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Let’s take a look at some youth who can serve as inspiration but also as examples of what it looks to speak out, speak up, and act for an issue that they care about:
Walter Diaz, speaking about how he has stood up for immigrant and human rights at his high school in San Francisco
Blair Imani at the GLAAD Gala, speaking about being black, female, Muslim, and queer
Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez at the United Nations, speaking about climate change
Edna Gonzalez at March for Our Lives, Washington, DC
students Ahmed edhah(Mar 12 2020 3:27AM):
I like what Walter Diaz did and keep doing.
The fact that immigrant have to feel somehow that they are not belong to the US may cause some people to forget their cultures and pretend other culture characteristics. While Walter Diaz didn’t go that way, he keep in his mind that he have to adapt to the US culture, but never forget about his real culture, so he show up with his friends and done a lot of things for themselves as an immigrants and show people their cultures.
El-Hossin Salem(Feb 25 2020 3:13PM):
I agree with you on the fact that he is spreading and demonstrating his culture, not only in a peaceful way, but in a way that make people who do not understand his language to be able to understand him because music is a universal language.
students Ahmed edhah(Mar 12 2020 3:34AM):
Strongly agree!
Yes Fatema he is a person who care about people and always wanted to help. I think one of the reasons why he want to help people is that he had a lot of experience and he been suffered in hard situation, that gave him power and push him to help any people who is suffering in similar situation.
Fatema Rahman(Feb 27 2020 3:15PM):
I like that he bring the climate change issue in here because in today's world is about to destroy because of the climate change.
ms Oumy Diop(Feb 15 2020 8:57PM):
He is an immigrant just like us. He came from Salvador
I can say that we already can see ourselves in this because we all went to the same thing. Living our home for a wide future in the U.S.A is a huge step to get what we want.
students Ahmed edhah(Mar 12 2020 3:50AM):
Correct Ms.Oumy
We all in the same situation with Walter Diaz, and most of the students in this class doing great as an immigrant looking forward to have better future, however we have done similar things like that to talk to each other about our cultures. I think we should do that in our last year at least plan a day where we could have time to show our cultures to our teachers and all students in Ellis, I think it will be so much fun and great thing to do. Since you are so close from our school office, I will ask you to ask the main people in our school to find a day for us to do that and let people who want to show their cultures know so they could prepare for it.
El-Hassn Salem(Mar 04 2020 8:47PM):
This is person is conderete because he cares about other and want to make differnce in his own commuinty and end the bitter suffering of his people.
ms Oumy Diop(Feb 16 2020 2:25PM):
I like the fact they created the band to fight against what is happening in the USA
It is just what we are seeing right now. Every day people are protesting for what is happening with the immigrant. Just go and talk is not enough for the government to listen that’s why people are having a lot of rallies, some organized band to resist, and sometime people are trying to always convince others to support immigrants
Housseynatou Diallo(Feb 09 2020 1:36AM):
It is so difficult to live in U.S.A when you do not have document. Especially, when some members of families are in a wrong way that would make the immigrants status to not trust them.
Lenin Vanderhorst(Feb 27 2020 3:40PM):
Each day, many families are being separated by the current administration and its hard for a lot of people to live in this country because of their status.
This should not be like that. People came to this country to get a better life, more hopes, more opportunities, or escape the dangers of their countries.
Celines Zamora(Feb 23 2020 8:55PM):
He explain the reason of the band that he and others members create related with the issue that happened on Unites States.
Student Issaka Dabre(Feb 26 2020 11:56PM):
This band was formed due to the some really unpleasant situation in the USA. People being deported which leads to family seperation
I like they idea, creating a Band to demonstrate their culture cultivating brotherhood. Great plan to make new students feel at home after just arrived to United State where most of the things are different back in our countries.
ms Oumy Diop(Feb 16 2020 2:40PM):
Usually people are creating bands to have fun, but other can see it as something else like building a strong strength where people can feel safe secure and overcome anything.
Student Issaka Dabre(Feb 26 2020 11:59PM):
Also, this band builds really strong connection whithin differente nationalities and to show that no matter what happend we are all human after all
They’re trying to use the Band to cause a different concept about immigrants in the society. Showing that all of us are human being and we deserve the same right as someone out.
Kadidja El-Hadji(Feb 08 2020 10:39PM):
He came from Salvador and the create association to support each other thanks to U.S.A policy because some of them get issue for deportation. And I can connect this with me because some of people that I know was deported with some problem acts.
Kadidja El-Hadji(Feb 08 2020 10:51PM):
being some organisation of school can help us to know our right and you can understand the way that it work in U.S.A even if you don't have a document. I can connect this with me because last year I was in some organisation of people who is just there-.
to help immigrant to know well their right. Since Immigrant have their right in this country thanks to the laws. So if we are seeing something that we feel is injustice we have right to talk to someone who work with immigrant department and bring this issue in the court.
Lenin Vanderhorst(Mar 07 2020 4:22PM):
He create the band with the purpose of sharing to people who doesn't have an idea of their cultures. This is great because it strengthen the bonds with different cultures and many people can learn from different cultures and traditions.
Leticia Zang(Feb 18 2020 6:23PM):
It is big issue that occur in United States right now. people get deported, or they have been separated by their family. However, everyone is equal and I proud that this group of people fight for their right.
abdallah sevede(Mar 03 2020 12:11AM):
This powerful
I think is important for people specially xenophobic to understand that the reason people migrate from their country to another, is always because either their live is in danger or because they can’t see any future where they are. It is also ironic to know that these things can happen to anyone no matter where you are from. As for this young teenager, his whole family was in danger because of gangs and they had to move in order to survive, and always keep in mind, no one would ever leave his home and endorse racism or xenophobia just for vacation or for fun. And despite all that, they even created a band instead of a gang just so that you can learn about their culture with hope that you’ll finally like them
Housseynatou Diallo(Feb 09 2020 2:11AM):
In my perspective he is a courages man and a dedicated person who is willing to help his family no matter what. At the age he was I think that was impressive.
Yeanoor Chowdhury(Feb 25 2020 3:25PM):
just because his brother was part of gang when they used to live El Salvador, thats why he and his family member spend a day with fear and anxious.
ms Oumy Diop(Feb 16 2020 2:44PM):
this is what is actually happening in the US people getting deported, or separated from their family. That's why many people are getting scared to live their life are they wish. So people are being somewhere where they can totally see themselves there.
I pretty understand him travel to United States is danger you never know what can happens to you sometime people die on the desert, people suffer at lot just to have a better opportunity. The immigration process is a long process.
I like his empathy I also feel sorry for all these people who don’t have the change to get their legal paper is to hard to survive when they can’t even work as a regular employee.
Student Issaka Dabre(Feb 27 2020 12:04AM):
Walter and his family immigrated to the US due to some issued with his brther involved in gang. His family were granted papers that allow them to stay. However, he is concerne about the other people. To him not everyone can have the same opportuinity.
ms Oumy Diop(Feb 16 2020 3:08PM):
Now everybody want their friends, family to have the same opportunities they have for other. Being undocumented is not easy but making them feel save and welcome to different places or races just to them support.
Leticia Zang(Feb 18 2020 6:32PM):
you can notice actually people are really scared to walk in the street because they do not want the police to find they are undocumented,. Moreover, they have been brutalized by the police even their children at school because of being immigrant.
But, as immigrant I’m so proud that this young group of leader promote immigrant rights
Wow great idea I so happy about that,
people should know they right Latino immigrant are being victims of discrimination is time to change that and made people know that we also have a voice.
Student Issaka Dabre(Feb 27 2020 12:08AM):
This band have accomplished differents performation which will give people awarness and give them strengh to fight
ms Oumy Diop(Feb 16 2020 3:56PM):
It is good keep doing the good things people use before, because it is the only thing that make thing you feel happy to what you have accomplished or done.
Housseynatou Diallo(Feb 09 2020 2:14AM):
I think his sacrifase pays off after everything. He got away to continue his education and do something in the society so these thing would stop.
Abigail Zamora(Feb 25 2020 3:19PM):
the phrase "no one is alone" make me feel encourage because every body who come to the United States in some moment has feel alone without hope but there always will be someone helping giving a hand that really cares about the situation that you happening
there is always resources to help out with lawyers and free staff to help others to fix its status
Idelkys Checo(Feb 25 2020 3:05PM):
I really like that even though he is discriminated because he is an immigrant, he defends the rights for all immigrants and state that we are all humans on earth does not matter where each person comes from.
Did the actions of his brother changed his choices for the future? or he decided to do the Marching band because the political issue was provoking it?
Idelkys Checo(Feb 25 2020 3:07PM):
It feels for every immigrant in the country very satisfying to know that there are people like them protesting for the rights that everyone in United States should deserve.
El-Hossin Salem(Feb 25 2020 3:25PM):
She is an audacious person because she was not reluctant when she confessed that she is a queer. Round of applause to her, ladies and gentlemen.
Abigail Zamora(Feb 25 2020 3:28PM):
its thoughtful how the expectation and stereotypes of society can be, that lead not people open its mind to what has always exist but not accepted
Hanna Salem(Feb 29 2020 12:57PM):
Imani is one of the people who wants to make a change in the world
Imani is young bold activist who advocated to break the stereotypes of being queer and Muslims. Imani wants the world to know that its okay to be queer and Muslim. Queer Muslims are one of the marginalized communities whose voice has to be heard. Imani it taking a step on achieving that and her work helps launching a hashtag called queer confession.
students Ahmed edhah(Apr 03 2020 2:31AM):
Pressure on Islam
This women challenged the world when she came out in public as a Muslim woman who cover her hair and body, in a world full of judgment.She was viewed different by many people for just covering her hair. But like she said she’s proud of being who she is.
Idelkys Checo(Feb 25 2020 3:29PM):
In this video #2 , I like the she empowers the live of so many muslim people that are actually being discriminated in a world that not all the people are going to accept who you are.
It is really good that she loves herself and she demonstrate what she is capable of to people. In actuality, many people face discrimination just because they have certain religions like Islam, which really do not make any difference in their personality or hurt anyone.
ms Oumy Diop(Feb 16 2020 4:55PM):
It is not rare we see people convert into muslim, but it is difficult for some people to accept the muslim religion, they are being discriminated, they are the only one who know what they have been through.
Housseynatou Diallo(Feb 09 2020 2:22AM):
Wow what a story
I can connect this to my self because I am experiencing the same when going out. Some people who stair at me like I am different than them or I have something on me that would make me wired. Most of them would start judging like they know me or what I have been through. I think we need to fight to lessen racism. Is evident it will not disappear the next day but we need to fight for it.
Aboubakar Dabre(Feb 08 2020 10:53PM):
Harassement is something everybody in this world is/will face. the wolrd is divede to every part according to people's personality. the harassement is come out when we are in a place where hour personality doesn't belong there.
I can connect with this part the speech. As muslim man I is almost chocking how people assume your homophobic right by the time you tell them you are muslim. I shower you with question such as: What do you think about homosexual marriage ? Do you think 4 women will make you happy?
Housseynatou Diallo(Feb 09 2020 2:26AM):
Based on my knowdlege I think a man should marry how many women he wants. Most importantly if he has the wealth and can love them the same way and not bring segregation between them.
Kadidja El-Hadji(Feb 08 2020 11:34PM):
As Muslim women I can connect some of her speech story with me because is hard in this society for some people to accept you they you are. in my opinion I don't think this is a big deal but in real life yes specific in this County yes Since want to-
They want to judge as if they were God.instead they should accept themselves before they think or speak of someone’s life. However they thing that they forget we are same and made with Only One creator.
ms Oumy Diop(Feb 16 2020 5:02PM):
people will assume anything just to get what, or they will not even try to get in our shoes to see what our feel like.
Denieris Marte(Feb 25 2020 3:39PM):
" I do Exist" a powerful phrase to make people understated thatjust because our backgrounds are different it does not mean that you can not be like me or more important I cannot be like you.
Fatoumata Diallo(Feb 06 2020 6:45PM):
Her speech is really powerful and she inspired a lot young muslim women. I can Identified my self in her story and understand how she felt.
I think before she was converted in islam she had any idea how being muslim at the same time and woman it’s hard. I’m really happy to see someone who can understand me and a person who can advocated for muslim and all minorities. She also understands how the LGBTQ people felt. I think the young generation today is very open mind and this will bring a bright future.
Leticia Zang(Feb 18 2020 6:08PM):
I like the way she describe her coming out experience and the way she over came what she went through. Also, through her experience she learned what the discrimination Muslims means and it face her firsthand.
Leticia Zang(Feb 18 2020 6:15PM):
she really proud to be who she is because she glad to speak behalf to her community. Also, the way she speaks in front of many people make her grow and go beyond her identity
When it comes to representation, we always have room to grow. I’m really excited about TV shows like Pose and The Bold Type for presenting queer characters with storylines that go beyond that person’s identity.
ms Oumy Diop(Feb 16 2020 5:08PM):
people like us deserve to be heard no matter what, or what it takes, that's our right, not just muslim but everybody else who is living the same things
Lenin Vanderhorst(Mar 07 2020 4:33PM):
She is proud of who she is because she is proud to speak and give strength to her community and motivate them to keep forward regardless of their identity.
Celines Zamora(Feb 24 2020 7:51AM):
I like the way she start with her speech because she feel proud of her religion. She wants to give us a lesson that everyone need to respect to everyone. Today the big issue is the discrimination like an example is religion that she explain on her speech.
in the past there was lot of segregation about people of color, religion, culture and so many things. I think it’s time to move on this type of thoughts and being respectful to all different religion. if you are being respectful to other then you are expect to get this back.
Denieris Marte(Feb 25 2020 3:44PM):
"never before I have turned on the TV and see someone like me " means that she is ready to make the difference out of everyone....
Student Issaka Dabre(Feb 27 2020 12:19AM):
Because she saw someone on favorate TV show who like her and gave the strengh to speak up because she does not fear to be alone. So supporting each other can give rise to great respect
abdallah sevede(Feb 08 2020 1:53PM):
Agree to disagree
It is very unusual to see a member of the LGBTQ community considering herself as a muslim. To be honest, I am not totally sure if I agree or not. Not because I hate gay, lesbian or bisexual, it’s just that religion or any other oriented group have specific criteria that you need to meet in order to consider a full fledge member of the group it’s like being a black person and wanting to join the KKK. Additionally, marring a person of the same sex in prohibited in Islam. However, unlike the KKK, Islam is a religion of forgiveness where your acceptance is decided based on your true faith, your connection between you and God no one else. Therefore, her speech is inspirational and every is possible when you have unconditional love.
Fatoumata Diallo(Feb 08 2020 2:55PM):
I don't think you really understand the video she does not said she is LGBTQ but she advocated for all minorities because she understand them. I recommended you to watch it again.
Hanna Salem(Feb 29 2020 12:49PM):
Balir imani is an inspiring example for queer muslims. Becasue of her voice other queer muslims were able to be heard and discuss there opinions
El-Hassn Salem(Mar 04 2020 9:14PM):
Balir imani is an inspiring example for queer muslims. She helped othet queer to conffes who they are ...she proves to the world that you are not alone. there are a lot of queer people and it's ok to be different.
Yeanoor Chowdhury(Feb 27 2020 3:16PM):
As a queer Muslim she shared her struggled story in the big platform and it is very inspiring for the youth. it brings out the voice for the people to change differently.
El-Hassn Salem(Mar 04 2020 9:15PM):
we should be proud of who we are inlcding differnces. It's ok to be different. It's ok to be unique. Everyone born unique and we should take the effrots to make the uniqunees in us stand out.
El-Hassn Salem(Mar 04 2020 9:18PM):
Blair Imani is an exmple of an youth activist that care about the queer, a minority grouup. She belives that everyone should has the full right as any humans. Your sexual orientaion shouldn't be a problem at all.
ms Oumy Diop(Feb 16 2020 6:11PM):
Okay guys let's see!
So, we can see that not just muslim, or LGBTQ, race, but others are also living the same thing but we don’t know it. You have the right to hate or not like those kind of group, just think about it they are been feeling the same thing we are felling, when we are being discriminated. So we cannot say in public things like LGBTQ because you don’t even know if a person next to you is one of them. Just be careful when talking about it. Blair did not say she is in the LGBTQ but once she got convert into muslim she is just seeing how people are being judge. Let’s not judge people on who they are or what they are. She is just proud for being a muslim now, all we can do is support that.
Celines Zamora(Feb 24 2020 8:26AM):
She explain and shows some examples where people defend and protect their rights but some people dont understand and cause damage with abuses by stereotypes of people. The lesson that she explain is about we need to fight by our rights.
Housseynatou Diallo(Feb 09 2020 2:24AM):
It is kind of not easy to live in a world that some people do not accept you. However not listening to some judgment of people might help.
Abigail Zamora(Feb 25 2020 12:43AM):
He talks to much about generations. I think he make great points about it. Every time we see more young people standing for what they want. I feel like the older is leaving all the responsibility to ypungs because this is more abput future.
El-Hossin Salem(Feb 25 2020 3:32PM):
I do agree with her on every point he stated. Earth belongs to everyone of us which means everyone of us reserves the right to leave on a clean Earth.
Idelkys Checo(Feb 25 2020 3:35PM):
In video #3, The guys explains that different environmental nor political problems in the world over the course of the years including climate changes and how they will shorten life long-term expectations about our planet.
I believe that this is very essential to speak for those ignorant people that just care about the money, as well as remind people about our environment. It is always key to reiterate the way that humans are living and how our world is becoming is very careless. He is speaking how our ignorance to environmental problems is going to end with human existence.
He aims to encourage companies and authorities to look for solutions and ideas to conserve our nature and environment. He encourages to those who are ambitious about accumulating great amount of money, to wake up and realize that at the end of the day, they live in the same world that they are slowly destroying.
Student Issaka Dabre(Feb 27 2020 12:23AM):
"united action to make a difference" this so true because as can you understand each other, it is possible to come up with solution that will satisfy everyone
Hanna Salem(Feb 29 2020 1:02PM):
The youth is stressing about the importance of "united actions to make a difference" . I agree with that because the planet is for all of us and everyone has to care equally.
ms Oumy Diop(Feb 19 2020 3:06PM):
It is rare to see the young generation take a full responsibility for such an action to fight for this digester.
So we are going to be happy to see the generation to change over time and take action.
Denieris Marte(Feb 25 2020 3:30PM):
I like the term that He used to emphatize with the youth " this generation and those to follow" this term is pretty emotional because it seems that he and the organizations are worrying not only about the present but for what come next which is the
new generation full of acknowledgement and strength to be the change in the world.
Yeanoor Chowdhury(Feb 27 2020 3:32PM):
as a young man, he is taking responsibility to protect our earth and environments. he also runs a organization where he is working to make the world for better.
ms Oumy Diop(Feb 19 2020 3:11PM):
it is really good when giving a speech to talk a little bit about a past that really connect to what you are about to say, which he did and successful
Aboubakar Dabre(Feb 08 2020 11:06PM):
In this part you ar right every living things are connected to each other. the world without one living spieces means that the reste of the living things are in danger.
Hanna Salem(Feb 29 2020 1:05PM):
"All life is sacred" this sentence emphasizes the importance of every living thing around us. We are all connected and when anybody causes harm it affects us in a way or another.
Yeanoor Chowdhury(Feb 27 2020 3:35PM):
He learned a important lesson from his father that everything in the earth all is connected. such as water, air etc...
Denieris Marte(Feb 25 2020 3:33PM):
the sentence " I was raise the same way as my people, learning the dances..." this really stand out for me because it shows how important can be culture when someone is becoming as a new beginner not only for the family but for the world.
Lenin Vanderhorst(Mar 07 2020 4:49PM):
Climate change is one of the majors problems that we are facing and we have to do something about now that life become easier thanks to the technology and new inventions in today's world.
The climate change affect all the living system in the planet including human being we are going to pay the consequences if we don’t everything to prevent more and more pollution
abdallah sevede(Mar 03 2020 12:18AM):
this sentence is really powerful.
“climate change was going to be the defining issue of our time” for once, the whole world have an issue that is relevant for each an every individual. Someone would think that this time we fighting the some villain so we’ll unify but no. Nothing had actually been done although the issue is always addressed.
ms Oumy Diop(Feb 20 2020 4:20PM):
which is true because people are suffering from the climate change and the government is not taking action. they just waiting for worst to come.
Celines Zamora(Feb 25 2020 3:03PM):
I like the way that young people take the motivation to try to change the world on specific issues that are affecting us and also the environment.
Fatema Rahman(Feb 27 2020 3:19PM):
During this time all the natural things got polluted by the people, but we almost forget that, the mistake we are doing that will effect our future.
Yeanoor Chowdhury(Feb 27 2020 3:38PM):
He also addressed that how climate change is raising the sea level. which we can imagine that in future the earth will be flood
El-Hassn Salem(Mar 04 2020 9:30PM):
Animlas share this planent wiht us and we should give them their fair share of this planet. Instead of pushing them to extinct.
Leticia Zang(Feb 18 2020 7:46PM):
our environment is really important this is why we have to find for protect the global. Also we have to stand up for our world and do not let the climate change to destroy it .
Fatema Rahman(Feb 27 2020 3:24PM):
because of the climate change now we are more facing natural disaster, that really effect as very badly. at the same time it affect animals. we need to be stop that before it's too late for us.
Hanna Salem(Feb 29 2020 1:09PM):
Climate change doesn't only affects the live on animals or the rising of sea level. It reflects in every single aspect of our life and will continue to vet worse if not enough people take an action
Student Issaka Dabre(Feb 27 2020 12:33AM):
We are strong on perfoming actions that will lead to super massive storms and floods and yet we are showing really poor actions when it comes to dealing with the consequences and finds solutions to prevent massive distruction
Celines Zamora(Feb 25 2020 3:06PM):
He explain which are the cause of the climate change. For example the industry that make a lot carbon of dioxide that damage the environment.
Lenin Vanderhorst(Mar 07 2020 4:57PM):
What is hapenning in this days is not coincidende. The fire in the Amazon and Austrialia, the leves of contamination, animals that have their function in the nature almost exting. All of this is happening because we are we are abusing nature.
Fatema Rahman(Feb 27 2020 3:31PM):
the pollution we are keep doing everyday, that will really badly effect our next generation, and they should not deserve that. being not destroy the earth we should take action now.
Climate Change is getting worst and worst but will affect more our generation. What is going to happen later will be danger for living things if people do not take awareness now to prevent more damage.
Denieris Marte(Feb 25 2020 3:36PM):
"the survival of our generation " from my prospective all the good phrases that this young man is using is to describe the actions that people do and how those actions are affecting the way that the environment is working.
Hanna Salem(Feb 29 2020 1:13PM):
The young youth is reinforcing the significance of climate change issues for our generation as well as he upcoming generation.
Hanna Salem(Feb 29 2020 1:16PM):
Thanks to the powerful advocates and everyone who cares about this Earth. 220 institutions are divested from using fossil fuels.
Hanna Salem(Feb 29 2020 1:19PM):
Climate change have been a consistent issue for the last 20 years. There is no unanioms agrrement to solve this ongoing issue but the young youth from this generation are willing to make it a movement and they are not going to give up unless they see slou
ms Oumy Diop(Feb 20 2020 5:39PM):
He is definitely right, protecting the earth or fighting for it, is not just for us but also for our future and our future generation the generation of that generation and again and again.
Aboubakar Dabre(Feb 08 2020 11:24PM):
actualy this part get my attention because what yo just say is truth but the problem those who cause the destrution of the planet are riches. ant this them who control the world.
ms Oumy Diop(Feb 20 2020 5:48PM):
I like this part. It's like comparing the different social classes, where rich and poor are different the rich people are doing nothing to stop it. they are just making things worst
Leticia Zang(Feb 18 2020 7:49PM):
I am really impressed by this young girl who speak about climate justice and has courage to stand in front of several people to explain to them why our environment is the key of world.
El-Hassn Salem(Mar 04 2020 9:47PM):
We can't take whatever we have without giving back. this is a very important lesson becasue we should give to earth as we takw from it.
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The fact that immigrant have to feel somehow that they are not belong to the US may cause some people to forget their cultures and pretend other culture characteristics. While Walter Diaz didn’t go that way, he keep in his mind that he have to adapt to the US culture, but never forget about his real culture, so he show up with his friends and done a lot of things for themselves as an immigrants and show people their cultures.
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Yes Fatema he is a person who care about people and always wanted to help. I think one of the reasons why he want to help people is that he had a lot of experience and he been suffered in hard situation, that gave him power and push him to help any people who is suffering in similar situation.
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But I really like the thought that they just begin with a sentence the already make us know what the video will be about.
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I can say that we already can see ourselves in this because we all went to the same thing. Living our home for a wide future in the U.S.A is a huge step to get what we want.
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We all in the same situation with Walter Diaz, and most of the students in this class doing great as an immigrant looking forward to have better future, however we have done similar things like that to talk to each other about our cultures. I think we should do that in our last year at least plan a day where we could have time to show our cultures to our teachers and all students in Ellis, I think it will be so much fun and great thing to do. Since you are so close from our school office, I will ask you to ask the main people in our school to find a day for us to do that and let people who want to show their cultures know so they could prepare for it.
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It is just what we are seeing right now. Every day people are protesting for what is happening with the immigrant. Just go and talk is not enough for the government to listen that’s why people are having a lot of rallies, some organized band to resist, and sometime people are trying to always convince others to support immigrants
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This should not be like that. People came to this country to get a better life, more hopes, more opportunities, or escape the dangers of their countries.
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I like they idea, creating a Band to demonstrate their culture cultivating brotherhood. Great plan to make new students feel at home after just arrived to United State where most of the things are different back in our countries.
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They’re trying to use the Band to cause a different concept about immigrants in the society. Showing that all of us are human being and we deserve the same right as someone out.
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I think is important for people specially xenophobic to understand that the reason people migrate from their country to another, is always because either their live is in danger or because they can’t see any future where they are. It is also ironic to know that these things can happen to anyone no matter where you are from. As for this young teenager, his whole family was in danger because of gangs and they had to move in order to survive, and always keep in mind, no one would ever leave his home and endorse racism or xenophobia just for vacation or for fun. And despite all that, they even created a band instead of a gang just so that you can learn about their culture with hope that you’ll finally like them
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In Central America gangs member affect to many people, they have their own ruler and the government don’t anything to safe the citizens.
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I pretty understand him travel to United States is danger you never know what can happens to you sometime people die on the desert, people suffer at lot just to have a better opportunity. The immigration process is a long process.
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I like his empathy I also feel sorry for all these people who don’t have the change to get their legal paper is to hard to survive when they can’t even work as a regular employee.
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It implies, he stayed optimists that every thing would be fine, even though there is lot of things was going on his life. he is clam and peaceful
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But, as immigrant I’m so proud that this young group of leader promote immigrant rights
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Wow great idea I so happy about that,
people should know they right Latino immigrant are being victims of discrimination is time to change that and made people know that we also have a voice.
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there is always resources to help out with lawyers and free staff to help others to fix its status
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Did the actions of his brother changed his choices for the future? or he decided to do the Marching band because the political issue was provoking it?
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Imani is young bold activist who advocated to break the stereotypes of being queer and Muslims. Imani wants the world to know that its okay to be queer and Muslim. Queer Muslims are one of the marginalized communities whose voice has to be heard. Imani it taking a step on achieving that and her work helps launching a hashtag called queer confession.
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This women challenged the world when she came out in public as a Muslim woman who cover her hair and body, in a world full of judgment.She was viewed different by many people for just covering her hair. But like she said she’s proud of being who she is.
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It is really good that she loves herself and she demonstrate what she is capable of to people. In actuality, many people face discrimination just because they have certain religions like Islam, which really do not make any difference in their personality or hurt anyone.
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She is basically saying her struggled being a queer Muslim and face people stare just because she wear hijab
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I can connect this to my self because I am experiencing the same when going out. Some people who stair at me like I am different than them or I have something on me that would make me wired. Most of them would start judging like they know me or what I have been through. I think we need to fight to lessen racism. Is evident it will not disappear the next day but we need to fight for it.
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I can connect with this part the speech. As muslim man I is almost chocking how people assume your homophobic right by the time you tell them you are muslim. I shower you with question such as: What do you think about homosexual marriage ? Do you think 4 women will make you happy?
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They want to judge as if they were God.instead they should accept themselves before they think or speak of someone’s life. However they thing that they forget we are same and made with Only One creator.
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I think before she was converted in islam she had any idea how being muslim at the same time and woman it’s hard. I’m really happy to see someone who can understand me and a person who can advocated for muslim and all minorities. She also understands how the LGBTQ people felt. I think the young generation today is very open mind and this will bring a bright future.
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Tucker Carlson is a American conservative Journalist who work on Fox News.
Not all the people want to integrate with other people on their labor area.
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Sarah Kate Ellis is an American media executive journalist.
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When it comes to representation, we always have room to grow. I’m really excited about TV shows like Pose and The Bold Type for presenting queer characters with storylines that go beyond that person’s identity.
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Not all the people accept the multiculturalism is not people they don’t like is because people don’t want changes.
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Adina al-amin is a Muslim lesbian artist and photographer from Iran.
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in the past there was lot of segregation about people of color, religion, culture and so many things. I think it’s time to move on this type of thoughts and being respectful to all different religion. if you are being respectful to other then you are expect to get this back.
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It is very unusual to see a member of the LGBTQ community considering herself as a muslim. To be honest, I am not totally sure if I agree or not. Not because I hate gay, lesbian or bisexual, it’s just that religion or any other oriented group have specific criteria that you need to meet in order to consider a full fledge member of the group it’s like being a black person and wanting to join the KKK. Additionally, marring a person of the same sex in prohibited in Islam. However, unlike the KKK, Islam is a religion of forgiveness where your acceptance is decided based on your true faith, your connection between you and God no one else. Therefore, her speech is inspirational and every is possible when you have unconditional love.
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So, we can see that not just muslim, or LGBTQ, race, but others are also living the same thing but we don’t know it. You have the right to hate or not like those kind of group, just think about it they are been feeling the same thing we are felling, when we are being discriminated. So we cannot say in public things like LGBTQ because you don’t even know if a person next to you is one of them. Just be careful when talking about it. Blair did not say she is in the LGBTQ but once she got convert into muslim she is just seeing how people are being judge. Let’s not judge people on who they are or what they are. She is just proud for being a muslim now, all we can do is support that.
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I believe that this is very essential to speak for those ignorant people that just care about the money, as well as remind people about our environment. It is always key to reiterate the way that humans are living and how our world is becoming is very careless. He is speaking how our ignorance to environmental problems is going to end with human existence.
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He aims to encourage companies and authorities to look for solutions and ideas to conserve our nature and environment. He encourages to those who are ambitious about accumulating great amount of money, to wake up and realize that at the end of the day, they live in the same world that they are slowly destroying.
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So we are going to be happy to see the generation to change over time and take action.
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new generation full of acknowledgement and strength to be the change in the world.
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So I don’t think some people will accept the fact that we all are related.
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The climate change affect all the living system in the planet including human being we are going to pay the consequences if we don’t everything to prevent more and more pollution
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“climate change was going to be the defining issue of our time” for once, the whole world have an issue that is relevant for each an every individual. Someone would think that this time we fighting the some villain so we’ll unify but no. Nothing had actually been done although the issue is always addressed.
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Climate Change is getting worst and worst but will affect more our generation. What is going to happen later will be danger for living things if people do not take awareness now to prevent more damage.
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I like his metaphor planting seeds of solutions that can change the environment.
The same as plating seeds which also refer to trees.
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Great start, suing the government they also have to intervene in the climate change because they allow big companies to pollute the air and water too.
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Other great idea uses more renewable materials.
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I like the way how he also analyze that renewable energy will not affect the economic because will make a new job where people can work too.
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Great question when is going to happen how long is going to take ?
we need to avoid further climate catastrophe.
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