Groups work like email distribution lists, helping you efficiently share documents with students, colleagues, friends, family members, … anyone.
A list of your Groups — those you've created and those you've been invited to — is on the right hand side of your “My Library” page. You can have as many Groups as you find useful.
Clicking on an existing group's name under the “My Groups” header takes you to a Group Page which shows you who the active Group members are, if there are pending members (people invited who haven't yet activated their account), and what documents the Group has been invited to.
To create a new Group, click on the "Create Group" button under the “My Groups” header; from this page you choose a name for the Group and (optional) a description:
Using Groups lets you:
A Group's administrator invites people to the Group by clicking the green “invite” icon near the top left of the Group page. The administrator can also: