the scenery. You can’t go swimming but you can go on boat rides and go under the bridge the crosses over to randall’s island.New Conversation
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The “Blue Park”, has been around for a long time. It’s been around for my whole childhood and is still around. This park is the “neighborhood park” where most people that live around that area go sit around the park, take their kids out to go play, and much more. This Blue Park is huge. It has swings, a basketball court, a mini park for toddlers, restrooms, and more. I’ve been coming to play in this park with my friends for about 10 years now. I chose to write about this park because it has so many details and it’s enormous. In the spring and summer, the park gets full with friends, families and even pets. There are many different trees at this park. Some are huge and some are small. In my opinion, many people call this park the “Blue Park” since it’s mainly blue. The playground is blue, the mini park is blue, and even the poles where water sprinkles through are blue. Surprisingly, some old ladies and old men go sit around that park when the weather gets warmer. When the sun shines, you also start to see more squirrels, and birds through the yard. I’ll suggest anyone who comes to my neighborhood to come to the “Blue Park” if they ever wanted some nice air and a nice spot to hang around. In this blue park, i see birds and squirrels. I also hear the birds chirping in the air when its warm out. This park smells like nature with all the trees around and fresh air. I hope to see the kids that play in this park now grow up having fun in this amazing place.
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The brown stone fence that creates a barrier between me and the park. Rusted benches placed strategically along the sidewalk. There’s a performing area for the summer concerts. There’s baseball fields and soccer fields. There’s secret paths that lead to different parts of the park. There’s even a boathouse. Prospect park a beautiful place to go anytime in the year. In the summer children and adults let the dogs off leash for a decent amount of time. Kids running and shouting after each other. Stopping for a refreshing drink. Adults sitting on picnic blankets basking in the summer sun. Then fall comes along kids still go outside and enjoy the crisp air. The leaves turning from green to beautiful shades of red, orange, and yellow. Then winter comes along and rips the leaves away from the trees. Winter’s snow comes and covers the park in a white blanket. Children come during snow days to go sledding or build snowmen or have snowball fights. Parents stand and freeze while their children have fun. Then there’s Spring when the snow melts and rain comes. After the rain the flowers start to grow, trees get their leaves and more people are in the park. While the seasons may change the park doesn’t.
My backyard is lushes in the summertime. Exotic plants take over my section of our garden. My family loves to grow juicy red tomatoes, fresh pink raspberries, and herbs like basil, lavender, and mint. We also love to grow honeysuckle right against the tacky white plastic fence my neighbors put up.. Numerous bees will swarm around our honeysuckle and our other plants. The summer is amazing, enjoying the hot sun while drilling soccer drills, working on dance tricks, reading, and having picnics. My dog also loves the backyard, it’s a great place for her to run around. After summer fall comes and instead of basking in the sun, we are enjoying the cold crisp air while raking up the leaves that have fallen. My dog jumping in piles of leaves and messing up my hard work. As we all know winter comes next. Winter is actual quite nice, the snow will fall and create a little blanket. My dog will destroy the beautiful white pure blanket but it’s okay. There’s even a little slope I used to sled down, but that was when it was fun and i was smaller. Then spring hits, and the warm air comes against humidity takes over It’s the start of the mosquitos. The spring is amazing, our plants grow back and our garden is starting to look better.There’s obviously more to our backyard, like the wooden fence my dad and I built, the tree stump from where we cut down an old tree, and out beautiful slope that i keep managing to fall down.
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