Your best image from a set of photographs that YOU MADE at a place you love. When you are done with this activity you will have a collection at least 5 (and perhaps a dozen or more) images that you have taken at the important place that you wrote about in the first activity. Choose the best, most meaningful photo from this collection and post it in a status update on your profile page on Youth Voices.
When you are done with this activity you will have a collection of at least 5 (and perhaps a dozen or more) images that you have taken at the important place that you wrote about in the first activity.
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Over the next few days…
Capture the feelings you have about a place you love with photography. TAKE YOUR OWN PHOTOS! (Please do not submit photos you find online.) Consider shooting it from different perspectives:
Get more ideas by clicking this link to see articles about “Camera Angles, Positions, or Viewpoints.”
After you have taken a dozen or more photographs in this place in your community that is important to you:
When you finish posting one of your images in a status update on your wall, bookmark that update, then reply to it yourself. In your reply to your own bookmarked update, reflect on how you used two or three Habits of Mind to complete this work. How is your work evidence of your ability to use these Habits of Mind?
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