Read and annotate President Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1940 Statement on Columbus Day. Take notes on what Columbus represented for Americans at the beginning of WWII. (Click here to learn about Making Comments on NowComment.)
Spend some time carefully reading and annotating the first chapter Howard Zinn's groundbreaking, engaging history of the United States, which starts with the story of Columbus.
Read and annotate what Barack Obama wrote in a 2010 Proclamation about Columbus and the commemoration of his historic voyage.
Read and annotate an interview with Susan Shown Harjo, a 45-year-old Cheyenne-Creek, who has strong reasons for not wanting to celebrate Columbus and his invasion of indigenous people.
Use annotations to show if you agree with Jennifer C. Braceras's argument for why celebrating Columbus Day is celebrating Hispanic heritage. (See how to use the Commenting Toolbar for Large Images on NowComment.)
Spend some time with Matthew Inman on his site The Oatmeal (captured in images) and see what he has learned about Columbus. Annotate specific parts of the 11 images here, and take note of his suggestion for who to remember instead of Columbus. (See how to use the Commenting Toolbar for Large Images on NowComment.)
Write annotations to show how you are understanding historian David Deming's argument for why we should continue to celebrate Columbus Day, if not the man himself.
You be the judge. Was Columbus an intrepid explorer who brought two worlds together or a ruthless exploiter who brought colonialism and slavery. Watch and annotate this video by Alex Gendler where he puts Columbus on the stand.