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NowComment and "Let's Talk About Election 2020"

Author: Paul Allison and Jessica Hernandez-Speer

Facilitators: Jessica Hernandez-Speer and Paul Allison, The New York City Writing Project
Friday, January 31 , 2020, 1:10 - 3:00, P.U.L.S.E. High School

  1. Welcome (1:10 - 1:20, Paul)

    1. Get logged in at your P.U.L.S.E. email [email protected] and
    2. New York City Writing Project (Paul) (show site at
    3. One thing you did today that makes you feel good about yourself as a professional
  2. A conversation about Election 2020 (1:20 - 1:40, Jessica): How do you think the 2020 Elections might impact your classroom? What do you think our students will want to learn about the elections? What do you want them to make and learn about the 2020 Elections? Please reply to this comment:
  3. Explore “Let’s Talk About Election 2020” (1:40 - 1:50, Paul)

Consider signing up

  1. Learn more about NowComment AND the “Let’s Talk About Election 2020” (1:50 - 2:10, Jessica and Paul)
    Annotate the infographic, "The Components of Commentary" and examples of persuasive commentary.

    1. Join the KQED Youth Challenge Group on NowComment:
    2. Open the collection: Explore Persuasive Commentary
    3. In your annotations, respond to the following questions:
      1. How does the writer use both narrative techniques and evidence-based arguments to strengthen her claim?
      2. How did the media elements affect how you experienced the piece?
    4. See Annotations Instructions (NowComment) and Annotation Instructions for Images (NowComment) Handouts supplied. (2:00 - 2:15)
  2. Learn more about uploading text, images, and video to NowComment. (2:10 - 2:30, Paul and Jessica)
    1. Upload another example of Youth Media that you choose from the KQED challenge site:
    2. Add your new document to the collection: Explore Persuasive Commentary
  3. Closing Conversation (2:30 - 2:40, Jessica)
    What was it like for you learning to upload images, text, and video to NowComment? What was easy? What was hard? What further support do you need? Please reply to this comment:
  4. Reflections, Feedback, and Announcements (2:40 - 3:00, Donna)

DMU Timestamp: January 21, 2020 02:52

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    Tablet/Phone: single click then click on the "Start One" link (look right or below).
  • Click "Reply" on a comment to join the conversation.
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