i liked this quote because the meaning behind it is that maybe you wont find love with a man or even women but maybe the love for your child will be the best love you give or find.
it stood out to me because sometimes you think what your doing is going to cause a big impact or people will notice but sometimes it doesn’t and that can change how you feel
this quote is my favorite because just because you weren’t born with something that doesn’t mean you can’t fix that
“too busy laughing to feel pain "
“not a good christian but trying "
I like this quote because the meaning behind it is that people can say you have a bad reputation but in reality you a good girl and they say you have a bad reputation because they barely know you and heard of things you did.
I found this memoir interesting because it tells a lot about a mother a child. The woman could have been in a relationship then after the baby was born she finally found her real true love.
I like how they all describe their life in six words.
this stood out to me because it can be used for different situations.
these memoirs have humor but some also have a good message behind them.
the like the way she explained others that she is not a terrorist like other people of her race. she demonstrated that shes a human like us.
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